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This article analyzes the legal status of unmanned instruments (particularly, floats and gliders) for observation purposes in the ocean environment. These new kinds of instruments are being deployed by the thousands into the oceans, not the least as part of the Argo Project of the International Oceanographic Commission. Their uncontrolled drifting has raised legal questions, especially when such instruments enter waters subject to the jurisdiction of foreign states. The authors argue that the current international legal framework is insufficient to address the pertinent issues, and that a new legal regime is needed.  相似文献   
Informed consent to medical intervention is fundamental in both ethics and law. But in practice it is often not taken seriously in developing countries. This paper provides an appraisal of informed consent practices in Bangladesh. Following a review of the ethical and legal principles of informed consent, it assesses the degree to which doctors adhere to it in Bangladesh. Based on findings of non-compliance, it then investigates the reasons for such non-compliance through an appraisal of informed consent practices in Bangladesh and provides recommendations aimed at improving such practices. The significance of this paper lies in unveiling the interdependence between the ethical and legal traits of informed consent and their ramifications on strengthening the patient-oriented approach of duty to care.  相似文献   
An Australian trial of ThinPrep: a new cytopreparatory technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the sensitivity and suitability of ThinPrep, a new slide preparation technique, 2026 paired cervical cytology slides were examined. After conventional Papanicolaou smears were prepared, the sampling instruments were rinsed in a fluid fixative. ThinPrep slides were then prepared in the laboratory from the surplus cells in the fixative. Compared with the Pap smears, ThinPrep slides were easier and quicker to screen, were inconclusive less often, and had similar rates for detecting abnormalities and infection. There were more unsatisfactory ThinPrep slides and more ThinPrep slides lacked endocervical cells. Both of these shortcomings were found to be linked to the choice of sampling implements. This study, in which a variety of sampling instruments was used, fails to confirm some of the previous claims made for the new technique.  相似文献   
目的 探讨医院病案管理数字化实现的技术和方案。方法 采用了病案数字化管理方式,使用高速扫描仪,进行病案资料的数字化采集;同时配合大型数据库技术和大容量硬盘资料缓存技术,实现病案资料的网络检索、查询和打印输出。结果 病案数字化改变了医院传统病案管理模式,提高了病案的使用率,提高了工作效率。结论 在电子病案实现之前,病案数字化管理是解决当前病案资料在保存与利用、信息安全、数据共享等诸多方面问题的一种实用、有效的管理方式。  相似文献   
通过探讨医疗机构分工协作机制的内容和形式,并与医联体、医疗服务整合以及对口支援等模式进行辨析和比较。认为分工协作机制的实质是在初级卫生保健和专科医疗服务之间进行分工,在相关领域开展协作。分工协作机制的建立最主要的是来自政府的作用,其次是发挥医疗保险政策的杠杆作用。  相似文献   
目的 通过多种形式的新农合支付方式改革,提高参保人群的受益程度,有效控制患者住院均次费用的不合理增长,促进医疗机构内部运行机制的转变,提高医保资金的使用效率。方法 采集不同类别的医疗机构,不同支付方式的住院均次费用的增幅数据,进行改革前后的数据分析。结果 改革前后各级各类医院住院均次费用的逐年增幅差距很大,利用支付方式综合改革后的各级各类医疗机构患者住院均次费用得到控制。结论 多种形式的支付方式改革是影响医疗机构内部运行机制、降低住院均次费用增幅的有效手段。  相似文献   
针对医院门诊工作现状,扩大项目、夯实基础、细化流程、建立机制,实现多院区医院门诊工作专家及专病专业化、各院区门诊资源均衡化、门诊诊疗模式多样化、门诊服务流程标准精细化、门诊诊疗全程信息化、社会不同人群及层次门诊服务需求特需化。  相似文献   
分别从产业经济、医院用药及零售终端这3 个方面对2013 年中国医药行业实际现况进行统计和分析,为企业明确发展方向、确定产品研发思路及制定市场策略提供参考。  相似文献   
2015年以来,在简政放权的大环境下,我国医疗技术管理面临着从重审批的分级分类管理向重监管转型的挑战和机遇,亟需探索建立更加科学合理的医疗技术管理体系。使用医疗技术评估的科学工具和手段是在医疗技术管理领域国际通行的理念和做法。本文梳理了我国医疗技术管理政策沿革,介绍了国际典型代表英国医疗技术管理的过程和方法,并为完善我国医疗技术管理提供了几条政策建议。  相似文献   
过度医疗作为医疗实践中的不良现象,是引发医疗纠纷和“看病贵”的重要原因。文章从信息不对称的角度,通过分析我国公立医院过度医疗治理现状,找出当前我国公立医院过度医疗治理存在的问题,提出信息不对称下公立医院过度医疗的治理模式,以期从根本上遏制公立医院过度医疗问题的发生。  相似文献   
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