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Male moths locate conspecific females by pheromone‐induced upwind flight maintained by detecting a visual flow, termed optomotor anemotaxis. Their behavioural pattern is characterized by an upwind surge in response to a pheromone stimulus and crosswind casting after odour loss, which is considered to be reset and restarted on receipt of another pheromone pulse. However, pheromone‐stimulated males of the potato tuberworm moth Phthorimaea operculella exhibit a series of short and straight intermittent flights, or hops, when moving upwind. It is unclear whether they navigate by employing the same behavioural pattern and wind detection mechanism as that used by flying moths. To analyze odour‐modulated anemotaxis in male potato tuberworm moths, a flat wind tunnel is constructed to give regular odour stimuli to an insect regardless of its location. Moths are subjected to pheromone pulses of different frequencies to test whether they show a behavioural pattern that is reset and restarted by a pheromone pulse. Moths on the ground are also subjected to crosswind shear to examine their detection of wind direction. Path analyses reveal that males surge upwind when they receive a pheromone pulse and exhibit casting by successive hops when they lose odour. This behavioural pattern appears to be similar to that of flying moths. When the direction of the airflow is switched orthogonally, males adjust their course angle accordingly when they are on the ground. It is suggested that, instead of optomotor anemotaxis, this ‘aim‐then‐shoot’ system aids the detection of wind direction, possibly by mechanosensory means.  相似文献   
Prereproductive adults of the grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae), demonstrated orientation and movement towards both visual and olfactory stimulus sources in a still-air chamber. Visual stimuli (wheat and lima bean foliage, vertical black or yellow-green stripes, and a yellow-green broad leaf pattern) were approached more frequently than the control white background surface. Olfactory stimuli (chopped wheat foliage and a four-component, synthetic, grass odor blend of volatiles) elicited an even greater positive response than the visual stimuli. Changing the proportions of the four volatiles in the blend significantly reduced positive orientation responses to the stimulus source. Visual cues of wheat foliage and olfactory cues of either chopped wheat odor or the grass odor blend gave greater responses when combined than when presented separately.In flowing air or wind, nearly all insects demonstrated a rapid positive response to odors of chopped wheat and the grass odor blend, significantly greater than the response to the same stimuli in still air. However, positive responses to visual cues were not significantly greater in wind than in still air. When combined with the olfactory stimuli in flowing air, visual cues did not increase the incidence of response. Grasshoppers responding to grass odors in wind moved more rapidly and directly toward the source, and stopped less often and for shorter durations than insects responding to odor in still air or to visual cues.We conclude from these studies that M. sanguinipes adults show orientation behavior to both visual and olfactory stimuli from food plant sources, although leaf odors elicit a stronger positive response particularly when carried by wind.  相似文献   
Cotesia rubecula Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a specialist larval parasitoid of the butterfly Pieris rapae L. which itself feeds almost exclusively upon cruciferous plants. Female wasps are attracted to the odour of host-infested plant (plant-host complex: PHC) and the probability of flights in a wind tunnel depends on females' prior oviposition experience with the PHC and on the concentration of the PHC odour. This study considers the effect of both factors on characteristics of oriented flight upwind towards the PHC. The flight track parameters that we measured and calculated were not significantly affected by these factors. C. rubecula females exhibited high average flight velocity and relatively straight flight tracks. There was a considerable variability between individuals, however, in their odour-modulated upwind flight tracks. Some females generated a zigzagging upwind flight track similar to those commonly observed from male moths responding to female sex pheromone. Other females flew along a straight track directly upwind. The flight tracks of most female wasps were intermediate between these extremes. The full range of these flight performances was observed to all experimental treatments.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new type of airflow olfactometer is described, and results given of experiments using it to measure behavioural olfactory responses of hymenopterous parasitoids. Compared with Y-tube olfactometers it shows several advantages. In its exposure chamber four separate abutting odour fields are presented so that the test insect can readily enter and re-enter them. More than one odour (or different concentrations of one odour) can be tested at the same time, thereby providing complex preference test situations. The various behavioural measures that can be assessed in the apparatus are examined and discussed.  相似文献   
The influence of host odour, windspeed, position of the sun, and temperature on flight behaviour of the cabbage seedpod weevil (Ceutorhynchus assimilis Paykull) were studied. This weevil showed a positive anemotaxis (upwind flight) inside the odour plume of a host crop (Brassica napus L.). Outside the odour plume the weevil showed a pronounced phototaxis at windspeeds below 1.5 m/s. At higher windspeeds, the seedpod weevils flew downwind. The cabbage seedpod weevil flies most readily at low windspeeds (less than 0.5 m/s) and at temperatures above 22 °C.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Free-flying, wild Glossina pallidipes Aust. and G. morsitans Westw. were video-recorded in the field in Zimbabwe as they flew out of air permeated with host odour (camera 2.5 m up, looking down at the ground). Analysis of the flight tracks supports the proposal of Bursell (1984) that tsetse flies attracted to an invisible source of host odour respond weakly if at all to wind direction while in flight: on losing contact with the odour the flies made a sharp turn that was uncorrelated with wind direction. The size of the turn varied considerably, with a marked discontinuity in the log-survivorship curve at 120° (a fly which had turned through at least 120° was 5 times as likely to stop the turn as a fly which had turned <120°). Over half the flies made turns of >90° (and <2 m diameter) within the 2×2.5 m field of view of the camera. It is suggested that these turns initially served to arrest the upwind progress of the fly, with the size of the turn determining the degree to which the fly backtracked towards where it last detected odour or continues cross-wind. Mean flight speed was c. 5 ms-1 (min. 2.5, max. probably 7ms-1).  相似文献   
The responses of gravid female cabbage root flies, Delia radicum (L.), to brassica odour and allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) presented in either a discrete plume or uniformly dispersed in air passing through a wind tunnel were investigated. Relatively fast, straight flights occurred in diffuse odour conditions, while in discrete plumes flights were slower with more frequent changes of direction.Flies maintained a constant ground speed and track angle over the straight legs of their flight tracks in two different wind speeds by changing air speed and course. As flies approached an odour source in a discrete plume ground speed was progressively decreased and frequency of turning increased but track angles remained constant. This was achieved by reducing air speed and course angle.Flies released at increasing distances from an odour source moved upwind towards it in a series of short flights, the number relating to distance.The results are discussed in the light of current theories of anemotactic odour source locations and a sequence of orientated behaviour for host plant finding is proposed.
Les réactions olfactives de Delia radicum à l'allylisothiocyanate volatil émis par les plantes-hôtes
Résumé L'étude a porté sur les réactions de femelles fécondées de Delia radicum L. à l'odour de chou et à l'allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) offerts, soit sous forme d'un fin panache, soit uniformément répartis dans l'air traversant un tunnel à vent.Avec une odeur diffuse les vols étaient relativement rapides et rectilignes, tandis qu'avec un fin panache les vols étaient plus lents avec des changements de direction plus fréquents.En présence de deux vitesses du courant d'air les mouches ont maintenu leur vitesse au sol et leur angle de vol par rapport à la direction du déplacement constants en modifiant leur vitesse de vol et leur direction.Quand les mouches approchaient de la source odorante dans un fin panache, la vitesse au sol diminuait progressivement et la fréquence des virages augmentait, les angles de vol restant constant. Ceci était obtenu en réduisant de la vitesse de l'air et l'angle du déplacement.Les mouches paraissent utiliser une anémotaxie optomotrice et mécanique pendant la localisation de l'hôte. Les résultats sont discutés à la lumière des théories classiques sur la localisation anémotactique des sources odorantes.
Abstract. The flight behaviour of Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) in odour plumes containing carbon dioxide, acetone or l-octen-3-ol was assessed from video recordings. A downwind bias was evident in clean air, whereas all three test chemicals elicited upwind anemotaxis. Response thresholds were ∼0.006% for CO2, between 0.001 and 0.01 μg/l for acetone, and ∼0.0002 u.g/1 for l-octen-3-ol. Sinuosity (° cm-1) and angular velocity (° s-1) increased with C02 concentration, but velocity (cm s"1) decreased. Similar, but less clear effects were observed for acetone and l-octen-3-ol.  相似文献   
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