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Accurate and complete reporting of study methods, results and interpretation are essential components for any scientific process, allowing end-users to evaluate the internal and external validity of a study. When animals are used in research, excellence in reporting is expected as a matter of continued ethical acceptability of animal use in the sciences. Our primary objective was to assess completeness of reporting for a series of studies relevant to mitigation of pain in neonatal piglets undergoing routine management procedures. Our second objective was to illustrate how authors can report the items in the Reporting guidElines For randomized controLled trials for livEstoCk and food safety (REFLECT) statement using examples from the animal welfare science literature. A total of 52 studies from 40 articles were evaluated using a modified REFLECT statement. No single study reported all REFLECT checklist items. Seven studies reported specific objectives with testable hypotheses. Six studies identified primary or secondary outcomes. Randomization and blinding were considered to be partially reported in 21 and 18 studies, respectively. No studies reported the rationale for sample sizes. Several studies failed to report key design features such as units for measurement, means, standard deviations, standard errors for continuous outcomes or comparative characteristics for categorical outcomes expressed as either rates or proportions. In the discipline of animal welfare science, authors, reviewers and editors are encouraged to use available reporting guidelines to ensure that scientific methods and results are adequately described and free of misrepresentations and inaccuracies. Complete and accurate reporting increases the ability to apply the results of studies to the decision-making process and prevent wastage of financial and animal resources.  相似文献   
In central Italy, Prunus cerasus var. austera is cultivated as small stands or scattered trees in marginal areas for the production of jam and wine. Thanks to the healthy attributes of its products and its ability to grow in different environmental conditions, this variety has gained new interest in the development of marginal areas. We assessed the level of the genetic variability of P. cerasus var. austera germplasm from central Italy and identified a ‘core collection’ representative of the present genetic diversity. A total of 161 trees, morphologically identified as var. austera, and one tree, identified as var. caproniana were collected and genotyped by 14 SSRs. Two individuals provided by a commercial plant nursery, one of P. cerasus var. caproniana and one of P. cerasus var. austera, were used as control. Thirteen SSRs presented private alleles in austera. Seven individuals morphologically identified as austera revealed private alleles specific to caproniana. The PCoA and Bayesian clustering analysis showed a main genetic group including var. austera, while a second group included all the caproniana-like genotypes. A core collection of 31 trees (46% of austera genotypes) was selected. This study can be considered as a starting point for future investigations on this variety.  相似文献   
1. Competition alters animal foraging, including promoting the use of alternative resources. It may also impact how animals feed when they are able to handle the same food with more than one tactic. Competition likely impacts both consumers and their resources through its effects on food handling, but this topic has received little attention. 2. Bees often use two tactics for extracting nectar from flowers: they can visit at the flower opening, or rob nectar from holes at the base of flowers. Exploitative competition for nectar is thought to promote nectar robbing. If so, higher competition among floral visitors should reduce constancy to a single foraging tactic as foragers will seek food using all possible tactics. To test this prediction, field observations and two experiments involving bumble bees visiting three montane Colorado plant species (Mertensia ciliata, Linaria vulgaris, Corydalis caseana) were used under various levels of inter- and intra-specific competition for nectar. 3. In general, individual bumble bees remained constant to a single foraging tactic, independent of competition levels. However, bees that visited M. ciliata in field observations decreased their constancy and increased nectar robbing rates as visitation rates by co-visitors increased. 4. While tactic constancy was high overall regardless of competition intensity, this study highlights some intriguing instances in which competition and tactic constancy may be linked. Further studies investigating the cognitive underpinnings of tactic constancy should provide insight on the ways in which animals use alternative foraging tactics to exploit resources.  相似文献   
Determinants of foraging profitability in two nectarivorous butterflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 I studied flower selection and foraging energetics of Agraulis vanillae L. (Nymphalidae) and Phoebis sennae (Pieridae), two butterfly species common to north central Florida. I identified the major nectar resources exploited by several populations of these butterflies and, for each plant species, measured available nectar volumes and concentrations, corolla lengths, and density. I quantified foraging behaviour of each butterfly species at each nectar source (flower visitation rate and percentage of foraging time in flight), and used these data to estimate the net rate of energy intake of each butterfly species at each nectar source.
  • 2 Estimated mean energy contents of individual flowers of the eleven exploited plant species spanned three orders of magnitude, ranging between 0.015 and 9.27 joules. Mean energy content of individual flowers was strongly correlated with mean foraging profit of both butterfly species.
  • 3 Mean nectar volume strongly influenced energy content and varied widely within and among species, ranging from 0.0076 to 1.853 μ1. Nectar concentration varied between 17.1% and 40.4% sucrose-equivalents. Nectar volume was the best single predictor of foraging profitability (correlation coefficients of 0.994 and 0.984 for Phoebis and Agraulis respectively). Corolla length also strongly affected foraging profitability for both butterfly species; flower species with longer corollas were generally more profitable.
  • 4 Flower density and nectar concentration showed weak or nonsignificant associations with foraging profitability.
  • 5 The usefulness and limitations of these floral characteristics as bases for foraging selectivity, and the selective pressures foraging butterflies might place on the visited plants are discussed.
Secretory tissues in vascular plants   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
Summary Conopid flies (Conopidae, Diptera) are common larval parasites of bumblebees. The larva develops inside the abdomen of workers, queens and males. Development is completed within 10–12 days after oviposition when the host is killed and the parasite pupates in situ. Development results in parasitised bees becoming unable to carry large loads of nectar, as the conopid larvae reside where the honey crop is normally located. Furthermore, an addition to the bee's unloaden body mass is likely (average larval weight reached at pupation by the common parasite species Sicus ferrugineus: ±SD 36.3±12.3 mg, n=59; by Physocephala rufipes: 55.8±16.9 mg, n=108). We here asked whether the propensity of workers of the bumblebee Bombus pascuorum to collect nectar rather than pollen is related to the presence of conopid larvae. For samples of bees (n=2254 workers) collected over 3 years of field studies in northwestern Switzerland, there was no difference in the frequency of bees caught as pollen collectors among parasitised (38.1% of cases, n=210) as compared to non-parastised bees (43.9%, n=360) ( 2=1.83, n.s.). However, compared to the non-parasitised bees (n=360), those hosts containing a third (last) instar larva (n=9) were less likely to collect pollen than expected by chance 2=6.91, P=0.003. Similarly, hosts with short survival time between capture and being killed by the developing larva (which hence must have harboured a late instar parasite at time of capture) were less likely to collect pollen (8%, n=25) than those found not parasitised (37.6%, n=891 2=9.16, P<0.001). Late instar larvae grow so big that they fill the entire abdomen. Although there was also a tendency for presumably older bees to collect less pollen, this is unlikely to explain the observations. We also discuss whether these changes in foraging behaviour of bumblebees may reflect a host-parasite conflict over the type of resource to be collected.  相似文献   
RICHARDS, A. J., 1990. Studies in Garcinia , dioecious tropical forest trees: the phenology, pollination biology and fertilization of G. hombroniana Pierre . Garcinia hombroniana is a facultative agamosperm which is pollinated by Trigona bees. Nectar is restricted to the large discoid stigma (or pistillode in male flowers), which also captures and hydrates pollen. The 'wet' stigma and binucleate pollen suggest that Garcinia arose from hermaphrodite plants with a gametophytic self-incompatibility system.
On stigmas, nectar is secreted early on three or four successive days. On male pistillodes, nectar is secreted when anthers dehisce, on the second morning after anthesis. Pollen is most viable when freshly collected, but some viability remains four days after collection. Pollen germinates within 24 h of hydration. Similar results to pollinations are obtained by germinating pollen in 1 % sucrose.
Garcinia hombroniana flowers principally from January to June. Cultivated females are considered as 'big bang' strategists. Male flowers are considered as 'steady state' strategists.  相似文献   
Summary Allozyme variation as detected by starch gel electrophoresis was used to assess the extent and spatial organization of genetic variation across the entire range of Glycine canescens sensu lato. Eleven enzyme systems were assayed in 116 accessions of this taxon and 102 alleles were detected at a total of 31 loci. Eighty-one percent of loci were polymorphic. Most of this variation occurred between and very little within accessions. Three major groupings were detected. These groupings (groups 1, 2, and 3) also differed with respect to mean seed size and their geographic distribution. A further ten accessions stood out from these distinct groups. These accessions were most closely related to group 3 but were variable among themselves. In general, they were collected from highly dissected terrain, often in the remote interior of the continent. A final group of 18 problematic accessions (group X), originally tentatively identified as G. canescens on morphological grounds, was shown to be isozymically distinct from this species and was reclassified as one form of the polytypic species G. clandestina.  相似文献   
Genetic variances, heritabilities, and genetic correlations of floral traits were measured in the monocarpic perennial Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae). A paternal half-sib design was employed to generate seeds in each of four years, and seeds were planted back in the field near the parental site. The progeny were followed for up to eight years to estimate quantitative genetic parameters subject to natural levels of environmental variation over the entire life cycle. Narrow-sense heritabilities of 0.2–0.8 were detected for the morphometric traits of corolla length, corolla width, stigma position, and anther position. The proportion of time spent by the protandrous flowers in the pistillate phase (“proportion pistillate”) also exhibited detectable heritability of near 0.3. In contrast, heritability estimates for nectar reward traits were low and not significantly different from zero, due to high environmental variance between and within flowering years. The estimates of genetic parameters were combined with phenotypic selection gradients to predict evolutionary responses to selection mediated by the hummingbird pollinators. One trait, corolla width, showed the potential for a rapid response to ongoing selection through male function, as it experienced both direct selection, by influencing pollen export, and relatively high heritability. Predicted responses were lower for proportion pistillate and corolla length, even though these traits also experienced direct selection. Stigma position was expected to respond positively to indirect selection of proportion pistillate but negatively to selection of corolla length, with the net effect sensitive to variation in the selection estimates. Anther position also was not directly selected but could respond to indirect selection of genetically correlated traits.  相似文献   
We studied the nectar characteristics in relation to flower age of the summer flowering Mediterranean shrubCapparis spinosa in three localities in Southern Greece. Anthesis was nocturnal. Nectar volume, concentration, and sucrose/hexose ratio varied with site, year, and between individual plants; amino acid concentration varied only with site. The sucrose/hexose ratio decreased considerably with flower age, while the glucose/fructose ratio remained constant (ca. 1), implying that nectar sucrose broke down in the course of anthesis. Sugar breakdown increased with water content of nectar. Amino acid concentration was strongly age-dependent: It was low in fresh flowers, relatively high in middle-aged ones (except aspartic acid that was extremely increased), and very high in senescent ones. We attribute the amino acid changes to phenomena related to flower senescence in the dark.  相似文献   
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