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Deletion of DNA polymerase eta (Rad30/Polη) in pathogenic yeast Candida albicans is known to reduce filamentation induced by serum, ultraviolet, and cisplatin. Because nonfilamentous C. albicans is widely accepted as avirulent form, here we explored the virulence and pathogenicity of a rad30Δ strain of C. albicans in cell‐based and animal systems. Flow cytometry of cocultured fungal and differentiated macrophage cells revealed that comparatively higher percentage of macrophages was associated with the wild‐type than rad30Δ cells. In contrast, higher number of Polη‐deficient C. albicans adhered per macrophage membrane. Imaging flow cytometry showed that the wild‐type C. albicans developed hyphae after phagocytosis that caused necrotic death of macrophages to evade their clearance. Conversely, phagosomes kill the fungal cells as estimated by increased metacaspase activity in wild‐type C. albicans. Despite the morphological differences, both wild‐type and rad30? C. albicans were virulent with a varying degree of pathogenicity in mice models. Notably, mice with Th1 immunity were comparatively less susceptible to systemic fungal infection than Th2 type. Thus, our study clearly suggests that the modes of interaction of morphologically different C. albicans strains with the host immune cells are diverged, and host genetic background and several other attributing factors of the fungus could additionally determine their virulence.  相似文献   
Acanthamoeba spp. can be parasitic in certain situations and are responsible for serious human infections, including Acanthamoeba keratitis, granulomatous amoebic encephalitis, and cutaneous acanthamoebiasis. We analyzed the fatty acid composition of Acanthamoeba castellanii trophozoites and tested the inhibitory activity of the main fatty acids, oleic acid and arachidonic acid, in vitro. Oleic acid markedly inhibited the growth of A. castellanii, with trophozoite viability of 57.4% at a concentration of 200 μM. Caspase‐3 staining and annexin V assays showed that apoptotic death occurred in A. castellanii trophozoites. Quantitative PCR and dot blot analysis showed increased levels of metacaspase and interleukin‐1β converting enzyme, which is also an indication of apoptosis. In contrast, arachidonic acid showed negligible inhibition of growth of A. castellanii trophozoites. Stimulated expression of Atg3, Atg8 and LC3A/B genes and monodansylcadaverine labeling suggested that oleic acid induces apoptosis by triggering autophagy of trophozoites.  相似文献   
Yca1, the only metacaspase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is thought to be a clan CD cysteine protease that includes the caspase subfamily. Although yeast is a single cell eukaryote, it can undergo a cell death process reminiscent of apoptosis. Yca1 has been reported to play an important role in the regulation of such apoptotic process. However, the structure and functional mechanism of Yca1 remain largely enigmatic. In this study, we report the crystal structure of the Yca1 metacaspase at 1.7 Å resolution, confirming a caspase-like fold. In sharp contrast to canonical caspases, however, Yca1 exists as a monomer both in solution and in the crystals. Canonical caspase contains six β-strands, with strand β6 pairing up with β6 of another caspase molecule to form a homodimerization interface. In Yca1, an extra pair of antiparallel β-strands forms a continuous β-sheet with the six caspase-common β-strands, blocking potential dimerization. Yca1 was reported to undergo autocatalytic processing in yeast; overexpression in bacteria also led to autoprocessing of Yca1 into two fragments. Unexpectedly, we found that both the autocatalytic processing and the proteolytic activity of Yca1 are greatly facilitated by the presence of calcium (Ca2+), but not other divalent cations. Our structural and biochemical characterization identifies Yca1 as a Ca2+-activated cysteine protease that may cleave specific substrates during stress response in yeast.  相似文献   
Metacaspases (MCAs) are caspase family cysteine peptidases that have been implicated in cell death processes in plants, fungi and protozoa. MCAs have also been suggested to be involved in cell cycle control, differentiation and clearance of aggregates; they are virulence factors. Dissecting the function of MCAs has been complicated by the presence in many organisms of multiple MCA genes or limitations on genetic manipulation. We describe here the creation of a MCA gene-deletion mutant (Δmca) in the protozoan parasite Leishmania mexicana, which has allowed us to dissect the role of the parasite''s single MCA gene in cell growth and cell death. Δmca parasites are viable as promastigotes, and differentiate normally to the amastigote form both in in vitro macrophages infection and in mice. Δmca promastigotes respond to cell death inducers such as the drug miltefosine and H2O2 similarly to wild-type (WT) promastigotes, suggesting that MCAs do not have a caspase-like role in execution of L. mexicana cell death. Δmca amastigotes replicated significantly faster than WT amastigotes in macrophages and in mice, but not as axenic culture in vitro. We propose that the Leishmania MCA acts as a negative regulator of amastigote proliferation, thereby acting to balance cell growth and cell death.  相似文献   
Metacaspases are distant relatives of animal caspases found in plants, fungi and protozoa. We demonstrated previously that two type II metacaspases of Arabidopsis thaliana, AtMC4 and AtMC9 are Arg/Lys-specific cysteine-dependent proteases. We screened a combinatorial tetrapeptide library of 130,321 substrates with AtMC9. Here, we show that AtMC9 is a strict Arg/Lys-specific protease. Based on the position-specific scoring matrix derived from the substrate library results, the tetrapeptide Val-Arg-Pro-Arg was identified as an optimized substrate. AtMC9 had a kcat/KM of 4.6x10(5) M-1 s-1 for Ac-Val-Arg-Pro-Arg-amido-4-methyl-coumarin, representing a more than 10-fold improvement over existing fluorogenic substrates. A yeast two-hybrid screen with catalytically inactive AtMC9 as bait identified a serine protease inhibitor, designated AtSerpin1, which was found to be a potent inhibitor of AtMC9 activity in vitro through cleavage of its reactive center loop and covalent binding to AtMC9. On the basis of the substrate profiling of AtMC9 and confirmation through site-directed mutagenesis, the inhibitory P4-P1 cleavage site of AtSerpin1 was determined to be Ile-Lys-Leu-Arg351. Further mutagenesis of the AtSerpin1 inhibitory cleavage site modulated AtMC9 inhibition positively or negatively. Both AtMC9 and AtSerpin1 were localized in the extracellular space, suggesting an in vivo interaction as well. To our knowledge, this is the first report of plant protease inhibition by a plant serpin.  相似文献   
Metacaspases are evolutionarily distant homologs of caspases that are found outside the metazoan and are known to have key roles in programmed cell death (PCD). Two types of metacaspases (types I and II) have been defined in plants based on their domain structures; these have similarities to metazoan ‘initiator'' and ‘executioner'' caspases. However, we know little about metacaspases in unicellular organisms and even less about their roles in cell death. We identified a novel group of metacaspases in sequenced phytoplanktonic protists that show domain architectures distinct from either type I or II enzymes; we designate them as type III. Type III metacaspases exhibit a rearrangement of domain structures between N- and C-terminus. In addition, we found a group of metacaspase-like proteases in phytoplankton that show sequence homology with other metacaspases, but defy classification in conventional schemes. These metacaspase-like proteases exist in bacteria alongside a variant of type I metacaspases and we propose these bacterial metacaspases are the origins of eukaryotic metacaspases. Type II and III metacaspases were not detected in bacteria and they might be variants of bacterial type I metacaspases that evolved in plants and phytoplanktonic protists, respectively, during the establishment of plastids through the primary and secondary endosymbiotic events. A complete absence of metacaspases in protists that lost plastids, such as oömycetes and ciliates indicates the gene loss during the plastid-to-nucleus gene transfer. Taken together, our findings suggest endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) is a key mechanism resulting in the evolutionary diversity of cell death proteases.  相似文献   
Plants usually employ resistance (R) genes to defend against the infection of pathogens, and most R genes encode intracellular nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins. The recognition between R proteins and their cognate pathogens often triggers a rapid localized cell death at the pathogen infection sites, termed the hypersensitive response (HR). Metacaspases (MCs) belong to a cysteine protease family, structurally related to metazoan caspases. MCs play crucial roles in plant immunity. However, the underlying molecular mechanism and the link between MCs and NLR-mediated HR are not clear. In this study, we systematically investigated the MC gene family in maize and identified 11 ZmMCs belonging to two types. Further functional analysis showed that the type I ZmMC1 and ZmMC2, but not the type II ZmMC9, suppress the HR-inducing activity of the autoactive NLR protein Rp1-D21 and of its N-terminal coiled-coil (CCD21) signaling domain when transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana. ZmMC1 and ZmMC2 physically associate with CCD21 in vivo. We further showed that ZmMC1 and ZmMC2, but not ZmMC9, are predominantly localized in a punctate distribution in both N. benthamiana and maize (Zea mays) protoplasts. Furthermore, the co-expression of ZmMC1 and ZmMC2 with Rp1-D21 and CCD21 causes their re-distribution from being uniformly distributed in the nucleocytoplasm to a punctate distribution co-localizing with ZmMC1 and ZmMC2. We reveal a novel role of plant MCs in modulating the NLR-mediated defense response and derive a model to explain it.  相似文献   
Metacaspases are distant relatives of animal caspases present in plants, fungi and protozoa. At variance with caspases, metacaspases exhibit stringent specificity for basic amino-acid residues and are absolutely dependent on millimolar concentrations of calcium. In the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, metacaspases have been suggested to be involved in an apoptosis-like phenomenon upon exposure of the parasite to fresh human serum (FHS). Nuclear relocalization of metacaspases was observed after FHS treatment and overexpression of metacaspase-5 led to enhanced sensitivity to this stimulus. Here we report some biochemical properties of T. cruzi metacaspases. Performing fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis of epimastigotes inducibly overexpressing metacaspase-3, we demonstrate a role for this metacaspase in cell cycle progression, protection of epimastigotes from naturally occurring cell death and differentiation to infective metacyclic trypomastigotes. We also show that regulation of metacaspase-3 activity is important for cell cycle completion inside the mammalian host. On the other hand, inducible overexpression of metacaspase-5 lacking its C-terminal domain caused an apoptotic-like response. These results suggest that the two T. cruzi metacaspases could play an important role in the life cycle and bring to light the close relationship between cell division, death and differentiation in this ancient unicellular eukaryote.  相似文献   
In addition to mutation, gene duplication and recombination, the transfer of genetic material between unrelated species is now regarded as a potentially significant player in the shaping of extant genomes and the evolution and diversification of life. Although this is probably true for prokaryotes, the extent of such genetic exchanges in eukaryotes (especially eukaryote-to-eukaryote transfers) is more controversial and the selective advantage and evolutionary impact of such events are less documented. A laterally transferred gene could either be added to the gene complement of the recipient or replace the recipient's homologue; whereas gene replacements can be either adaptive or stochastic, gene additions are most likely adaptive. Here, we report the finding of four stress-related genes (two ascorbate peroxidase and two metacaspase genes) of algal origin in the closest unicellular relatives of animals, the choanoflagellates. At least three of these sequences represent additions to the choanoflagellate gene complement, which is consistent with these transfers being adaptive. We suggest that these laterally acquired sequences could have provided the primitive choanoflagellates with additional or more efficient means to cope with stress, especially in relation to adapting to freshwater environments and/or sessile or colonial lifestyles.  相似文献   
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