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The growth rate of an oceanic dinoflagellate, Ceratium teres Kofoid, was investigated in the Sargasso and Caribbean Seas from September 1989 to July 1990 using the cell cycle analysis method. Estimated growth rates ranged from 0.29 to 0.58 day?1 and were 1.5–7.2 times higher than generally accepted rates for oceanic dinoflagellates. The higher rates in this report were mainly due to an improvement in techniques that determine the duration of a terminal cell cycle phase in situ. The day-to-day variation in growth rates was surprisingly small, but, from long-term measurements, a weak correlation was found among temperature, daily irradiance, and seasonal growth rate. The calculated species-specific primary production ranged from 0.5 to 1.8 mg C·m?2·day?1, about 1% of the estimated total production. Ceratium teres may be an important carbon source at the base of the grazing food chain.  相似文献   
Almost 40 years since the discovery of microtubule dynamic instability, the molecular mechanisms underlying microtubule dynamics remain an area of intense research interest. The “standard model” of microtubule dynamics implicates a “cap” of GTP-bound tubulin dimers at the growing microtubule end as the main determinant of microtubule stability. Loss of the GTP-cap leads to microtubule “catastrophe,” a switch-like transition from microtubule growth to shrinkage. However, recent studies, using biochemical in vitro reconstitution, cryo-EM, and computational modeling approaches, challenge the simple GTP-cap model. Instead, a new perspective on the mechanisms of microtubule dynamics is emerging. In this view, highly dynamic transitions between different structural conformations of the growing microtubule end – which may or may not be directly linked to the nucleotide content at the microtubule end – ultimately drive microtubule catastrophe.  相似文献   
In onion ( Allium cepa L.) postponement of sprouting is necessary to achieve long term storage. We studied the factors determining sprouting during dry storage at 16°C. The period to visible sprouting depends on the length of the dormancy period, if present, and on the growth rate of the sprout. In the three cultivars tested, sprouts were initiated within 2 weeks after harvest indicating the absence of a real dormancy period. Sprout length increased linearly during storage. The mitotic activity of the apex decreased before harvest, was low at the transition from scale to leaf formation, and increased again when the sprout was initiated. From a few weeks before harvest, the initially high fructan content of the scales decreased, leading to a large increase in fructose. The sprout always contained enough carbohydrates for growth (between 50 and 60 mg g−1 dry weight, of which 30% was fructan). The activity of sucrose synthase (EC increased as the sprout grew, indicating an increase in sink strength. Invertase (EC was absent in all bulb organs, during the various developmental stages. Although carbohydrates and enzymes were available for fast sprouting, sprout growth was still linear instead of exponential during dry storage at temperatures favorable for growth (16°C). The relative importance of factors determining sprouting are discussed.  相似文献   
Amoebae of the Myxomycete Physarum polycephalum in the interphase state typically contain only one proflagellar apparatus in which the anterior kinetosome (anterior centriole) is attached to the microtubule organizing center 1 (mtoc 1). We built strains possessing more than one mtoc 1 and a variable number of anterior centrioles to allow the appearance of new structures. In 8% of the amoebae of these strains, the 1:1 attachment between the anterior centriole and the mtoc 1 is not always respected. In nine cases studied using tridimensional reconstructions from ultrastructural thin sections, the pattern of attachment was more complex. A mtoc 1 could be linked to several anterior centrioles, and/or reciprocally an anterior centriole could be linked to several mtoc 1. In one case, an anterior centriole was not linked to a mtoc 1 and in three cases, a single centriole exhibited anterior and posterior characteristics. These observations suggest that (1) each pair of centrioles constitutes a morphological and physiological entity that is distinct from the mitotic center (mtoc 1); (2) the attachment of the anterior centriole to the mtoc 1 occurs at the end of each mitosis; (3) there is an inductory process during the morphogenesis of the link between the anterior centriole and the mtoc 1; (4) the anterior characteristics of a centriole can be present in the absence of the link with the mtoc 1; (5) the anterior and posterior characteristics of a centriole are not exclusive of each other, ruling out the existence of a lineage corresponding to the anterior centriole and a lineage corresponding to the posterior centriole; and (6) the differences between anterior and posterior centrioles result from a maturation process.  相似文献   
Summary There was no significant difference in the mitotic indices of the cultures maintained at different CO2 concentrations, i.e. 0%, 5% and 10%. However, considerable variation was recorded among different individuals. Supported by National Cancer Institute Contract No. 1 CP 43251.  相似文献   
Irradiation of the kinetochore region of PtK2 chromosomes by laser light of 532 nm was used to study the function of the kinetochore region in chromosome movement and to create artificial micronuclei in cells. When the sister kinetochores of a chromosome were irradiated at prometaphase, the affected chromosome detached from the spindle and exhibited no further directed movements for the duration of mitosis. The chromatids of the chromosome remained attached to one another until anaphase, at which point they separated. No poleward movement of the chromatids was observed, and at telophase they passively moved to one of the daughter cells and were enclosed in a micronucleus. The daughter cell containing the micronucleus was then isolated by micromanipulation and followed through subsequent mitoses. At the next mitosis, two chromosomes, each with two chromatids, condensed in the micronucleus. These chromosomes did not attach to the spindle and showed chromatid separation, but no poleward movements at anaphase. They were again enclosed in micronuclei at telophase. The third generation mitosis was similar to the second. Occasionally, both the irradiation-produced and naturally occurring micronuclei exhibited no chromosome condensation at mitosis. Feulgenstained monolayers of PtK2 cells with naturally occurring micronuclei showed that some micronuclei stain positive for DNA and others do not. This finding raises questions about the fate of chromosomes in a micronucleus.  相似文献   
Within eight annual and perennialMicroseridinae species studied, the duration of the mitotic cycle is positively correlated with the nuclear DNA content, cycle time (hrs) = 7.3 + 0.32 × pg DNA/nucleus. Within the generaAgoseris andMicroseris, the annuals have lower DNA contents and more rapid mitotic cycle times than do the perennials. This relationship is predicted by the nucleotypic theory ofBennett. Annual species ofPyrrhopappus have relatively high DNA contents and a proportionately longer mitotic cycle time, but contrary to that expected by the nucleotypic theory as originally proposed have the fastest growth rate and shortest generation time observed in theMicroseridinae. This rapid developmental rate is discussed, nucleotypically, however, by analyzing relationships between DNA content, mitotic cycle time, and cell size.  相似文献   
The antimitotic action of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid lasiocarpine on rat liver parenchyma was investigated using as the experimental model the wave of mitosis produced in liver by a single dose of thioacetamide. A single low dose of lasiocarpine administered two weeks before the thioacetamide, almost completely inhibited the mitotic wave without inhibiting to the same extent the preceding wave of DNA synthesis. By the use of selective inhibitors and radioisotope labelling, the location of the mitotic block was found to be either in the latter half of the DNA synthetic phase, S, or early in G2, the post-synthetic phase. The mitotic wave was similarly inhibited by pretreatment of the rats with a single injection of dehydroheliotridine, a pyrrolic metabolite of heliotridine-based pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  相似文献   
突变级数法在生态适宜度评价中的应用——以镇江新区为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
陈云峰  孙殿义  陆根法 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2587-2593
《开发区区域环境影响评价技术导则》(HJ/T2003)已将生态适宜度评价列为区域环境影响评价的主要内容,并明确提出了三级指标集成的框架要求,但并未推荐具体的技术方法。在当前的环评工作实际中,出现了多种生态适宜度的评价技术,如排列成比较技术、层次分析、模糊评价法等,然而这些方法却普遍存在着权重分配过程中的主观性问题。而对于生态适宜度评价这类多指标集成的问题,无论采用何种技术方法,只有减少权重赋值的主观性才能体现评价结论的科学性。鉴于此,推荐了一种新型的生态适宜度评价方法——突变级数法。通过镇江新区环评的具体案例分析,突变级数法表现出在生态适宜度评价方面较好的适用性。更为重要的是,通过对前述3种方法的数理分析对比,突变级数法表现出主营以下两方面的比较优势:首先该法不使用权重,只需按指标间的内在逻辑关系对指标的重要程度进行排序,很大限度地避免了人为制定权重的主观性;同时,作为定性与定量相结合的技术方法,突变级数法不仅可以对各地块是否适合其利用类型做出评价,还可以运用模型计算出各个地块生态适宜度的具体数值,对不同地块的生态适宜性程度进行定量的对比。诚然,应该客观地指出,在按指标的重要程度排序过程、以及评价指标的量化分级过程中,突变级数法仍然不能完全避免人为主观性,这也需要今后继续探索整合其他技术方法。加以进一步完善。  相似文献   
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