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Cortinarius sarcoflammeus is proposed as a new species belonging to subgenus Dermocybe, on the basis of its morphological, chemical and ecological characters. The strong red-orange colour of the context and stipe base, large spores, sphagnicolous habitat and high dermorubin content are characteristic for the new species. Holotypes of C. huronensis and C. huronensis var. olivaceus have been examined for comparison, and their differences discussed. Photographs and line drawings of C. sarcoflammeus are added. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted March 23, 2001  相似文献   
The role of allelopathy in citrus replant problems was investigated in Iraq. The failure of citrus seedlings to grow normally in old citrus orchards was not caused by differences between old and non-citrus soils in electrical conductivity, pH, organic matter, soil texture and those minerals tested. Extracts of soil collected from old citrus orchards significantly reduced the growth of sour orange seedlings. Extracts and decaying sour orange roots reduced the growth of sour orange seedlings as did extracts of non-senescent sour orange leaves and decaying senescent leaves. Thus it appears that allelopathy is at least partly involved in the citrus replant problem.  相似文献   
Leaf senescence and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBP carboxylase, EC degradation in orange [ Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Washington Navel] explants have been investigated. Explants consisted of a segment of stem (ca 15 cm) and 5 mature leaves. In vitro RuBP carboxylase degradation was determined by culturing the explants in water for different periods of time (3 days usually) and quantifying the two RuBP carboxylase subunits in the extracts following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). In vitro RuBP carboxylase degradation was estimated by autodigestion of leaf extracts and SDS-PAGE. The extent of in vivo RuBP carboxylase degradation in explants cultured under 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod varied throughout the year and showed a cyclic behaviour correlated with the growth cycle of Citrus. The highest proteolytic activity both in vivo and in vitro was found in explants made from April to August coinciding with the maximum vegetative growth period of the tree.
Leaf senescence and abscission could be retarded significantly at any time of the year by maintaining the explants continuously in the dark. Treatment of the explants in the dark with a continuous flow of ethylene enhanced both leaf abscission and rate of RuBP carboxylase degradation, proportionally to ethylene concentration (0.1-0.6 ppm). Ethylene-induced senescence of Citrus leaf explants in the dark appears to be a convenient model system to study the regulation of the proteolytic degradation of RuBP carboxylase.  相似文献   
Some aspects of the paleoproductivity of meromictic Crawford Lake, near Toronto, are inferred from a study of its sedimentary pigments, and diatoms. Several stages of lake development are observed over the 35 cm-deep sediment core removed from the center of Crawford Lake. Evidence of changes in lake productivity during the last 300 years was reflected by significant stratigraphic sediment pigment changes which were associated with European settlement in the Crawford Lake watershed and recent alterations associated with the area's operation by the Conservation Authority (1969 — present). One of the most important factors correlated with paleoproductivity was land clearance (mainly logging of white oak and pine). Deforestation during the last century is correlated with an increase in the amount of algal pigments deposited in the lake's sediments during the 1800's. During the last 10 years a striking increase in the accumulation of chlorophyll derivatives was observed. This is correlated with a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to the lake.Stratigraphic changes in the ratio of cyanobacterial to phototrophic bacterial pigment accumulation are used to infer changes which occurred during the shift from mesotrophy to eutrophy in Crawford Lake.  相似文献   
Three naphthoquinone pigments are described which were produced by Fusarium solani. They are 2,3-dihydro-5,8-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-2-hydroxymethyl-3-(2-hydroxypropyl)-1,4-naphthalenedione, 2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-4-hydroxymethyl-8-methoxy-naphtho[1,2-b]furan-6,9-dione and 5,8-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-6-hydroxymethyl-7-(2-hydroxypropyl)-1,4-naphthalenedione. One of these pigments was shown to be the precursor of the other two.  相似文献   
Light control of extractable nitrate reductase activity in higher plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Light regulation of extractable nitrate reductase (NR) activity of higher plants is complicated by: 1) involvement of several photoreceptors, 2) differences in the relative importance of the several photoreceptors among species and among developmental stages of the same species, 3) two types of effects – alteration of activity of existing NR and influences on de novo synthesis of NR, and 4) differing forms of NR within the same species. The interrelationships of all of these factors are not clear. It may be that each system will have to be understood separately before a general model can be developed. Immunochemical quantification of NR from systems exposed to varied light regimes may enhance our understanding of this area. Currently few general conclusions can be made; however, we think that the following statements are true or are usually true: (1) Phytochrome influences extractable NR activity by the low irradiance response and high irradiance response in etiolated tissues. (2) In de-etiolated tissues phytochrome can influence NR activity decay at the end of a light period by the low irradiance response. (3) The phytochrome equilibrium or the absolute level of Pfr influences extractable NR activity in green tissues under white light. (4) Blue light influences extractable NR activity through phytochrome and another, unknown, blue light-absorbing pigment. Flavins may be involved in vitro in reactivation of inactivated NR. (5) Photosynthesis does not directly influence the induction of the forms of NR that require substrate and light for induction. (6) In some tissues there appears to be a close link between nitrite-reducing and nitrate-reducing capabilities. (7) Much circumstantial evidence from kinetic and protein-synthesis-inhibitor studies and the only available immunochemical data indicate that light induces de novo synthesis of NR, resulting in increased extractable activity.  相似文献   
The fatty acid, sterol and chlorophyll composition of the calcified, unicellular alga Thoracosphaera heimii (Lohmann) Kamptner are reported. The presence of 4,23,24-termethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol (dinosterol), 4,23,24-trimethyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3-one (dinosterone) and the predominance of C18, C20 and C22 unsaturated fatty acids, including the acid 18:5ω3, indicates that T. heimii is a dinoflagellate. The fatty acid: sterol ratio (1.3), is typical of dinoflagellates. The geochemical significance of dinosterone, the high relative concentration of 4-desmethyl-5α-stanols and the role of 23-methyl-5α-cholest-22E-en-3β-ol in the biosynthesis of dinosterol in T. heimii are also discussed.  相似文献   
Samples of tracheal sap of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Washington Navel were taken from field trees throughout the year and the nitrogen composition of the sap was determined. The nitrogenous fraction of the sap was composed mainly of free amino acids (92–97% of total nitrogen) and nitrates throughout the year. Proline was the most abundant amino acid during almost the entire cycle, and its concentration was especially high during the autumn and winter period. Nevertheless, a significant part (40–60%) of the total organic nitrogen was transported as arginine. Total nitrogen as well as amino acids and nitrates were maximal at spring flush. At spring flush and summer flush there was also a diversification of α-amino nitrogen among different amino acids. During the spring flush, nitrates, asparagine and γ-aminobutyric acid in the xylem sap seemed to have a radicular origin, whereas glutamic acid and arginine were released from the surrounding parenchyma. The results suggest a metabolic transformation in the wood parenchyma of nitrogenous compounds coming from the roots (including reduction of nitrates) and a turnover of different nitrogen metabolites between the xylem and surrounding cells.  相似文献   
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