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V. Pettigrove 《Hydrobiologia》1989,179(2):111-117
A high incidence of ligula (mouthpart) deformities is reported for the larvae of Procladius paludicola Skuse (Diptera: Chironomidae) collected from sites on the Murray and Darling Rivers, Australia. This is the first report of deformities in Australian freshwater insects, and is discussed in relation to known toxic pollutants within the catchment.  相似文献   
Inhibition of cholinesterase (ChE) activity produced by a single acute intraperitoneal administration of dimethoate was studied in the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, and the common shrew, Sorex araneus, under laboratory conditions. ChE values from serum and whole blood were compared with those obtained from brain in order to obtain a non-destructive tool for predicting the severity of brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. In addition, serum and brain inhibition following oral exposure to dimethoate was also measured in the wood mouse. Normal ChE activity was higher in the brain and whole blood of the shrews than in wood mice. There was no difference between species in serum ChE activity. Exposure to dimethoate caused a dose-dependent reduction in ChE activity and there was a significant recovery in activity with increasing time after administration. In both species, serum and whole blood were more sensitive than brain for revealing organophosphate-induced ChE inhibition and serum was more sensitive than whole blood. Statistically significant relationships were defined between whole blood and brain ChE activity and between serum and brain ChE activity. Compared with serum, whole blood ChE activity was the more accurate predictor of brain AChE levels. The relationships between brain and serum ChE activity did not appear to be affected by the route of administration of the pesticide.  相似文献   
Survival and viability of Bradyrhizobium inoculant on fungicide-treated peanut seed and the resulting effects on nitrogen fixation, plant growth and seed yield were determined. Vitavax and Benomyl had the most and least lethal actions against Bradyrhizobium strains grown on YEM medium containing a fungicide, respectively, while Thiram and Captan effects were intermediate. Survival of Bradyrhizobium USDA 3384 and USDA 3456, as single strain peat inoculants, on peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. var. Florunner) seeds treated with Benomyl or Vitavax at the rate of 3g/kg seed was also examined. Both fungicides inhibited the growth and affected the survival of strain USDA 3384 on peanut seed. Vitavax killed the inoculant in 9 h. In contrast, USDA 3456 resisted both fungicides, and survived for up to 72h. Nodule formation on greenhouse-grown plants inoculated with USDA 3384 was inhibited by all fungicides. Shoot dry weight and plant nitrogen content significantly decreased as compared to controls. Fungicides, except Vitavax, had a slight effect on nodulation and plant growth when USDA 3456 was used as inoculant. The agronomic importance of fungicide-inoculant interaction was examined in field experiments conducted in Egypt in soil free of peanut-nodulating Bradyrhizobium, where seeds were treated with a combination of two fungicides and a single strain peat inoculant of either USDA 3384 or USDA 3456. All fungicides decreased nodulation, nitrogen fixation, plant growth and seed yield, especially with USDA 3384 as inoculant. Fungicides inhibited viability and survival of Bradyrhizobium on peanut seeds which decreased nodule formation leading to reduced peanut seed yield.  相似文献   
Side effects of ten pesticides used in orchards and vineyards were tested with a laboratory method on several Dutch and Italian strains of the predatory mitesTyphlodromus pyri Scheuten andAmblyseius andersoni (Chant). Resistant and susceptible strains of both species were studied. Results showed that a test which evaluates mortality of various developmental stages and fecundity of adult females is better than one that measures only survival of adult females. A definite resistance to certain pesticides was found in ItalianT. pyri andA. andersoni. The level of resistance to parathion, azinphos-methyl and carbaryl was particularly high in some strains ofA. andersoni. The high level of resistance to certain pesticides was often associated with a marked reduction in fecundity.   相似文献   
有机磷农药对滇池微囊藻生长和摄磷效应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集滇池水体作为铜绿微囊藻培养基,研究了两种有机磷农药(甲胺磷和辛硫磷)对微囊藻生长和摄磷效应的动力学规律。结果表明,在滇池水体中添加较低浓度的甲胺磷(0.8、1.6、3.2mg/L)和辛硫磷(0.02、0.06、0.1mg/L)均能不同程度地促进微囊藻的生长,且在HGZ培养基中抑制微囊藻生长的浓度在滇池水体中却能促进微囊藻的生长。微囊藻的生长取决于细胞内磷的浓度且对磷的吸收利用存在积累性,在微囊藻生长初期,摄取各形态磷的速率较快;随后微囊藻摄取各形态磷的速率较慢。总溶解磷(TSP)和溶解反应磷(SRP)是微囊藻优先摄取的磷形态,在生长过程中微囊藻利用了大量的溶解有机磷(DOP)作为磷源加速生长。这一特点对于微囊藻成为淡水湖泊富营养化发展过程中的一种重要优势种具有极为重要的作用。  相似文献   
高尔夫球场农药随地表径流迁移研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药化合物随地表径流迁移的损失量与降雨量和降雨间隔期有关。施药后当天降雨,毒死蜱、氯氰菊酯、百菌清随地表径流迁移量为0.014~0.490 kg/hm2,径流迁移损失率9.79%~20.51%;施药后3 d模拟降雨,毒死蜱、氯氰菊酯的径流迁移损失率分别为8.32%和5.58%,减少了50%以上。因此,根据天气降雨状况,调整施药时间,可减少农药随地表径流的迁移,有利于减轻对水环境的污染。  相似文献   
甲氰菊酯和辛硫磷及其混剂的土壤微生物降解   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
The degradation rates of fenpropathrin, phoxim and their mixture in un-sterilized soil were much quicker-than those in sterilized soil, which indicated that soil microorganisms played a significant role in the degradation pro-cessin soil. The half-life (T0.5) in un-sterilized soil was 56.2 d for fenpropathrin, 57.8 d for mixed fen-propathrin, 48.2 d for phoxim, and 41.7 d for mixed phoxim. The corresponding half-life (T0.5) in sterilizedsoil was 135.1 d, 147.3 d, 123.6 d, and 126.2 d, respectively. There were no significant differences for degradation rates between single use and mixed use of fenpropathrin and nhoxirn.  相似文献   
The short- to medium-term viability and growth of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum conidia were investigated when combined with six insecticides, at three different concentrations. All of the insecticides used in this study were suitable for immediate spraying with M. anisopliae var. acridum conidia except for fenitrothion. Fipronil, teflubenzuron, and fenitrothion formulations significantly reduced conidial viability over time. The 10% teflubenzuron treatment caused loss of viability relatively quickly with 9.9% germination after 28 days. Mycelial growth was affected by all the treatments except fenitrothion.  相似文献   
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