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The sporophyte-gametophyte junction in Acaulon muticum is composed of the sporophyte foot, the surrounding gametophyte vaginula, and an intervening placental space. At an early stage of development the foot has a large basal cell, characterized by extensive wall ingrowths beginning at the lowermost tip of the basal cell and extending along its tangential walls. Sporophyte cells in contact with the basal cell develop ingrowths on their outer tangential walls and on radial walls in contact with the basal cell. All sporophyte cells at this stage are characterized by numerous mitochondria, strands of endoplasmic reticulum, and dictyosomes, particularly in the cytoplasm adjacent to areas of extensive wall development. Plastids typically contain abundant starch reserves. As development proceeds, wall ingrowths become more extensive on all walls in the sporophyte foot but are never found on the upper wall of the basal cell in contact with the remainder of the sporophyte. Plastids in the foot contain fewer starch reserves later in development. Wall ingrowths are not visible in the cells of the gametophyte vaginula until well after extensive development has occurred in the sporophyte foot. Stacks or layers of endoplasmic reticulum are characteristic of the cells of the gametophyte vaginula, along with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, and well-developed plastids. Starch reserves typically are less abundant in cells of the gametophyte. The early development of extensive wall elaborations in the cells of the sporophyte foot, and particularly in the basal cell, may favor the rapid movement of water and nutrients from the gametophyte into the sporophyte at a time when rapid development in this minute, ephemeral moss is critical.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the importance of growth of mosses in controlling evaporative water loss, the evaporation rates of some subalpine moss species of various growth forms were compared with each other. The growth forms of the xerophytic species examined were large cushion and compact mat, while those of the mesophytic species in the coniferous forest floor were smooth mat, weft and tall turf. The evaporation rate per moss dry weight (Ew) was much smaller in the xerophytic species than in the mesophytic species. However, the evaporation rate per basal area of moss colony (Ea) was not necessarily smaller in the xerophytic species. The relation between Ea and dry weight per basal area of the colony (Wa) had a close correlation with the growth form. It was concluded that the difference in the evaporation rate per weight between the exerophytic species and the mesophytic species was largely due to the difference in Wa, and that the growth forms of the xerophytic species were suitable for increasing Wa without increasing surface roughness.  相似文献   
The occurrence of 23 cyanobacterial species, belonging to 9 different genera and 5 cyanobacterial lichen species of 5 different genera on exposed, open rock surfaces of inselbergs and on soil in savannas of the Orinoco lowlands and the Guayana uplands is described. Their distribution patterns and frequency within the different habitats are given. The filamentous procaryotic blue-green algae/cyanobacteria Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, together with the unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeocapsa sanguinea were the most frequent species on rocks, whereas the filamentous cyanobacterium, Schizothrix telephoroides, dominated in cyanobacterial mats on the savanna soil. All species showed intensively coloured sheaths, either brown or yellow in the case of Stigonema ocellatum and Scytonema crassum, or red in Gloeocapsa sanguinea and Schizothrix telephoroides. In addition, a number of cyanobacterial lichens occurred.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to examine the phenolic content and evaluate the antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of ethanol extracts from the moss species Phyllogonium viride Brid. on the pathogenic bacteria Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, and the pathogenic fungi Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans. The antimicrobial activity was determined from Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC). Antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH method. Folin-Denis reagent was used for the content of total phenolics and flavonoids and HPLC-DAD for identification of phenolic compounds. The results showed that bacteriostatic and bactericidal activities occurred at concentrations ranging from 9.76 μg/mL–78.13 μg/mL among all evaluated microorganisms. These values, considering the criteria used, suggest the P. viride extract as a potent antimicrobial. For antioxidant activity, P. viride extract was considered weak. Analysis of the phenolic content showed a wide range of compounds, with Kaempferol (0.41 mg/g) being the major compound, followed by t-cinnamic acid and caffeic acid (0.17 mg/g). Although P. viride is a species of moss not yet referenced in scientific publications of biotechnological interest, it has shown promising potential for further studies and possible application as an antimicrobial of natural origin.  相似文献   
A model of the daily carbon balance of a black spruce/feathermoss boreal forest ecosystem was developed and results compared to preliminary data from the 1994 BOREAS field campaign in northem Manitoba, Canada. The model, driven by daily weather conditions, simulated daily soil climate status (temperature and moisture profiles), spruce photosynthesis and respiration, moss photosynthesis and respiration, and litter decomposition. Model agreement with preliminary field data was good for net ecosystem exchange (NEE), capturing both the asymmetrical seasonality and short-term variability. During the growing season simulated daily NEE ranged from -4 g C m-2 d-1 (carbon uptake by ecosystem) to + 2 g C m-2 d-1 (carbon flux to atmosphere), with fluctuations from day to day. In the early winter simulated NEE values were + 0.5 g C m-2 d-1, dropping to + 0.2 g C m-2 d-1 in mid-winter. Simulated soil respiration during the growing season (+ 1 to + 5 g C m-2 d-1) was dominated by metabolic respiration of the live moss, with litter decomposition usually contributing less than 30% and live spruce root respiration less than 10% of the total. Both spruce and moss net primary productivity (NPP) rates were higher in early summer than late summer. Simulated annual NEE for 1994 was -51 g C m-2 y-1, with 83% going into tree growth and 17% into the soil carbon accumulation. Moss NPP (58 g C m-2 y-1) was considered to be litter (i.e. soil carbon input; no net increase in live moss biomass). Ecosystem respiration during the snow-covered season (84 g C m-2) was 58% of the growing season net carbon uptake. A simulation of the same site for 1968–1989 showed = 10–20% year-to-year variability in heterotrophic respiration (mean of + 113 g C m-2 y-1). Moss NPP ranged from 19 to 114 g C m-2 y-1; spruce NPP from 81 to 150 g C m-2 y-1; spruce growth (NPP minus litterfall) from 34 to 103 g C m-2 y-1; NEE ranged from +37 to -142 g C m-2 y-1. Values for these carbon balance terms in 1994 were slightly smaller than the 1969–89 means. Higher ecosystem productivity years (more negative NEE) generally had early springs and relatively wet summers; lower productivity years had late springs and relatively dry summers.  相似文献   
Age-dependent content of polymerized lipids in Sphagnum fuscum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The polymerized lipids of Sphagnum fuscum cell wall fragments were found to be composed of long chain hydroxy acids, long chain dicarboxylic acids, fatty alcohols and fatty acids. Their content, on a dry weight basis, was low in the topmost 3 cm of the shoot and increased with shoot age (and depth). A pronounced increase (16-fold) occurred in the contents of hydroxy acids which comprised 76% of the totals at the depth of 40–43 cm. The increase at the depth of 40-43 cm is considered to be at least partly associated with the frequently found destruction of the most suscptible part, the thin-walled stem center. The results suggest that aliphatic lipid polymers are present and acumulated in cell walls resistant to breakdown.  相似文献   
Ulrike Nolte 《Hydrobiologia》1991,222(3):197-211
Chironomid communities of mosses in a small upland stream in central Germany were highly dynamic across the year with respect to their abundance, biomass and dominant taxa. During 1988 semi-submersed mosses near a main spring and those occurring some 700 m downstream were compared with permanently submersed mosses in immediate vicinity of the downstream site. All the chironomids sampled were conspicuously small, with nearly 98% being less than 5 mm in length. A total of 65 chironomid species from 26 genera were found, with a higher diversity occurring near the source and a change in dominant taxa along the upper stream section. The mean abundance in permanently submersed mosses (250 larvae/10 cm2, n = 125) was about five times higher than in semi-submersed mosses. The maximum value of 830 larvae/10 cm2 (n = 1) is the highest chironomid density ever reported, which is explained by the sampling method used. The mean standing crop was also highest in permanently submersed mosses (1.5 mg AFDW/10 cm2 (n = 125)), even though the highest individual value was recorded in semi-submersed mosses near the spring (10.4 mg AFDW/10 cm2). The evidence suggested that the dominance of chironomid taxa depended mainly on the location of the moss along the stream, whereas abundance and biomass were determined mainly by constancy in the ambient discharge as well as the factors influenced by this (e.g. temperature, detritus deposition). A trend was seen towards a seasonal succession among the chironomid taxa colonizing lotic mosses.  相似文献   
Macroinvertebrate density, biomass and drift were studied from moss-covered and moss-free channels in the South Fork Salmon River, Idaho. Insect densities were compared for 10 different substrate types and locations involving moss (Fontinalis neo-mexicana), sand, pebbles and cobbles. An ANOVA test demonstrated that insect densities varied significantly with substrate type (P < 0.05), and that total insect density in moss clumps differed significantly from densities in mineral substrates. Insect densities were 4–18 times greater in moss clumps than in mineral substrates under and adjacent to moss; sands under moss supported the lowest densities. During most tests, densities in pebble and cobble substrates adjacent to moss clumps were not significantly different from those found in similar substrates in the moss-free channel. The 20% moss-covered channel had 1.6 to 7.2 greater insect density and 1.4 to 6.1 greater biomass than did the moss-free channel for the tests conducted. Generally, midges (Chironomidae) made up over 50% of the insect community; annelids were the principal non-insect invertebrates.In spite of greater insect density and biomass in a moss-covered than in the moss-free channel, we did not demonstrate universally increased drift of the immature stages from the moss-covered channel, at least during daylight hours. As a consequence, we infer that salmonid fishes, feeding primarily on drifting insects during the daytime, may not derive increased caloric benefit from moss habitats until the insects emerge as adults.  相似文献   
干扰会导致生物结皮斑块破碎并退化。为明确生物结皮斑块破碎诱发生物结皮退化机理,以黄土丘陵区土生对齿藓(Didymodon vinealis)结皮为研究对象,研究了干燥-复水条件下,单株和直径1 cm、2 cm、3 cm、4 cm、5 cm的藓结皮斑块内土生对齿藓的干燥速率、渗透调节物质、丙二醛和光合色素含量等的变化,以期揭示干扰后生物结皮退化的生物学机理。结果表明(1)除单株外,干燥速率随斑块面积减小而增加,直径1 cm斑块内藓的干燥速率是直径5 cm的2倍。(2)反复干燥-复水25天后,直径小于5 cm的斑块内藓的可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白和叶绿素含量低于直径5 cm斑块内藓的含量,丙二醛含量随斑块面积变化无明显规律。(3)干燥速率与斑块面积、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白及叶绿素含量均呈极显著负相关。以上结果表明,藓结皮斑块面积通过影响斑块内藓类植物干燥速率进而影响其渗透调节和光合作用能力。藓结皮斑块面积减小,藓类植物干燥速率增大,生理活性降低,是藓结皮斑块破碎诱发其退化的原因。研究从藓类植物生理的角度,阐明了干扰后藓类植物衰亡的生理学原因,为生物结皮的保护和管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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