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Reproductive or neotenic soldiers of the Archotermopsid Zootermopsis nevadensisnevadensis (Hagen) are compared to sterile soldiers and primary male reproductives. Several head capsule morphometrics correlate significantly with gonad size across all forms and both sexes of soldiers. The easily observed field character of ratio of mandible length to labrum length is a consistent and reliable feature of head capsule external morphology for predicting gonad development and reproductive potential of soldier forms regardless of age, sex, or live weight.  相似文献   
A number of social insect species have recently been shown to have genetically influenced caste determination (GCD), challenging the conventional view that caste determination should be strictly environmental. To date, GCD has been found in phylogenetically isolated species; examples of GCD being present in multiple species of a genus are lacking. Through crossing experiments of neotenic (juvenile) reproductives, we have recently provided the first evidence for a royal versus worker GCD in the termite Reticulitermes speratus. To elucidate whether this system is more widespread, we performed crossing experiments using three additional Reticulitermes species. Offspring caste and sex ratios were found to be highly similar to those found previously in R. speratus, raising the possibility that GCD was present in an ancestral lineage of Reticulitermes, and subsequently maintained throughout several episodes of speciation.  相似文献   
In 1959, P. Karlson and M. Lüscher introduced the term ‘pheromone’, broadly used nowadays for various chemicals involved in intraspecific communication. To demonstrate the term, they depicted the situation in termite societies, where king and queen inhibit the reproduction of nest-mates by an unknown chemical substance. Paradoxically, half a century later, neither the source nor the chemical identity of this ‘royal’ pheromone is known. In this study, we report for the first time the secretion of polar compounds of proteinaceous origin by functional reproductives in three termite species, Prorhinotermes simplex, Reticulitermes santonensis and Kalotermes flavicollis. Aqueous washes of functional reproductives contained sex-specific proteinaceous compounds, virtually absent in non-reproducing stages. Moreover, the presence of these compounds was clearly correlated with the age of reproductives and their reproductive status. We discuss the putative function of these substances in termite caste recognition and regulation.  相似文献   
Development in the totally endoparasitic female Strepsiptera has been clarified by light and electron microscopy. At the end of the 4th instar the cuticle sclerotizes anteriorly to form the cephalothorax and collar, the former of which is later extruded through the host cuticle. Posteriorly, the cuticle remains unsclerotized, and this region is within the host. The moult to the neotenic adult takes place within the 4th instar cuticle, and the epicuticles of the previous instars are retained as persistent sheaths. The gut, which is present in the earlier endoparasitic stages, is lost after extrusion of the cephalothorax, and a novel structure develops on the ventral surface of the neotenic female. Due to the position of this novel structure in the neotenic female, this area is called an apron. The detailed structure of the membranes in the apron in Stichotrema dallatorreanum Hofeneder from Oro Province, and of another female myrmecolacid (which has a different host) from West New Britain in Papua New Guinea, is described. A dual function for the apron is proposed.  相似文献   
【目的】确定圆唇散白蚁 Reticulitermes labralis 补充生殖蚁不同发育阶段表皮长链碳氢化合物(cuticular long-chained hydrocarbons, CHCs) 的变化。【方法】人工隔离巢群饲养圆唇散白蚁 R. labralis,观测其翅芽型补充生殖蚁的分化时间和补充生殖蚁数量趋于稳定的时间,并采用气质联用仪(GC-MS)对补充生殖蚁不同发育阶段的表皮长链碳氢化合物变化趋势进行分析。【结果】随着补充生殖蚁的出现,每一巢群会逐渐形成稳定数量的具有生殖能力的生殖蚁。若蚁在分化为补充生殖蚁的第8天时,43.3%的组补充生殖蚁数量趋于稳定,第16天时83.3%的组趋于稳定,第25天时93.3%的组趋于稳定,36 d后100%的组趋于稳定。通过补充生殖蚁不同发育阶段中CHCs各峰面积与若蚁阶段相应峰峰面积的比值随发育阶段的变化趋势分析发现,在卵中没有检测到的保留时间为38.52 min的化合物在补充生殖蚁产7~8粒卵时峰面积比值是若蚁阶段的14.14倍;在卵中检测到的保留时间为35.50和39.21 min的峰面积比值在补充生殖蚁开始产卵后显著升高。【结论】CHCs不能用来区分有无生殖能力的补充生殖蚁个体,但可以很好地用来区分补充生殖蚁个体与尚未转化为生殖蚁的若蚁个体;保留时间为38.52 min的化合物是补充生殖蚁的特有物质;保留时间为35.50和39.21 min的化合物可作为补充生殖蚁已经产卵的标志。  相似文献   
Termites (Isoptera) are the phylogenetically oldest social insects, but in scientific research they have always stood in the shadow of the social Hymenoptera. Both groups of social insects evolved complex societies independently and hence, their different ancestry provided them with different life-history preadaptations for social evolution. Termites, the 'social cockroaches', have a hemimetabolous mode of development and both sexes are diploid, while the social Hymenoptera belong to the holometabolous insects and have a haplodiploid mode of sex determination. Despite this apparent disparity it is interesting to ask whether termites and social Hymenoptera share common principles in their individual and social ontogenies and how these are related to the evolution of their respective social life histories. Such a comparison has, however, been much hampered by the developmental complexity of the termite caste system, as well as by an idiosyncratic terminology, which makes it difficult for non-termitologists to access the literature.
Here, we provide a conceptual guide to termite terminology based on the highly flexible caste system of the "lower termites". We summarise what is known about ultimate causes and underlying proximate mechanisms in the evolution and maintenance of termite sociality, and we try to embed the results and their discussion into general evolutionary theory and developmental biology. Finally, we speculate about fundamental factors that might have facilitated the unique evolution of complex societies in a diploid hemimetabolous insect taxon. This review also aims at a better integration of termites into general discussions on evolutionary and developmental biology, and it shows that the ecology of termites and their astounding phenotypic plasticity have a large yet still little explored potential to provide insights into elementary evo-devo questions.  相似文献   
The queens of many social insects produce pheromones that influence the behaviour and physiology of colony members. Pheromones produced by queens have long been considered as the prime factor inhibiting the differentiation of new reproductive individuals. A volatile pheromone consisting of a blend of n‐butyl‐n‐butyrate and 2‐methyl‐1‐butanol comprises a queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of female neotenic reproductives (secondary queens) of a termite Reticulitermes speratus. 2‐Methyl‐1‐butanol is the first chiral molecule to be identified as a primer pheromone in social insects, which presents the intriguing question of whether enantiomeric composition plays a role in caste regulation. In the present study, we report that the (R)‐ and (S)‐enantiomers and the racemic mixture of 2‐methyl‐1‐butanol show significant inhibitory effects on the differentiation of new female neotenics in combination with n‐butyl‐n‐butyrate, whereas no significant difference in inhibitory activity is observed among them. These results suggests that termites recognize 2‐methyl‐1‐butanol as a queen signal but they do not distinguish between the stereostructures of the enantiomers.  相似文献   
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