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Liver -glucuronidase is structurally altered in inbred strain PAC so that a peptide subunit with a more basic isoelectric point, GUS-SN, is produced. This allele of -glucuronidase was transferred to strain C57BL/6J by 12 backcross matings to form the congenic line B6 · PAC-Gus n. Liver -glucuronidase activity was halved in males of the congenic strain compared to normal males. The lowered activity was specifically accounted for by a decrease in the lysosomal component. There was no alteration in the concentration of microsomal activity. This alteration in the subcellular distribution of -glucuronidase in Gus n/Gus n mice was confirmed by two independent gel electrophoretic systems which separate microsomal and lysosomal components. -Glucuronidase activity was likewise approximately halved in mutant spleen, lung, and brain, organs which contain exclusively or predominantly lysosomal -glucuronidase. The loss of liver lysosomal -glucuronidase activity was shown by immunotitration to be due to a decrease in the number of -glucuronidase molecules in lysosomes of the congenic strain. The Gus n structural alteration likely causes the lowered lysosomal -glucuronidase activity since the two traits remain in congenic animals. Heterozygous Gus n/Gus b animals had intermediate levels of liver -glucuronidase. Also, the effect was specific, in that three other lysosomal enzymes were not reproducibly lower in Gus n/Gus n mice. Gus n is, therefore, an unusual example of a mutation which causes a change in the subcellular distribution of a two-site enzyme.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants GM-33559 and GM-33160 and National Science Foundation Grant PCM-8215808.  相似文献   
Purification and characterization of microsomal glutathione S-transferase produced by Aspergillus ochraceus TS are reported. The isozymes are located in microsomes and were active against 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, ethacrynic acid, 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene, trans-4- phenyl-3-buten-2-one,p-nitrobenzyl chloride and bromosulphophthalein. They were inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide and bromosulphophthalein. The GST isozymes produced by Aspergillus ochraceus TS are indistinguishable in respect of their molecular mass both in native and denatured state. The subunit of the purified protein had an apparent Mr of 11 kDa while molecular mass of the native protein is around 56 kDa. The substrate specificity and pl values of the isozymes were different. The GSTs produced by Aspergillus ochraceus TS fairly share functional properties with mammalian cytosolic isozymes.  相似文献   
Reperfusion of rat kidney submitted to temporal ischaemia induces a decrease in glutathione content. Lipid peroxidation is not detected in kidney homogenates but microsomes obtained after periods of reperfusion longer than 60 minutes show increased malondialdehyde values correlated with high oxygen consumption and superoxide free radical generation. Microsomes obtained from kidneys submitted to 15 or 60 minutes of reperfusion are resistant to NADPH-induced lipid peroxidation but after 120 minutes of reperfusion an increased lipid peroxidative response is observed. Although the mechanism of the protection found in microsomes against the induction of oxidative stress in the first 60 minutes of reperfusion is unknown, it is postulated that this subcellular fraction plays an important role in the oxidative stress observed after longer periods of reperfusion.  相似文献   
The microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH)-catalyzed hydrolysis of cis-4,4′–dimethylstilbene oxide ( 1a ), cis-4,4′-diethylstilbene oxide ( 1b ), cis-4,4′-diisopropylstilbene oxide ( 1c ), and cis-4,4′-dichlorostilbene oxide ( 1d ) have been investigated using rabbit liver microsomal preparations. The kinetic parameters, Km and Vmax, and the absolute stereochemistry of the reactions have been determined and compared with those of cis-stilbene oxide ( 1e ). All epoxides 1a – d are hydrolyzed by mEH with high product enantioselectivity to give (R,R)-(+)-diols with ee ≥ 90%. The presence of the substituents on the phenyl rings markedly reduces the rates of mEH catalyzed hydrolysis with respect to cis-stilbene oxide, by increasing Km and reducing Vmax in the cases of 1a , 1b , and 1d , or reducing only the Vmax in the case of 1c . The very low Vmax, together with a persistent ability to fit into the mEH active site, make all these epoxides, and particularly 1c , inhibitors of cis-stilbene oxide hydrolysis. The kinetic and stereochemical results are interpreted on the basis of the proposed topology of the mEH active site. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Five insecticide synergists, all of which were either methylenedioxyphenyl compounds or analogs, were compared as to their effect on cytochrome P450 monooxygenase induction caused by an allelochemical in fall armyworm larvae. Feeding the synergists (piperonyl butoxide, safrole, isosafrole, MGK 264, and myristicin) individually to the larvae caused decreases in the microsomal aldrin epoxidase activities ranging from 38% to 74% when compared with controls. Feeding indole-3-carbinol resulted in a 4-fold increase in the microsomal epoxidase activity. However, cotreatment of any of the synergists and the inducer completely eliminated the induction. Sixth instar larvae were more inducible than second instar larvae with respect to microsomal epoxidase and glutathione transferase in the fall armyworm. Enzyme inducibility varied widely among the seven phytophagous Lepidoptera examined. When indole-3-carbinol was used as an inducer of microsomal epoxidase, the extent of inducibility of the enzyme was fall armyworm > velvetbean caterpillar > corn earworm > beet armyworm > tobacco budworm > cabbage looper > diamondback moth. When indole-3-acetonitrile was used as an inducer, the inducibility of glutathione transferase was fall armyworm > beet armyworm > corn earworm > cabbage looper > velvetbean caterpillar > tobacco budworm > diamondback moth. Inducibility of five microsomal oxidase systems also varied considerably in the corn earworm, indicating the multiplicity of cytochrome P450 in this species. Microsomal epoxidase and glutathione transferase were induced by cruciferous host plants such as cabbage and their allelochemicals in diamondback moth larve. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Different CD95 (Fas/APO-1) isoforms and phosphory lated CD95 species were identified in human T and B cell lines. We had shown previously that the CD95 intracellular domain (IC), expressed as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein in murine L929 fibroblasts, was phosphorylatedin vivo. GST-CD95IC was phosphorylatedin vitro by a kinase present in extracts from the human lymphocytic cell lines Jurkat and MP-1 and from murine L929 cells. Phosphoamino acid analysis indicated that phosphorylation occurred at multiple threonine residues and also at tyrosine (Tyr232 and Tyr291) and serine. Amino acids 191 to 275 of CD95 were sufficient for phosphorylation at threonine, tyrosine and serine and also mediated interaction with a 35 kDa cellular protein. Immuno-precipitation of CD95 and chemical cross-linking revealed CD95-associated proteins of approximately 35, 45 and 75 kDa. GST-CD95IC affinity chromatography detected binding of the 35 and 75 kDa protein species. The 75 kDa species may correspond to the CD95-associated proteins RIP or FAF1 and the 35 kDa protein may represent a TRADD analogue. These data indicate that several cellular proteins interact with CD95, possibly in a multi-protein complex, and that a kinase activity is associated with CD95 not onlyin vitro but alsoin vivo. Therefore, receptor phosphorylation may play a role in CD95 signal transduction. This work was in part supported by a grant from the Health Research Council of New Zealand (to JW).  相似文献   
谷胱甘肽硫转移酶基因表达的调控   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
催化内源性或外源性亲电子化合物与谷胱甘肽(GSH)结合的谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)超基因家族是一族解毒功能蛋白.其基因的表达通过不同的机制受多种物质的调控.根据最近文献资料,对调控谷胱甘肽硫转移酶基因表达的基因结构、调控机制及氧化应激对谷胱甘肽硫转移酶基因表达的调控作用等作一简要综述.  相似文献   
Immunological properties of ligandin(Lig) and glutathione S-transferase(GST)-A, -AA and -B were investigated for elucidating their subunit relationships. By using either anti-Lig or -AA antibody, GST-B made a clear common precipitin line with Lig or AA in double immunodiffusion and the activity was inhibited intermediately between Lig and AA, whereas Lig and AA reacted very weakly with antibodies to each other. A hybrid between Lig and AA formed by guanidine hydrochloride treatment was identified immunochemically to be GST-B. GST-A had no immunological relationship with any of other three forms.  相似文献   
Summary. To identify kidney glutathione S-transferase (GST) isoenzyme, which does not bind to glutathione affinity column, biochemical characterization was performed by using an array of substrates and by measuring sensitivity to inhibitors. Immunological characterization was done by immunoblotting. Affinity flow-through GST exhibited activity towards 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole and cumene hydroperoxide, typical class α substrates and high sensitivity towards hematin, an α class inhibitor. It cross-reacted with antibodies against α class GST. Affinity flow-through GST in human kidney is an α class member.  相似文献   
为体外验证流感病毒PB1-F2与热休克蛋白Hsp40相互作用,通过两个方向的GST pull-down试验验证PB1-F2与Hsp40的相互作用。构建GST-多肽融合蛋白原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1-PB1-F2和pGEX-6P-1-Hsp40,并在大肠杆菌(E.co-li)BL21中诱导表达;构建真核表达载体pLEGFP-Hsp40及pCAGGS-PB1-F2,并分别转染293T细胞使其表达Hsp40及PB1-F2融合蛋白,然后进行GST pull-down试验验证二者的相互作用。成功地构建了两种蛋白的各种表达载体,经表达、纯化获得了可溶性的GST-多肽融合蛋白,GST pull-down试验正反两方向都证实了PB1-F2与Hsp40的相互作用,初步证实了流感病毒PB1-F2在体外能与Hsp40发生相互作用。  相似文献   
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