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Previous studies revealed the thermodynamic properties of DNA adsorption on pure minerals or biomasses; however, there has been little attempt to develop such studies on bacteria–mineral composites. Equilibrium adsorption experiments, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and isothermal titration calorimetry were employed to investigate the adsorption of DNA by Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas putida, and their composites with minerals. Similar capacity and affinity were observed for DNA adsorption on two bacterial cells. However, different patterns were found in the adsorption of DNA by bacteria–mineral composites. The Gram-positive bacterium B. subtilis enhanced the adsorption of DNA on its mineral composites compared with their individual components, while the composites of Gram-negative bacterial cells with kaolinite and goethite bound lower amounts of DNA than the predicted values. The thermodynamic parameters and the Fourier transform infrared spectra showed that van der Waals force and hydrogen bonding are responsible for the DNA adsorption on B. subtilis–minerals and P. putida–kaolinite. By contrast, the entropy increases of excluded water rearrangement and dehydration effect play key roles in the interaction between DNA and P. putida–montmorillonite/goethite composites.  相似文献   
The variation of the essential oils composition of 10 Tunisian Mentha x rotundifolia (L.) Huds. Populations and their antioxidant activity were assessed. Essential oils showed high percentages of oxygenated monoterpenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Rotundifolone, p-menthane-1,2,3-triol, β-caryophyllene and germacrene D were identified as main compounds at the species level. A variation in the essential oil composition was observed according to the populations and ecological factors. The populations 7, 8, 9 and 10 from the upper semi-arid bioclimatic zone and situated at high altitudes, exhibited the highest amount of rotundifolone. The populations 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from the lower humid showed a rotundifolone/β-caryophyllene/germacrene D chemotype. The population 6, situated at the lowest altitude, was characterized by the highest amount of p-menthane-1,2,3-triol. The level of antioxidant activity of the populations was linked to their chemical composition difference. The highest scavenging activity and the best ability to reduce ferric ions were recorded for the population 10. The most important capacity to inhibit β-carotene bleaching was revealed for the population 8. For all populations, the antioxidant activities were substantial but lower than antioxidant standards used (Trolox and BHT).The populations (7, 8, 9 and 10) from the upper semi-arid showed the best yields of essential oils and the highest contents of rotundifolone. Chemotypes within these populations could be selected for improvement programs.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of total nitrification to nitrate or partial nitrification to nitrite on the soil organic nitrogen status was examined. NH 4 +15N was added to the soil in the absence and the presence of NaClO3, respectively nitrapyrin. The first chemical inhibits only nitrate formation, the second inhibits total nitrification. The accumulation of nitrite nitrogen in the soil at levels up to 5 mg kg–1 increased the loss of nitrogen. Yet, it did not increase the binding of mineral nitrogen into soil organic matter, relative to the control soil. The data suggest that the biochemistry of the nitrite formation process, rather than the levels of nitrite ions formed, are of primary importance in the role of nitrification mediated nitrosation of soil organic matter.  相似文献   
Coffee leaf rust, caused by Hemileia vastatrix, is the most devastating disease of coffee. Since limited information is available in the literature on silicon (Si) affecting plant diseases in coffee, this study was designed to investigate foliar application of potassium silicate (PS), a source of soluble (Si), on infection process of coffee leaf rust at the microscopic level. The foliar Si concentration for plants sprayed with water and PS has no significant difference (0.24 and 0.30 dag kg?1, respectively). X‐ray microanalysis indicated that the deposition of Si on the leaves of the plants that were sprayed with PS was greater in comparison to the leaf samples from the plants sprayed with water. Rust severity on leaves of plants sprayed with water or sprayed with PS reached 44% and 32%, respectively, at 36 days after inoculation (dai). Plates of polymerised PS were observed on the leaf surfaces of the plants sprayed with the product, in contrast to its absence on the leaf surfaces of plants sprayed with water. At 36 dai, a greater number of uredia were observed on the leaf surfaces of plants sprayed with water in comparison to the leaf surfaces of plants sprayed with PS. On fractured leaf tissues that were sprayed with PS, less fungal colonisation was observed in comparison to the leaves of plants sprayed with water. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the effect of foliar‐applied Si on the control of the coffee leaf rust development may be attributed to the physical role of the polymerised PS, its osmotic effect against urediniospores germination, or both.  相似文献   
Fuel oils from euphorbs and other plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fuel oils from Euphorbs and other plants. The increasing energy costs of finding petroleum, together with the sure knowledge that its supply is finite, has prompted us to seek other sources of liquid hydrocarbon for both fuel and material. We have turned to annually renewable plant sources such as seed oils, an obvious source, with palm oil as the most productive. Sugar cane used to produce ethanol is another fuel source already in use.
We have examined non-food plants which can be grown on marginal soil for their productivity, particularly the genus Euphorbia. All species of this genus produce a latex which can be converted into useful fuel and other material, including precursors for what might be a valuable anti-tumor agent. Euphorbias and other similar plants require repeated planting and harvesting of the entire plant, which constitutes a drain on the soil. Trees can be long-term sources for hydrocarbon-like materials with a single planting. Examples are: the genus Copaifera which can be tapped for sesquiterpenes, the genus Pittosporum which bears fruits rich in terpenes and can be harvested annually. Finally, there are algae whose oil productivity is already of interest.
It seems possible to modify genetically the terpene biosynthetic pathways in plants to improve both the quality and quantity of the oils produced from them.  相似文献   
Plants ofDatura stramonium var.tatula L. Torr. were grown for 24 weeks on vermiculite and provided with mineral solutions where the relative proportions of the major anions (N, S, P) and cations (K, Ca, Mg) were varied within a constant total.With all treatments a cyclic transport of alkaloids (hyoscyamine) from the roots to the upper plant parts appeared. The fluctuations in alkaloid content in the leaves followed those in the roots with a delay of 4 weeks.The interionic ratios seemed to influence growth and alkaloid content rather than to affect the ontogenic variations. In general, the response to the different treatments could be divided into two types. The nitrogen treatments which gave at the same time a higher crop yield and an increased hyoscyamine content, and the other treatments where a much lower yield and content was obtained.The scopolamine content on the other hand seemed to be more affected by the developmental stage. Also, the time of maximal yield was not influenced by the ion-balance but rather the climatic conditions.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was threefold: 1. to determine the long-term effects of interactions between lactational zinc deficiency and gender on bone mineral composition in repleted rat offspring, 2. to determine the nutritional efficacy of the second of two commercially designed, modified Luecke diets (ML2) during the gestational and lactational stress, and 3. determine the ultratrace element contents of Ralston Rodent Laboratory Chow #5001. The ML2 basal diet, based on dextrose, sprayed egg white, and corn oil contained 0.420 μg Zn/g, was supplemented with Zn (as zinc acetate) at 0 (diet 0ML2) or 30 (diet 30ML2) μg/g, and was mixed and pelleted commercially. all rat dams were fed the 30ML2 diet ad libitum during gestation. Beginning at parturition, the dams were fed either the 1. 0ML2, 2. 30ML2 (food restricted), or 3. 30ML2 (ad libitum) diets. All pups were fed the 30ML2 diet ad libitum from 23 to 40 d of age. From d 40 to 150, all pups were fed Ralston Rodent Laboratory Chow. The 30ML2 diet was found to be nutritionally efficacious; litter size and pup growth were normal and pup mortality was only 1.2%. Pups (ZD) with access to the 0ML2 diet until 23 d of age and nursed by dams fed the 0ML2 diet, when compared to pups (PF) fed restricted amounts of the 30ML2 diet, exhibited increased mortality and decreased concentrations of tibial zinc but no change in growth. Inadequate zinc nutriture during infancy, despite postlactational zinc repletion, induced imbalances in adult bone mineral metabolism. Thus, at 150 d of age, the ZD pups exhibited increased levels of bone P and Mg and decreased concentrations of K as compared to the PF pups.  相似文献   
Although Al toxicity is believed to be a problem in acid sulfate soils cropped to rice (Oryza, sativa L.), little is known about the behavior of other trace metals such as B and Mo in these soils. The objectives of this study were to measure the availability of Al, B, and Mo in these soils, to determine what governs the availability of these metals and to investigate the relationships between metal availability and uptake by rice. Metal availability and uptake by rice were evaluated in 134 flooded acid sulfate soils in the Central Plains region of Thailand and in a growth chamber study using 50 of the same soils. Soil and plant metal analyses were conducted at the panicle differentiation stage of growth in both studies and in the soil prior to transplanting in the growth chamber study. Metal activities were determined with GEOCHEM. The mineral phases believed to be governing Al3+ activities were jurbanite under low pH conditions and amorphous Al(OH)3 at high pH. The Al chemistry is believed to be intimately linked to the redox-pH cycle, which is driven by the monsoonal climate. Mortality of rice associated with Al toxicity was observed under field and growth chamber conditions. Interference in P uptake and/or assimilation was believed to be the mechanism of Al toxicity. Activities of B(OH) 4 and B(OH) 3 0 were found to be highly correlated to pH and ionic strength, respectively, with the latter being the dominant B ion found in these soils. Activities of MoO 4 2– were positively correlated to pH and appeared to be controlled by wulfenite. Leaf Mo contents were found to be positively correlated with MoO 4 2– activity.  相似文献   
Stearidonic acid (18:4ω3), which is reported to be of rare occurrence in the plant kingdom and which is of considerable dietary and pharmaceutical interest has been found in three closely related Primula species. It occurs, together with γ-linolenic acid (3–4% of the seed oil total fatty acids), in significant percentages in Primula florindae (11%), P. sikkimensis (14%) and P. alpicola (14%). 18:4(ω3 may also be of chemotaxonomic interest in the genus Primula, as high levels may be typical for section Sikkimensis. The only commercial plant source of stearidonic acid known so far is the seed oil of Ribes nigrum.  相似文献   
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