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Harbor seal ( Phoca vitulina ) haul-out site use may be affected by natural or anthropogenic factors. Here, we use an 11-yr (1997–2007) study of a seal colony located near a mariculture operation in Drakes Estero, California, to test for natural (El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), density-dependence, long-term trends) and anthropogenic (disturbance or displacement related to oyster production activities) factors that may influence the use of haul-out subsites. Annual mariculture related seal disturbance rates increased significantly with increases in oyster harvest ( r s= 0.55). Using generalized linear models (GLMs) ranked by best fit and Akaike's Information Criteria, ENSO and oyster production (as a proxy for disturbance/displacement) best explained the patterns of seal use at all three subsites near the mariculture operations, with effects being stronger at the two subsites closest to operations. Conversely, density-dependence and linear trend effects poorly explained the counts at these subsites. We conclude that a combination of ENSO and mariculture activities best explain the patterns of seal haul-out use during the breeding/pupping season at the seal haul-out sites closest to oyster activities.  相似文献   
The rewardless orchid Dactylorhiza sambucina shows a stable flower colour polymorphism, with both yellow- and red-flowered morphs growing sympatrically. Pollination biology and breeding system were investigated to examine the effects of density of plants, colour polymorphism, inflorescence dimension, and flower position within inflorescence on male and female reproductive success in three natural populations of D. sambucina. There were significant differences among sites in the number of pollinia removed and in fruit set per inflorescence. Number of removed pollinia and capsule production in D. sambucina were independent from flower and inflorescence size or flower position. As a whole, the red morphs showed the highest number of capsules produced, while the yellow morphs had the greatest male success. The relative male and female reproductive success were independent from plant density but were significantly correlated with the yellow morph frequency at the population level. Overall, our findings show that the contribution to the total reproductive success deriving from the two colour morphs does not conform with the predictions of negative frequency-dependent selection.  相似文献   
A CII-responsive promoter within the Q gene of bacteriophage lambda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F H Stephenson 《Gene》1985,35(3):313-320
In patients suffering from Parkinson's disease (PD), we analyzed correlations between the parameters of contingent negative variation (CNV) and data of variational pulsometry (according to the measurements of R-R ECG intervals). Studies were carried out on 35 patients (group PD), 49 to 74 years old, with the stage of disease of 1.5 to 3.0 according to the Hoehn-Yahr international classification. In the course of CNV recording (i.e., in the state of a certain functional loading), we observed significant negative correlations between the integral magnitude (area) of this potential and indices of variational pulsometry (RMSSD, SDNN, C. var, and HF) that characterize the intensity of parasympathetic (respiratory) influences on the cardiovascular system. In the control group, such correlations were absent. We found significant correlations between the autonomic balance, CNV magnitude, and stage of PD reflecting the level of generalization of the pathological process. In the subgroup of patients with the PD stage 1.5 to 2.0, significant changes in the mean values of indices of parasympathetic influences during recording of the CNV were not observed, while in another subgroup (the PD stage 2.5 to 3.0), these values increased significantly (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01). If the estimates of the PD stage were low, the CNV area demonstrated greater values (P < 0.01). The disturbance of coordination of muscle-to-muscle interactions in the PD group is, probably, an important factor responsible for parasympathetic dysregulation and suppression of the CNV generation. We found positive correlation between the intensity of parasympathetic influences in the course of CNV recording and the level of postural disorders (r = 0.37, P < 0.05). On the contrary, the CNV magnitude demonstrated a negative correlation with the intensity of these disorders (r = −0.36, P < 0.05), as well as with the level of postural instability (r = −0.55, P < 0.001). We hypothesize that alterations of the autonomic balance and the activity of those cerebral structures, which are responsible for the motor readiness, result, to a significant extent, from weakening of the activity of the noradrenergic system due to degenerative processes developing in cells of the locus coeruleus. The impairment of the latter structure, together with degeneration of neurons of the substantia nigra and a decrease in the level of nigro-striatal dopamine, underlies the pathomorphological pattern of PD. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 242–253, May–June, 2008.  相似文献   
Body size may be more important than species identity in determining species interactions and community structure. However, co‐occurrence of organisms has commonly been analysed from a taxonomic perspective and the body size is rarely taken into account. On six sampling occasions, we analysed patterns of killifish co‐occurrences in nestedness (tendency for less rich communities to be subsamples of the richest), checkerboard structure (tendency for species segregation), and modularity (tendency for groups to co‐occur more frequently than random expectation) in a pond metacommunity located in Uruguay. We contrasted co‐occurrence patterns among species and body size‐classes (individuals from different species were combined into size categories). The analysis was performed at two spatial scales: ponds (communities) and sample units within ponds. Observed nestedness was frequently smaller than the null expectation, with significantly greater deviations for body size‐classes than for species, and for sample units than for communities. At the sample unit level, individuals tended to segregate (i.e. clump into a checkerboard pattern) to a larger extent by body size rather than by taxonomy. Modularity was rarely detected, but nevertheless indicated a level of taxonomic organization not evident in nestedness or checkerboard indices. Identification of the spatial scale and organization at which ecological forces determine community structure is a basic requirement for advancement of robust theory. In our study system, these ecological forces probably structured the community by body sizes of interacting organisms rather than by species identities.  相似文献   
The maintenance of sexual reproduction is discussed using a model based on the familiar Lotka-Volterra competition equations. Both the equilibrium and the stability conditions that allow a sexual population to resist invasion by a single asexual clone are considered. The equilibrium conditions give results similar to previous models: When the cost of sex, within phenotype niche width, and environmental variance are low, the sexual population coexists with the asexual clone and remains at a high density. However, the asexual clone is never completely excluded. Analysis of the stability conditions shows a different picture: The introduction of an asexual clone considerably reduces the stability of the community. However, owing to its larger total niche width, the sexual population exists partly in a “competitor-free space” where the asexual clone has almost no influence on the outcome of the interactions. Therefore the asexual clone is less stable than the sexual population and has a higher probability of extinction. In contrast, the sexual population does not become extinct, since the extreme phenotypes remain at a stable, though low, density, and the central phenotypes, where stability is low, are recreated every generation through recombination. I therefore conclude that the ecological conditions under which sexual reproduction is favored over asexual reproduction are fairly easily attained and are more general than previous analyses had suggested.  相似文献   
Acid phosphatase purified from maize scutellum, upon acylation with succinic anhydride, still shows negative co-operativity for the hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate at pH 5.4. This phenomenon is abolished by glucose, for both native and succinylated enzymes, through stimulation of the initial velocities at sub-optimal substrate concentrations. However, negative co-operativity for the enzymatic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate at pH 5.4 is suppressed only at high concentrations of glucose. Furthermore, the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenylphosphate is noncompetitively inhibited (low affinity form of the enzyme molecule) by glucose, which suggests the existence of different substrate binding sites.  相似文献   
  • 1 Newly-emerged, second-instar jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus Freeman) establish spring feeding sites preferentially in the pollen cones of their host tree, Pinus banksiana Lamb.
  • 2 Laboratory studies showed that the rate of establishment and survival of jack pine budworm on pollen cones was high throughout the entire spring emergence period of the insect.
  • 3 In contrast, the rate of establishment and survival of jack pine budworm on vegetative buds was very poor early in the spring. Vegetative buds were only acceptable as feeding sites to the jack pine budworm for a relatively brief period in late spring.
  • 4 Field studies showed that the change in population density of jack pine budworm during the spring emergence stage, as expressed by k-values, was a function of the abundance of pollen cones in the stand. Population reduction was greatest in those stands with the fewest pollen cones.
  • 5 Direct measurement of spring dispersal by jack pine budworm showed that dispersal and consequent losses to the budworm population were greatest in stands with the fewest pollen cones.
  • 6 We conclude that changes in the density of jack pine budworm are strongly influenced by production of pollen cones in the host stand. Because pollen cone production is related to previous years of defoliation by the jack pine budworm, we propose that pollen cones act as a density-dependent factor governing the density of early-stage jack pine budworm.
  • 7 The resulting dynamics are compared to those of other budworm species and used to explain observed regional and temporal patterns of jack pine budworm outbreaks.
Summary We first present two simple dimeric models of cotransport that may account for all of the kinetics of Na++-d-glucose cotransport published so far in the small intestine. Both the sigmoidicity in the Na++ activation of transport (positive cooperativity) and the upward deviations from linearity in the Eadie-Hofstee plots relative to glucose concentrations (negative cooperativity) can be rationalized within the concept of allosteric kinetic mechanisms corresponding to either of two models involving sequential or mixed concerted and sequential conformational changes. Such models also allow for 2 Na++ 1 S and 1 Na++ 1 S stoichiometries of cotransport at low and high substrate concentrations, respectively, and for partial inhibition by inhibitors or substrate analogues. Moreover, it is shown that the dimeric models may present physiological advantages over the seemingly admitted hypothesis of two different cotransporters in that tissue. We next address the reevaluation of Na++-d-glucose cotransport kinetics in rabbit intestinal brush border membrane vesicles using stable membrane preparations, a dynamic approach with the Fast Sampling Rapid Filtration Apparatus (FSRFA), and both nonlinear regression and statistical analyses. Under different conditions of temperatures, Na++ concentrations, and membrane potentials clamped using two different techniques, we demonstrate that our data can be fully accounted for by the presence of only one carrier in rabbit jejunal brush border membranes since transport kinetics relative to glucose concentrations satisfy simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Although supporting a monomeric structure of the cotransporter, such a conclusion would conflict with previous kinetic data and more recent studies implying a polymeric structure of the carrier protein. We thus consider a number of alternatives trying to reconcile the observation of Michaelis-Menten kinetics with allosteric mechanisms of cotransport associated with both positive and negative cooperativities for Na++ and glucose binding, respectively. Such models, implying energy storage and release steps through conformational changes associated with ligand binding to an allosteric protein, provide a rational hypothesis to understand the long-time debated question of energy transduction from the Na++ electrochemical gradient to the transporter.This research was supported by grant MT-7607 from the Medical Research Council of Canada. One of the authors (A.B.) was supported by a scholarship from the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec and C. C. was supported by a fellowship from the GRTM. The technical assistance of Mrs. C. Leroy has been greatly appreciated. The authors also thank D.D. Maenz and C. Malo for insightful discussions and C. Gauthier for the art work.  相似文献   
As a corollary to the Red Queen hypothesis, host–parasite coevolution has been hypothesized to maintain genetic variation in both species. Recent theoretical work, however, suggests that reciprocal natural selection alone is insufficient to maintain variation at individual loci. As highlighted by our brief review of the theoretical literature, models of host–parasite coevolution often vary along multiple axes (e.g. inclusion of ecological feedbacks or abiotic selection mosaics), complicating a comprehensive understanding of the effects of interacting evolutionary processes on diversity. Here we develop a series of comparable models to explore the effect of interactions between spatial structures and antagonistic coevolution on genetic diversity. Using a matching alleles model in finite populations connected by migration, we find that, in contrast to panmictic populations, coevolution in a spatially structured environment can maintain genetic variation relative to neutral expectations with migration alone. These results demonstrate that geographic structure is essential for understanding the effect of coevolution on biological diversity.  相似文献   
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