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ovement of mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (mixed wild populations of An.arabiensis, An.gambiae and An.melas ) between three neighbouring rural villages in The Gambia was investigated by mark-release-recapture. A total of 12,872 mosquitoes were collected in bednets, marked with a magenta fluorescent powder and released over a 15-day period in one of the villages. A further 15,507 mosquitoes were collected in exit traps, marked with a yellow powder and released over the same period. Mosquitoes were captured daily in all three villages using pyrethrum spray catches, as well as bednet and exit trap catches. The catching period extended for 6 days after the last day of release.
Of the mosquitoes released, 372 (1.3%) were recaptured 2–21 days later. Of these recaptures, 272 were caught in the release village, and 98 were caught in other villages situated 1–1.4 km away. The 'movement index' between villages was calculated as 17.2% (12.2–22.4% confidence limits) for mosquitoes released after feeding and 20.1% (14.7–25.3%) for those released unfed.
These results suggest that movement of mosquitoes between neighbouring villages in The Gambia seriously affects the entomological evaluation of pyrethroid-impregnated bednet programmes in areas where treated and untreated villages are interspersed.  相似文献   
The early-season dispersal of the overwintered apple blossom weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a crucial stage in the colonisation of dwarf apple orchards adjacent to forests. We have conducted release-recapture studies with 1700 to 4000 marked weevils at two orchard sites in Switzerland over 2 years to characterise the spatial and temporal pattern of the dispersal process. The dispersal and colonisation of orchards in spring by overwintered weevils is dependent upon the prevailing temperature.An orientated dispersal from the forest border to the centre of the orchard was observed consistently, irrespective of the angle of the apple tree rows with respect to the forest border or of climatic conditions. The average dispersal distance of the weevils was 19 m. Approximately one third of the weevil population remained on the first tree encountered, the remainder of the population moved over short distances mainly along the tree rows. This dispersal pattern led to a strong edge effect with higher numbers of weevils occurring at the edges adjoining the forests as compared to the centre of orchards. The relevance of these findings to population dynamics and management of the pest is discussed.  相似文献   
为了证实草地螟Loxostege sticticalis L.(鳞翅目: 螟蛾科)由我国华北越冬区向东北迁飞危害的假说并提供直接的证据, 采用网捕成虫喷雾染料标记释放回收的方法,于2009年越冬代草地螟成虫盛发期间(6月1-4日)分别在内蒙古武川县(41.07°N, 111.42°E)和察右中旗(41.13°N, 112.58°E)的6个标放点共标记当地越冬代草地螟成虫约181万头并自然释放。标记释放后, 在东北、 西北和华北11个草地螟常发省(市、 区)组织各级监测预警部门利用虫情测报灯、 捕虫网和性诱剂诱捕器等多种器械进行回收, 先后于2009年6月7-29日在内蒙古科右中旗、 乌兰浩特、 扎兰屯分别回收到由察右中旗标记释放的成虫9头, 在辽宁省北票市回收到由武川县标记释放的成虫1头。标记释放点至回收点直线距离为725~1 117 km。这是迄今为止世界上确认的草地螟最远迁飞距离。这些证据不仅证实了我国越冬代草地螟成虫能从华北迁往东北危害, 而且为进一步了解草地螟的种群动态规律, 改善草地螟的预测预报技术提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   
In order to estimate migration and gene flow, allele frequencies in populations at two sites separated by 120 m were differentially perturbed by the continuous release over 413 days of flies homozygous at particular allozyme loci. The effects of perturbation were determined by genotype assay at two collections prior to, thirteen during and nine after the perturbation period. Maximum likelihood methods were developed to estimate migration into the two populations from the homozygous releases, and migration between the two populations. The successful perturbation of allele frequencies in a natural population is demonstrated. A plateau in allele frequencies during perturbation and a return to original frequencies following cessation of perturbation was most likely due to selection during development against recessive alleles concurrently introduced into the populations by the released flies. There is unequivocal evidence for short distance gene flow between the two populations. The migration rates estimated at ten times over a nine month period were extremely variable, but with higher population density at one site positively related with migration from that site to the other.  相似文献   
In order to study the range of flight and feeding activity of Anopheles sinensis, the dispersal experiment was conducted in Paju city, located in the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, during the period of 7th to 28th September 1998. Unfed females An. sinensis were collected in cowshed and released after being marked with fluorescent dye at 23:00 hours on the same day. Released female mosquitoes were recaptured everyday during 21 days using light traps, which were set at 10 sites in the cowsheds located 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 km north-northwest and north-northeast and at 3 sites located 1, 6 and 9 km toward south-west from the release point. In addition, to study the longest flight distance in one night, we set the light traps at 16 and 20 km toward north-northeast from the release site. All the collected mosquitoes were placed on filter papers and observed on UV transilluminator after treatment with one drop of 100% ethanol. Out of 12,773 females of An. sinensis released, 194 marked females mosquitoes were recaptured, giving 1.52% recapture rate. Of 194, 72 mosquitoes (37.1%) were recaptured in light traps from three places set at 1 km from the release point, 57 mosquitoes (29.4%) from two places at 1-3 km, 41 mosquitoes (21.1%) from three places at 3-6 km, 20 mosquitoes (10.3%) from three places at 6-9 km, and 4 mosquitoes (2.1%) from two places at 9-12 km. Since 170 female mosquitoes (87.6%) out of 194 marked mosquitoes were captured within 6 km from the release point, this flight radius represents the main activity area. An sinensis was found to be able to fly at least 12 km during one night.  相似文献   
We present a mosquito marking technique suitable for mark-release-recapture that can be used with a hand-held, portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer, which is practical for field measurements. Third instar Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) and Anopheles stephensi Liston larvae were cultured to pupation in water containing rubidium (Rb) Cl at concentrations up to 1000 p.p.m. Rb. Anopheles gambiae larvae survived to adulthood at concentrations as high as 1000 p.p.m. Rb but suffered pupal mortality and reduced adult longevity at high concentrations. We were able to culture An. stephensi at Rb concentrations as high as 300 p.p.m. The presence of Rb in adults was evaluated using a portable XRF analyser, and we were able to reliably detect Rb above background levels in 10-day-old females and 4-day-old males at concentrations causing minimal pupal or adult mortality. We observed that Rb marking was not permanent, and the concentration declined significantly as adults aged. The low cost of labelling with RbCl and the field portability of the spectrometer provide a useful means for labelling mosquitoes via breeding sites or in the laboratory for mark-release-recapture experiments.  相似文献   
Abstract 1 Two new concepts describing the origin of insects caught in an attractive trap are presented. 2 Male European pine sawflies Neodiprion sertifer Geoffroy (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) were marked and released from 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 m in the four cardinal directions around a centrally placed pheromone trap. 3 Based on linear regression of transformed data, we calculated the seasonal sampling range (rs) as 1040 m. 4 We estimated the previously defined ‘effective sampling area’ (α) at 4.9 ha, assuming that the insects are evenly distributed around the trap and that they are attracted from a circular area around it. This is the area from which all insects originate if the trap is 100% effective within the area but captures nothing outside of it. The effective sampling area reveals nothing about the origin of the insects caught. We defined the Cumulative Proportional Catch (CPC) that gives the proportion of the trap catch that originates from an area within a distance r from the trap. At r = rs CPC = 1, and in our study 50% of the captured insects originated up to 450 m from the trap. Thus, for the trap used in this study, a relatively large proportion of the catch originates some distance from the trap. 5 We also defined the Catch Concentration (CC), which is the ratio of the radius of the effective sampling area (rα) to rs. For our data, CC = 0.12, which is intermediate to high compared to the few other studies that we have extracted information from. If rα is considerably lower than rs, then only a small proportion of the insects caught originate from close proximity to the trap. When rα is close to rs, the catch adequately mirrors the population within most of its sampling range. 6 By using these two new concepts, we will better understand why monitoring traps mirror the local population in some cases but not in others. This will help in designing more reliable monitoring programmes.  相似文献   
Fyke nets were used to sample longfin eels Anguilla die.enbachii in fourth order stream sites with contrasting riparian land use (native tussock, exotic pasture and pasture plus willows Salix spp.) in Lee Stream, a tributary of the Taieri River, New Zealand. Total lengths (LT) of longfin eels from locations inaccessible to eel fishers were normally distributed whereas those from accessible locations had a non-normal, positively skewed distribution. Mean LT and body condition were higher in inaccessible than accessible sites, consistent with considerable fishing exploitation in the latter. Mean LT of the fish was greatest in pasture, intermediate in willow and smallest in tussock sites. Larger longfin eels (≥535 mm) were associated with a riffle-type habitat consisting of shallow, faster-flowing water with coarse, variable sediment and were taken farther from cover. In contrast, smaller longfin eels were associated with a pool-type habitat consisting of slower-flowing, deeper water, with fine, homogenous sediment and were captured closer to cover. This pattern of habitat use differed from some previous reports and probably reflects differences in methodology: fyke nets set over 48 h to sample actively moving longfin eels compared to daytime electric fishing, which samples longfin eels that are more likely to be at rest.  相似文献   
Dispersal behavior directly influences the level of inbreeding, but the effect of inbreeding avoidance on dispersal is less well studied. The parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae) is known to mate exclusively on the natal patch, and females are the only dispersing sex. A previous study has shown that foundresses on a patch are typically unrelated, implying that females disperse for a considerable distance from their natal patch after mating. We investigated dispersal of N. vitripennis on two scales. On a local scale we used a mark-release-recapture experiment, and on the larger scale we investigated isolation by distance using a population genetic approach. We found that N. vitripennis females are long-distance dispersers, capable of covering at least 2 km in 48 h. Populations within a range of 100 km showed no substructure, but larger distances or major geographical barriers restricted gene flow and led to significant population structure. The results provide a basis for future research on dispersal of parasitoids and are discussed in the context of dispersal abilities and inbreeding avoidance in Nasonia .  相似文献   
Four experiments were conducted to examine the feasibility of marking pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) with rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG) protein for mark-release-recapture studies. Pink bollworm were internally marked by feeding larvae an enriched rabbit IgG diet or externally marked by submerging pupae and spraying adults. Individuals were then assayed for the presence of rabbit IgG by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using anti-rabbit IgG. The internal marker was retained in larvae and retained in prepupae and pupae, but not in adults. A second experiment showed that rabbit IgG was retained on adults that were externally marked as pupae. A third series of tests examined the feasibility of externally marking adults with rabbit IgG. Rabbit IgG was retained on externally marked adults for six days in the field. Protein was retained on marked moths in the laboratory after they were captured on and removed from sticky traps. Finally, laboratory tests showed that large groups of externally marked moths transferred rabbit IgG to unmarked moths, but individual males do not readily transfer the protein to unmarked females in small vials.  相似文献   
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