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G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a class of seven-helix transmembrane proteins that have been used in bioinformatics as the targets to facilitate drug discovery for human diseases. Although thousands of GPCR sequences have been collected, the ligand specificity of many GPCRs is still unknown and only one crystal structure of the rhodopsin-like family has been solved. Therefore, identifying GPCR types only from sequence data has become an important research issue. In this study, a novel technique for identifying GPCR types based on the weighted Levenshtein distance between two receptor sequences and the nearest neighbor method (NNM) is introduced, which can deal with receptor sequences with different lengths directly. In our experiments for classifying four classes (acetylcholine, adrenoceptor, dopamine, and serotonin) of the rhodopsin-like family of GPCRs, the error rates from the leave-one-out procedure and the leave-half-out procedure were 0.62% and 1.24%, respectively. These results are prior to those of the covariant discriminant algorithm, the support vector machine method, and the NNM with Euclidean distance.  相似文献   
为探讨大别山森林群落的构建和演替机制, 本文基于安徽鹞落坪落叶阔叶林11.56 ha动态监测样地的定位监测资料, 采用最近邻分析和O-ring函数、Monte Carlo拟合和零模型选取的方法, 分析了落叶阔叶林蔷薇科主要树种水榆花楸(Sorbus alnifolia)、山樱花(Cerasus serrulata)和中华石楠(Photinia beauverdiana)不同年龄阶段的空间分布格局及种间关联性。结果表明: (1)在整个样地中3个树种的小树和成年树阶段都为聚集分布, 且随年龄增加聚集性减弱, 在老树阶段转为随机和均匀分布。(2)在0-50 m尺度范围内, 以完全随机模型(complete spatial randomness, CSR)为零假设时, 3个树种整体及小树都在小尺度(≤ 10 m)上呈聚集分布, 成年树与老树多为随机分布。以异质性泊松模型(heterogeneous Poisson, HP)为零假设时, 树种的聚集与生境异质性间呈负相关, 3个树种只在≤ 4 m尺度上出现聚集现象。(3) 3个树种种内各个年龄段之间在较大范围内多为负相关和无显著相关性, 同时各树种及不同年龄段之间受种间竞争和密度制约效应影响在小尺度上(≤ 10 m)多为负相关, 随尺度增加相关性减弱。综合而言, 大别山落叶阔叶林中蔷薇科植物的分布格局整体上多为聚集分布, 随树龄增加聚集性减弱, 在中大尺度上受生境异质性效应的影响显著, 在小尺度上多为负相关, 各树种内部各龄级相互之间也多为负相关。  相似文献   
从蛋白质序列出发,采用分组重量编码(Encoding Based on Grouped Weight,简记EBGW),并结合最近邻居算法对蛋白质功能进行预测。对酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)蛋白质的1826条序列进行预测,整体预测准确率与其他基于序列信息的蛋白质功能预测方法相当。实验结果表明基于EBGW编码方案的新方法可有效地应用于蛋白质功能预测。  相似文献   
人类基因组Y染色体回文序列具有非常特殊的对称结构,容纳了许多控制着睾丸发育的基因,破译其结构与所隐含的遗传信息成为生物信息学家们的机遇和挑战.利用语言学中Zipf定律的方法分析了Y染色体八个回文序列(P1~P8)中紧邻核苷酸的频率及其关联度的分布特征。用数学模型进行了精确地描述,发现紧邻核苷酸的频率分布并不满足Zipf定律,而满足三次多项式分布及紧邻核苷酸关联度的分布,满足逆函数分布,这些特征是人类Y染色体回文序列长期进化的结果。  相似文献   
Given an uncharacterized protein sequence, how can we identify whether it is a membrane protein or not? If it is, which membrane protein type it belongs to? These questions are important because they are closely relevant to the biological function of the query protein and to its interaction process with other molecules in a biological system. Particularly, with the avalanche of protein sequences generated in the Post-Genomic Age and the relatively much slower progress in using biochemical experiments to determine their functions, it is highly desired to develop an automated method that can be used to help address these questions. In this study, a 2-layer predictor, called MemType-2L, has been developed: the 1st layer prediction engine is to identify a query protein as membrane or non-membrane; if it is a membrane protein, the process will be automatically continued with the 2nd-layer prediction engine to further identify its type among the following eight categories: (1) type I, (2) type II, (3) type III, (4) type IV, (5) multipass, (6) lipid-chain-anchored, (7) GPI-anchored, and (8) peripheral. MemType-2L is featured by incorporating the evolution information through representing the protein samples with the Pse-PSSM (Pseudo Position-Specific Score Matrix) vectors, and by containing an ensemble classifier formed by fusing many powerful individual OET-KNN (Optimized Evidence-Theoretic K-Nearest Neighbor) classifiers. The success rates obtained by MemType-2L on a new-constructed stringent dataset by both the jackknife test and the independent dataset test are quite high, indicating that MemType-2L may become a very useful high throughput tool. As a Web server, MemType-2L is freely accessible to the public at http://chou.med.harvard.edu/bioinf/MemType.  相似文献   
Secondary structures of proteins were studied by recurrence quantification analysis (RQA). High-resolution, 3-dimensional coordinates of alpha-carbon atoms comprising a set of 68 proteins were downloaded from the Protein Data Bank. By fine-tuning four recurrence parameters (radius, line, residue, separation), it was possible to establish excellent agreement between percent contribution of alpha-helix and beta-sheet structures determined independently by RQA and that of the DSSP algorithm (Define Secondary Structure of Proteins). These results indicate that there is an equivalency between these two techniques, which are based upon totally different pattern recognition strategies. RQA enhances qualitative contact maps by quantifying the arrangements of recurrent points of alpha carbons close in 3-dimensional space. For example, the radius was systematically increased, moving the analysis beyond local alpha-carbon neighborhoods in order to capture super-secondary and tertiary structures. However, differences between proteins could only be detected within distances up to about 6-11 A, but not higher. This result underscores the complexity of alpha-carbon spacing when super-secondary structures appear at larger distances. Finally, RQA-defined secondary structures were found to be robust against random displacement of alpha carbons upwards of 1 A. This finding has potential import for the dynamic functions of proteins in motion.  相似文献   
基于SIFT特征和近似最近邻算法的医学CT图像检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对医学X线计算机断层(Computed Tomography,CT)图像,提出了一种基于尺度不变特征变换(Scale InvariantFeature Transform,SIFT)特征和近似最近邻算法的检索方法。首先通过SIFT算法得到图像的特征点和相应的特征向量,再采用近似最近邻算法进行SIFT特征向量的匹配搜索,得到数据库中与参考图像最相似的图像序列。实验结果表明,该法能检索到与目标图像细节相符的结果,大大提高了检索速度。与传统的基于纹理的检索方法相比,查准率和检索结果与目标图像的相似程度方面更佳,符合医学CT图像检索的要求。  相似文献   
We emphasize the necessity of a complex approach to evaluating vegetation change at various levels of abstraction. The analytical steps include comparisons at the data, derived variable, distance, ordination and classification levels. A variety of data randomization methods incorporated in testing the significance of changes in raw data are introduced and compared. It is shown that these are true alternatives to Procrustean comparisons, which offer an apparently unfortunate choice in the presence/absence case. We propose to evaluate nearest neighbor relationships among quadrats in a new method, called adjacency analysis, to detect temporal trends that may remain unrevealed, should our attention be paid to full distance structures only. As an illustration, compositional and structural changes in the rock grassland vegetation of the Sas-hegy Nature Reserve (Budapest, Hungary), intensively sampled by quadrats in 1977 and 2000, are evaluated. Permutation tests show that differences between the 2 years are much smaller than expected by chance alone. Such an overall stability in community structure, however, does not mean that minor aspects of vegetation pattern are invariant over the years. Changes in life form and seed mass spectra are explained by the fluctuation of hemicryptophytes and the slight but detectable expansion of annuals and woody species. Classification is slightly rearranged in time, with clearly detectable within-cluster changes, also depicted in ordination scattergrams.  相似文献   
1. The composition of freshwater invertebrate assemblages at a location is determined by a range of physico‐chemical and biotic factors in the local environment, as well as larger‐scale spatial factors such as sources of recruits. We assessed the relative importance of the species composition of local neighbourhoods and proximal environmental factors on the composition of invertebrate assemblages. 2. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were sampled at 188 running‐water sites in the catchment of the River Rede, north‐east England. A total of 176 species were recorded. 3. Environmental data, in the form of 13 biotic and abiotic measurements that described stream physical structure, aquatic vegetation and water characteristics, were recorded for each site. Detrended correspondence analysis was then used to simplify nine of these stream environmental variables to create an index of stream structure. 4. The species composition of the invertebrate assemblages was related to the environmental variables, using an information theoretic approach. The impact of the species composition of neighbouring sites on each site was determined using Moran's I and autoregressive modelling techniques. 5. Species composition was primarily associated with water pH and stream structure. The importance of the species composition of neighbouring sites in determining local species assemblages differed markedly between taxa. The autoregressive component was low for Coleoptera, intermediate for Trichoptera and Plecoptera, and high for Ephemeroptera. 6. We hypothesise that the observed differences in the autoregressive component amongst these orders reflects variation in their dispersal abilities from neighbouring sites.  相似文献   
1. Starvation tolerance is an important trait for animals, as most will encounter starvation within their lifetime. Sit‐and‐wait predators are better adapted to starvation owing to their naturally low encounter rate with prey. 2. Starvation tolerance was studied under three levels of disturbance of wormlion larvae, a strict sit‐and‐wait predator that constructs pits. 3. Frequently disturbed wormlions constructed pits less often, and larger individuals continued to construct pits more frequently than smaller ones. It was expected that a high disturbance level would lead to a high rate of mass loss, however, surprisingly, the rate of mass loss was not higher for the frequently disturbed group. This suggests that the energetic cost of pit construction and maintenance is not as high as previously suggested for other pit‐building predators. 4. Larger individuals tolerated starvation better, in losing a lower proportion of their initial body mass and having higher chances of survival throughout the experiment. 5. The effect of starvation on the distance to neighbours was also investigated, and starved individuals were expected to maximise this distance in order to avoid interference competition. However, wormlions were usually clumped, and starvation or feeding had no effect on the pits' spatial pattern, suggesting that interference competition plays a minor role in this species. 6. Generally, wormlion larvae demonstrated a high starvation tolerance and low mortality rates even after 9 weeks of starvation.  相似文献   
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