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The short- to medium-term viability and growth of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum conidia were investigated when combined with six insecticides, at three different concentrations. All of the insecticides used in this study were suitable for immediate spraying with M. anisopliae var. acridum conidia except for fenitrothion. Fipronil, teflubenzuron, and fenitrothion formulations significantly reduced conidial viability over time. The 10% teflubenzuron treatment caused loss of viability relatively quickly with 9.9% germination after 28 days. Mycelial growth was affected by all the treatments except fenitrothion.  相似文献   
A survey of die-back disease of neem was done in different agro climatic regions of Tamil Nadu, India using Global Positioning System (GARMIN 12). Twigs of Azadirachta indica (Neem) infected with die-back were collected from different regions of Tamil Nadu, India and they were further analyzed to determine the pathogen. Phomopsis azadirachtae the causal organism was isolated on malt extract agar from die-back infected neem twigs. They were identified by conventional and molecular methods. Phomopsis genus specific primers (5.8S r-DNA) were then used for the confirmation of P. azadirachtae – the causative agent of die-back of neem by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Studies revealed the amplification of expected 141bp DNA in P. azadirachtae isolated from the diseased trees of different regions of Tamil Nadu confirming the causal organism of die-back of neem. Studies revealed a very high incidence of die-back in most of the places of Tamil Nadu. Hand held GPS was used in the study which would help in continuous monitoring of the diseased trees.  相似文献   
Effect of entomopathogenic fungi formulations, Beauveria bassiana, Verticillium lecanii, Metarhizium anisopliae and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, in controlling Liriomyza trifolii (Burg.) (Diptera: Agromyzidae), compared with botanical insecticide, Nimbecidine against L. trifolii was studied. Investigated compounds were applied twice at 15?days interval between sprays. The percentage reduction in larvae population and crop yield was estimated. Results showed that M. anisopliae was the most efficient compound among the other entomopathogenic fungi. Also, there were no significant differences between Nimbecidine and Bio-Magic (M. anisopliae). However, Nimbecidine and Bio-Magic caused 69.9 and 68.9% reduction in live larvae population after two applications. Also, Nimbecidine and Bio-Magic plots achieved 14.7 and 10.0?kg dry weight seeds/100 plants, respectively, compared to 5.7?kg dry weight seeds/100 plants in control plots. Nimbecidine and Bio-Magic were considered promising compounds in controlling L. trifolii and it could be exploitation in the integrated pest management programme of faba bean crop.  相似文献   
Yam is an important crop which serves as a source of income to small-holder farmers as well as a foreign exchange earner. Among the constraints faced by yam farmers are pests and diseases, especially deterioration caused by microbes during storage. Since over dependence on pesticides is being discouraged, neem seed and ginger extracts were evaluated as potential control agents against rot-causing fungi. The study was conducted in the Spanish laboratory, at the Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies, Nyankpala Campus. Isolations were made from rotted yam tubers sampled from the Tamale Central market with potato dextrose agar (PDA) as the growth medium. Growth inhibition of the isolates was determined by growing pure cultures on PDA plates amended with 2?ml each of ethanol and aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger as well as carbendazim. A pathogenicity test proved that Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. ochraceus and Penicillium digitatum isolated from the rotted tubers were responsible for the rot. A. niger had a significantly higher (p?<?0.05) occurrence (40%) than the others. Growth inhibitions by carbendazim and ethanol extracts of neem seed and ginger were comparable but significantly higher (p?<?0.05) than the aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger as well as the control. However, the aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger had a significantly higher (p?<?0.05) inhibition than the control. For instance, growth inhibition of A. niger by carbendazim, ethanol neem seed and ginger extracts were 70.5, 69.6 and 65.5%, respectively, while inhibition by aqueous neem seed and ginger extracts were 33.9 and 24.8%, respectively. Since aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger significantly inhibited (p?<?0.05) growth of the rot-causing fungi, they can be used as surface protectants of stored tubers.  相似文献   
The effects of neem compost on root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, pest of Lagos spinach, Celosia argentea, cv. TLV 8, was studied during 2010 and 2011 planting seasons on the field. The trial was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria. There were four treatments, replicated five times fitted into randomised complete block design. Neem compost was applied at 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0?tonnes/ha. Experimental plots, where no compost was applied served as the control. The result obtained shows that Lagos spinach treated with neem compost significantly (p?<?0.05) reduced the final soil nematode population and root infections (damage), with resultant improvement on crop growth and yield. The result of the chemical analysis of the neem compost revealed the presence of flavonoids, sterols, glycosides, alkaloids and saponins.  相似文献   
House flies are global pests and notoriously difficult to control. Essential oils of vetiver, cinnamon, and lavender and their blends were tested for toxic and repellent effects against larval and adult flies. All of the oils had moderate toxicity for eggs. Mortality of 2nd instar larvae was 57–78% in dipping assays, 38–100% in contact assays, and 94–100% in treated media. Lavender was less effective (38% mortality) than the others (91–100%) in contact bioassays. Oil blends were not more effective against larvae than individual oils. Vetiver and cinnamon oils were strongly repellent (84 and 78%, respectively) for larvae in treated media. None of the oils were repellent for adult house flies in olfactometer assays, but testing of additional products demonstrated significant repellency for neem oil, p‐menthane‐3,8‐diol (PMD), and vanillin. Contact/fumigant toxicity of vetiver, cinnamon, and lavender oils was 100%, significantly higher than mortality from sunflower oil (67%). Blends of oils were not more effective against adults than the individual oils, but blends diluted with sunflower oil were as effective as the individual oils. Essentials oils of vetiver and cinnamon may have potential for fly management in situations where conventional insecticides cannot be used.  相似文献   
Transmission of potato vims Y to sweet pepper by the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), was inhibited by foliar applications of 1.0% or 2.0% neem seed oil to infected source plants or to uninfected recipient plants. Neem seed oil interfered with virus acquisition and inoculation in a manner comparable to that of a commercial horticultural oil, while an oil-free neem seed extract did not reduce rates of transmission compared with controls. The finding that neem seed oil inhibits virus transmission, while oil-free neem seed extract does not, suggests that the presence of the oil rather than biologically active limonoids such as azadirachtin interfere with virus transmission. None of the treatments affected rates of infection when potato virus Y was transmitted mechanically, or the resulting virus titre and symptom expression. In addition to direct control of insect pests, formulated neem oils may help reduce or delay the spread of non-persistent plant viruses.  相似文献   
We developed eight polymorphic microsatellite loci in Indian neem (Azadirachta indica var. indica) and cross-amplified in closely related species Thai neem (A. indica var. siamensis). The number of alleles per locus in Indian neem and Thai neem ranged from 3 to 9 and 3 to 9, respectively. Average observed and expected heterozygosities in Indian neem and Thai neem were 0.63 and 0.70 and 0.61 and 0.65, respectively. Two loci exhibited significantly fewer heterozygotes than expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These microsatellites may provide a useful tool for population genetics to establish conservation and management strategy.  相似文献   
Azadirachtin, applied topically to final instar larvae of the African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta, Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), adversely affected oogenesis and reproductive maturation in subsequent female moths. Moths obtained from such treated larvae failed to mature their oocytes, probably as a result of interference of azadirachtin with vitellogenin synthesis and/or its uptake by developing oocytes. Such larval treatment also caused substantial decreases in fecundity and although fertility in affected females was not decreased significantly, emerging larvae were less viable, less than 40% reaching the fourth instar.Closer examination revealed that protein levels as well as fat body development in female moths were suppressed by azadirachtin. Prospects for field control of this pest with neem are discussed in the light of these findings.
Résumé L'application locale d'azadirachtine sur des chenilles de dernier stade de S. exempta Walker nuit à l'ovogenèse et à la maturation des ovaires des futures femelles. Les papillons provenant des chenilles traitées ne produisent pas d'ovocytes mûrs, probablement par suite de l'interférence de l'azadirachtine avec la synthèse de la vitellogénine et/ou son incorporation dans les ovocytes en développement. De tels traitements larvaires provoquent aussi une diminution importante de la fécondité et bien que la fertilité des femelles touchées ne diminue pas significativement, les chenilles néonates sont moins viables, moins de 40% atteignant le 4e stade. Un examen plus précis a révélé que la teneur en protéines et le développement du corps gras des papillons femelles étaient altérés par l'azadirachtine. Des perspectives d'utilisation du NEEM dans la lutte contre cet insecte ont été discutées à la lumière de ces résultats.
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