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To manipulate the quantity and quality of storage components in Brassica napus seeds, we have constructed an antisense gene for the storage protein napin. The antisense gene was driven by the 5-flanking region of the B. napus napin gene to express antisense RNA in a seed-specific manner. Seeds of transgenic plants with antisense genes often contained reduced amounts of napin. In some transgenic plants, no accumulation of napin was observed. However, the total protein content of transgenic and wild-type seeds did not differ significantly. Seeds lacking napin accumulated 1.4 to 1.5 times more cruciferin than untransformed seeds, although the oleosin content was not affected. Fatty acid content and composition in the seeds of transgenic plants were also analyzed by gas chromatography. Though the total fatty acid content of the transformants was the same as that of non-transformants, there was a reduction in 18:1 contents and a concomitant increase of 18:2 in seeds with reduced napin levels. This observed change in fatty acid composition was inherited in the next generation.  相似文献   
Brassica napus cv. Topas microspores can be diverted from pollen development toward haploid embryo formation in culture by subjecting them to a heat stress treatment. We show that this switch in developmental pathways is accompanied by the induction of high levels of napin seed storage protein gene expression. Changes in the plant growth or microspore culture conditions were not by themselves sufficient to induce napin gene expression. Specific members of the napin multigene family were cloned from a cDNA library prepared from microspores that had been induced to undergo embryogenesis. The majority of napin clones represented three members (BnmNAP2, BnmNAP3 and BnmNAP4) that, along with a previously isolated napin genomic clone (BngNAP1), constitute the highly conserved BnmNAP subfamily of napin genes. Both RNA gel blot analysis, using a subfamily-specific probe, and histochemical analysis of transgenic plants expressing a BngNAP1 promoter--glucuronidase gene fusion demonstrated that the BnmNAP subfamily is expressed in embryogenic microspores as well as during subsequent stages of microsporic embryo development.  相似文献   
Napin is a 2S storage protein found in the seeds of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) and related species. Using protein structural prediction programs we have identified a region in the napin protein sequence which forms a `hydrophilic loop' composed of amino acid residues located at the protein surface. Targeting this region, we have constructed two napin chimeric genes containing the coding sequence for the peptide hormone leucine-enkephalin as a topological marker. One version has a single enkephalin sequence of 11 amino acids including linkers and the second contains a tandem repeat of this peptide comprising 22 amino acids, inserted into the napin large subunit. The inserted peptide sequences alter the balance of hydrophilic to hydrophobic amino acids and introduce flexibility into this region of the polypeptide chain. The chimeric genes have been expressed in tobacco plants under the control of the seed-specific napA gene promoter. Analyses indicate that the engineered napin proteins are expressed, transported, post-translationally modified and deposited inside the protein bodies of the transgenic seeds demonstrating that the altered napin proteins behave in a similar fashion to the authentic napin protein. Detailed immunolocalisation studies indicate that the insertion of the peptide sequences has a significant effect on the distribution of the napin proteins within the tobacco seed protein bodies.  相似文献   
A heterodimeric 13.8 kDa napin-like polypeptide has previously been isolated from Chinese cabbage (Brassica parachinensis) seeds with a procedure involving ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel, FPLC-ion exchange chromatography on Mono S and FPLC-gel filtration on Superdex 75. In the present study the N-terminal sequence of the 8.8 kDa subunit of the polypeptide (PQGPQQRPPKLLQQQTNEEHE) was found to have pronounced homology to napins, albumins and trypsin inhibitors, but demonstrated little similarity to the 5 kDa subunit. The polypeptide stimulated nitrite production by mouse peritoneal macrophages and reduced the viability of leukaemia (L1210) cells. It inhibited trypsin with a higher potency than it inhibited chymotrypsin, but was devoid of ribonuclease and antifungal activities.  相似文献   
The promoter and upstream region of the Brassica napus 2S storage protein napA gene were studied to identify cis-acting sequences involved in developmental seed-specific expression. Fragments generated by successive deletions of the 5 control region of the napA gene were fused to the reporter gene -glucuronidase (GUS). These constructs were used to transform tobacco leaf discs. Analyses of GUS activities in mature seeds from the transformed plants indicated that there were both negatively and positively acting sequences in the napin gene promoter. Deletion of sequences between –1101 and –309 resulted in increased GUS activity. In contrast, deletion of sequences between –309 and –211 decreased the expression. The minimum sequence required for seed-specific expression was a 196 bp fragment between –152 and +44. Further 5 deletion of the fragment to –126 abolished this activity. Sequence comparison showed that a G box-like sequence and two sequence motifs conserved between 2S storage protein genes are located between –148 to –120. Histochemical and fluorometric analysis of tobacco seeds showed that the spatial and developmental expression pattern was retained in the deletion fragments down to –152. However, the expression in tobacco seeds differed from the spatial and temporal expression in B. napus. In tobacco, the napA promoter directed GUS activity early in the endosperm before any visible activity could be seen in the heart-shaped embryo. Later, during the transition from heart to torpedo stages, the main expression of GUS was localized to the embryo. No significant GUS activity was found in either root or leaf.  相似文献   
A heterodimeric napin-like polypeptide was isolated from Brassica parachinensis seeds with a procedure involving ion exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, affinity chromatography on Affi-gel blue gel, FPLC-ion exchange chromatography on Mono S and FPLC-gel filtration on Superdex 75. The N-terminal sequence of the 5 kDa subunit of the polypeptide (PAGPFRIPKKRKKEE) showed high homology with other 2S storage proteins like napins and albumins. The polypeptide potently inhibited translation in a cell free system with an IC50 of 6.2 nM. The translation-inhibiting activity of the polypeptide was relatively stable in the pH range 6-11 and in the temperature range 10-50 degrees C.  相似文献   
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