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We determined the species diversity, blood‐feeding behavior, and host preference of Anopheles mosquitoes in two malaria endemic areas of Tak (Mae Sot District) and Mae Hong Son (Sop Moei District) Provinces, located along the Thai border with Myanmar, during a consecutive two‐year period. Anopheline mosquitoes were collected using indoor and outdoor human‐landing captures and outdoor cow‐baited collections. Mosquitoes were initially identified using morphological characters, followed by the appropriate multiplex AS‐PCR assay for the identification of sibling species within Anopheles (Cellia) complexes and groups present. Real‐time PCR was performed for parasite‐specific detection in mosquitoes (Plasmodium spp. and Wuchereria bancrofti). A total of 7,129 Anopheles females were captured, 3,939 from Mae Sot and 3,190 from Sop Moei, with 58.6% and 37% of all anophelines identified as An. minimus, respectively. All three malaria vector complexes were detected in both areas. One species within the Minimus Complex (An. minimus) was present along with two related species in the Funestus Group, (An. aconitus, An. varuna), two species within the Dirus Complex (An. dirus, An. baimaii), and four species within the Maculatus Group (An. maculatus, An. sawadwongporni, An. pseudowillmori, and An. dravidicus). The trophic behavior of An. minimus, An. dirus, An. baimaii, An. maculatus, and An. sawadwongporni are described herein. The highest An. minimus densities were detected from February through April of both years. One specimen of An. minimus from Mae Sot was found positive for Plasmodium vivax.  相似文献   
In recent attempts to isolate the factor causing paralysis in rats infected with a mousepassed KBG 173 strain of Plasmodium berghei Splenectomy was employed. The effects of Splenectomy on the paralyzing syndrome are discussed in the present report. Paralysis was inhibited in rats splenectomized prior to inoculation. Serial bloodpassaging of the strain in the splenectomized host however, apparently enhanced its virulence. Spleen-intact rats used as controls exhibited a marked increase in incidence of paralysis. Rats splenectomized a day before paralysis became evident were paralyzed significantly more frequently than those splenectomized a day earlier, indicating the apparent requirement of an incubation period for the expression of the paralytic effect. The enhanced virulence did not appear to be related to the level of parasitemia of the splenectomized rats used as donors. The spleen appears to provide the optimal conditions required for the elaboration of the paralyzing factor.  相似文献   
Abstract. A village-scale field trial of pyrethroid-impregnated mosquito nets was undertaken in The Gambia, West Africa, in the Mandinka village of Saruja (13o13'N, 14o55'W) during July-November 1989. Nearly all the villagers possessed and used their own bednets. Anopheles gambiae is the main vector of human malaria in the area.
An experimental wash-resistant formulation of permethrin was compared with standard emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of permethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, versus placebo-treated bednets. Target concentrations of pyrethroids on bednets were permethrin 500mg/m2 and lambda-cyhalothrin 25 mg/m2. The experimental design involved random allocation of a treatment to one net per family. Whereas 68% of people questioned said they washed their nets fortnightly, observations during the 16-week trial period showed that only 4/130 (3%) of nets involved in the trial had been washed as frequently as once per month.
Early morning searches for mosquitoes under bednets (1 day/week for 16 weeks) found significantly more mosquitoes (60% An. gambiae ) in placebo-treated nets than in pyrethroid-treated nets. The numbers found with each of the three pyrethroid treatments did not differ significantly from each other. Insecticidal efficacy of the treatments was tested by bioassays using wild-caught unfed mosquitoes exposed to netting for 3min. Linear regression analysis of bioassay mortality against number of times that a net had been washed by villagers showed that nets impregnated with the wash-resistant permethrin retained their insecticidal properties better than nets impregnated with lambda-cyhalothrin or with the standard permethrin formulation.  相似文献   
Abstract. Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes which had fed upon mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii nigeriensis malaria parasites produced significantly fewer eggs than mosquitoes fed on an uninfected mouse. Fecundity reduction was more pronounced when the bloodmeal contained malaria gametocytes and the mosquitoes developed oocysts. Egg production and haematin excretion were correlated for uninfected bloodfed mosquitoes; the presence of P.y. nigeriensis in the blood affected this relationship. Reduced fecundity was associated with a significant reduction of bloodmeal size (measured by haematin excretion) in mosquitoes which ingested gametocytaemic blood. The bloodmeal size in mosquitoes fed on parasitaemic blood without gametocytes was not significantly reduced. The use of haematin assays for determination of bloodmeal size in mosquitoes is discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract. Village-scale trials were carried out in southern Mexico to compare the efficacy of indoor-spraying of the pyrethroid insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin applied either as low-volume (LV) aqueous emulsion or as wettable-powder (WP) aqueous suspension for residual control of the principal coastal malaria vector Anopheles albimanus. Three indoor spray rounds were conducted at 3-month intervals using back-pack mist-blowers to apply lambda-cyhalothrin 12.5 mg a.i./m2 by LV, whereas the WP was applied by conventional compression sprayer at a mean rate of 26.5 mg a.i./m2.
Both treatments caused mosquito mortality indoors and outdoors (collected inside house curtains) as a result of contact with treated surfaces before and after feeding, but had no significant impact on overall population density of An. albimanus resting indoors or assessed by human bait collections. Contact bioassays showed that WP and LV treatments with lambda-cyhalothrin were effective for 12–20 weeks (>75% mortality) without causing excito-repellency.
Compared to the WP treatment (8 houses/man/day), LV treatment (25 houses/man/day) was more than 3 times quicker per house, potentially saving 68% of labour costs. This is offset, however, by the much lower unit price of a compression sprayer (e.g. Hudson 'X-pert' at US120) than a mist-blower (e.g. 'Super Jolly' at US350), and higher running costs for LV applications. It was calculated, therefore, that LV becomes more economical than WP after 18.8 treatments/100 houses/10 men at equivalent rates of application, or after 7.6 spray rounds with half-rate LV applications.  相似文献   
Use of an electrostatic sprayer for control of anopheline mosquitoes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Electrodyn sprayer was compared with a compression sprayer (Hudson X-pert) for residual application of cypermethrin, a pyrethroid insecticide, to control the malaria vectors Anopheles arabiensis Patton and An. funestus Giles in experimental huts at Magugu in Tanzania. The time taken for hut spraying, 2-2.5 min per hut, was similar for both types of sprayer. Two or three huts were treated internally with cypermethrin at 40 or 80 mg a.i./m2 using Electrodyn formulation for comparison with 80 mg a.i./m2 using wettable powder formulation. Each of the twelve huts (including five untreated controls) was fitted with window exit traps and either louvre or verandah traps for mosquito sampling. The Electrodyn sprayer was fitted with a pair of elbowed deflectrodes to direct the positively charged spray droplets onto walls and ceiling. All treatments gave 94-100% mortality-rates of indoor-resting anophelines throughout the evaluation period of 11 weeks post-spray. Reductions of An.arabiensis and An.funestus females by 10-42% and 62-91%, respectively, in rooms and by 72% and 51% in exit traps indicated that cypermethrin deterred mosquitoes from entering the huts. Overall mortality-rates of mosquitoes were 66% of both species in huts treated with 40 mg/m2 Electrodyn, 43% An.funestus and 71% An.arabiensis due to 80 mg/m2 Electrodyn formulation and 49% An.funestus and 64% An.arabiensis due to 80 mg/m2 WP formulation (no significant differences). It is concluded that the Electrodyn sprayer with deflectrodes is a convenient and effective means of residual house-spraying with pyrethroid insecticide for malaria vector control.  相似文献   
Plasmodium falciparum (human malaria) infections are characterized by the attachment of erythrocytes infected with mature stage parasites to endothelial cells lining the post-capillary venules, a phenomenon known as sequestration. In the human body, the microvessels of the heart, lungs, kidneys, small intestine, and liver are the principal sites of sequestration. Sequestered cells that clog the brain capillaries may reduce blood flow sufficiently so that there is confusion, lethargy, and unarousable coma--cerebral malaria. This review considers what is known about the molecular characteristics of the surface proteins, that is, the red cell receptors and the endothelial cell ligands, involved in sequestration. Recent work from our laboratory on the characterization of the adhesive proteins on the surface of the P falciparum-infected red cell, and the ligands to which they bind on human brain endothelial cells is also discussed. Finally, consideration is given to the multifactor processes involved in sequestration and cerebral malaria, as well as the possible role of 'anti-adhesion therapy' in the management of severe malaria.  相似文献   
DNA probes to identify members of the Anopheles farauti complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA probes have been constructed to distinguish between the members of the Anopheles farauti complex of mosquitoes known as species numbers 1, 2 and 3. Partial genomic libraries of the three known species were exposed to labelled total genomic DNA from each species. Colonies showing differential hybridization were selected for further testing. These probes were found which allow identification of the three known species: probe pAf1 (160 bp fragment) hybridizes to DNA from An. farauti nos. 1 and 2; probe pAf2 (95 bp fragment) hybridizes to DNA from An. farauti no. 2 only; and probe pAf3 (1.3 kb fragment) hybridizes strongly to DNA from An. farauti no. 3, less to no. 1 and faintly to no. 2. Increasing the stringency of hybridization reduced the cross-hybridization of probes pAf1 and pAf3. Only radioactively labelled probes were tested. Males and females and individuals from diverse habitats and localities showed the same species/probe hybridization characteristics. This technique allows faster identification of the sibling species than previous methods, and has the added advantage that it allows air-dried and alcohol stored specimens to be identified.  相似文献   
DDT resistance in Anopheles gambiae declines with mosquito age   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Adult Anopheles gambiae Giles mosquitoes from Zanzibar were tested on a standard discriminating dose of DDT which reliably kills susceptible mosquitoes. Adults from wild-caught larvae reared in the laboratory, and from the F1 progeny of wild-caught adults, showed less than 5% test mortality when newly-emerged, but mortality rose with age to over 90% when they were 12-14 days old. Wild-caught mixed-age adults showed an intermediate mortality rate of 25%, close to the rate predicted from laboratory results for a fully resistant population with an age-structure typical of this species in natural conditions. It is inferred that older, genetically resistant insects may be scored as susceptible, so that routine susceptibility tests with wild-caught adults underestimate the frequency of resistance. In Zanzibar, such tests probably helped to persuade spraying authorities to continue spraying DDT in spite of resistance. Resistance which is restricted to younger insects may nonetheless reduce the effectiveness of spraying.  相似文献   
The acetycholinesterase gene ofAnopheles stephensi   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1. The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) gene from the important malaria vector Anopheles stephensi has been isolated by homology to the Drosophila acetylcholinesterase gene. 2. The complete sequence and intron-exon organization has been determined. The encoded protein has 69% identity to Drosophila AChE and 38 and 36% identity to Torpedo AChE and human butyrylcholinesterase, respectively.  相似文献   
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