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Variability of the stable isotopic (δ13C and δ18O) and trace element (Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn) content from dinosaur eggshells from the Provence Basin has been addressed by considering the stratigraphic distribution of the eggshells, the palaeoenvironments, and the chemical content of associated sediments. Preferentially, in situ eggshells were analysed. Samples were collected from two sections, one belonging to the floodplain (Roques Hautes) and the other to the channel belt (Rousset-Bréguières), as determined from sedimentological criteria. On a regional scale, this combined analysis provided new insights into palaeohydrology, vegetation cover and dinosaur behaviour. Different sources of drinking water were identified: (1) the main stream waters with significant salinity levels, (2) lateral feeders with water composition close to that of precipitation. Water composition is reflected in the eggshell trace element contents: a high Sr content for the eggshells from the channel belt (mean 1200 ppm) contrasting with the very low values for the floodplain (mean 250 ppm). During the first part of the Maastrichtian, evaporation rates were quite significant, as seen from the 1.5‰ difference between the eggshell δ18O (drinking water) and the palaeosol carbonate nodules (precipitation). This contrast diminished and became nearly insignificant in the second half of the Maastrichtian. Vegetation was composed of C3 plants and two ecosystems are reconstructed: a riparian forest extending along the channel belt and open vegetation in the floodplain. The contrasted isotopic and trace element content of the eggshells was a crucial factor in identifying animal migration from one site to another. Migration was quite limited, suggesting that the animals settled for some time at the places where they laid their eggs. Intraspecific variations among modern birds are well correlated with the environment and may be greater than interspecies variations, which limits the potential of geochemical analysis to characterise dinosaur species.  相似文献   
Pavel Kabanov 《Facies》2003,49(1):243-270
Summary The type upper Moscovian-basal Kasimovian argillaceous-carbonate succession of central European Russia contains regionally traced cyclothem-bounded subaerial exposure horizons (geosols) represented mainly by rendzina-type palaeosols. Palaeokarst profiles occurrarely and grade laterally to palaeosols. Composite subaerial profiles divided by one or two thin marine beds are called ‘multiple geosols’. The biofaces structure of the studied succession is defined by brachiopod and fusulinoid biofaces. The heterogeneous Choristites biofacies characterizes openmarine intervals, which constitute the bulk of the succession, and is defined by presence of Choristites. The Meekella biofacies with monospecific concentrations of Meekella shells and extreme rarity of other brachiopods characterises restricted peritidal intervals which commonly constitute the terminal regressive parts of major cyclothems. Three fusulinoid biofacies defined by Baranova and Kabanov (2003) include restricted peritidal Biofacies 1 with only small fusulinoids Fusiella and Schubertella present, open shoal-to-subtidal Biofacies 2 with the richest fusulinoid assemblages, and the most offshore Biofacies 3 with less diverse, sometimes Hemifusulina-dominated, fusulinoid assemblages. Bioturbation patterns and ichnofossils allow recognition of deeper subtidal Zoophycos and shallower non-Zoophycos ichnofacies. Among the latter, shallowest subtidal facies are characterized by presence of thalassinoid burrows. Intertidal laminated lithofacies with suppressed bioturbation contain Skolithos burrows. Seventeen lithofacies are recognized. Terrestrial lithofacies include topclays (upper clayey palaeosol horizons) and aeolian grainstones. Restricted peritidal lithofacies include cross-stratified skeletal-peloidal grainstones, fine-grained laminated grainstones-mudstones, and lagoonal mudstones. Open shoal lithofacies include ooidal grainstones (rare, only in Podolskian) and coarse skeletal-peloidal grainstones. The open subtidal lithofacies include skeletal packstones-rudstones, shallow subtidal packstones-wackestones, deeper subtidal packstones-wackestones, Ivanovia boundstones (only in Podolskian), proximal tempestites, distal tempestites, and skeletal wackestones-mudstones. The fossiliferous shale lithofacies is a miscellaneous group of marine shales lacking distinct features of the above-listed lithofacies. Conglomerates of cyclothem bases that are regarded as early transgressive lithofacies are variable in their palaeoenvironmental position and are characterized by concentrated pebbles derived from palaeosol reworking. The shallowest subtidal lithofacies of fine packstones-grainstones is considered as transitional between open subtidal and restricted peritidal lithofacies. The origin of stratiform dolostones is shown to be early diagenetic in the subsurface. The depositional model involves a shallow and broad epicontinental ramp, where through water circulation prevented stratification of the water column and allowed large skeletal benthos to colonize the entire spectrum of depositional environments. Storms are thought to be the principal water-mixing agent. The anti-estuarine circulation carrying oxygenated waters down-ward may explain the lack of anoxic features in the deepest facies that may have formed below storm wave base.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Hemispherical pan or dish-shaped trace fossils from the Cenozoic of the Central Patagonia are attributed to the burrowing action of cicadas. A new ichnotaxon, Feoichnus challa igen. et isp. nov. is characterized by its hemispherical shape, mostly subvertical orientation, smoothed internal lining showing knobbly surface texture, and rough and irregular external surface devoid of ornamentation. The wall is composed of a lining plus a layer of soil material consolidated passively by cicada excretions. In other specimens the wall shows a repetition of linings and soil layers reflecting changes in the position of the chambers. Grooves, which represent traces of roots originally related to the feeding activities of cicada nymphs, are located in the wall of many specimens of F. challa . These grooves are subvertical to subhorizontal and show smooth surfaces with longitudinal striations. The cicadan origin of these traces is supported by comparison of the fossils to modern cicada nymph chambers and by laboratory experiments. The most significant characters that emerged from the comparison are the differential preservation of the basal part of the chambers, the interior lining with similar surface texture, and the presence of root traces in the wall and in the interior of the chamber. Additional records of F. challa from the Cretaceous–Pliocene of the USA, the Oligocene of Ethiopia, and the Miocene of the United Arab Emirates and Kenya complete the current information yielded by the known body fossil record to help understand the evolutionary history of cicadas.  相似文献   
Abstract: Red calcareous Middle Cambrian palaeosols from the upper Moodlatana Formation in the eastern Flinders Ranges of South Australia formed in well‐drained subhumid floodplains and include a variety of problematic fossils. The fossils are preserved like trace fossil endichnia but do not appear to be traces of burrows or other animal movement. They are here regarded as remains of sessile organisms, comparable with fungi or plants living in place, and are formally named as palaeobotanical form genera under provisions of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Most common are slender (0.5–2 mm) branching filaments flanked by green‐grey reduction haloes within the red matrix of palaeosol surface horizons (Prasinema gracile gen. et sp. nov.). Other axial structures (Prasinema nodosum and P. adunatum gen. et spp. nov.) are larger and show distinctive surface irregularities (short protuberances and irregular striations, respectively). The size and form of these filaments are most like rhizines of soil‐crust lichens. Other evidence of life on land includes quilted spheroids (Erytholus globosus gen. et sp. nov.) and thallose impressions (Farghera sp. indet.), which may have been slime moulds and lichens, respectively. These distinctive fossils in Cambrian palaeosols represent communities comparable with modern biological soil crusts.  相似文献   
Abstract:  A new ichnogenus and ichnospecies of burrow, Katbergia carltonichnus , are described from Upper Permian and Lower Triassic rocks of the Karoo Basin, South Africa, where they are preserved in pedogenically modified overbank deposits that are interpreted as inceptisols subsequently gleysol overprinted. Sigmoidal burrows consist of a long (≥0.5 m) cylindrical tube, ranging from 1–2 cm in diameter, terminating in a slightly larger living chamber. The burrows are unlined and passively filled, preserving a hierarchy of scratch patterns on the burrow walls. Scratch patterns include longitudinal, transverse, and crescent-shaped markings found around the circumference of the burrow, but which are less densely concentrated on the burrow floor. Calcareous concretions are associated with burrowed siltstone intervals, generally restricted to the lowermost decimetre, with nodules nucleating around burrows. Stable δ13C and δ18O isotope data on calcite cement in the burrow fill, entombing siltstone, and associated calcareous nodules all cluster together when plotted, indicating that nodule formation occurred following burrow horizon abandonment and a rise in regional water table. Isotopic data reflect calcite precipitation under a semi-closed system in saturated conditions. A model for burrow emplacement, abandonment and infill, and subsequent cementation by calcite is presented demonstrating that previous interpretations of Late Permian and Early Triassic palaeosol types associated with the P/Tr extinction event must be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
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