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We undertook a 2-year (2002–2004) mark–recapture study to investigate demographic performance and habitat use of salt marsh harvest mice (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) in the Suisun Marsh. We examined the effects of different wetland types and microhabitats on 3 demographic variables: density, reproductive potential, and persistence. Our results indicate that microhabitats dominated by mixed vegetation or pickleweed (Salicornia spp.) supported similar salt marsh harvest mouse densities, reproductive potential, and persistence throughout much of the year, whereas few salt marsh harvest mice inhabited upland grass-dominated microhabitats. We found that densities were higher in diked wetlands, whereas post-winter persistence was higher in tidal wetlands, and reproductive potential did not differ statistically between wetland types. Our results emphasize the importance of mixed vegetation for providing adequate salt marsh harvest mouse habitat and suggest that, despite their physiognomic and hydrological differences, both diked and tidal wetlands support salt marsh harvest mouse populations by promoting different demographic attributes. We recommend that habitat management, restoration, and enhancement efforts include areas containing mixed vegetation in addition to pickleweed in both diked and tidal wetlands. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Little is known about the influence of genetic architecture on local adaptation. We investigated the genetic architecture of the rapid contemporary evolution of mouthparts, the flight polymorphism and life history traits in the soapberry bug Jadera haematoloma (Hemiptera) using laboratory selection. The mouthparts of these seed‐feeding bugs have adapted in 40–50 years by decreasing in length following novel natural selection induced by a host switch to the seeds of an introduced tree with smaller fruits than those of the native host vine. Laboratory selection on beak length in both an ancestral population feeding on the native host and a derived population feeding on the introduced host reveals genetic variance allowing a rapid response (heritabilities of 0.51–0.87) to selection for either longer or shorter beaks. This selection resulted in reverse evolution by restoring long beaks in the derived population and forward evolution by re‐creating short beaks in the ancestral bugs. There were strong genetic correlations (0.68–0.84) in both populations between beak lengths and the frequency of flight morphs, with short beaks associated with short wings. The results reveal a genetically interrelated set of adaptive multivariate traits including both beak length and flight morph. This suite of traits reflects host plant patchiness and seeding phenology. Weaker evidence suggests that egg mass and early egg production may be elements of the same suite. Reversible or forward evolution thus may occur in a broad set of genetically correlated multivariate traits undergoing rapid contemporary adaptation to altered local environments.  相似文献   
Aims Fractal root system is phenotypic plasticity result of plant root architecture to respond to environmental heterogeneity, may reflect the growth strategy of plants to adapt to environmental conditions. Our objective was to explore the relationship between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance of fractal root system of Melica przewalskyi population in response to aspect variation in the northwest of China. Methods The study site was located in a degraded alpine grassland on the northern slope in Qilian Mountains, Gansu Province, China. Survey and sampling were carried out at 40 plots which were set up along four slope aspects transects with 20 m distance between adjacent plots. Handheld GPS was used to determine the elevation, longitude and latitude of each plot. ArcGIS was used to set up digital elevation model (DEM). Community traits were investigated and six individuals roots of M. przewalskyi were collected randomly at each plot. The samples were cleaned and divided into different organs, then scanning the root with the Win-RHIZO for measurements of fractal dimension and fractal abundance in laboratory, and their biomass were then measured after being dried at 80 °C in an oven. Important findings With the slope aspect turned from north to east, west, and south, the density, height and soil moisture content of the plant community displayed a pattern of initial decline, the height, density, root fractal abundance of M. przewalskyi increased and the root fractal dimension decreased. The root fractal dimension was negatively associated with the fractal abundance in all aspects, but the relationship varied along the slope aspects gradient; there was a highly significant negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the root fractal dimension and fractal abundance at north slope and south slope aspect, whereas the correlation only reached a significant level (p < 0.05) at the east slope aspect and west slope aspect; indicating that there is a trade-off between the root fractal dimension and fractal abundance. In addition, when the slope aspect changed from north to east, west and south, the standardized major axis (SMA) slope of the regression equation in the scaling relationships between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance increased (p < 0.05), indicating that the roots of M. przewalskyi at the droughty southern slope have less branch and more sparse in the same soil volume of root exploitation and utilization. Consequently, the resource allocation pattern on reasonable trade-off between root fractal dimension and fractal abundance in different slope aspect of M. przewalskyi, reflects the relationship between the income and the cost of construction of plant root architecture.  相似文献   
The gas exchange properties of whole plant canopies are an integral part of crop productivity and have attracted much attention in recent years. However, insufficient information exists on the coordination of transpiration and CO2 uptake for individual leaves during the growing season. Single-leaf determinations of net photosynthesis (Pn), transpiration (E) and water use efficiency (WUE) for field-grown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves were recorded during a 2-year field study. Measurements were made at 3 to 4 day intervals on the main-stem and first three sympodial leaves at main-stem node 10 from their unfolding through senescence. Results indicated that all gas exchange parameters changed with individual main-stem and sympodial leaf age. Values of Pn, E and WUE followed a rise and fall pattern with maximum rates achieved at a leaf age of 18 to 20 days. While no significant position effects were observed for Pn, main-stem and sympodial leaves did differ in E and WUE particularly as leaves aged beyond 40 days. For a given leaf age, the main-stem leaf had a significantly lower WUE than the three sympodial leaves. WUE's for the main-stem and three sympodial leaves between the ages of 41 to 50 days were 0.85, 1.30, 1.36 and 1.95 μmol CO2 mmol−1 H2O, respectively. The mechanisms which mediated leaf positional differences for WUE were not strictly related to changes in stomatal conductance (gs·H2O) since decreases in gs·H2O with leaf age were similar for the four leaves. However, significantly different radiant environments with distance along the fruiting branch did indicate the possible involvement of mutual leaf shading in determining WUE. The significance of these findings are presented in relation to light competition within the plant canopy during development.  相似文献   
Females of the polyphagous, ectoparasitoid, Exeristes roborator (F.) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), learned an olfactory stimulus associated with an artificial host microhabitat in the laboratory. In a two-choice olfactometer, females previously given hosts only in association with one stimulus showed a greater tendency to visit exclusively, and spend time in, chambers containing a source of that stimulus, than control females. Learning of olfactory cues could act in conjunction with learning of visual cues to allow the parasitoid to identify accurately microhabitats that experience has taught it contain hosts. It could also allow the parasitoid to identify these resources when visual cues are not available.
Résumé Nous avons supposé que les femelles polyphages de l'ichneumonide ectoparasite, E. roborator (F.), pourraient apprendre les stimuli olfactifs liés au microhabitat artificiel dans lequel elles avaient attaqué leur hôte. 4 lots de femelles ont été placés dans des conditions différentes: le microhabitat des hôtes du premier lot était du Parafilm imprégné d'odeur de pomme; celui des hôtes du second était un Parafilm non traité. Les hôtes des lots témoins 3 et 4 étaient présentés respectivement avec les deux microhabitats et sans aucun microhabitat. Placées dans un olfactomètre statique contenant du Parafilm traité à la pomme et du Parafilm vierge, des femelles du lot 1 ont eu tendance à ne visiter que l'enceinte contenant du Parafilm traité à la pomme, elles ont passé environ 75% de leur temps dans cette enceinte. A l'opposé, les femelles des 3 autres lots ont eu tendance à ne visiter que l'enceinte sans odeur de pomme, et elles n'ont passé que 34 à 46% de leur temps dans l'enceinte traitée à la pomme. Les différences entre les réactions du lot 1 et des autres lots sont significatives, mais entre les lots 2, 3 et 4, elles ne le sont pas. Une expérience témoin confirme que les préférences des femelles du lot 1 ne sont pas innées; E. roborator a donc appris à reconnaitre les stimuli olfactifs du microhabitat sentant la pomme. L'apprentissage des signaux olfactifs liés au microhabitat de l'hôte pourrait s'effectuer seul ou en relation avec l'apprentissage de signaux visuels permettant au parasitoïde d'identifier avec précision les microhabitats d'un hôte convenable.
Summary We have been developing computational approaches to increase our ability to analyze the growing body of three-dimensional structural data with applications centered on the serine proteases and their natural inhibitors and substrates. It is essential that these approaches emphasize the comparison of these macromolecules at the separate levels of secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure. We assume in our analysis that in functionally related macromolecules (i.e., a family of evolutionarily related enzymes), regions of structural and/or physicochemical similarity will exhibit functional similarity; regions that are different in structure and/or physicochemical properties will function differently and, therefore, be the source of observed specificity. It is the intent of our research to encapsulate such knowledge in a form which is capable of observing patterns which may serve as generalizable rules for macrostructural analysis (Liebman, M.N. 1986. Enzyme 36: 150–163), and to serve as the essential tools for the rational design of modified serine proteases and/or their natural inhibitors by the methods available through genetic engineering.  相似文献   
A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HILL, R. S. & READ, J., 1991. A revised infrageneric classification of Nothofagus (Fagaceae). An examination of cupule morphology, leaf architecture and cuticular morphology of Nothofagus species demonstrates that the existing infrageneric classifications are inaccurate. Four subgenera are proposed, based on these characteristics as well as other morphological information. This analysis indicates that the traditional pollen groupings of Nothofagus closely reflect the infrageneric taxonomy. It is hypothesized that deciduousness is primitive in Nothofagus , and the evergreen habit has arisen more than once, and therefore the deciduous or evergreen habit is invalid as a primary taxonomic character.  相似文献   
Electrical measurements of membrane potential and resistance using intracellular microelectrodes showed that the fluid-secreting parts of the Malpighian tubules of Rhodnius have superficial regions different in electrical properties from the main body of the cell. The membrane potential in these superficial regions was smaller by 30-40 mV, but showed a standard depolarization on changing the potassium concentration of the bathing medium. The response to changes in the external chloride concentration also differed in the two regions, a finding that was reinforced by different responses to the drug, furosemide. Electron microscopy of the basal regions of the cells revealed many long cellular projections that run parallel to the cell surface and interdigitate with similar projections from neighbouring cells. The degree of interdigitation was examined by marking individual cells with alcian blue or by horseradish peroxidase injection. A survey of the published micrographs of insect Malpighian tubules shows that most have similar projections on their basal surfaces and not the simple basal infoldings previously supposed.  相似文献   
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