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The habitat occupied by a subpopulation and withinwhich there is random mating is known as itsneighborhood area. Neighborhood area is dependenton dispersal rates and organisms with low rates ofdispersal are expected to have small neighborhoodareas. In the absence of evolutionary forces,neighborhood areas under sexual reproduction will beconstant in size as long as dispersal patterns do notchange. This scenario differs when reproduction is bycyclical parthenogenesis since recombination anddispersal may occur in different generations. Ingeneral, dispersal distances increase with the numberof parthenogenetic generations. We show that cyclicalparthenogenesis increases neighborhood area which,concomitantly, decreases the potential for geneticsubdivision. It is noteworthy, however, that theincrease in neighborhood area is a decreasing functionof the number of parthenogenetic generations.This mechanism may have important implications for thepopulation structure of planktonic rotifers living ina horizontally undifferentiated habitat. In suchhabitats organisms are effectively unrestricted intheir lateral movements. Because rotifers typicallyhave low dispersal rates spatial geneticdiscontinuities may develop that divide the populationinto genetically distinct subpopulations. Counteringthis tendency is the increased neighborhood areaproduced by dispersal during the parthenogeneticphase. Thus cyclical parthenogenesis in organismslike rotifers may have important and previouslyunreported effects on the population's geneticstructure.  相似文献   
树木视觉形态性状是城市绿地微景观美学质量的重要影响因素之一,树木视觉形态性状的变化与其周围邻体木的竞争作用息息相关,但邻体竞争对树木视觉性状的作用机制尚不明确。研究于2022年8-10月对北京市城市公园中常见的针叶树种白皮松、侧柏、油松、圆柏展开调查,从树冠形态、干冠协调、树干形态3个方面构建了9个树木视觉形态性状指标,采用3个不同的竞争指标分析邻体竞争对针叶树种视觉形态性状的影响。结果表明,针叶树的树冠形态对邻体竞争的响应比较敏感,竞争中的白皮松、侧柏、油松、圆柏偏冠指数与孤立木相比分别提高了16.95%、28.95%、22.76%、17.67%;树冠缺失率分别提高了3.92%、6.09%、4.87%、4.95%。与孤立木相比,部分针叶树种高径比、分枝角变异度在多侧竞争环境中显著提高,而树冠舒展度则显著降低。邻体竞争强度越大,针叶树树冠的偏移与缺失程度越大。当针叶树受到强烈的侧方竞争时,对象木树冠和树干的径向生长显著受阻,表现为树冠舒展度大幅度下降、高径比显著提高,使树冠向细高方向发展。当针叶树上方的生长空间被占据时,其轴向生长同样受到严重阻碍,树木的冠径比和高径比维持较稳定状态。总体而言,四种针叶树种在视觉形态上对竞争胁迫的响应具有一定差异性,其中油松最为敏感,圆柏次之。综上,在城市森林微景观中,邻体竞争会导致针叶树种的树冠及树形发生明显变化,这种变化主要受综合资源竞争的影响,与其周围潜在生长空间的大小及对称性有关。在城市森林景观营建时,建议将针叶树栽植在对称的竞争环境中,但是其邻体木不宜过高,通过四周邻体木的适度竞争,能够促进针叶树的轴向生长,同时降低树冠偏移或变形的风险,提高其视觉美学效果。  相似文献   
基于相邻木排列关系的混交度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
娄明华  汤孟平  仇建习  赵明水 《生态学报》2012,32(24):7774-7780
混交度是反映森林群落中树种相互隔离状况的一个重要指标,目前已提出多种混交度指数.Mg考虑了对象木与最近相邻木的树种异同,Mv和Ms进一步考虑了最近相邻木(空间结构单元)树种数,但仍不能准确描述树种隔离程度.基于相邻木排列关系的混交度Mp,利用“1+4”结构的17个不同空间结构单元和天目山常绿阔叶林数据对Mg、Mv、Ms和Mp4个混交度进行了比较分析.结果表明:Mp的区分能力最强,Mv和Ms次之,Mg最差.Mp最适用于分析混交结构复杂的林分.在天目山常绿阔叶林分析中,混交度水平为中度,4个最近邻体中有2个相同种顺序排列的空间结构单元个数明显多于交错排列的个数.基于相邻木排列关系的混交度Mp能准确区分树种隔离程度,提高了混交度的区分度,可反映森林实际混交状况.  相似文献   
Successful growth of a tree is the result of combined effects of biotic and abiotic factors. It is important to understand how biotic and abiotic factors affect changes in forest structure and dynamics under environmental fluctuations. In this study, we explored the effects of initial size [diameter at breast height (DBH)], neighborhood competition, and site condition on tree growth, based on a 3‐year monitoring of tree growth rate in a permanent plot (120 × 80 m) of montane Fagus engleriana–Cyclobalanopsis multiervis mixed forest on Mt. Shennongjia, China. We measured DBH increments every 6 months from October 2011 to October 2014 by field‐made dendrometers and calculated the mean annual growth rate over the 3 years for each individual tree. We also measured and calculated twelve soil properties and five topographic variables for 384 grids of 5 × 5 m. We defined two distance‐dependent neighborhood competition indices with and without considerations of phylogenetic relatedness between trees and tested for significant differences in growth rates among functional groups. On average, trees in this mixed montane forest grew 0.07 cm year?1 in DBH. Deciduous, canopy, and early‐successional species grew faster than evergreen, small‐statured, and late‐successional species, respectively. Growth rates increased with initial DBH, but were not significantly related to neighborhood competition and site condition for overall trees. Phylogenetic relatedness between trees did not influence the neighborhood competition. Different factors were found to influence tree growth rates of different functional groups: Initial DBH was the dominant factor for all tree groups; neighborhood competition within 5 m radius decreased growth rates of evergreen trees; and site condition tended to be more related to growth rates of fast‐growing trees (deciduous, canopy, pioneer, and early‐successional species) than the slow‐growing trees (evergreen, understory, and late‐successional species).  相似文献   
为了揭示珍稀濒危植物长白松(Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestriformis)天然种群生存压力状况,在全面调查长白山国家级自然保护区长白松分布的基础上,基于邻体干扰模型,引入树高、冠幅、方位等因子,提出3种生存压力指数:个体生存压力指数、种群生存压力指数和群落生存压力指数,分析天然长白松所处6种群落类型中的生存压力。结果表明:长白松承受群落生存压力(PI)从大到小依次为:白桦-臭冷杉群落(PI=21.532)、红松-长白松群落(PI=14.185)、白桦群落(PI=13.262)、臭冷杉-长白松群落(PI=8.752)、长白落叶松-鱼鳞云杉群落(PI=7.780)和蒙古栎群落(PI=5.440)。多重比较单向方差分析表明,6种群落类型中长白松生存压力总体上差异明显,白桦-臭冷杉群落中长白松生存压力最大,显著高于其他5种群落;竞争树种主要为长白落叶松、红松、长白松、山杨和白桦,这5个树种生存压力大小占群落生存压力的87%;红松-长白松群落和白桦群落中长白松生存压力无明显差异,但显著高于臭冷杉-长白松群落、长白落叶松-鱼鳞云杉群落和蒙古栎群落;臭冷杉-长白松群落、长白落叶松-鱼鳞云杉群落和蒙古栎群落中长白松生存压力相对较小,彼此无明显差异。长白松生存压力与其所处植物群落演替阶段及其龄级结构有关。目前,保护区采取严格保护和管理方式不完全有利于长白松种群的稳定发展。根据长白松种群所处的植物群落生境特点、种群生存压力状况并结合种群年龄结构特征,针对不同群落类型提出相应抚育措施建议以期为长白松天然种群的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
Dengue is a major public health concern in tropical and subtropical countries of the world. There are no specific drugs available to treat dengue. Even though several candidates targeted both viral and host proteins to overcome dengue infection, they have not yet entered into the later stages of clinical trials. In order to design a drug for dengue fever, newly emerged fragment-based drug designing technique was applied. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is essential for dengue viral replication is chosen as a drug target for dengue drug discovery. A cascade of methods, fragment screening, fragment growing, and fragment linking revealed the compound [2-(4-carbamoylpiperidin-1-yl)-2-oxoethyl]8-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)naphthalene-1-carboxylate as a potent dengue viral polymerase inhibitor. Both strain energy and binding free energy calculations predicted that this could be a better inhibitor than the existing ones. Molecular dynamics simulation studies showed that the dengue polymerase–lead complex is stable and their interactions are consistent throughout the simulation. The hydrogen-bonded interactions formed by the residues Arg792, Thr794, Ser796, and Asn405 are the primary contributors for the stability and the rigidity of the polymerase–lead complex. This might keep the polymerase in closed conformation and thus inhibits viral replication. Hence, this might be a promising lead molecule for dengue drug designing. Further optimization of this lead molecule would result in a potent drug for dengue.  相似文献   
The high prevalence of dioecy in marine angiosperms or seagrasses (>50% of all species) is thought to enforce cross‐fertilization. However, seagrasses are clonal plants, and they may still be subject to sibling‐mating or bi‐parental inbreeding if the genetic neighborhood is smaller than the size of the genets. We tested this by determining the genetic neighborhoods of the dioecious seagrass Thalassia testudinum at two sites (Back‐Reef and Mid‐Lagoon) in Puerto Morelos Reef Lagoon, Mexico, by measuring dispersal of pollen and seeds in situ, and by fine‐scale spatial autocorrelation analysis with eight polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers. Prevalence of inbreeding was verified by estimating pairwise kinship coefficients; and by analysing the genotypes of seedlings grown from seeds in mesocosms. Average dispersal of pollen was 0.3–1.6 m (max. 4.8 m) and of seeds was 0.3–0.4 m (max. 1.8 m), resulting in a neighborhood area of 7.4 m2 (range 3.4–11.4 m2) at Back‐Reef and 1.9 (range 1.87–1.92 m2) at Mid‐Lagoon. Neighborhood area (Na) derived from spatial autocorrelation was 0.1–20.5 m2 at Back‐Reef and 0.1–16.9 m2 at Mid‐Lagoon. Maximal extensions of the genets, in 19 × 30 m plots, were 19.2 m (median 7.5 m) and 10.8 m (median 4.8 m) at Back‐Reef and Mid‐Lagoon. There was no indication of deficit or excess of heterozygotes nor were coefficients of inbreeding (FIS) significant. The seedlings did not show statistically significant deficit of heterozygotes (except for 1 locus at Back‐Reef). Contrary to our expectations, we did not find evidence of bi‐parental inbreeding in this dioecious seagrass with large genets but small genetic neighborhoods. Proposed mechanisms to avoid bi‐parental inbreeding are possible selection against homozygotes during fecundation or ovule development. Additionally, the genets grew highly dispersed (aggregation index Ac was 0.09 and 0.10 for Back‐Reef and Mid‐Lagoon, respectively); such highly dispersed guerrilla‐like clonal growth form likely increases the probability of crossing between different potentially unrelated genets.  相似文献   
Dynamical attainability of an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) through the process of mutations and natural selection has mostly been addressed through the use of the continuously stable strategy (CSS) concept for species evolutionary games in which strategies are drawn from a continuum, and by the adaptive trait dynamics method. We address the issue of dynamical attainability of an ESS in coevolving species through the use of the concept of an ESNIS. It is shown that the definition of an ESNIS coalition for coevolving species is not in general equivalent to other definitions for CSS given in the literature. We show under some additional conditions that, in a dynamic system which involves the strategies of a dimorphic ESNIS coalition and at most two strategies that are not members of ESNIS coalition, the ESNIS coalition will emerge as the winner. In addition an ESNIS will be approached because of the invasion structure of strategies in its neighborhood. This proves that under the above conditions an ESNIS has a better chance of being attained than a strategy coalition which is a CSS. The theory developed is applied to a class of coevolutionary game models with Lotka–Volterra type interactions and we show that for such models, an ESS coalition will be dynamically attainable through mutations and natural selection if the ESS coalition is also an ESNIS coalition.Co-ordinating editor: Metz  相似文献   
Since the New Synthesis, most migration-selection balance theory has predicted that there should be negligible differentiation over small spatial scales (relative to dispersal), because gene flow should erode any effect of divergent selection. Nevertheless, there are classic examples of microgeographic divergence, which theory suggests can arise under specific conditions: exceptionally strong selection, phenotypic plasticity in philopatric individuals, or nonrandom dispersal. Here, we present evidence of microgeographic morphological variation within lake and stream populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). It seems reasonable to assume that a given lake or stream population of fish is well-mixed. However, we found this assumption to be untenable. We examined trap-to-trap variation in 34 morphological traits measured on stickleback from 16 lakes and 16 streams. Most traits varied appreciably among traps within populations. Both between-trap distance and microhabitat characteristics such as depth and substrate explained some of the within-population morphological variance. Microhabitat was also associated with genotype at particular loci but there was no genetic isolation by distance, implying that heritable habitat preferences may contribute to microgeographic variation. Our study adds to growing evidence that microgeographic divergence can occur across small spatial scales within individuals’ daily dispersal neighborhood where gene flow is expected to be strong.  相似文献   
Abstract An extensive allozyme survey was conducted within a natural "meta" population of the native North American annual legume, Chamaecrista fasciculata (Leguminosae) to quantify genetic structure at different spatial scales. Gene flow was then estimated by a recently developed indirect method based on a continuous population model, using pairwise kinship coefficients between individuals. The indirect estimates of gene flow, quantified in terms of neighborhood size, with an average value on the order of 150 individuals, were concordant among different spatial scales (subpopulation, population, metapopulation). This gene-flow value lies within the range of direct estimates previously documented from observations of pollen and seed dispersal for the same metapopulation. Monte Carlo simulations using the direct measures of gene flow as parameters further demonstrated that the observed spatial pattern of allozyme variation was congruent with a model of isolation by distance. Combining previously published estimates of pollen dispersal distances with kinship coefficients from this study, we quantified biparental inbreeding relative to either a single subpopulation or the whole metapopulation. At the level of a neighborhood, little biparental inbreeding was observed and most departure from Hardy-Weinberg genotypic proportions was explained by self-fertilization, whereas both selfing and biparental inbreeding contributed to nonrandom mating at the metapopulation level. Gene flow was also estimated from indirect methods based on a discontinuous population structure model. We discuss these results with respect to the effect of a patchy population structure on estimation of gene flow.  相似文献   
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