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Accumulating evidence indicates that species interactions such as competition and predation can indirectly alter interactions with other community members, including parasites. For example, presence of predators can induce behavioural defences in the prey, resulting in a change in susceptibility to parasites. Such predator-induced phenotypic changes may be especially pervasive in prey with discrete larval and adult stages, for which exposure to predators during larval development can have strong carry-over effects on adult phenotypes. To the best of our knowledge, no study to date has examined possible carry-over effects of predator exposure on pathogen transmission. We addressed this question using a natural food web consisting of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the mosquito vector Anopheles coluzzii and a backswimmer, an aquatic predator of mosquito larvae. Although predator exposure did not significantly alter mosquito susceptibility to P. falciparum, it incurred strong fitness costs on other key mosquito life-history traits, including larval development, adult size, fecundity and longevity. Using an epidemiological model, we show that larval predator exposure should overall significantly decrease malaria transmission. These results highlight the importance of taking into account the effect of environmental stressors on disease ecology and epidemiology.  相似文献   
The ecological impacts of predation risk are influenced by how prey allocate foraging effort across periods of safety and danger. Foraging decisions depend on current danger, but also on the larger temporal, spatial or energetic context in which prey manage their risks of predation and starvation. Using a rocky intertidal food chain, we examined the responses of starved and fed prey (Nucella lapillus dogwhelks) to different temporal patterns of risk from predatory crabs (Carcinus maenas). Prey foraging activity declined during periods of danger, but as dangerous periods became longer, prey state altered the magnitude of risk effects on prey foraging and growth, with likely consequences for community structure (trait-mediated indirect effects on basal resources, Mytilus edulis mussels), prey fitness and trophic energy transfer. Because risk is inherently variable over time and space, our results suggest that non-consumptive predator effects may be most pronounced in productive systems where prey can build energy reserves during periods of safety and then burn these reserves as ‘trophic heat’ during extended periods of danger. Understanding the interaction between behavioural (energy gain) and physiological (energy use) responses to risk may illuminate the context dependency of trait-mediated trophic cascades and help explain variation in food chain length.  相似文献   
Predators are known to have both consumptive and non-consumptive effects (NCEs) on their prey that can cascade to affect lower trophic levels. Non-consumptive interactions often drive these effects, though the majority of studies have been conducted in aquatic- or herbivory-based systems. Here, we use a laboratory study to examine how linkages between an above-ground predator and a detritivore influence below-ground properties. We demonstrate that predators can depress soil metabolism (i.e. CO2 flux) and soil nutrient content via both consumptive and non-consumptive interactions with detritivores, and that the strength of isolated NCEs is comparable to changes resulting from predation. Changes in detritivore abundance and activity in response to predators and the fear of predation likely mediate interactions with the soil microbe community. Our results underscore the need to explore these mechanisms at large scales, considering the disproportionate extinction risk faced by predators and the importance of soils in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   
  1. The influence of predator cues on the behaviour of prey is well supported in the literature; however, a clear understanding of how predator cues affect prey in variable environmental conditions and over longer time scales is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms. Here, we measure how predator odors affect herbivore colonization, abundance, oviposition, and plant damage across two growing seasons.
  2. The study system consisted of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle) as prey, and the aggregation pheromone of live Podisus maculiventris (spined soldier bug) as the predator cue in a potato field.
  3. In 2016, the amount of feeding damage by early beetle colonists was lower in predator odor-treated plots, reducing plant damage by 22%. Larval abundance was also reduced in treated plots in 2016. Beetle abundance and damage in 2017 was similar in the treatment and control plots. Two mechanisms were investigated to better understand why prey response to the predator odor treatment weakened over the first season, including changes in predator odor cue strength and prey habituation. Predator odor cue strength emerged as a likely explanation, as dispensers, which released a synthetic predator pheromone over the entire season, reduced the probability of finding damage more consistently than the live predator treatment.
  4. These results suggest that temporal patterns of predator cue release and strength may drive prey response across the season, underscoring the importance of cue release-rate and consistency in both species interactions and for the future application of modifying insect behaviour using non-consumptive effects in agricultural systems.
Ecologists may wish to evaluate the potential for predators to suppress prey populations through the costs of induced defensive behaviors as well as through consumption. In this paper, we measure the ratio of non‐consumptive, defense‐inducing encounters relative to consumptive encounters (henceforth the ‘disturbed : consumed ratio’) for two species of aphids and propose that these disturbed : consumed ratios can help evaluate the potential for behaviorally mediated prey suppression. For the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), the ratio of induced disturbances to consumption events was high, 30 : 1. For the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera: Aphididae), the ratio of induced disturbances to consumption events was low, approximately 1 : 14. These results indicate that the potential for predators to suppress pea aphid populations through induction of defensive behaviors is high, whereas the potential for predators to suppress cotton aphid populations through induced behaviors is low. In measuring the disturbed : consumed ratios of two prey species, this paper makes two novel points: it highlights the variability of the disturbed : consumed ratio, and it offers a simple statistic to help ecologists draw connections between predator–prey behaviors and predator–prey population dynamics.  相似文献   
While there is increasing interest in non-consumptive effects of predators on prey, physiological effects are understudied. While physiological stress responses play a crucial role in preparing escape responses, the increased metabolic rates and shunting of energy away from other body functions, including antioxidant defence, may generate costs in terms of increased oxidative stress. Here, we test whether predation risk increases oxidative damage in Enallagma cyathigerum damselfly larvae. Under predation risk, larvae showed higher lipid peroxidation, which was associated with lower levels of superoxide dismutase, a major antioxidant enzyme in insects, and higher superoxide anion concentrations, a potent reactive oxygen species. The mechanisms underlying oxidative damage are likely to be due to the shunting of energy away from antioxidant defence and to an increased metabolic rate, suggesting that the observed increased oxidative damage under predation risk may be widespread. Given the potentially severe fitness consequences of oxidative damage, this largely overlooked non-consumptive effect of predators may be contributing significantly to prey population dynamics.  相似文献   
The effects of predators on prey populations may significantly alter many aspects of prey biology, including spatial distribution, foraging activities, and social interactions. In aquatic habitats, chemosensation is an important mode of communication and has been shown for many taxa, including crayfish, to be used in detection of predator and/or conspecific alarm cues. Here, we report on an experiment to test the hypothesis that detection of alarm cues results in greater individual investment in contests over shelters. We tested this hypothesis through dyadic contests between sex- and size-matched, non-reproductive individuals of Faxonius virilis. We found that crayfish responded to exposure to alarm cues by spending more time inside a shelter. We also report that in contests between pairs in which one crayfish had been exposed to alarm cues and the other had not, exposed individuals were significantly more likely to win ownership of a single shelter. However, we did not detect any differences in the contest parameters we recorded between exposed and unexposed crayfish. These impacts on both individual and social behavior indicate that the presence of predators is likely to have large effects on the distribution and structure of crayfish populations.  相似文献   
1. Predation on vectors of pathogens can indirectly influence infection spread. In addition to the consumptive aspect of predation, non-consumptive, predator-induced changes in various vector traits can lead to trait-mediated indirect effects on pathogen spread, potentially operating in various directions and magnitudes. 2. A widespread non-consumptive effect of predation is the alteration of individual prey development rates. Yet, the implications of this phenomenon for the spread of vector-borne plant pathogens have not been studied. It is hypothesized that the epidemiological effects of predator-induced changes in vector development rate depend on the pattern in which the transmission biology of the vector changes along its ontogeny. 3. A general epidemiological model was developed that considers the role of predation in the infection dynamics of a plant pathogen, while incorporating vector stage structure to allow for variation in its development rate. 4. By contrasting scenarios that represent typical plant disease systems, this study confirms that the magnitude of the effect of altered development rate on infection prevalence depends on the disparity between juvenile and adult vectors in their pathogen transmission potential. 5. The model also reveals that the effect of predator-induced change in development rate can impact pathogen spread counterintuitively. Specifically, slowing down vector development can result in increased pathogen prevalence due to apparent competition between infected and uninfected vector populations. 6. More detailed, stage-specific studies of non-consumptive predator effects on vectors are likely to advance our understanding of plant disease ecology, and the development of more effective biological control practices in agriculture.  相似文献   
Prey often reduce predation risk at the cost of lower resource intake. The cumulative effects of such tradeoffs can alter resource allocation, demography and evolutionary processes. We show how the accumulation of risk effects reduces the growth rate of wild North American porcupines Erethizon dorsatum, and simulate three evolutionary responses related to lifetime reproductive success. Individual porcupines experiencing predation risk from fishers Pekania pennanti grew slower and gave birth to fewer offspring. Simulations show that predation risk alone can lead to population declines, and that a female can replace herself by investing more energy into reproduction or adult survival; females that only invest energy in juvenile survival cannot. We show that the accumulation of predation risk can reduce lifetime reproductive success in natural ecosystems. Estimating the contribution of predation risk, and how evolutionary responses can mediate consequences associated with predation risk, is necessary to understand the evolution of predator–prey systems.  相似文献   
Predators influence prey populations both by consuming individual prey, and by inducing changes in prey behaviour that limit reproduction and survival. Because prey trade-off predation risk for forageing gains, the magnitude of predators' non-consumptive effects should depend on resource availability. Studies of non-consumptive effects generally adopt either of two strategies: (i) maintaining a static ration of the prey's resources; and (ii) using resource populations that vary dynamically in response to prey behaviour. Contrasting these experimental designs using meta-analysis, we evaluated whether resource dynamics influence the magnitude of non-consumptive effects on prey growth, survival, fecundity, population density, forageing rate and habitat use. Predators had a more negative effect on prey demography in dynamic- vs. static-resource experiments. Our results highlight the importance of resource dynamics in mediating the magnitude of non-consumptive effects of predators on prey, and illustrate the often-unintended impacts of experimental design on estimates of effect size in ecological interactions.  相似文献   
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