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Plant-herbivore chemical signals and behavioral plasticity may enhance parasitoid host-foraging efficacy in the field; however, no studies have quantified the potential benefits from these factors under field-type conditions. The effect of plant-herbivore signals and learning on the foraging efficacy of Microplitis croceipes was quantified by directly observing and recording total and sequential duration of various foraging behaviors relative to 5 randomly placed herbivore-damaged and host-infested cotton plants and 20 undamaged and non-host-infested plants. Microplitis croceipes spent significantly more time searching (flying and antennation) on host infested versus uninfested plants. Antennation time was significantly and negatively correlated with successive host stings. Contrary to expectations of increased duration, flight time remained constant throughout the foraging bout, which may indicate that there was some learning associated with flight. These results suggest that plant-herbivore chemical signals and learning enhances the foraging efficacy of M. croceipes.  相似文献   
The imaginal pore plates of Hymenoptera apocrita so far examined embody five or six envelope cells respectively. In early developmental stages, however, supernumerary envelope cells have been found. The results are discussed in the context of cell death as a developmental phenomenon.  相似文献   
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Stonefly nymphs use hydrodynamic cues to discriminate between prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Playback experiments conducted in a Rocky Mountain, USA, stream determined whether predatory stonefly nymphs (Kogotus modestus; Plecoptera: PerlodiMae) used hydrodynamic cues to discriminate prey species from nonprey species. In the laboratory we recorded pressure wave patterns associated with swimming escape behavior of Baetis bicaudatus (Baetidae), the favored mayfly prey species, and those of a nonprey mayfly, Ephemerella infrequens (Ephemerellidae). We video taped the responses of 24-h starved Kogotus to Baetis playbacks, Ephemerella playbacks or no playbacks made by oscillating (or not) live mayflies (Ephemerella) or clear plastic models placed within in situ flow-through observation boxes. The probability of attacks per encounter with Baetis playbacks was highest and independent of the model type used, but Kogotus also showed an unexpected high probability of attacks per encounter when Ephemerella playbacks were made through live Ephemerella. Thus, Kogotus discriminated between Baetis and Ephemerella swimming patterns but only when playbacks were made through the plastic model. Kogotus never attacked motionless mayflies or motionless plastic models. We allowed some Kogotus to successfully capture one small Baetis immediately before playbacks, which resulted in a much higher probability of attacks per encounter with Baetis playbacks on either model and a heightened discrimination of prey versus nonprey playbacks. The probability of attacks per encounter by Kogotus with live Baetis swimming under similar experimental conditions was strikingly similar to its response to Baetis playbacks made by oscillating the plastic model after a successful capture. Order of playback presentation (Baetis first or Ephemerella first) did not influence predatory responses to mayfly swimming patterns. This study is the first to document the use of hydrodynamic cues by stream-dwelling predators for discrimination of prey from nonprey and provides a mechanism to explain selective predation by stoneflies on Baetis in nature.  相似文献   
The olfactory response from male pheromone sensitive sensilla was investigated in the endemic New Zealand brownheaded leafrollers Ctenopseustis obliquana (Walker) and C. sp. ropeana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). The responses from 281 sensilla from the parental strains and from both the reciprocal crosses, including F1, F2 and maternal and paternal backcrosses were recorded, and statistically analysed using a multivariate analysis.In males of both the parental strains, a large amplitude cell responded to the main pheromone component of the conspecific female, in C. obliquana (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate (Z8-14:OAc) and in C. sp ropeana (Z)-5-tetradecenyl acetate (Z5-14:OAc). Both male types also possessed a small amplitude cell, which in C. obliquana responded weakly to Z5-14:OAc and tetradecyl acetate (14:OAc), and in C. sp ropeana responded to Z8-14:OAc. The responses from the different types of hybrid males were more variable than the responses from parental males. A main pattern could, however be seen, corresponding with the expected pattern in a sex-linked inheritance on the Z-chromosome of a C. sp ropeana type dominant genetic factor. The more pronounced variation in the hybrids could not be explained by this model, and might be due to the involvement of additional genes.
Résumé Les réactions olfactives des sensilles mâles sensibles aux phéromones ont été examinées par enregistrement de l'extrémité de la sensille chez les tordeuses C. obliquana Walker et C. sp. ropeana. Les enregistrements ont porté sur 281 sensilles des lignées parentales et des croisements réciproques de F1, F2 et de croisements en retour maternel et paternel. Les résultats des enregistrements d'une sensille ont été soumis à une analyse en composantes principales.Chez les mâles de chaque lignée parentale un seul type physiologique de sensille a été découvert; une cellule répond par un pic grand au principal constituant de la phéromone femelle conspécifique. (Z)-8-acétate tétradécényl (Z8-14:OAc) pour C. obliquana, et (Z)-5-acétate tétradécényl (Z5-14:OAc) pour C. sp. ropeana. Une seconde type de cellule dans les sensilles des deux espèces de mâles présente un pic petit pour Z5-14:OAc et pour l'acétate tétradécyl (14:OAc) chez C. obliquana, et pour C. sp. ropeana au Z8-14:OAc. Les réponses des sensilles des différents types de mâles hybrides sont plus hétérogènes que celles des sensilles de leurs pères. Un schéma général pourrait cependant être décelé, correspondant au schéma prévu avec une hérédité d'un facteur dominant liée au sexe sur le chromosome Z de C. sp. ropeana. La variation plus accentuée chez les hybrides ne peut être expliquée par ce modèle, et pourrait impliquer des gènes additionnels.
The effects of changes in various visual and olfactory properties of a white card surface on the landing position of male Epiphyas postvittanaexhibiting pheromone-mediated flight were studied in a wind tunnel. Males landed predominantly at the most downwind position of a surface in line with the pheromone source, regardless of the strength of the source. The position on the surface that males landed was strongly influenced by visual factors. The landing position of males appeared to be influenced by visual cues along all three axes of the surface. Decreases in either the dimension horizontally perpendicular to the wind direction or the vertical dimension resulted in greater numbers of males landing farther upwind on the surface than the downwind edge. Visual changes in the axis along the wind direction also affected the position at which males landed. For example, when presented with two white card surfaces with a 4- cm gap between them, males tended to land on the downwind edge of the upwind surface (on which the source was located). When the gap was bridged with clear Mylar, the landing pattern was significantly different, with the greater proportion of males landing on the downwind surface. However, when Mylar was placed on the plexiglass floor of the tunnel (in addition to bridging the gap), the landing pattern on the surface was not significantly different from that on the two surfaces without the Mylar bridge. It is suggested that during the prelanding and landing phases of pheromone-mediated flight, male moths orient to visual features of the surface containing the pheromone source rather than to visual features of the source (conspecific female moth) itself.  相似文献   
Deutocerebral neurones of larval and adult male cockroaches responding to the female pheromone and its components were recorded extracellularly. No responses to the female pheromone were found in larvae younger than about 10th instar. However, two groups of pheromone-sensitive neurones were recorded in males from 10th instar onwards as in adults. A correlation and factor analysis based on the cells' responses to the pheromone stimuli was used to test the correspondence of these larval and adult cell groups. The recorded larval pheromone-sensitive neurones were stained with cobalt and their morphology compared with that of the adult neurones.  相似文献   
Male Utetheisa ornatrixhave a pair of eversible glandular brushes (coremata) which are displayed during precopulatory interactions with the female. Earlier studies have shown that a pheromone associated with the coremata, hydroxydanaidal (HD), is derived by the males from pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that they sequester as larvae from their foodplants (Crotalariaspp.) The PAs impart a distastefulness upon Utetheisathat protects both larvae and adults against predation. The receptor neurons specialized for detection of HD are housed in sensilla whose morphological features, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy, classify them as sensilla basiconica. The sensitivity and dynamic range of these receptor neurons were largely unaffected by whether the females were raised on an alkaloid-free diet or on a diet supplemented with Crotalariaseeds. Acetylation of the hydroxyl group of HD substantially reduced the activity of the molecule. None of the antennal sensilla examined contained receptor neurons sensitive to a PA (monocrotaline) or its N-oxide.  相似文献   
We have previously described a daily rhythm in thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and TRH mRNA in the rat hypothalamus. To determine whether TRH release fluctuates in a diurnal manner, we have measured basal and potassium stimulated release from hypothalamic slices, and compared it to release from olfactory bulb slices, during the diurnal cycle. Basal TRH release was higher at 7:00 h than at any other time (1:00, 13:00 or 19:00 h) in either hypothalamus or olfactory bulb. The ratio of stimulated over basal release was higher in the hypothalamus at 19:00 h, when TRH content was highest. Potassium stimulated TRH release from olfactory bulb was not different from basal release at any time. TRH release fluctuations were not due to a rhythm of extracellular inactivation: the activity of pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase II, an ectoenzyme responsible for TRH inactivation, was constant throughout the cycle. Our data demonstrate that diurnal variations of TRH release occur in vitro and that the enhanced responsiveness to potassium stimulation in hypothalamus is correlated with increased levels of peptide.  相似文献   
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