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Both the clinical diagnosis and fundamental investigation of major ocular diseases greatly benefit from various non-invasive ophthalmic imaging technologies. Existing retinal imaging modalities, such as fundus photography1, confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO)2, and optical coherence tomography (OCT)3, have significant contributions in monitoring disease onsets and progressions, and developing new therapeutic strategies. However, they predominantly rely on the back-reflected photons from the retina. As a consequence, the optical absorption properties of the retina, which are usually strongly associated with retinal pathophysiology status, are inaccessible by the traditional imaging technologies.Photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy (PAOM) is an emerging retinal imaging modality that permits the detection of the optical absorption contrasts in the eye with a high sensitivity4-7 . In PAOM nanosecond laser pulses are delivered through the pupil and scanned across the posterior eye to induce photoacoustic (PA) signals, which are detected by an unfocused ultrasonic transducer attached to the eyelid. Because of the strong optical absorption of hemoglobin and melanin, PAOM is capable of non-invasively imaging the retinal and choroidal vasculatures, and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) melanin at high contrasts 6,7. More importantly, based on the well-developed spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging5,8 , PAOM has the potential to map the hemoglobin oxygen saturation in retinal vessels, which can be critical in studying the physiology and pathology of several blinding diseases 9 such as diabetic retinopathy and neovascular age-related macular degeneration.Moreover, being the only existing optical-absorption-based ophthalmic imaging modality, PAOM can be integrated with well-established clinical ophthalmic imaging techniques to achieve more comprehensive anatomic and functional evaluations of the eye based on multiple optical contrasts6,10 . In this work, we integrate PAOM and spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT) for simultaneously in vivo retinal imaging of rat, where both optical absorption and scattering properties of the retina are revealed. The system configuration, system alignment and imaging acquisition are presented.  相似文献   
A limitation of conventional optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is the limited field of view normally used in data acquisition. As the technology improves, larger fields of view that capture information away from the macular are being explored in order to provide an enhanced ability to detect pathology. However, normative measurements for important OCTA metrics like vessel density and intercapillary distance are not currently well-characterized in the peripheral retina. In this prospective study, we measured vessel density and intercapillary distance of the superficial vascular complex, ganglion cell layer plexus, and deep capillary plexus in montaged macular/temporal scans from 53 (33 men) healthy volunteers. Vessel density and intercapillary distance were also compared across different regions of the retina, including along arcs at separate distance from the fovea. Compared to the central macular region, the temporal retina had significantly lower vessel density, decreased thickness, and greater intercapillary distance in the superficial vascular complex, GCLP ganglion cell layer plexus, and deep capillary plexus (Wilcoxon rank sum test P < 0.001), with each of the plexuses examined here showing a general decrease in vessel density and an increase in intercapillary distance towards the temporal region. No significant difference was noted comparing corresponding vessel density and intercapillary distance regions above and below the macula, and multiple linear regression showed that age and intraocular pressure were not associated with vessel density and intercapillary distance in most models. Repeatability analysis reported as intraclass correlation coefficients demonstrated moderate to excellent reliability of vessel density and intercapillary distance in all OCTA layers. These results should help provide an enhanced baseline to help identify vascular pathology in the peripheral retina.  相似文献   
The human ocular surface, consisting of the cornea and conjunctiva, is colonized by an expansive, diverse microbial community. Molecular-based methods, such as 16S rRNA sequencing, has allowed for more comprehensive and precise identification of the species composition of the ocular surface microbiota compared to traditional culture-based methods. Evidence suggests that the normal microbiota plays a protective immunological role in preventing the proliferation of pathogenic species and thus, alterations in the homeostatic microbiome may be linked to ophthalmic pathologies. Further investigation of the ocular surface microbiome, as well as the microbiome of other areas of the body such as the oral mucosa and gut, and their role in the pathophysiology of diseases is a significant, emerging field of research, and may someday enable the development of novel probiotic approaches for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases.  相似文献   
Eye movements are very important in order to track an object or to stabilize an image on the retina during movement. Animals without a fovea, such as the mouse, have a limited capacity to lock their eyes onto a target. In contrast to these target directed eye movements, compensatory ocular eye movements are easily elicited in afoveate animals1,2,3,4. Compensatory ocular movements are generated by processing vestibular and optokinetic information into a command signal that will drive the eye muscles. The processing of the vestibular and optokinetic information can be investigated separately and together, allowing the specification of a deficit in the oculomotor system. The oculomotor system can be tested by evoking an optokinetic reflex (OKR), vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) or a visually-enhanced vestibulo-ocular reflex (VVOR). The OKR is a reflex movement that compensates for "full-field" image movements on the retina, whereas the VOR is a reflex eye movement that compensates head movements. The VVOR is a reflex eye movement that uses both vestibular as well as optokinetic information to make the appropriate compensation. The cerebellum monitors and is able to adjust these compensatory eye movements. Therefore, oculography is a very powerful tool to investigate brain-behavior relationship under normal as well as under pathological conditions (f.e. of vestibular, ocular and/or cerebellar origin).Testing the oculomotor system, as a behavioral paradigm, is interesting for several reasons. First, the oculomotor system is a well understood neural system5. Second, the oculomotor system is relative simple6; the amount of possible eye movement is limited by its ball-in-socket architecture ("single joint") and the three pairs of extra-ocular muscles7. Third, the behavioral output and sensory input can easily be measured, which makes this a highly accessible system for quantitative analysis8. Many behavioral tests lack this high level of quantitative power. And finally, both performance as well as plasticity of the oculomotor system can be tested, allowing research on learning and memory processes9.Genetically modified mice are nowadays widely available and they form an important source for the exploration of brain functions at various levels10. In addition, they can be used as models to mimic human diseases. Applying oculography on normal, pharmacologically-treated or genetically modified mice is a powerful research tool to explore the underlying physiology of motor behaviors under normal and pathological conditions. Here, we describe how to measure video-oculography in mice8.  相似文献   
Nanotechnology is the creation and use of materials and devices on the same scale as molecules and intracellular structures, typically less than 100?nm in size. It is an emerging science and has made its way into pharmaceuticals to significantly improve the delivery and efficacy of drugs in a number of therapeutic areas, due to development of various nanoparticle-based products. In recent years, there has been increasing evidence that nanotechnology can help to overcome many of the ocular diseases and hence researchers are keenly interested in this science. Nanomedicines offer promise as viable alternatives to conventional drops, gels or ointments to improve drug delivery to the eye. Because of their small size, they are well tolerated, thus preventing washout, increase bioavailability and also help in specific drug delivery. This review describes the application of nanotechnology in the control of human diseases with special emphasis on various eye and ocular surfaces diseases.  相似文献   
Background: The objective was to investigate the frequency of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and ophthalmologic anomalies in orphanage children in Brazil. Methods: A prospective study was performed on 94 children living in an orphanage in Brazil. The children were examined by a multidisciplinary team consisting of specialists in pediatrics, neurology, psychology, neuropsychiatry, and ophthalmology. Results: The main reasons for living in the orphanage, in 61% of the children, were negligence, child abuse, and abandonment. Of all the children studied, 50% had mothers with known alcohol abuse and 47% had one or more diagnoses of neurodevelopmental/behavioral and/or cognitive deficits. General developmental delay was found in 18%, intellectual disability in 3%, cognitive impairment in 27%, attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 14%, and autism in 3%. Altogether 17% had FASD, comprising three children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), six with partial FAS, and seven with alcohol‐related neurodevelopmental disorder. 16% had ophthalmological findings such as poor vision, strabismus, and dysmorphology of the optic nerves. Twenty‐eight children (30%) were adopted from the orphanage; of these, six had FASD (two FAS, three partial FAS, one alcohol‐related neurodevelopmental disorder), five had attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and eight had developmental delay. Conclusion: Nearly half of the children living in the orphanage had neurodevelopmental disorders and a considerable number showed signs of damage from prenatal alcohol exposure. A broader look at the problem of FASD in Brazil and other South American countries is desirable to document the burden of disease and provide data for targeting prevention efforts. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 103:178–185, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
A full quantitative evaluation of the depolarization of light may serve to assess concentrations of depolarizing particles in the retinal pigment epithelium and to investigate their role in retinal diseases in the human eye. Optical coherence tomography and optical frequency domain imaging use spatial incoherent averaging to compute depolarization. Depolarization depends on accurate measurements of the polarization states at the receiver but also on the polarization state incident upon and within the tissue. Neglecting this dependence can result in artifacts and renders depolarization measurements vulnerable to birefringence in the system and in the sample. In this work, we discuss the challenges associated with using a single input polarization state and traditional depolarization metrics such as the degree‐of‐polarization and depolarization power. We demonstrate quantitative depolarization measurements based on Jones vector synthesis and polar decomposition using fiber‐based polarization‐sensitive optical frequency domain imaging of the retinal pigment epithelium in a human eye.   相似文献   
Metformin is one of the most prescribed drugs in the world giving potential health benefits beyond that of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Emerging evidence suggests that it may have protective effects for retinal/posterior segment diseases including diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), inherited retinal degeneration such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP), primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), retinal vein occlusion (RVO), and uveitis. Metformin exerts potent anti-inflammatory, antiangiogenic, and antioxidative effects on the retina in response to pathologic stressors. In this review, we highlight the broad mechanism of action of metformin through key preclinical studies on animal models and cell lines used to simulate human retinal disease. We then explore the sparse but promising retrospective clinical data on metformin’s potential protective role in DR, AMD, POAG, and uveitis. Prospective clinical data is needed to clarify metformin’s role in management of posterior segment disorders. However, given metformin’s proven broad biochemical effects, favorable safety profile, relatively low cost, and promising data to date, it may represent a new therapeutic preventive and strategy for retinal diseases.  相似文献   
Accommodation of the eyes, the mechanism that allows humans to focus their vision on near objects, naturally diminishes with age via presbyopia. People who have undergone cataract surgery, using current surgical methods and artificial lens implants, are also left without the ability to accommodate. The process of accommodation is generally well known; however the specific mechanical details have not been adequately explained due to difficulties and consequences of performing in vivo studies. Most studies have modeled the mechanics of accommodation under assumptions of a linearly elastic, isotropic, homogenous lens and lens capsule. Recent experimental and numerical studies showed that the lens capsule exhibits nonlinear elasticity and regional anisotropy. In this paper we present a numerical model of human accommodation using a membrane theory based finite element approach, incorporating recent findings on capsular properties. This study seeks to provide a novel perspective of the mechanics of accommodation. Such findings may prove significant in seeking biomedical solutions to restoring loss of visual power.  相似文献   
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