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Previously, we have shown that alleles of the BM1500 microsatellite, located 3.6 kb downstream of the leptin gene in cattle, were associated with carcass fat measures in a population of 154 unrelated beef bulls. Subsequently, a cytosine (C) to thymine (T) transition that encoded an amino acid change of an arginine to a cysteine was identified in exon 2 of the leptin gene. A PCR-RFLP was designed and allele frequencies in four beef breeds were correlated with levels of carcass fat. The T allele was associated with fatter carcasses and the C allele with leaner carcasses. The frequencies of the SNP alleles among breeds indicated that British breeds have a higher frequency of the T allele whereas the continental breeds have a higher occurrence of the C allele. A ribonuclease protection assay was developed to quantify leptin mRNA in a separate group of animals selected by genotype. Animals homozygous for thymine expressed higher levels of leptin mRNA. This may suggest that the T allele, which adds an extra cysteine to the protein, imparts a partial loss of biological function and hence could be the causative mutation.  相似文献   
Marbling defined by the amount and distribution of intramuscular fat, so-called Shimofuri , is an economically important trait of beef cattle in Japan. The endothelial differentiation sphingolipid G-protein-coupled receptor 1 ( EDG1 ) gene, involved in blood vessel formation, has been previously shown to be expressed at different levels in musculus longissimus muscle between low-marbled and high-marbled steer groups. It is located within the genomic region of a quantitative trait locus for marbling, and thus was considered as a positionally functional candidate for the gene responsible for marbling. In this study, two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the 5' untranslated region (UTR) and the 3' UTR of EDG1 , referred to as c. - 312A>G and c.*446G>A , respectively, were detected between the two steer groups. The two SNPs were associated with the predicted breeding value for beef marbling standard number by analyses using a population of Japanese Black beef cattle. The effect of genotypes at each of the SNPs on the predicted breeding value for subcutaneous fat thickness was not statistically significant ( P  >   0.05). Reporter gene assays revealed no significant differences in gene expression between alleles at each of the SNPs. These findings suggest that EDG1 SNPs, although they may not be regarded as a causal mutation, may be useful for effective marker-assisted selection to increase the levels of marbling in Japanese Black beef cattle.  相似文献   
Intramuscular fat (IMF) content depends on sex, genotype and diet and varies with pig growth. The aim of the present work was to determine the evolution of IMF by genotype-sex, muscle and muscle location, to determine relationships between IMF content of different muscles and to predict IMF in live pigs with computed tomography (CT). For this purpose, 155 pigs of seven combinations of genotype-sex were CT scanned and slaughtered at 70, 100 and 120 kg. From the carcasses, fat thickness was measured at several locations along the midline. Loin samples from three anatomical positions (between the eighth and ninth last ribs, between the third and fourth last ribs and between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae) and three ham muscles (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and gluteus medius) were extracted, weighed and IMF was determined with near-IR equipment. From CT images, the distribution of volume by Hounsfield value (unit related with the density) was obtained for each muscle and anatomical location. Marbling was evaluated in the three loin locations. The effects of genotype-sex and live weight and their interaction were included in the statistical model. For prediction of IMF with CT images, partial least square regression was used. The results show differences in IMF content by genotype-sex and muscle. In general, the most cranial part of the loin presented higher IMF content, as well as the biceps femoris muscle of the ham. Depending on the genotype-sex, IMF content increased during all growth or increased until 100 kg and then became constant. Correlation coefficients between IMF content by muscle/location were between 0.74 and 0.83 within loin locations and between 0.53 and 0.70 for ham muscles. Correlation coefficients between marbling and IMF content evaluated at the same location varied between 0.51 and 0.66. Prediction of IMF content from CT images is not accurate enough (residual predictive deviation statistical values lower than 1.3). Muscle weight increase with animal growth and allometric coefficients varied between 0.89 and 0.97 for the muscles evaluated. The conclusions of the present work are that IMF content differs between and within muscle, during growth and by genotype-sex and that prediction of IMF in CT images of live pigs is not accurate.  相似文献   
Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting, selective genotyping was performed to determine if this method was effective for selecting superior breeding stock. Forty-eight cows with extreme genetic merit for beef marbling score (BMS) were selected from a population of Japanese Black cattle (n = 4462), including 25 with the highest for predicted breeding value (PBV) and 23 with the lowest. Sixteen AFLP fragments were selected for further analysis based on fragment frequency differences between the high and low groups. A linear discriminant analysis using these AFLP fragments was applied in order to derive a discriminant function that classified the cows into high and low groups. Seven of the 16 fragments were included in the resulting function and the discriminant scores (general genetic values, GGV) of the 48 cows were calculated using the function. These cows were clearly separated into high and low groups by GGV with a correlation ratio of 0.91 (discriminative error of 2.1%). The same function was then applied to 121 additional cows that were randomly selected from the original population. A significant regression coefficient of GGV on BMS-PBV (R2 = 0.45) was obtained, which indicates that the GGV can be used as a selection criterion for BMS in this population. These results suggest that AFLP fingerprinting can be used for animal breeding without identifying the underlying genes affecting the trait of interest.  相似文献   
Adipogenesis, myogenesis and fibrogenesis are related processes that can contribute to meat quality. Therefore, extending the knowledge of these processes would facilitate the identification of molecular markers that predict intramuscular fat accretion. The main purpose of this work, based on previous results, was to further study the expression of key genes related to adipogenic, myogenic, fibrogenic processes and some cytokines in Longissimus thoracis (LT) and Masseter (MS) muscles of Pirenaica and Holstein young bulls. Longissimus thoracis and MS muscles from Pirenaica (n = 4) and Spanish Holstein (n = 4) were sampled for proximate analysis, determination of adipocyte size distribution and expression of key candidate genes. Fat percentage was lower in LT than in MS muscle in Pirenaica young bulls (P = 0.023) and was higher in LT muscle in Holstein than in Pirenaica young bulls (P = 0.007). Gene expression analysis revealed that the mRNA level of myogenic differentiation 1 (MYOD) was higher in LT than in MS muscles in both groups of animals (P < 0.001) and that myostatin (MSTN) expression was also higher in LT than in MS muscle in Holstein bulls (P = 0.001). On the other hand, MSTN and PPARG showed higher expression in LT and MS in Pirenaica young bulls (P = 0.026), while the expression of fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4) was higher in Holstein young bulls, also in both muscles (P < 0.001). The results suggested that the development of intramuscular adipose depot was directly related to the expression of adipogenic genes, such as FABP4, but inversely related to the expression of the cytokine MSTN and the myogenic gene MYOD, genes which showed a muscle-specific expression.  相似文献   
Calpastatin has been introduced as a potential candidate gene for growth and meat quality traits. In this study, genetic variability was investigated in the exon 6 and its intron boundaries of ovine CAST gene by PCR-SSCP analysis and DNA sequencing. Also a protein sequence and structural analysis were performed to predict the possible impact of amino acid substitutions on physicochemical properties and structure of the CAST protein. A total of 487 animals belonging to four ancient Iranian sheep breeds with different fat metabolisms, Lori-Bakhtiari and Chall (fat-tailed), Zel-Atabay cross-bred (medium fat-tailed) and Zel (thin-tailed), were analyzed. Eight unique SSCP patterns, representing eight different sequences or haplotypes, CAST-1, CAST-2 and CAST-6 to CAST-11, were identified. Haplotypes CAST-1 and CAST-2 were most common with frequency of 0.365 and 0.295. The novel haplotype CAST-8 had considerable frequency in Iranian sheep breeds (0.129). All the consensus sequences showed 98–99%, 94–98%, 92–93% and 82–83% similarity to the published ovine, caprine, bovine and porcine CAST locus sequences, respectively. Sequence analysis revealed four SNPs in intron 5 (C24T, G62A, G65T and T69-) and three SNPs in exon 6 (c.197A > T, c.282G > T and c.296C > G). All three SNPs in exon 6 were missense mutations which would result in p.Gln 66 Leu, p.Glu 94 Asp and p.Pro 99 Arg substitutions, respectively, in CAST protein. All three amino acid substitutions affected the physicochemical properties of ovine CAST protein including hydrophobicity, amphiphilicity and net charge and subsequently might influence its structure and effect on the activity of Ca2 + channels; hence, they might regulate calpain activity and afterwards meat tenderness and growth rate. The Lori-Bakhtiari population showed the highest heterozygosity in the ovine CAST locus (0.802). Frequency difference of haplotypes CAST-10 and CAST-8 between Lori-Bakhtiari (fat-tailed) and Zel (thin-tailed) breeds was highly significant (P < 0.001), indicating that these two haplotypes might be breed-specific haplotypes that distinguish between fat-tailed and thin-tailed sheep breeds.  相似文献   
Selection signals of Korean cattle might be attributed largely to artificial selection for meat quality. Rapidly increased intragenic markers of newly annotated genes in the bovine genome would help overcome limited findings of genetic markers associated with meat quality at the selection signals in a previous study. The present study examined genetic associations of marbling score (MS) with intragenic nucleotide variants at selection signals of Korean cattle. A total of 39 092 nucleotide variants of 407 Korean cattle were utilized in the association analysis. A total of 129 variants were selected within newly annotated genes in the bovine genome. Their genetic associations were analyzed using the mixed model with random polygenic effects based on identical-by-state genetic relationships among animals in order to control for spurious associations produced by population structure. Genetic associations of MS were found (P<3.88×10−4) with six intragenic nucleotide variants on bovine autosomes 3 (cache domain containing 1, CACHD1), 5 (like-glycosyltransferase, LARGE), 16 (cell division cycle 42 binding protein kinase alpha, CDC42BPA) and 21 (snurportin 1, SNUPN; protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9, PTPN9; chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4, CSPG4). In particular, the genetic associations with CDC42BPA and LARGE were confirmed using an independent data set of Korean cattle. The results implied that allele frequencies of functional variants and their proximity variants have been augmented by directional selection for greater MS and remain selection signals in the bovine genome. Further studies of fine mapping would be useful to incorporate favorable alleles in marker-assisted selection for MS of Korean cattle.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate an association between polymorphisms in the FABP4 gene and phenotypic variation for marbling and carcass weight (CWT) in a population of Hanwoo steers. We re‐sequenced 4.3 kb of the FABP4 gene region in 24 Hanwoo bulls and identified 16 SNPs and 1 microsatellite polymorphism. Of these 16 SNPs, three SNPs [g.2774G>C (intron I), g.3473A>T (intron II) and g.3631G>A (exon III, creating a p.Met >Val amino acid substitution)] were genotyped in 583 steers to assess their association with carcass traits. The g.3473A allele showed a significant increasing effect on CWT (P = 0.01) and the g.3631G allele was associated with higher marbling score (P = 0.006). One haplotype of these three SNPs (CAG) was significantly associated with CWT (P = 0.02) and marbling score (P = 0.05) and could potentially be of value for marker assisted selection in Hanwoo cattle. The CAG haplotype effect for CWT was larger (11.14 ± 5.03 kg) than the largest single locus effect of g.3473A>T (5.01 ± 2.2 kg).  相似文献   
Basic solutions are an indispensable part of our daily life. Basic solutions are commonly used in industries such as the textile industry, oil refineries, the fertilizer industry, and pharmaceutical products. Most cleaning agents, such as soap, detergent, and bleach, and some of our foods, such as chocolate and eggs, include bases. Bases are the fundamental concepts of chemistry. Indicators are chemical compounds that can be added to solution to determine whether it is a base or not. This article describes an activity whose primary aim is to teach base indicators to preservice elementary teachers. In this activity, the authors turned the traditional art of marbling into something achievable with the chemical substances that are the basic solutions and base indicators found in nearly all chemistry laboratories. Therefore, this activity can be called chemical marbling. The preservice elementary teachers learned the base indicators and basic solutions throughout this activity. The purpose of the study is not only to teach the science concepts to the preservice elementary teachers with fun but also to promote the development of their attitudes toward science, creativity, and aesthetic feelings. Suggestions stress that chemical marbling might be a good tool to acquire the preservice elementary teachers’ cognitive and affective learning outcomes.  相似文献   
The factors influencing the priority of access to food and the effects of the priority of access to food on their carcass traits were analyzed for Japanese Black (Wagyu) cattle in a semi-intensive fattening production system. The records of 96 clinically healthy steers and heifers were analyzed. The calves at ∼3 to 4 months of age were allocated to pens with four animals per pen; all four animals in the same pen were of the same sex and of similar body size. The ranking of the animals’ priority of access to food (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th), which was determined by the farm manager, was used as an indicator of social dominance in the present study. Four models including sire line, maternal grandsire line and the difference in the animals’ birth dates as fixed effects were used to analyze factors influencing the priority of access to food. Ranking was represented by ordinal scores (highest=4, lowest=1) in Model 1, and the binary scores were assigned in Model 2 (highest=1; 2nd, 3rd and 4th=0), Model 3 (1st and 2nd=1; 3rd and 4th=0) and Model 4 (1st, 2nd and 3rd=1; lowest=0). The results showed that the difference in the animals’ birth dates had a significant effect on the establishment of the priority of access to food in Model 3 (P<0.05), suggesting that animals born earlier may become more dominant in the pen. The maternal grandsire line tended to affect the social rank score in Models 2 and 3 (P<0.10). Our results indicated that the maternal grandsire line may affect the temperament of calves through their mothers’ genetic performance and thereby more aggressive calves may be more dominant and have higher priority of access to food. On the other hand, there was a significant effect of the priority of access to food on beef marbling score (BMS; P<0.05), and the priority of access to food also tended to influence the carcass weight (P=0.09). The highest BMS was observed for animals with the first rank of the priority of access to food (P<0.05), and the higher-ranking animals had the tendency to be heavier carcass than the lower-ranking animals. Our findings emphasized the importance of information about the priority of access to food determined by farmers’ own observation on implementing best management practices in small-scaled semi-intensive beef cattle production systems.  相似文献   
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