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K. Hövemeyer 《Oecologia》1987,73(4):537-542
Summary A population of Cheilosia fasciata Schin. & Egg., 1853 was studied in a beech forest (Melico-Fagetum allietosum) near Göttingen (FRG). This syrphid species is closely associated with ramson (Allium ursinum L.), as the larvae mine the plant's leaves. Adult abundance was determined using emergence traps (1981–1986); egg and larval abundance was determined by examining ramson leaves: puparia were extracted from soil samples (1984 and 1986). Cheilosia fasciata is a univoltine species; the imagines emerge in late April/early May. Larval development took five (1986) to six (1984) weeks. In late June/early July the larvae enter the soil for pupariation. A linear relationship was found between the area of the mines and larval biomass (dry wt.). It was concluded that one larva had to mine 51.90 cm2 of leaf area in order to gain the mean maximum dry weight (11.15 mg). Furthermore, it was shown that ovipositing females, laying just one egg per leaf, tended to select large leaves providing this minimum amount of food. It is hypothesized that females probably follow straight-lined routes on their oviposition flights, rather than ovipositing on leaves chosen at random. By applying such a strategy, females can almost completely avoid competition for food among their own offspring. Furthermore, competition among the progeny of the whole population is also reduced, particularly in years when adult abundance is very low. The significance of certain factors influencing the population dynamics of Cheilosia fasciata was evaluated by applying a rank correlation analysis. It was shown that high precipitation rates in April reduced the time available for mating and oviposition resulting in low emergence abundance in the next spring. Larval survivorship was enhanced by high precipitation rates in May and June, indicating that drought may be unfavourable to larvae and reduce food availability. Predation by a parasitoid Phygadeuon ursini Horstmann, 1986 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), appears to be just an imperfect (Milne 1984) density-dependent control mechanism; in fact, it was shown that food limitation is the only significant mechanism of density-dependent population control.  相似文献   
Andean cultural ecologists have made two claims in recent years: ecological decomposition is absent due to effective indigenous management of communal resources, and agricultural intensification is inversely related to altitude. Drawing on material from the Jukumani Indians of Northern Potosi, Bolivia, these assertions are challenged. First, there is little evidence to prove or disprove ecological degradation. Second, the location of agricultural intensification, as the Jukumani data suggests, is influenced by altitude as well as by the presence of market.Fieldwork in Bolivia was carried out between January 1979 and May 1981. This essay was originally presented at a conference entitled, How Communities Resolve Common Property Problems, sponsored by the Harvard Institute for International Development and the Center for Population Studies of Harvard University in the spring semester of 1983.  相似文献   
The recovery of soil biochemical properties under grazed, grass-clover pasture, after simulated lignite mining, was studied over a 5-year period in a mesic Typic Dystrochrept soil at Waimumu, Southland, New Zealand. The restoration procedures involved four replacement treatments, after A, B, and C horizon materials had been separately removed, from all except the control, and stockpiled for 2–3 weeks. In each replacement treatment, the effects of ripping to 1.8 m depth, mole drainage, and the use of fertilizer nitrogen were also investigated.Replacement treatment markedly influenced the recovery of herbage production and soil organic C and total N contents, N mineralization, microbial biomass (as indicated by mineral-N flush) and invertase and sulphatase activities. The effectiveness of replacement treatments decreased in the order: 1. control (no stripping or replacement). 2 A, B, and C horizon materials replaced in the same order. 3. A, B, and C horizon materials each mixed with an equal amount of siltstone overburden and replaced in order, 4. A and B horizon materials mixed before replacing over C horizon material.Ripping increased herbage production, net N mineralization, and to some extent microbial biomass. Drainage had little, if any, effect.Fertilizer N also stimulated herbage production, but depressed clover growth. Over 2.5 years, it had little detectable effect on the soil properties.Increases in soil invertase and, to a lesser extent, sulphatase activity during the trial were closely related to changes in herbage production. Microbial biomass increased more rapidly than did soil organic C in the early stages of the trial.Rates of net N mineralization strongly suggest that N availability would have limited pasture growth, especially in the treatments with mixed soil materials.  相似文献   
湘南某矿区蔬菜中Pb、Cd污染状况及健康风险评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过采集湘南某矿区周边农田中种植的蔬菜和对应耕作层土壤样品,探究了农田蔬菜Pb、Cd的污染状况,蔬菜和土壤重金属含量之间的相关性,蔬菜中重金属对人体的健康风险。结果表明:(1)污染区土壤重金属污染非常严重,叶菜类蔬菜重金属超出了食品卫生标准限值,但是果菜类蔬菜中重金属没有超出食品卫生标准限值。(2)不同蔬菜不同器官所含Pb、Cd有明显差异;不同种类蔬菜Pb、Cd含量不同,一般是叶菜类果菜类;同种蔬菜不同部位重金属含量的顺序也不同,一般为根茎叶果,或根叶茎果。(3)二类蔬菜中重金属Pb、Cd的富集系数顺序为叶菜类果菜类。(4)蔬菜中Pb、Cd含量与土壤中相对应元素含量均无显著相关性。(5)就农产品安全性而言,果菜类蔬菜比叶菜类蔬菜更适合在此矿区栽培。  相似文献   
从湖北铜绿山铜矿和山西中条山铜矿两地采集了矿山废水样品, 用RFLP方法(限制性片段长度多态性方法)分析不同矿山废水中微生物多样性及其群落结构组成变化。结果发现:通过16S rDNA基因序列的系统发育树分析, 在5个矿山废水样品中检测到的细菌主要分为4大类:即Proteobacteria纲、Nitrospira纲、Firmicutes纲和Bacteroidetes纲。通过对古菌16S rDNA 的PCR分析发现, 取自湖北铜绿山铜矿的样品中检测到古菌的存在, 而取自山西中条山铜矿的样品中没有检测到古菌的存在。检测到的古菌主要是属于Ferroplasma属和Thermoplasma属。结合5个矿山废水样品的化学元素分析结果和细菌群落结构数据, 进行PCA分析(主成分分析), 发现不同矿山废水样品的生物地球化学性质及其微生物组成存在很大差异, pH值、温度、不同浓度的元素如S、Cu、Ni和Co可能是形成细菌种群结构差异的关键因素。  相似文献   
典型矿区植被覆盖度时空分布特征及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国芳  毕如田  张吴平  张茜  荆耀栋 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6046-6056
植被状况可以直接或间接地反映采煤对生态环境的影响。以长河井工煤矿、离柳井工煤矿、平朔露天煤矿3个典型矿区为研究区域。以Landsat数据为数据源,基于地形调节植被指数的像元二分模型提取植被覆盖度;采用趋势分析、线性回归斜率、稳定性分析方法,分析了3个典型矿区2001-2016年植被覆盖度的时空变化特征;运用"以时间换空间"的方法,采用相关分析方法对植被覆盖度变化的自然影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:(1)近16年3个典型矿区植被覆盖度呈增加趋势,长河、离柳、平朔矿区的增长速率分别为0.09%/10 a、0.10%/10 a、0.08%/10 a(P > 0.05)。(2)空间上,长河、离柳、平朔矿区植被覆盖度变化不明显比例分别占到66.63%,59.90%,62.25%,呈增加趋势的比例仅分别占28.14%、32.55%、27.81%,而呈减少趋势的比例分别占到5.23%、7.55%、9.94%。长河矿区明显改善的区域位于自然植被和耕作区的北部和东北部,离柳矿区明显改善的区域位于以低植被覆盖度为主的北部,平朔矿区明显改善的区域位于复垦的中西部。(3)不区分植被类型时,3个矿区的植被覆盖度变化与高程、高程与温度的交互作用表现出显著相关性(P < 0.01),与各自然因素的相关性总体表现为长河 > 离柳 > 平朔矿区;区分植被类型时,草地与坡度的相关性不显著(P > 0.05),与降雨量、高程存在显著正相关(P < 0.05);灌木林与温度相关性不显著,与高程和降雨量的交互作用存在显著正相关;旱地与高程、高程与温度的交互作用存在显著相关性;疏林地与坡向、降雨量与坡向坡度的交互作用均没有表现出相关性;有林地与高程降雨量的交互作用表现出显著正相关性。探讨不同植被类型对自然因素的响应,可为矿区植被结构的选择,矿区复垦提供参考依据。  相似文献   
湖南柿竹园矿区土壤重金属含量及植物吸收特征   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:53  
矿区重金属污染十分严重,寻找和发现适合当地气候与土壤条件的重金属耐性植物是矿区植被恢复和污染土壤修复的前提。对我国湖南柿竹园有色金属矿区调查发现,该地区选矿厂的重金属污染问题普遍比尾砂库严重。选矿厂土壤砷、镉、铅、锌严重超标,尾砂库周围也受到不同程度的重金属污染。土壤重金属胁迫效应影响着植物物种分布,选矿厂物种分布较少,相比之下尾砂库的植物多样性较为丰富。柿竹园矿区植物对重金属的吸收表现为富集型(如蜈蚣草Pteris Vittata L .和苎麻Boehmerianivea (L .) Gaud.)、根部囤积型(如攀倒甑Patrinia villosa和木贼Equisetum hyemale)和规避型(如蔓出卷柏Selaginelladavidii Franch和芒草Miscanthus sinensis Andlerss)等3种类型。  相似文献   
矿区不同复垦措施对土壤碳矿化和酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李君剑  严俊霞  李洪建 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4178-4185
矿区废弃地生态退化形势严峻,生态修复已成为矿区可持续发展的主要措施,目前关于矿区复垦后土壤碳矿化和酶活性变化的研究较少。以山西省孝义市露天矿区复垦区为研究对象,植被恢复类型包括了百脉根、苜蓿、油松和柳树-圆柏混交林,并对其分别进行不施肥(对照)、无机肥、复合肥和有机肥处理,从而研究植被类型与施肥方式对矿区土壤碳矿化和酶活性的影响。结果表明,乔本比草本恢复类型的土壤有机碳矿化潜势大,不同施肥条件的土壤有机碳矿化潜势和累积量趋势基本为:对照无机肥复合肥有机肥;4种土壤酶活性因植被恢复类型和施肥处理的不同而差异显著,不同土壤酶与降解特性不同的有机碳间相关性有所不同。土壤碳矿化累积量和酶活性均受植被恢复类型、施肥处理及两者交互作用的显著影响,因此对复垦措施敏感的土壤有机碳矿化和酶活性可作为评价复垦措施的指标。  相似文献   
Zhang H  Liu X 《Bio Systems》2011,105(1):73-82
DNA computing has been applied in broad fields such as graph theory, finite state problems, and combinatorial problem. DNA computing approaches are more suitable used to solve many combinatorial problems because of the vast parallelism and high-density storage. The CLIQUE algorithm is one of the gird-based clustering techniques for spatial data. It is the combinatorial problem of the density cells. Therefore we utilize DNA computing using the closed-circle DNA sequences to execute the CLIQUE algorithm for the two-dimensional data. In our study, the process of clustering becomes a parallel bio-chemical reaction and the DNA sequences representing the marked cells can be combined to form a closed-circle DNA sequences. This strategy is a new application of DNA computing. Although the strategy is only for the two-dimensional data, it provides a new idea to consider the grids to be vertexes in a graph and transform the search problem into a combinatorial problem.  相似文献   
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