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【目的】了解黑胸散白蚁Reticulitermes chinensis Snyder末龄若虫的蜕皮羽化行为。【方法】室内恒温(26±0.5)℃恒湿(75%±5%)饲养黑胸散白蚁末龄若虫,间隔一定时间进行观察记录。【结果】黑胸散白蚁末龄若虫蜕皮羽化时间持续2~8 h。蜕皮一般从末龄若虫胸腹部交界处背部开始破裂,从腹末、翅末、足端、口器末端或触角端脱落,50%以上的正常羽化蜕皮是从腹末端脱落。初始羽化成虫为白色,随后身体和翅的颜色逐渐加深和变黑,羽化8~12 h后,虫体整体颜色变为黑色。室内观察结果还表明,34.7%的末龄若虫无法正常羽化。【结论】黑胸散白蚁末龄若虫蜕皮羽化持续时间较短,蜕皮一般是从胸腹部交界处背部开始破裂,但可从不同部位脱落,且蜕皮羽化行为容易受到外界环境的影响。  相似文献   
In social insects, caste-specific characters develop in the postembryonic differentiation processes. However, the mechanisms of caste-specific organ development have yet to be elucidated. In order to obtain insights into the relationship between caste differentiation and the regulation of organ development, we determined the caste-developmental pathway and observed compound-eye development accompanying alate differentiation in the dry-wood termite, Neotermes koshunensis. As previously reported in other Neotermes, this species has a linear caste-developmental pathway, comprising six larval- and two nymphal-instar stages. Although the apparent eye formation occurs during the last nymphal stages, just prior to the imaginal molt, individuals possess eye primordia from the first larval-instar stage. The outer morphological structure of the eye was observed from the third larval-instar stage. The detailed differentiation of cells constituting ommatidia appeared to occur in relatively young larval instars (fourth stage), although the pigmentation of pigment cells and detailed structural formation of ommatidia occurred during the final stage of alate development, i.e., during the late second nymphal-instar stage. This suggests that eye development is arrested in the larval stages, and then resumed during the late nymphal stage to complete functional eye formation, which is required for nuptial flight. In comparison to major hemimetabolous insects, which possess functional compound eyes even at the first instar larva, this termite species shows the heterochronic shift in terms of compound-eye development. Received 20 March 2006; revised 24 September 2006; accepted 4 October 2006.  相似文献   
For the first time the scanning electron microscope was used to compare developmental changes in scorpion embryos and the first and second stadia. In the buthid species of this study, Centruroides vittatus, and all other scorpions, the newborn climb up on their mother's back and remain there without feeding for several days. At this location, they undergo their first molt and in a few days they disperse, fully capable of foraging in the terrestrial environment. The results here support earlier suggestions that the first stadium (pronymph) is a continuation and extension of embryological development. The first molt results in a nymph with exoskeletal features much like those in the adult. In the first molt the metasoma becomes relatively longer, and the sting (aculeus) becomes sharp and functional. The metasomal segments are modified for dorsal flexion and sting use. The embryos and the pronymphs have spiracles that open into an invagination near the posterior margin of flap-like abdominal plates in segments 4-7 of the ventral mesosoma. The second instars have spiracles that lead to book lungs farther anterior in sternites. Tubular legs with cylindrical segments in embryos and pronymphs become more sculptured and oval in the transverse plane. Each leg in the pronymph has a blunt, cup-shaped tip while distal claws (ungues, dactyl) are present in the second instar and subsequent stages. There are some sharp bristles and primordial sensilla in the pronymphs, but the second stadium has adult-like surface features: rows of knobs or granulations (carinae), serrations on the inner surfaces of cheliceral and pedipalpal claws, filtering hairs at the mouthparts, peg sensilla on the pectines, and mechano- and chemoreceptor sensilla on the body and appendages. Scorpion embryos and pronymphs have some structures like fossil scorpions thought to have been aquatic. There is a gradual development of features that appear to be terrestrial adaptations. Evidence is provided for the formation of the sternum from third and fourth leg coxal primordia and possibly from the first abdominal segment. This study is the first to provide evidence for a forward shift of the gonopore along with other structures in the anterior abdomen.  相似文献   
Photoperiodic regulation of nymphal development was examined in four species of cricket collected in the Xinjiang‐Uygur Autonomy Region, China (approximately 43°N, 81–89°E). Fifty percent of individuals of Modicogryllus frontalis reared at 28°C reached adulthood in approximately 80 days in conditions of 11 h light : 13 h dark (LD 11:13) to 14:10, and in approximately 95 days under LD 15:9 to 16:8. Melanogryllus desertus started adult emergence earliest under LD 16:8 at 28°C, but some individuals required much longer to mature, and thus two peaks of adult emergence occurred at approximately 60 and 160 days after hatching. More individuals hatched during the late peak in LD 18:6 than in LD 16:8. The mean nymphal period was approximately 100 days in LD 11:13 to 14:10. Both species showed short‐day type photoperiodic responses, but Mo. frontalis developed faster than did Me. desertus. The latter occupied a wider range of habitat conditions and was more variable in life cycle than the former. Modicogryllus burdigalensis started adult emergence earliest in LD 16:8 at 28°C in the six photoperiods tested, most adults emerging within 60 days. The mean nymphal period was 80 days in LD 15:9, 135 days in LD 14:10 and 80–100 days in LD 11:13 to 13:11, showing an intermediate type of photoperiodic response. Acheta domesticus was a long‐day type species, and the proportion of delayed individuals increased with decreasing photoperiod. In the dry climate of Xinjiang‐Uygur, nymphal overwintering seems to be successful in all of the four different patterns of nymphal development.  相似文献   
Of 479 eggs laid by female Cimex lectularius Linnaeus and C.hemipterus (Fabricius) mated by males of the other species, one was fertile and gave rise to a first stage nymph. The egg showed sculpturing typical of C.hemipterus, the female parent, and the nymph conformed to the narrow pronotum and abdomen of this species, being significantly different from C.lectularius in the width of the abdomen. Because the orientation and lengths of the bristles on the sides of the abdomen were distinctly different from C.hemipterus and closely resembled C.lectularius, the single nymph obtained from the cross C.hemipterus x lectularius was interpreted as being a hybrid rather than a product of parthenogenesis.  相似文献   
In Pakistan, the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Sternorrhyncha (Homoptera): Pseudococcidae), is a serious pest of many cultivated plants. A parasitoid, Aenasius bambawalei Hayat (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), is associated with P. solenopsis. In order to mass rear A. bambawalei for a biological control programme, it is important to investigate the parasitoid’s host stage preference and its parasitism behaviour for P. solenopsis in order to optimise production. The present study showed that under both choice and no-choice conditions, the parasitoid preferred third instar and pre-reproductive host stage mealybugs for parasitism. Parasitoid larva developing inside the host exhibited a greater longevity, shorter developmental period and longer body size in these preferred host stages. Our study also confirmed that A. bambawalei showed no attraction to male mealybugs and no host feeding on any host stage was recorded. The ability of the parasitoid to effectively discriminate between suitable and non-suitable stages means that it is feasible to rear it on a mixed population.  相似文献   
采用多种聚集度指标、Iwao法和Taylor幂函数法分析朝鲜球坚蚧出蛰若虫在碧桃上的空间格局。结果表明,出蛰若虫在碧桃上呈聚集分布,分布以个体群形式存在。碧桃不同段位上的聚集度指标和Iwao法均表明其为聚集分布,而Taylor幂函数法测定为上、中段均匀分布,下段聚集分布,综合分析其成因是各样地受害程度及垂直方向虫口密度差异显著所致。聚集均数λ值的测定结果表明,该虫的聚集原因主要由出蛰若虫自身的生物学习性和环境因素所引起。此外,利用空间格局参数确定了理论抽样数和序贯抽样模型。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Hemispherical pan or dish-shaped trace fossils from the Cenozoic of the Central Patagonia are attributed to the burrowing action of cicadas. A new ichnotaxon, Feoichnus challa igen. et isp. nov. is characterized by its hemispherical shape, mostly subvertical orientation, smoothed internal lining showing knobbly surface texture, and rough and irregular external surface devoid of ornamentation. The wall is composed of a lining plus a layer of soil material consolidated passively by cicada excretions. In other specimens the wall shows a repetition of linings and soil layers reflecting changes in the position of the chambers. Grooves, which represent traces of roots originally related to the feeding activities of cicada nymphs, are located in the wall of many specimens of F. challa . These grooves are subvertical to subhorizontal and show smooth surfaces with longitudinal striations. The cicadan origin of these traces is supported by comparison of the fossils to modern cicada nymph chambers and by laboratory experiments. The most significant characters that emerged from the comparison are the differential preservation of the basal part of the chambers, the interior lining with similar surface texture, and the presence of root traces in the wall and in the interior of the chamber. Additional records of F. challa from the Cretaceous–Pliocene of the USA, the Oligocene of Ethiopia, and the Miocene of the United Arab Emirates and Kenya complete the current information yielded by the known body fossil record to help understand the evolutionary history of cicadas.  相似文献   
Erythematous skin lesions occurred in rabbits 2 days after being fed upon by larvae or nymphs of the tick, Ixodes dammini. Similar lesions occurred in guinea pigs 7 days after a primary infestation with either larvae or nymphs. Host resistance to secondary feeding by larvae was demonstrated in guinea pigs and rabbits. Host resistance to secondary feeding by nymphs was seen in guinea pigs, but not in rabbits. Guinea pigs developed resistance to nymphs after being previously fed upon twice by larvae. All skin lesions in resistant guinea pigs contained large accumulations of basophils (49–76% of cells) with smaller (20–33%), but significant, numbers of eosinophils. These responses were characteristic of strong cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity reactions. Primary and secondary lesions in rabbits fed upon by larvae contained mostly mononuclear cells (46–52%) and moderate numbers (16–30%) of basophils and eosinophils. Primary and secondary lesions in rabbits fed upon by nymphs had few (3–11%) basophils and eosinophils and were dominated by mononuclear cells (73–86%). Thus, acquired resistance in guinea pigs and rabbits was associated with cutaneous basophil and eosinophil responses and the lack of resistance of rabbits to nymphs was associated with erythematous lesions dominated by mononuclear cells. The mononuclear nature of rabbit lesions induced by nymphal feeding was similar to that seen in erythema chronicum migrans in Lyme arthritis patients who are thought to have been fed upon by I. dammini nymphs. This study confirms the cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity characteristics of lesions in guinea pigs resistant to ticks and demonstrates a relationship between the mononuclear cell response of rabbits to nymphal I. dammini and the cellular response seen in patients with erythema chronicum migrans and Lyme arthritis.  相似文献   
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