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A review of in vitro mutagenesis assessment of metal compounds in mammalian and nonmammalian test systems has been compiled. Prokaryotic assays are ineffective or inconsistent in their detection of most metals as mutagens, with the notable exception of hexavalent chromium. Mammalian assay systems appear to be similarly inappropriate for the screening of metal compounds based upon the limited number of studies that have employed those compounds having known carcinogenic activity. Although of limited value as screening tests for the detection of potentially carcinogenic metal compounds, the well-characterized in vitro mutagenesis systems may prove to be of significant value as a means to elucidate mechanisms of metal genotoxicity.  相似文献   
Samarium iodo and terbutylate derivatives coordinated by various chiral ligands have been prepared and used in situ as new catalysts for MPV reductions of aromatic ketones. The most active catalyst is samarium terbutylate binaphtolate albeit with moderate enantioselectivity.  相似文献   
Interactions between the physiologically essential metals calcium, magnesium, and zinc and the carcinogenic metals nickel and cadmium were investigated to help elucidate the mechanisms of action of the carcinogenic metals. Bioassay studies revealed several significant findings, including: (1) the ability of magnesium and calcium to inhibit nickel-induced elevation of pulmonary adenoma incidence in strain A mice; (2) the ability of magnesium, but not of calcium, to prevent cadmium-induced subcutaneous sarcoma formation; and (3) the ability of magnesium, but not of calcium, to inhibit nickel-induced muscle tumor formation. Biochemical studies indicated a direct relationship between the antitumorigenic potential of magnesium and the capacity of this metal to: (1) inhibit nickel and cadmium uptake by the target tissues in vivo; (2) inhibit nickel-induced disturbances in DNA synthesis in vivo; (3) inhibit nuclear and cytosolic uptake of nickel by the target tissue cells in vivo; and (4) inhibit nickel and cadmium binding to DNA in vitro. Calcium, which in most cases did not prevent carcinogenesis, had no consistent influence on the uptake of carcinogenic metals or their biochemical effects in the target tissues. Magnesium and zinc, but not calcium, were also found to attenuate the acute toxic effects of nickel, indicating a possible correlation between prevention of acute effects and reduction in tumorigenicity. Zinc, which antagonizes cadmium tumorigenicity in the rat testis, was found to reduce markedly cadmium uptake into isolated testicular interstitial cells. Also, zinc was found to inhibit strongly cadmium binding to DNA in vitro.  相似文献   
The present study, utilizing thioglycolamido as the reactive group, describes the synthesis and pharmacology of a new opioid antagonist affinity ligand, 6-thioglycolamido-6-desoxynaltrexone (TAN) and compares TAN with a related known compound, 6-bromoacetamido-6-desoxynaltrexone (BAN). Both compounds were tested for their reversible and irreversible inhibition of [3H]naloxone binding to calf brain membranes. Reversible binding of BAN and TAN had Ki values of 1×10–9 and 1×10–10 M, respectively as determined by log probit plots. Irreversible binding was determined after extensive washing to remove all non-covalently bound ligand. At a concentration of 5×10–8 and 1×10–8 M for BAN and TAN irreversible binding was inhibited 50% of the maximum value. A study of the time course of irreversible inhibition of [3H]naloxone binding revealed that maximal inhibition occurred within 5 min with a concentration of 1×10–7 M of either agent. TAN but not BAN when administered systematically to mice produced an antinociceptive effect as measured by the writhing test. When administered intracerebraventricularly BAN did not block morphine-induced analgesia for more than 2 hr; whereas, with a single ED50 dose of 20 nmoles of TAN i.c.v. morphine-induced analgesia was almost completely blocked for a period of over 24 hr, as determined by the tail flick test. Although the SH group of TAN were required for the covalent interaction with opioid receptors, the site of TAN's interaction appears to involve other than protein SH groups.  相似文献   
Salts of transition elements that alter the rate of sperm cell movement act at or near calcium-binding sites. After living bull sperm cells had been preincubated in VO43?, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, and also La3+, they were then fixed. Crisply defined organelles and the absence of particulate deposits in the morphological controls contrasted sharply with the treated specimens; the latter contained regions of increased electron density, the nature and distribution of which depended on the test substance, reflecting the differential affinities of the specific ions. La3+ formed fine dense areas, mainly at the exocytic surface of the plasma membrane. VO43? marks the cell surface but also left particulate densities within the cell. Ni2+ caused a nearly uniformly dense deposit at the surface and on the satellite fibers and axonemal microtubules. Zn2+ formed less uniform but coarser deposits, while in Mn2+ the distribution was similar to that in Zn2+ but much denser in the axonemal matrix and on the satellite fibers. Verapamil restricted the size and number of the opacities, while procaine permitted a similar distribution of slightly larger size reaction product. The differences in size and distribution of the enhanced densities were consistent and replicable for the individual assay substances. Vanadate, which specifically inhibits Na, K-ATPase, bound to ouabain-sensitive enzyme loci, however, completely disrupting the axonemal complex. This suggests that an important role of dynein in flagellar motion may relate to intracellular transport of Ca2+.  相似文献   
Zinc is a constituent of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase preparations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytochrome c oxidase preparations from bovine heart muscle contain 1 zinc per 2 irons. Metal contents of nine preparations determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) show that Cu, Fe and Zn are the only metals present in significant amounts with average Cu/Fe, Fe/Zn, and Cu/Zn atom ratios of 1.3, 2.1 and 2.8, respectively. Removal of adventitious copper results in a Cu:Fe:Zn stoichiometry of 2:2:1. The zinc is tightly bound. Dialysis against a solution of 1,10-phenanthroline at pH 7.4 or an acidic buffer (pH 4.4) does not remove Zn. Dialysis against 0.8 M KCN at pH 10 causes partial loss of both Cu and Zn. This is the first evidence for the presence of Zn in a cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Ni were determined in xylem and phloem of Quercus ilex trees growing on serpentine and sandy loam soils of northeast Portugal. Radial distribution patterns of Ni in stemwood were compared to variations in annual growth increments of the trees.Concentrations of Ni in xylem and phloem were higher in Q. ilex from serpentine soil, when compared with Q. ilex of a sandy loam soil.The radial distributions of Ni showed large variations among the trees, although they all grew in the same area within a short distance from each other. These differences can be caused by small-scale spatial variations in the soil. Therefore, the use of such radial Ni distributions for a retrospective biomonitoring of the Ni pollution of larger areas appears questionable.  相似文献   
The process of ligand binding to a cluster of membrane-associated receptors is examined theoretically. The theoretical model proposed involves the diffusion of ligands from the solution to the disc-like cluster of receptors on the surface of the spherical cell. When the ligand hits the internal part of the disc-like cluster, it begins to move laterally until it leaves the disc through its outer surface or is bound by one of the receptors inside the disc. If the ligand leaves the cluster, it returns to the solution and hits the disc again after a certain period, etc. According to our model the transition from a diffusion-limited to a reaction-limited process of binding is determined by the dimensionless parameter Dt c/a 2, where D is the lateral diffusion coefficient,t c is the characteristic time of reaction, anda is the radius of the disc-like cluster. The forward rate constantk f turns out to be a function of . Comparing the results of our calculations ofk f with some experimental data we found that agreement is achieved at high , i.e. the process of ligand binding by clustered receptors is predominantly reaction-limited.  相似文献   
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