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The effects of a cow's milk diet on receptor activity and histamine metabolism in gastric glands and mucosa isolated from adult rats were examined. The milk diet was associated with (1) a decreased mobilization of H2 receptors by histamine and (2) an increased mobilization of PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) receptors in mucous cells (cytoprotective effect) and parietal cells (antiacid effect). These changes are not observed for the receptors reducing pentagastrin- and histamine-induced gastric acid secretion (pancreatic/enteroglucagons, somatostatin) and stimulating mucus, bicarbonate and pepsin secretions in the rat (secretin). Cimetidine produced a parallel displacement of the histamine dose-response curve, suggesting competitive inhibition between this classical H2 receptor antagonist and histamine in the two experimental groups. Prostaglandins and other components in milk such as EGF (epidermal growth factor) and somatostatin might therefore protect gastric mucosa by a differential control of PGE2 and histamine H2 receptor activity eitherdirectly (PGE2 in milk) orindirectly (inhibition of endogeneous histamine synthesis/release and stimulation of PGE-I synthesis/release).  相似文献   
血清胃泌素变化与急性胃粘膜病变关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大白鼠血清中胃泌素水平的变化与急性胃粘膜病变的关系进行了初步的研究,结果表明以消炎痛为诱因引起的急性胃粘膜病变大白鼠血清胃泌素水平明显增高。而维酶素可以抑制因消炎痛引起的急性胃粘膜病变时血清胃泌素的释放,对胃粘膜具有保护作用。  相似文献   
Epithelial proliferation in the ventral surface of mouse tongue follows a pronounced circadian rhythm with a peak in mitotic activity at 10.00 a.m., preceded by a wave of DNA synthesis 8 h earlier. Nearly all cells (85%) pass through G2 and mitosis immediately after the S-phase; they subsequently divide again, usually after 2 or 3 days, indicating cohorts of cells with different G1-duration. The fraction of all nucleated cells comprised in one daily proliferation wave is about 20%, indicating a turnover time of the nucleated cell compartment of about 5 days. Cytotoxic injury by a single radiation dose of 20 Gy causes a steep decrease in cell counts, leading to complete denudation after 9–13 days. The difference between the latent period before ulceration and the tissue turnover time is explained by a marked proliferative activity of the doomed cells. The mitotic index increases steeply after day 1 to three times the control level, but most mitotic figures display gross abnormalities such as multipolar spindles or chromosome clumping. As a consequence cells with abnormal or multiple nuclei appear in the basal layers 3 days post irradiation and subsequently migrate to the upper layers. After denudation the epithelium rapidly becomes restored, with a phase of transient hyperplasia on days 13–14. Normal architecture is regained by day 15. Over the whole healing period the mitotic index remains at a high level, with most of the mitoses appearing histologically normal.  相似文献   
The systematics of theLactobacillus population of the intestines of 88 different rats was studied; 80 rats had been fed on fermented oat-meal soup (Molin et al. 1992). One-hundred-twenty-twoLactobacillus strains from the intestinal mucosa were phenotypically classified together with twenty-eight reference strains ofLactobacillus andLeuconostoc, using 49 unit characters. Data were examined using Jaccard coefficient, and unweighted pair group algorithm with arithmetic averages. Two major and eleven minor clusters were defined at the 76% SJ-similarity level: Cluster 1 included thirty isolates which could not be identified further, but had resemblance to the type strains ofL. jensenii, L. gasseri, L. crispatus, and to some extent toL. acidophilus. Cluster 12 including fifty-four intestinal isolates was identified asL. reuteri; and so was cluster 13 (five isolates). Isolates of the major clusters were found in all parts of the intestines. The genomic homogeneity of theL. reuteri isolates was scrutinized by endonuclease restriction analysis of the chromosomal DNA, and the isolates could be divided into six genomic strains.  相似文献   
Histochemical assessment of selected carbohydrate sequences on Langerhans cells of human oral mucosa was made by combined use of enzyme digestion and immunostain-ing with monoclonal antibodies against specific carbohydrate structures. In both frozen sections and epithelial sheets without the enzyme pretreatment, mucosal Langerhans cells, identified by positive staining with anti-CD1a and HLA-DR antibodies, did not express any carbohydrate antigens on their surface. In contrast, following neuraminidase pretreatment of both types of material, the fucosylated type 2 chain (LeX) became detectable on Langerhans cells, indicating that sialic acid is the terminal residue of this sequence. Other enzymes were ineffective in this apparent unmasking, and the staining patterns of the other related carbohydrate sequences (Ley. Lea, Leb) remained unaffected by pretreatment with any of the enzymes used. These findings suggest that the mucosal Langerhans cells possess a unique carbohydrate chain, the sialyl fucosylated type 2 sequence (sialyl LeX antigen).  相似文献   
Human gastric mucosal cells were isolated from the resected fundic mucosa of peptic ulcer patients. The intracellular content and secretion of intrinsic factor were estimated by binding to cyano[57Co]cobalamin. The content was maximal in the enriched parietal cell fraction which also displayed the highest H+ production as measured by amino[14C]pyrine uptake. Secretagogues evoked full response after 15 min of incubation: pentagastrin (181% of basal secretion), carbachol (208%), histamine (250%) and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (304%). The phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine was slightly more effective even than dibutyryl cAMP. The response to histamine was abolished by ranitidine, indicating activation of adenylate cyclase via histamine H2 receptors, but remained unaffected by atropine, which in turn blocked the carbachol effect, whereas ranitidine was ineffective. The mean formation rate was 8.4 fmol intrinsic factor/106 cells per h under basal conditions and 14.3 fmol in response to histamine.  相似文献   
The effect of amytal on energy metabolism and acid secretion in an isolated gastric mucosa of the guinea-pig were studied. Determination of adenine nucleotides, creatine phosphate, pyruvate and lactate in the gastric mucosa showed that amytal depressed the levels of ATP, creatine phosphate and energy charge with elevation of the AMP and pyruvate levels. This treatment inhibited concomitantly acid secretion and active chloride transport detected by short circuit current. The addition of menadione with ascorbate to the medium in the presence of amytal partially restored ATP and energy charge levels and also induced a partial recovery of acid secretion and active chloride transport. These results suggest that ATP is a direct energy donor for acid secretion in the gastric mucosa of the guinea-pig.  相似文献   
The Cl/HCO 3 exchange mechanism usually postulated to occur in gastric mucosa cannot account for the Na+-dependent electrogenic serosal to mucosal Cl transport often observed. It was recently suggested that an additional Cl transport mechanism driven by the Na+ electrochemical potential gradient may be present on the serosal side of the tissue. To verify this, we have studied Cl transport in guinea pig gastric mucosa. Inhibiting the (Na+, K+) ATPase either by serosal addition of ouabain or by establishing K+-free mucosal and serosal conditions abolished net Cl transport. Depolarizing the cell membrane potential with triphenylmethylphosphonium (a lipid-soluble cation), and hence reducing both the Na+ and Cl electrochemical potential gradients, resulted in inhibition of net Cl flux. Reduction of short-circuit current on replacing Na+ by choline in the serosal bathing solution was shown to be due to inhibition of Cl transport. Serosal addition of diisothiocyanodisulfonic acid stilbene (an inhibitor of anion transport systems) abolished net Cl flux but not net Na+ flux. These results are compatible with the proposed model of a Cl/Na+ cotransport mechanism governing serosal Cl entry into the secreting cells. We suggest that the same mechanism may well facilitate both coupled Cl/Na+ entry and coupled HCO 3 /Na+ exit on the serosal side of the tissue.  相似文献   
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