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1. As for some other spring‐feeding moths, adult flight of Epirrita autumnata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) occurs in late autumn. Late‐season flight is a result of a prolonged pupal period. Potential evolutionary explanations for this phenological pattern are evaluated. 2. In a laboratory rearing, there was a weak correlation between pupation date and the time of adult emergence. A substantial genetic difference in pupal period was found between two geographic populations. Adaptive evolution of eclosion time can thus be expected. 3. Metabolic costs of a prolonged pupal period were found to be moderate but still of some ecological significance. Pupal mortality is likely to form the main cost of the prolonged pupal period. 4. Mortality rates of adults, exposed in the field, showed a declining temporal trend from late summer to normal eclosion time in autumn. Lower predation pressure on adults may constitute the decisive selective advantage of late‐season flight. It is suggested that ants, not birds, were the main predators responsible for the temporal trend. 5. Egg mortality was estimated to be low; it is thus unlikely that the late adult period is selected for to reduce the time during which eggs are exposed to predators. 6. In a laboratory experiment, oviposition success was maximal at the time of actual flight peak of E. autumnata, however penalties resulting from sub‐optimal timing of oviposition remained limited.  相似文献   
Abstract The parasitoid wasp Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura sets the number of progeny allocated to its insect egg hosts according to the duration of its initial transit walk across the host surface. Although cooling the wasp reduces its walking speed, reduced temperature does not affect progeny allocation. By locally heating and cooling the wasps, the initial transit can be thermally uncoupled from the subsequent oviposition. Using this technique we show that the timing of initial transit duration is temperature-dependent. These findings suggest that short interval timing by Trichogramma differs physiologically from the temperature compensated clocks that have been described for other insects.  相似文献   
Variation in copulation duration of Drosophila mojavensisstrains was influenced by both sexes. Males maintained predominant control, as copulation duration of pairs from different strains was more similar to that of the strain from which the male was derived, but female origin also contributed significantly to the duration of copulation. Variation among strains was controlled by genes acting additively in both sexes. The size of both males and females also affected copulation duration. Small males copulated longer on average than large males, while males paired with large females copulated longer than those paired with small females. The importance of copulation duration to fitness was tested by correlation analyses with male size, female size, female remating latency, and number of eggs laid prior to female remating. Longer copulations stimulated earlier oviposition, possibly by increasing accessory gland secretions that are passed by males during copulation.  相似文献   
Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiini) is an invasive wood‐boring beetle with an unusually broad host range and a proven ability to increase its host range as it colonizes new areas and encounters new tree species. The beetle is native to eastern Asia and has become an invasive pest in North America and Europe, stimulating interest in delineating host and non‐host tree species more clearly. When offered a choice among four species of living trees in a greenhouse, adult A. glabripennis fed more on golden‐rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata Laxmann) and river birch (Betula nigra L.) than on London planetree (Platanus × acerifolia (Aiton) Willdenow) or callery pear (Pyrus calleryana Decaisne). Oviposition rate was highest in golden‐rain tree, but larval mortality was also high and larval growth was slowest in this tree species. Oviposition rate was lowest in callery pear, and larvae failed to survive in this tree species, whether they eclosed from eggs laid in the trees or were manually inserted into the trees. Adult beetles feeding on callery pear had a reduced longevity and females feeding only on callery pear failed to develop any eggs. The resistance of golden‐rain tree against the larvae appears to operate primarily through the physical mechanism of abundant sap flow. The resistance of callery pear against both larvae and adults appears to operate through the chemical composition of the tree, which may include compounds that are toxic or which otherwise interfere with normal growth and development of the beetle. Unlike river birch or London planetree, both golden‐rain tree and callery pear are present in the native range of A. glabripennis and may therefore have developed resistance to the beetle by virtue of exposure to attack during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Female apple maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh) flies held in field cages usually oviposited in an unparasitized (non-pheromone marked) fruit when it was encountered.
2. Oviposition in a previously parasitized (pheromone marked) fruit depended upon the time since the last oviposition (TSLO) and the percentage of infested fruit encountered during search for oviposition sites.
3. Previous theories of host acceptance suggest that the acceptance or rejection of a host should depend dichotomously on time since last oviposition and the fraction of marked hosts in the last five encounters. The experiments, however, show considerable variability and are thus not consistent with the theory.
4. A new theory for the experiments is introduced. This model involves physiological (egg complement) and informational state variables and leads to intuitive understanding of the experimental results. In particular, the model shows how the plasticity in oviposition site selection may arise from fitness maximizing behaviour. Alternative models are also discussed. All of the models stress the importance of physiological and informational states.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Theoretical models predict that ovipositional decisions of parasitoid females should lead to the selection of the most profitable host for parasitoid development. Most parasitoid species have evolved specific adaptations to exploit a single host stage. However, females of the aphid hyperparasitoid Syrphophagous aphidivorus (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) display a unique and atypical oviposition behaviour by attacking either primary parasitoid larvae in live aphids, or parasitoid pupae in dead, mummified aphids.
2. In the laboratory, the correlation between host suitability and host preference of S. aphidivorus on the host Aphidius nigripes Ashmead parasitising the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) was investigated.
3. The relative suitability of the two host stages was determined by measuring hyperparasitoid fitness parameters (survival, development time, fecundity, sex ratio, and adult size of progeny), and calculating the intrinsic rate of population increase ( r m). Host preference by S. aphidivorus females and the influence of aphid defence behaviour on host selection was also examined.
4. Hyperparasitoid offspring performance was highest when developing from hosts in aphid mummies and females consistently preferred this host to hosts in parasitised aphids. Although aphid defensive behaviour may influence host selection, it was not a determining factor. Ecological and evolutionary processes that might have led to dual oviposition behaviour in S. aphidivorus are discussed.  相似文献   
The cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.), was deterred from laying eggs on cauliflower plants that had been sprayed with a suspension of the frass of caterpillars of the garden pebble moth, Evergestis forficalis (L.). Polar extracts of the frass deterred oviposition irrespective of the cruciferous plant species on which the caterpillars had been feeding. Non-polar extracts of the frass had no effect. Spraying plants with macerates from Brassica leaves stimulated fly oviposition whereas spraying plants with macerates from garlic mustard leaves deterred fly oviposition. Macerates from the leaves of all other plants tested had no effect. In field experiments the deterrent effect persisted 2–3 days after leaves were sprayed with frass extracts. Plants infested with feeding caterpillars and contaminated with only a few discrete frass pellets were as deterrent to the fly as those sprayed with frass suspensions.
Résumé D. radicum a évité de pondre sur des pieds de chou-fleur, qui avaient été pulvérisés avec une suspension d'excréments d'E. forficalis. Les extraits polaires de ces excréments empêchent la ponte quelle que soit l'espère de crucifère sur laquelle les chenilles se sont alimentées. Les extraits non polares sont sans effet. Dans la nature, l'action dissuadante persiste 2 à 3 jours après la pulvérisation des feuilles avec les extraits d'excréments. La pulvérisation tous les deux jours a maintenu l'action dissuadante. Des plantes contaminées par des chenilles en train de s'alimenter et souillées par quelques crottes sont aussi dissuadantes pour la mouche que celles pulvérisées avec une suspension d'excréments.
We examined the intra-tree foraging behavior of individually-released, wild-population Mediterranean fruit flies (medflies), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), on field-caged host trees bearing each of three different densities (0, 3, or 12 per tree) of non-infested host fruit (kumquat) or each of two levels of fruit quality (12 non-infested fruit or 12 fruit infested with eggs and covered with host marking pheromone). With increasing density of non-infested fruit, medflies tended to remain longer in trees, visit more fruit before leaving, oviposit more often, accept a proportionately smaller number of fruit visited, and emigrate sooner after the last egg was laid (i.e. have a shorter Giving-Up-Time). Medflies spent much less time, oviposited much less often, and exhibited a longer Giving-Up-Time on trees harboring pheromone-marked fruit than non-infested fruit. Variation in temperature within the range at which experiments were conducted (25–36°C) had little detectable influence on foraging behavior. We compare our findings with published findings on the intra-tree foraging behavior of another tephritid fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and with current foraging behavior theory. We discuss implications of our findings with respect to medfly management strategies, particularly fruit stripping in eradication programs and use of synthetic marking pheromone for control.
Résumé Nous avons étudié le comportement de prospection dans un arbre, de femelles d'une population sauvage de C. capitata, libérées individuellement à l'intérieur de cages contenant des Eriobotrya japonica (kumquat), portant chacun 3 densités différentes de fruits no contaminés (0, 3, 12 par arbre) et chacun 2 niveaux de qualité de fruits: 12 fruits non infestés ou 12 fruits contaminés par des oeufs et recouverts de phéromone de marquage de l'hôte. C. capitata avait terndance à rester plus longtemps dans les arbres, à visiter plus de fruits avant le quitter, à pondre plus souvent, à accepter proportionnellement un nombre plus réduit de fruits déjà visités, à émigrer plus tôt après la ponte du dernier oeuf (c'est-à-dire à présenter un temps d'abandon plus bref), quand la densité des fruits non contaminés augmentait. C. capitata a dépensé beaucoup moins de temps, pondu beaucoup moins souvent, et présenté un temps d'abandon plus long sur les arbres portant des fruits marqués par la phéromone que sur ceux ayant des fruits non contaminés. Les variations de température dans la gamme de cells où les observations ont eu lieu (23–36°C) n'ont eu qu'une faible influence décelable sur le comportement de prospection. Nous avons comparé nos résultats avec ceux publiés sur la prospection à l'intérieur de l'arbre par une autre téphritide (Rhagoletis pomonella) et avec la théorie dominante sur le comportement de prospection. Nous discutons les conséquences de nos résultats sur les stratégies de lutte contre C. capitata, en particulier l'élimination des fruits dans les plans d'erradication et l'utilisation de phéromone synthétique de marquage.
  • 1 Daily patterns of oviposition and host-feeding were examined in Coccophagus bartletti Annecke & Insley. Females began to host-feed and oviposit during the second or third day after emergence. Thereafter, both activities occurred regularly.
  • 2 During long observation periods (5 h) most oviposition (93%) and host-feeding (90%) occurred within the first 3.5 h of wasps first encountering hosts. Experiments demonstrated that levels of activity were low for the rest of the day, and nocturnal oviposition occurred only if wasps had no alternative.
  • 3 Dissection of female wasps that had been exposed to hosts, or withheld from them, for given periods of time, revealed that activity levels are governed by egg availability. Dispersal activity may also be influenced by the physiological state of the ovaries.
  • 4 Production of a full complement of eggs (at 24±1°C (12 h L) and 18±1°C (12 h D)) took 48h or longer after host-feeding, and if wasps were withheld from hosts and provided with honey, the effects of egg resorption could be detected after about 10 days. Trends in oögenesis and oösorption in C. bartletti females seem not to conform with interpretations of oögenesis-oösorption cycles in other parasitoids.
  • 5 The pattern of activity exhibited by C. bartletti females is not inflexible, but the major aspects mentioned above are species-specific. In general, information is needed about daily and hourly patterns of parasitoid oviposition and host-feeding before experiments are designed to test theories of parasitoid behaviour. Interpretation may otherwise rest on assumptions about their physiological condition.
  • 1 Substantial intraspecific variation exists in Salix viminalis resistance to the gall midge Dasineura marginemtorquens. Earlier work has found this variation to have a large genetic component. Willow clones are stable in their resistances between midge generations and different nutrient levels in both field and laboratory culture.
  • 2 This study reports the results of laboratory experiments on female oviposition choice and larval survival on potted plants from clones that are very different in resistance as determined in field studies.
  • 3 In choice experiments using pairs of plants, the average female midge did not prefer susceptible willow clones over resistant ones for oviposition. In about one third of the replicates, midges actually laid more eggs on the resistant clone. Further work is necessary to examine the nature of variation among midges in discrimination of these plant types.
  • 4 Resistance is manifested as great differences in larval survival. Six days after oviposition survival was 92% on susceptible plants but only 6% on resistant ones. Galls developed on all of the susceptible plants, while in 73% of the resistant plants galls were not even initiated.
  • 5 The plant traits causing resistance are enigmatic. Larval behaviour suggests that resistant plants interfere with feeding behaviour. On resistant plants, most larvae wander for more than 24 h without initiating any galls before dying. On susceptible plants many first instar larvae begin feeding and initiate galls within this period.
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