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The imaginal pore plates of Hymenoptera apocrita so far examined embody five or six envelope cells respectively. In early developmental stages, however, supernumerary envelope cells have been found. The results are discussed in the context of cell death as a developmental phenomenon.  相似文献   
Lactate dehydrogenase has been measured in the small-intestinal mucosa in order to assess its value as a marker for the effects of ischemia and of reperfusion. The decrease in specific activity of the enzyme illustrates the deleterious effect of reperfusion on the quality of the remaining epithelial cells. However, this parameter fails to detect the loss of epithelial cells, which is the major event during ischemia as well as during reperfusion. In contrast, the expression of enzyme activity per g protein of the underlying intestinal muscle allowed us, in addition, to assess quantitatively the loss of epithelial cells, in good agreement with the histological data.  相似文献   
The effects of a cow's milk diet on receptor activity and histamine metabolism in gastric glands and mucosa isolated from adult rats were examined. The milk diet was associated with (1) a decreased mobilization of H2 receptors by histamine and (2) an increased mobilization of PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) receptors in mucous cells (cytoprotective effect) and parietal cells (antiacid effect). These changes are not observed for the receptors reducing pentagastrin- and histamine-induced gastric acid secretion (pancreatic/enteroglucagons, somatostatin) and stimulating mucus, bicarbonate and pepsin secretions in the rat (secretin). Cimetidine produced a parallel displacement of the histamine dose-response curve, suggesting competitive inhibition between this classical H2 receptor antagonist and histamine in the two experimental groups. Prostaglandins and other components in milk such as EGF (epidermal growth factor) and somatostatin might therefore protect gastric mucosa by a differential control of PGE2 and histamine H2 receptor activity eitherdirectly (PGE2 in milk) orindirectly (inhibition of endogeneous histamine synthesis/release and stimulation of PGE-I synthesis/release).  相似文献   
The olfactory response from male pheromone sensitive sensilla was investigated in the endemic New Zealand brownheaded leafrollers Ctenopseustis obliquana (Walker) and C. sp. ropeana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). The responses from 281 sensilla from the parental strains and from both the reciprocal crosses, including F1, F2 and maternal and paternal backcrosses were recorded, and statistically analysed using a multivariate analysis.In males of both the parental strains, a large amplitude cell responded to the main pheromone component of the conspecific female, in C. obliquana (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate (Z8-14:OAc) and in C. sp ropeana (Z)-5-tetradecenyl acetate (Z5-14:OAc). Both male types also possessed a small amplitude cell, which in C. obliquana responded weakly to Z5-14:OAc and tetradecyl acetate (14:OAc), and in C. sp ropeana responded to Z8-14:OAc. The responses from the different types of hybrid males were more variable than the responses from parental males. A main pattern could, however be seen, corresponding with the expected pattern in a sex-linked inheritance on the Z-chromosome of a C. sp ropeana type dominant genetic factor. The more pronounced variation in the hybrids could not be explained by this model, and might be due to the involvement of additional genes.
Résumé Les réactions olfactives des sensilles mâles sensibles aux phéromones ont été examinées par enregistrement de l'extrémité de la sensille chez les tordeuses C. obliquana Walker et C. sp. ropeana. Les enregistrements ont porté sur 281 sensilles des lignées parentales et des croisements réciproques de F1, F2 et de croisements en retour maternel et paternel. Les résultats des enregistrements d'une sensille ont été soumis à une analyse en composantes principales.Chez les mâles de chaque lignée parentale un seul type physiologique de sensille a été découvert; une cellule répond par un pic grand au principal constituant de la phéromone femelle conspécifique. (Z)-8-acétate tétradécényl (Z8-14:OAc) pour C. obliquana, et (Z)-5-acétate tétradécényl (Z5-14:OAc) pour C. sp. ropeana. Une seconde type de cellule dans les sensilles des deux espèces de mâles présente un pic petit pour Z5-14:OAc et pour l'acétate tétradécyl (14:OAc) chez C. obliquana, et pour C. sp. ropeana au Z8-14:OAc. Les réponses des sensilles des différents types de mâles hybrides sont plus hétérogènes que celles des sensilles de leurs pères. Un schéma général pourrait cependant être décelé, correspondant au schéma prévu avec une hérédité d'un facteur dominant liée au sexe sur le chromosome Z de C. sp. ropeana. La variation plus accentuée chez les hybrides ne peut être expliquée par ce modèle, et pourrait impliquer des gènes additionnels.
Keil TA  Steiner C 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(6):821-851
During adult development of the male silkmoth Antheraea polyphemus, the anlagen of olfactory sensilla arise within the first 2 days post-apolysis in the antennal epidermis (stage 1-3). Approximately on the second day, the primary dendrites as well as the axons grow out from the sensory neurons (stage 4). The trichogen cells start to grow apical processes approximately on the third day, and these hair-forming 'sprouts' reach their definite length around the ninth day (stages 5-6). Then the secretion of cuticle begins, the cuticulin layer having formed on day 10 (stage 7a). The primary dendrites are shed, the inner dendritic segments as well as the thecogen cells retract from the prospective hair bases, and the inner tormogen cells degenerate around days 10/11 (stage 7b). The hair shafts of the basiconic sensilla are completed around days 12/13 (stage 7c), and those of the trichoid sensilla around days 14/15 (stage 7d). The trichogen sprouts retract from the hairs after having finished cuticle formation, and the outer dendritic segments grow out into the hairs: in the basiconic sensilla directly through, and in the trichoid sensilla alongside, the sprouts. The trichogen sprouts contain numerous parallel-running microtubules. Besides their cytoskeletal function, these are most probably involved in the transport of membrane vesicles. During the phase of cuticle deposition, large numbers of vesicles are transported anterogradely from the cell bodies into the sprouts, where they fuse with the apical cell membrane and release their electron-dense contents (most probably cuticle precursors) to the outside. As the cuticle grows in thickness, the surface area of the sprouts is reduced by endocytosis of coated vesicles. When finally the sprouts retract from the completed hairs, the number of endocytotic vesicles is further increased and numerous membrane cisterns seem to be transported retrogradely along the microtubules to the cell bodies. Here the membrane material will most probably be used again in the formation of the sensillum lymph cavities. Thus, the trichogen cells are characterized by an intensive membrane recycling. The sensillum lymph cavities develop between days 16-20 (stage 8), mainly via apical invaginations of the trichogen cells. The imago emerges on day 21.  相似文献   
Four different nucleotide-gated ion channels are discussed in terms of their biophysical properties and their importance in cell physiology. Channels activated directly by cGMP are present in vertebrate and invertebrate photoreceptors. In both cases cGMP increases the fraction of time the channel remains in the open state. At least three cGMP molecules are involved in channel opening in vertebrate photoreceptors and the concentration of the cyclic nucleotide to obtain the half maximal effect is about 15 µM. The light-dependent channel of both vertebrates and invertebrates is poorly cation selective. The vertebrate channel allows divalent cations to pass through 10–15-fold more easily than monovalent ions. In agreement with their preference for divalent cations, this channel is blocked byl-cis Dialtazem, a molecule that blocks certain types of calcium channels. In olfactory neurons a channel activated by both cAMP and cGMP is found and, as in the light-dependent channel, several molecules of the nucleotide are needed to open the channel with a half maximal effect obtained in the range of 1–40 µM. The channel is poorly cationic selective. A K+ channel directly and specifically activated by cAMP is found inDrosophila larval muscle. At least three cAMP molecules are involved in the opening reaction. Half-maximal effect is obtained at about 50 µM. This channel is blocked by micromolar amount of tetraethylammonium applied internally. Interestingly, this channel has a probability of opening 10–20-fold larger in the mutantdunce, a mutant that possesses abnormally elevated intracellular cAMP level, than in the wild type.  相似文献   
血清胃泌素变化与急性胃粘膜病变关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大白鼠血清中胃泌素水平的变化与急性胃粘膜病变的关系进行了初步的研究,结果表明以消炎痛为诱因引起的急性胃粘膜病变大白鼠血清胃泌素水平明显增高。而维酶素可以抑制因消炎痛引起的急性胃粘膜病变时血清胃泌素的释放,对胃粘膜具有保护作用。  相似文献   
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