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We measured the size of eggs produced by populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had been collected along latitudinal gradients in different continents or that had undergone several years of culture at different temperatures in the laboratory. Australian and South American populations from higher latitudes produced larger eggs when all were compared at a standard temperature. Laboratory populations that had been evolving at 16.5°C produced larger eggs than populations that had evolved at 25°C or 29°C, suggesting that temperature may be an important selective agent in producing the latitudinal clines. Flies from laboratory populations produced larger eggs at an experimental temperature of 16.5°C than at 25°C, and there was no indication of genotype-environment interaction for egg size. Evolution of egg size in response to temperature cannot be accounted for by differences in adult body size between populations. It is not clear which life-history traits are direct targets of thermal selection and which are showing correlated responses, and disentangling these is a task for the future.  相似文献   
Six successive summer generations of the alder aphid (Pterocallis alni (DeGeer) (Homoptera: Callaphididae)) were reared simultaneously in the field and under controlled temperature conditions in the laboratory. The growth and reproduction of each generation were recorded. The available food quality for the aphids was measured by weekly analysis of foliar soluble nitrogen concentrations. Although there was a significant change in leaf soluble nitrogen during the season, the decline was only 23% and this did not appear to have an adverse effect on the performance of this aphid. Instead, the major environmental factor affecting the aphid is temperature. This is evidenced by the facts that when aphids were reared at constant temperatures, there were no differences in generation performance, even though food quality varied seasonally. In addition, all generations of the aphid posess the same number of ovarioles, indicating that there is no pre-programmed anticipation of a seasonal deterioration in food quality in this aphid species.
Résumé P. alni DeGeer (Homopt. Callaphididae) vit sur Alnus glutinosa Gaertner pendant toute l'année. L'aulne étant un arbre fixant l'azote, cette étude a été entreprise pour examiner la croissance et la reproduction de ce puceron sur cet arbre afin d'expliquer les changements de la dynamique de sa population. 6 générations successives estivales ont été élevées dans la nature et en température constante au laboratoire. La qualité de l'aliment a été mesurée chaque semaine par une microkjeldahl analyse des concentrations foliaires en azote soluble. La qualité de l'aliment varie saisonnière, mais ne diminue que de 23%; elle semble n'avoir que peu d'effets sur le puceron, puisque la fécondité dans la nature n'est réduite que pendant une génération. Quand la température est maintenue constante, il n'y a pas de différences entre les performances des différentes générations de pucerons. Ainsi, les changements saisonniers dans la croissance et la reproduction des pucerons sont provoqués par la température et non par la qualité de l'aliment.
本研究利用室内饲养成虫,对柑桔爆皮虫的蛹及正常取食和交配、正常取食但未交配以及正常交配但未取食三种处理的雌成虫的卵巢发育进行了系统观察。结果显示:该虫具有1对卵巢,每侧有5根卵巢管。前两种处理的雌虫卵巢管均能正常发育,成虫寿命在30天左右; 没有取食的雌虫寿命只有7天左右,在其卵巢管的生长区和成熟区均无卵形成。根据卵巢的形状、卵的产生过程、卵巢萼内有无卵粒以及卵黄沉积情况等将卵巢发育程度分为6个级别,即发育初期(0级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。每头雌虫最高怀卵量在140粒左右,根据雌虫怀卵量变化趋势,推测正常取食和交配的柑桔爆皮虫雌虫在出孔后10天左右开始产卵,产卵历期可达22天左右。据此提出该虫卵巢管发育到成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)之前(即羽化出孔后10天之内)为出孔成虫的防治适期。  相似文献   

The light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker), was reared aseptically from newly hatched larvae to adults for three generations on a meridic diet. Growth and development on this diet were comparable with that on oligidic diets and on host‐plants. At 25 ± 1°C, 50–60% R.H., and 12‐h photophase, the average larval period was approx. 28 days, pre‐pupal and pupal 11–12 days, and pre‐oviposition approx. 2 days; the incuva‐tion period of eggs was approx. 7 days. The average developmental period from egg to adult was thus about 49 days; 89 % of larvae reached the adult stage. The average fecundity was 598 eggs per female, and the sex ratio was nearly 1:1. There were no differences in the rate of development or in fecundity of insects reared on media with and without a mould inhibitor.  相似文献   
Quantitative genetic analysis of the ovariole number of the Australian Hibiscus flower-breeding Drosophila hibisci Bock was conducted on populations from two localities along a latitudinal cline in ovariole number previously observed in the species (Starmer et al., in press). Parental strains, F1, F1r (reciprocal), F2, backcross, and backcross reciprocal generations were used in a line-cross (generation means) analysis. This analysis revealed both additive and epistatic effects as important determinants of variation in ovariole number when larvae were reared at 25°C. Maternal effects and maternal-by-progeny genetic interactions were not significant. These results are comparable to previous studies that document epistatic components as genetic determinants of ovariole number in D. melanogaster. Parallel studies on ovariole number in D. hibisci parental and hybrid generations (F1 and F1r) reared as larvae at three temperatures (18°, 21.5°, and 25°C) showed environmental effects and genotype-by-environment interactions as significant influences on the phenotype. Maternal effects were present when temperature of larval development was considered and significant, nonlinear environmental effects were detected. Field collections of D. hibisci females showed that field conditions result in significant departure of ovariole number from comparable laboratory reared females. The significant epistatic genetic effects, genotype-by-environment interactions, and maternal effects indicate that the genetic architecture of traits, such as ovariole number, may be more complex than often acknowledged and thus may be compatible with Wright's view of a netlike relationship between the genome and complex characters (Wright 1968).  相似文献   
The ovaries of aphids belonging to the families Eriosomatidae, Anoeciidae, Drepanosiphidae, Thelaxidae, Aphididae, and Lachnidae were examined at the ultrastructural level. The ovaries of these aphids are composed of several telotrophic ovarioles. The individual ovariole is differentiated into a terminal filament, tropharium, vitellarium, and pedicel (ovariolar stalk). Terminal filaments of all ovarioles join together into the suspensory ligament, which attaches the ovary to the lobe of the fat body. The tropharium houses individual trophocytes and early previtellogenic oocytes termed arrested oocytes. Trophocytes are connected with the central part of the tropharium, the trophic core, by means of broad cytoplasmic processes. One or more oocytes develop in the vitellarium. Oocytes are surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells, which do not diversify into distinct subpopulations. The general organization of the ovaries in oviparous females is similar to that of the ovaries in viviparous females, but there are significant differences in their functioning: (1) in viviparous females, all ovarioles develop, whereas in oviparous females, some of them degenerate; (2) the number of germ cells per ovariole is usually greater in females of the oviparous generation than in females of viviparous generations; (3) in oviparous females, oocytes in the vitellarium develop through three stages (previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis, and choriogenesis), whereas in viviparous females, the development of oocytes stops after previtellogenesis; and (4) in the oocyte cytoplasm of oviparous females, lipid droplets and yolk granules accumulate, whereas in viviparous females, oocytes accrue only lipid droplets. Our results indicate that a large number of germ cells per ovariole represent the ancestral state within aphids. This trait may be helpful in inferring the phylogeny of Aphidoidea.  相似文献   
陈博尧  杨润卿 《昆虫学报》1992,35(4):438-442
囟土白蚁Odontotermes fontanellus Kemner是安徽为害林木、水库堤坝的主要蚁种.研究结果表明:1.在一定的巢龄范围内,随着蚁后身体增长,卵巢管数量增多,一侧的卵巢管最多可达3726条.2.蚁后体长与工蚁数、兵蚁数、幼蚁数、整巢蚁数之间成幂函数关系.3.卵巢管数与蚁后体长、工蚁数、兵蚁数、幼蚁数、整巢蚁数之间成幂函数关系,4,蚁巢体积(y)与蚁后体长(X2)、兵蚁数(X4)、的关系式为:y=6.687e0.0566X2+0.6741X4  相似文献   
The relation between the size of a fly and the number of ovarioles in its ovary was investigated in Phormia regina and Sarcophaga bullata. Small flies of varying size were produced by taking larvae prematurely off the food. The smallest flies thus obtained were derived from larvae only 18 of the weight of a normal larva. The number of ovarioles in an ovary is directly proportional to the size of the fly and, in the extreme case, is about 15 the normal number in Sarcophaga and about 13 in Phormia. Larvae prematurely taken off the food, but fed again after starving for several days, grow to normal or almost normal size and develop ovaries with about the normal number of ovarioles. Small or re-fed Sarcophaga do not show any changes in the anatomy of individual ovarioles but in Phormia disorders in ovariole development and a consequent reduction of fertility are frequent. The number of ovarioles remains identical from the early pupal stage all through the development of the pharate fly and then through ovarian development in the adult fly: it is determined by the size of the larva when it was taken off the food. This shows that it is not lack of space in a small adult fly abdomen which determines the number nor the occurrence of degenerative processes during ovarian development.  相似文献   
Reproductive traits of Drosophila hibisci collected at 18 sites in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia in May, 1998, as well as at two sites in north Queensland, in June, 1998, were compared to those from earlier work on a cline in ovariole number in D. hibisci along the east coast of Australia. The flies in the NT were considerably smaller, but had more ovarioles than comparably-sized flies on the east coast. Although the flies on the east coast showed an increasing number of ovarioles in populations at increasing distances from the equator, these new populations, both on the east coast and in the NT, reversed this trend, producing a generally U-shaped pattern of ovariole number with latitude among all populations. The northernmost and southernmost populations allocate more to ovariole numbers than populations in intermediate latitudes. Ovariole number is closely related to body size of females in all populations, but the regression coefficient is small at intermediate latitudes and increases at the northern and southern ends of the distribution. Egg volumes primarily varied with body size of the female (positive) and number of ovarioles per female (negatively), producing a generally inverted U-shaped pattern of egg volumes with latitude. Reproductive allocation patterns, but not thorax size or ovariole number, varied significantly in two samples taken 10 days apart at one NT site. This variation probably results from environmental differences across generations of developing larvae and is consistent with our earlier suggestion of substantial effects of the environment, primarily rainfall and temperature, on reproductive allocation in D. hibisci.  相似文献   
To confirm the facultative diapause of Monochamus alternatus alternatus Hope (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and to determine the relationships between available larval food resources, diapause, and adult traits, newly hatched larvae were inoculated singly on 98 Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zuccarini (Pinaceae) bolts and reared at 25 °C, 100% r.h., and L16:D8. Fifty adults emerged from them, between 70 and 126 days after larval inoculation. The remaining 48 bolts that did not produce adults were divided into two groups. One group was transferred to 10 °C, 100% r.h., and L8:D16, and returned 140–154 days later to the original conditions, resulting in adult emergence. The other group was maintained under the original conditions for a mean of 358 days. These bolts did not produce adults. Dissection revealed that development was arrested at final instar in pine bolts. The larvae developed into adults after being exposed to 10 °C, 100% r.h., and L8:D16 for 146 days. Consequently, this species has facultative diapause. Diapause incidence was estimated to be 0.42. Non‐linear model and one‐way ANOVA showed a positive correlation between adult body size and available food resources under conditions of food shortage, and no effects of diapause or available food resources on the ovariole number, respectively. When larvae were inoculated on 28 pine branch sections, the results were similar to those obtained from pine bolts and led to estimation of a low diapause incidence of 0.045. The combined data showed the inhibitory effect of food shortage on diapause induction. Diapause of M. a. alternatus, especially reduced diapause induction in response to environmental deterioration (food shortage), is discussed in relation to risk‐spreading.  相似文献   
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