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The stomatal response to blue light (BL) in wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Starke II, Weibull) was enhanced by background red light (R). This enhancement was only slightly affected by the addition of background far-red light (FR). Under similar light treatments, the addition of FR induced a 43% transformation from the far-red-absorbing form towards the red-absorbing form of phytochrome from etiolated oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Sol II), immobilized on phenyl-sepharose. Furthermore, the enhancement of the stomatal BL-response by 15 min R was not reversed by a subsequent irradiation with 5 min FR. It is concluded that the red-light-enhancement of the stomatal blue-light-response in wheat seedlings does not involve a change in the photostationary state of phytochrome.  相似文献   
Plasma membrane vesicles were purified from 8-day-old oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) roots in an aqueous polymer two-phase system. The plasma membranes possessed high specific ATPase activity [ca 4 μmol P1 (mg protein)−1 min−1 at 37°C]. Addition of lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) produced a 2–3 fold activation of the plasma membrane ATPase, an effect due both to exposure of latent ATP binding sites and to a true activation of the enzyme. Lipid activation increased the affinity for ATP and caused a shift of the pH optimum of the H+ -ATPase activity to 6.75 as compared to pH 6.45 for the negative H+-ATPase. Activation was dependent on the chain length of the acyl group of the lyso-PC, with maximal activition obtained by palmitoyl lyso-PC. Free fatty acids also activated the membrane-bound H+-ATPase. This activation was also dependent on chain length and to the degree of unsaturation, with linolenic and arachidonic acid as the most efficient fatty acids. Exogenously added PC was hydrolyzed to lyso-PC and free fatty acids by an enzyme in the plasma membrane preparation, presumably of the phospholipase A type. Both lyso-PC and free fatty acids are products of phospholipase A2 (EC action, and addition of phospholipase A2 from animal sources increased the H+-ATPase activity within seconds. Interaction with lipids and fatty acids could thus be part of the regulatory system for H+-ATPase activity in vivo, and the endogenous phospholipase may be involved in the regulation of the H+-ATPase activity in the plasma membranne.  相似文献   
Induction and release of secondary dormancy in genetically pure dormant (AN-51, Mont 73) and non-dormant (CS-40, SH-430) lines of wild oat ( Avena fatua L.) were studied. These lines differed with regard to the optimal period of anaerobiosis necessary for induction of dormancy, and/or the degree (% of seeds acquiring dormancy) and duration of the dormancy induced. Secondary dormancy could be induced more effectively in the after-ripened seeds of dormant lines than in the non-dormant lines, where only a short-term dormancy could be induced (in 5–7 week-old-seeds). Higher anaerobiosis temperatures were more effective in inducing dormancy in all lines studied. Thus, as with primary dormancy, wild oat biotypes exhibit genetic variability in their secondary dormancy behaviour and factors like temperature can modify the expression of this trait.
The germination stimulants kinetin, isopentenyl adenine, sodium azide, potassium nitrate, ethanol and substituted phthalimides, which break primary dormancy in wild oats, stimulated germination of secondarily dormant seeds (line AN-51). Since these chemicals are structurally diverse, primary and secondary dormancies appear to be similar in part in their regulation.
Salicylhydroxamic acid, an inhibitor of cyanide-insensitive (alternative) respiration, did not inhibit: 1, spontaneous release of secondary dormancy in the line SH-430; and 2, stimulation of germination of secondarily dormant AN-51 seeds by various chemicals (except azide), suggesting that this respiratory pathway is not necessary for the release of induced dormancy.  相似文献   
Graminaceous species can enhance iron (Fe) acquisition from sparingly soluble inorganic Fe(III) compounds by release of phytosiderophores (PS) which mobilize Fe(III) by chelation. In most graminaceous species Fe deficiency increases the rate of PS release from roots by a factor of 10–20, but in some species, for example sorghum, this increase is much less. The chemical nature of PS can differ between species and even cultivars.The various PS are similarly effective as the microbial siderophore Desferal (ferrioxamine B methane sulfonate) in mobilizing Fe(III) from a calcareous soil. Under the same conditions the synthetic chelator DTPA (diaethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) is ineffective.The rate of Fe(III)PS uptake by roots of graminaceous species increases by a factor of about 5 under Fe deficiency. In contrast, uptake of Fe from both synthetic and microbial Fe(III) chelates is much lower and not affected by the Fe nutritional status of the plants. This indicates that in graminaceous species under Fe deficiency a specific uptake system for FePS is activated. In contrast, the specific uptake system for FePS is absent in dicots. In a given graminaceous species the uptake rates of the various FePS are similar, but vary between species by a factor of upto 3. In sorghum, despite the low rate of PS release, the rate of FePS uptake is particularly high.The results indicate that release of PS and subsequent uptake of FePS are under different genetic control. The high susceptibility of sorghum to Fe deficiency (lime-chlorosis) is most probably caused by low rates of PS release in the early seedling stage. Therefore in sorghum, and presumably other graminaceous species also, an increase in resistance to lime chlorosis could be best achieved by breeding for cultivars with high rates of PS release. In corresponding screening procedures attention should be paid to the effects of iron nutritional status and daytime on PS release as well as on rapid microbial degradation of PS.  相似文献   
Biosynthesis of polyamines in plants is controlled primarily by the enzymes ornithine decarboxylase (EC and arginine decarboxylase (ADC: EC, which are responsible for the production of putrescine, and S -adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) decarboxylase (EC that is necessary for the formation of spermidine and spermine (Spm). Little is known about the metabolic or molecular mechanisms regulating the synthesis of these enzymes. We have studied the regulation of ADC synthesis by Spm in osmotically-stressed oat ( Avena sativa L. ev. Victory) leaves, using a polyclonal antibody to oat ADC and a cDNA clone encoding oat ADC. Treatment with Spm in combination with osmotic stress resulted in increased steady-state levels of ADC mRNA, yet the levels of ADC activity decreased. This absence of correlation is explained by the fact that Spm inhibits processing of the ADC proenzyme, which results in increased levels of this inactive ADC form and a consequent decrease in the ADC-processed form. Spermine treatment leads to delayed loss of chlorophyll in dark-incubated and osmotically-treated oat leaves. Thus, post-translational regulation of ADC synthesis by Spm may be important in explaining its anti-senescence properties.  相似文献   
Gravitropically-stimulated seedlings show autotropism in weightlessness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a spaceflight experiment, autotropism by oat ( Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles following gravitropic responses was prominent in weightlessness: counter-reactions led to the straightening of the curved coleoptiles. This was not the case during clinorotation on earth. The autotropic reactions appeared to be related to the stimulus received during the stimulus period, i.e. the greater the response the greater the autotropic counter-reaction. Previous models of the gravitropic system which predicted that coleoptiles would not straighten in weightlessness are disproved. A modification to one of the models is proposed which includes the autotropic response observed in spaceflight. The nature of the counter-reactions in the absence of gravitropic stimulation is discussed.  相似文献   
A sequential extraction procedure was employed to determine the soil fractions, and assess plant availability of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in a Glynwood silt loam amended with five rates (0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 metric tons/ha) of composted municipal solid waste (CMSW) or composted sewage sludge (CSS) cropped to oats (Avena sativa). The application of the composts tended to shift the solid phase forms of the metals away from those extractable with HNO3 to those extractable with NaOH and EDTA. The more labile fractions (KNO3 and H2O extracts) of the metals typically decreased with application of CMSW and CSS. Crop dry matter increased at the 30 and 60 MT/ha CMSW rates by 142 and 152%, respectively, after which yields declined to below control values. Yields at all rates of CSS declined. The CMSW and CSS had an insignificant effect on concentrations of Cr and Pb in oat tissue, but tissue levels of Cu, Ni and Zn increased with increased rate of compost application.  相似文献   
Collaborative experiments were conducted to determine whether microbial populations associated with plant roots may artifactually affect the rates of Fe uptake and translocation from microbial siderophores and phytosiderophores. Results showed nonaxenic maize to have 2 to 34-fold higher Fe-uptake rates than axenically grown plants when supplied with 1 μM Fe as either the microbial siderophore, ferrioxamine B (FOB), or the barley phytosiderophore, epi-hydroxymugineic acid (HMA). In experiments with nonsterile plants, inoculation of maize or oat seedlings with soil microorganisms and amendment of the hydroponic nutrient solutions with sucrose resulted in an 8-fold increase in FOB-mediated Fe-uptake rates by Fe-stressed maize and a 150-fold increase in FOB iron uptake rates by Fe-stressed oat, but had no effect on iron uptake by Fe-sufficient plants. Conversely, Fe-stressed maize and oat plants supplied with HMA showed decreased uptake and translocation in response to microbial inoculation and sucrose amendment. The ability of root-associated microorganisms to affect Fe-uptake rates from siderophores and phytosiderophores, even in short-term uptake experiments, indicates that microorganisms can be an unpredictable confounding factor in experiments examining mechanisms for utilization of microbial siderophores or phytosiderophores under nonsterile conditions.  相似文献   
Tree‐bark, foliose lichens occur widely on a global scale. In some locales, such as forests, they contribute a substantial amount of biomass. However, there are few research reports on microbial communities including eukaryotic microbes associated with foliose lichens. Lichens collected from tree bark at 11 locations (Florida, New York State, Germany, Australia, and the Arctic) were examined to determine the density and C‐biomass of bacteria and some eukaryotic microbes, i.e. heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and amoeboid protists. A rich microbial diversity was found, including large plasmodial slime molds, in some cases exceeding 100 μm in size. The densities of HNF and amoeboid protists were each positively correlated with densities of bacteria, r = 0.84 and 0.80, respectively (p < 0.01, N = 11 for each analysis) indicating a likely bacterial‐based food web. Microbial densities (number/g lichen dry weight) varied markedly across the geographic sampling sites: bacteria (0.7–13.1 × 108), HNF (0.2–6.8 × 106) and amoeboid protists (0.4–4.6 × 103). The ranges in C‐biomass (μg/g lichen dry weight) across the 11 sites were: bacteria (8.8–158.5), HNF (0.03–0.85), and amoeboid protists (0.08–540), the latter broad range was due particularly to absence or presence of large slime mold plasmodia.  相似文献   
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