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The development of the fin and limb buds involves a balance of centrifugal (active) and centripetal (passive) mechanical forces, the first of which acts to move the walls of these structures away from each other and the second of which holds them together. When the volume of the mesodermal core increases, the generated force meets with the resistance of the basal membrane, and as a result, the limb bud has a tendency to acquire a cylindrical shape. Collagen fibers, individual mesenchymal cells, and their groups hold together the dorsal and the ventral wall of the limb bud, prevent the movement of these walls away from each other, and in this way direct bud growth along the proximodistal and the anteroposterior axes. The balance of the forces which stretch the ectodermal layer and those which constrain it has also been observed in the development of other body parts.  相似文献   
Circumferential and radial components of the yolk cell surface movements were measured in the loach embryos at the late blastula stage within 40–50 min after puncture or indentation by an obliquely directed glass rod. The yolk cell surface was preliminarily marked by coal particles. It was shown that even closely located regions of the surface differed markedly in the rate and direction of their movements. In the vicinity of puncture, the yolk cell surface at first contracted in both circumferential and radial directions and then widened, but did not reach the initial values. In more remote areas, this surface continued to contract in the circumferential direction, but was extended in the radial direction. The degree of its contraction along different radii was unequal. The reaction to oblique indentation was anisotropic: the closest area of the yolk cell surface, located along the direction of indentation, contracted in both circumferential and radial directions and formed a fold “leaking” onto the rod, while the opposite area contracted in the circumferential direction, but extended in the radial direction. A conclusion was drawn that the yolk cell surface is a multivariant mechanosensitive system. Its active responses to mechanical influences obey the same patterns as multicellular embryonic tissues.  相似文献   
The critical weed-free period in organically-grown winter wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments were conducted in central southern England between September 1994 and August 1996 to identify the critical weed-free period in organically grown winter wheat (Triticum aestivum, cv. Mercia). In competition with a mixed weed infestation of predominately Alopecurus myosuroides and Tripleurospermum inodorum it was found that wheat yield decreased as the duration of the weed-infested period increased and that the crop needed to be kept free of weeds from sowing in order to completely avoid any yield loss. Also, weeds emerging in the wheat crop (predominately T. inodorum) during the growing season had a significant and detrimental effect on yield. The existence of the critical period, therefore, depends on the imposition of an acceptable yield loss. If a 5% yield loss gives a marginal benefit compared with the cost of weed control, the critical period will begin at 506°C days after sowing (November) and end at 1023°C days after sowing (February). This information could be used by farmers to target mechanical weeding operations to control weeds at a time that will have maximum benefit to the crop.  相似文献   
The effect of aluminium (Al) on root elongation was studied in solution culture and sand culture. Compared to solution culture, in sand culture a ten times higher Al supply was necessary to inhibit root elongation to a comparable degree. This was due to a much lower Al uptake into the 5 mm root tips in sand culture. Fe concentrations in root tips were also lower in sand culture. Ca concentrations were higher and less depressed by Al, whereas Mg and K concentrations were not affected by the culture substrate. Regressions of Al concentrations in root tips versus inhibition of root elongation by Al revealed root damage at lower Al concentrations in sand culture. The effect of culture substrate on Al tolerance was independent of N source and could also be shown in flowing solution culture with and without sand. The results indicate that mechanical impedance in sand culture decreased Al uptake. This may be due to enhanced exudation of organic complexors thus reducing activites of monomeric Al species.  相似文献   
In this paper we describe an experimental approach which allows turgor (p) in an impeded root to be measured without the need to remove the root from the impeding environment. The maximum axial growth pressure (σmax) generated by completely impeded pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots was measured using a novel apparatus incorporating a force transducer. The apparatus was designed so that it was possible to gain access to the impeded root with the microcapillary of a pressure probe and so obtain in situ measurements of P. Turgor in cells in the apical region of impeded roots was 0.78 MPa, compared with 0.55 MPa in unimpeded roots. In impeded roots, σmax was 0.52 MPa, showing that the pressure component resulting from cell wall tension (W, where W=P–σ) decreased from 0.55 to 0.26 MPa as the roots became impeded. When impeded roots were removed from the apparatus, there was no decrease in P over the following 90 min. Impedance did not cause P to change in the non-elongating part of the roots further from the apex.  相似文献   
Although the structural design of cellular bone (i.e., bone containing osteocytes that are regularly spaced throughout the bone matrix) dates back to the first occurrence of bone as a tissue in evolution, and although osteocytes represent the most abundant cell type of bone, we know as yet little about the role of the osteocyte in bone metabolism. Osteocytes descend from osteoblasts. They are formed by the incorporation of osteoblasts into the bone matrix. Osteocytes remain in contact with each other and with cells on the bone surface via gap junction–coupled cell processes passing through the matrix via small channels, the canaliculi, that connect the cell body–containing lacunae with each other and with the outside world. During differentiation from osteoblast to mature osteocyte the cells lose a large part of their cell organelles. Their cell processes are packed with microfilaments. In this review we discuss the various theories on osteocyte function that have taken in consideration these special features of osteocytes. These are (1) osteocytes are actively involved in bone turnover; (2) the osteocyte network is through its large cell-matrix contact surface involved in ion exchange; and (3) osteocytes are the mechanosensory cells of bone and play a pivotal role in functional adaptation of bone. In our opinion, especially the last theory offers an exciting concept for which some biomechanical, biochemical, and cell biological evidence is already available and which fully warrants further investigations. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Resistance conferred by the Tsw locus from Capsicum chinense against Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has been widely used in breeding programmes. Nevertheless, this resistance depends on inoculation conditions, and isolates able to overcome it have already been detected. In this work 29 accessions of several Capsicum species have been mechanically inoculated with TSWV to identify new sources of resistance. Five accessions showed variable percentages of resistant plants, two of which did not show local lesions on inoculated leaves, suggesting that the response was not mediated through hypersensitivity. Two of these accessions also had a remarkable reduced viral accumulation compared to susceptible control. ECU‐973., a C. chinense accession, showed the best performance against TSWV, with 100% resistant plants. This response was confirmed after mechanical inoculation with three different TSWV isolates. The resistance was maintained when the accession was inoculated with TSWV using a high pressure of viruliferous thrips. These results open new possibilities in the development of a durable resistance to TSWV in pepper.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of brushing on the chilling tolerance and metabolism of nonstructural carbohydrates (soluble sugars and starch) in tomato leaves before, during and after a chilling stress. Tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Caruso) were cultivated either without mechanical stress application (control plants) or with daily brushing treatments for 15 days (brushed plants), prior to a 7-day chilling treatment (8/5°C day/night). Brushing resulted in shorter plants with a 34% reduction in leaf dry weight per area and a 59% reduction of soluble sugars and starch, on a dry weight basis. The sugar to starch ratio was not affected by brushing. A greater chilling tolerance in the brushed plants was demonstrated by the maintenance of a significantly higher PSII efficiency in brushed plants (42%) compared to that of the control plants (30%) after 7 days of chilling treatment, less visible damage to the leaf tissue, and a more rapid resumption of growth during 3 days of recovery as compared to control plants. During the chilling treatment levels of soluble sugars per leaf dry weight increased 15-fold in the brushed plants and 5-fold in control plants. In the present study we have demonstrated that brushing can increase chilling tolerance in tomato plants. The observed differences in chilling tolerance and concentration of soluble sugars in the leaves may indicate an involvement of soluble sugar levels in acclimation to chilling.  相似文献   
Studies were undertaken to evaluate the effects of mechanical impedance on root exudation by maize (Zea mays L., var Dea) and to examine the importance of these effects in relation to the stage of plant development. Plants were grown under sterile and hydroponic conditions. Mechanical impedance was simulated using glass beads of 1 mm diameter. This treatment was compared with a control without beads. Results demonstrated that plant growth was influenced by mechanical impedance. Mechanical impedance markedly affected the growth of the shoot, whether this was measured as leaf area or total dry matter. Besides increasing root/shoot biomass ratios, mechanical impedances also stimulated root exudation of organic and inorganic compounds. Stressed plants lost more nitrogenous compounds than control plants. Otherwise, the percentage of released carbon decreased. Depending on the developmental stage of the plant, there was a large variation in the magnitude and time course on mechanical impedance effects. The effects of mechanical impedance persist and accentuate with time.  相似文献   
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