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Genetic and environmental factors may contribute to high blood pressure, which is termed essential hypertension. Hypertension is a major independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke and renal failure; thus, elucidation of the etiopathology of hypertension merits further research. We recently reported that the platelets and neutrophils of patients with hypertension exhibit altered biophysical characteristics. In the present study, we assessed whether the major structural elements of erythrocyte plasma membranes are altered in individuals with hypertension. We compared the phospholipid (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylserine, sphingosine) and cholesterol contents of erythrocytes from individuals with hypertension (HTN) and healthy individuals (HI) using LC/MS-MS. HTN erythrocytes contained higher phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine contents and a lower cholesterol content than HI erythrocytes. Furthermore, atomic force microscopy revealed important morphological changes in HTN erythrocytes, which reflected the increased membrane fragility and fluidity and higher levels of oxidative stress observed in HTN erythrocytes using spectrophotofluorometry, flow cytometry and spectrometry. This study reveals that alterations to the lipid contents of erythrocyte plasma membranes occur in hypertension, and these alterations in lipid composition result in morphological and physiological abnormalities that modify the dynamic properties of erythrocytes and contribute to the pathophysiology of hypertension.  相似文献   
The components of biological membranes are present in a physical mixture. The nonrandom ways that the molecules of lipids and proteins mix together can strongly influence the association of proteins with each other, and the chemical reactions that occur in the membrane, or that are mediated by the membrane. A particular type of nonrandom mixing is the separation of compositionally distinct phases. Any such phase separation would result in preferential partition of some proteins and lipids between the coexisting phases, and thus would influence which proteins could be in contact, and whether a protein could find its target. Phase separation in a plasma membrane would also influence the binding of molecules from outside the cell to the membrane, including recognition proteins on viruses, bacteria, and other cells. The concept of these and other events associated with membrane phase separation are sometimes grouped together as the “raft model” of biological membranes. Several types of experiments are aimed at detecting and characterizing membrane phase separation. Visualizing phase separation has special value, both because the immiscibility is so decisively determined, and also because the type of phase can often be identified. The fluorescence microscope has proven uniquely useful for yielding images of separated phases, both in certain cell preparations, and especially in models of cell membranes. Here we discuss ways to prepare useful model membranes for image studies, and how to avoid some of the artifacts that can plague these studies.  相似文献   
α-Hemolysin (HlyA) is a protein toxin, a member of the pore-forming Repeat in Toxin (RTX) family, secreted by some pathogenic strands of Escherichia coli. The mechanism of action of this toxin seems to involve three stages that ultimately lead to cell lysis: binding, insertion, and oligomerization of the toxin within the membrane. Since the influence of phase segregation on HlyA binding and insertion in lipid membranes is not clearly understood, we explored at the meso- and nanoscale—both in situ and in real-time—the interaction of HlyA with lipid monolayers and bilayers. Our results demonstrate that HlyA could insert into monolayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin/cholesterol (DOPC/16:0SM/Cho) and DOPC/24:1SM/Cho. The time course for HlyA insertion was similar in both lipidic mixtures. HlyA insertion into DOPC/16:0SM/Cho monolayers, visualized by Brewster-angle microscopy (BAM), suggest an integration of the toxin into both the liquid-ordered and liquid-expanded phases. Atomic-force-microscopy imaging reported that phase boundaries favor the initial binding of the toxin, whereas after a longer time period the HlyA becomes localized into the liquid-disordered (Ld) phases of supported planar bilayers composed of DOPC/16:0SM/Cho. Our AFM images, however, showed that the HlyA interaction does not appear to match the general strategy described for other invasive proteins. We discuss these results in terms of the mechanism of action of HlyA.  相似文献   
The HA of influenza virus is a paradigm for a transmembrane protein thought to be associated with membrane-rafts, liquid-ordered like nanodomains of the plasma membrane enriched in cholesterol, glycosphingolipids, and saturated phospholipids. Due to their submicron size in cells, rafts can not be visualized directly and raft-association of HA was hitherto analyzed by indirect methods. In this study, we have used GUVs and GPMVs, showing liquid disordered and liquid ordered domains, to directly visualize partition of HA by fluorescence microscopy. We show that HA is exclusively (GUVs) or predominantly (GPMVs) present in the liquid disordered domain, regardless of whether authentic HA or domains containing its raft targeting signals were reconstituted into model membranes. The preferential partition of HA into ld domains and the difference between lo partition in GUV and GPMV are discussed with respect to differences in packaging of lipids in membranes of model systems and living cells suggesting that physical properties of lipid domains in biological membranes are tightly regulated by protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   
The 40 and 42 residue amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides are major components of the proteinaceous plaques prevalent in the Alzheimer's disease-afflicted brain and have been shown to have an important role in instigating neuronal degeneration. Whereas it was previously thought that Aβ becomes cytotoxic upon forming large fibrillar aggregates, recent studies suggest that soluble intermediate-sized oligomeric species cause cell death through membrane permeabilization. The present study examines the interactions between Aβ40 and lipid membranes using liposomes as a model system to determine how changes in membrane composition influence the conversion of Aβ into these toxic species. Aβ40 membrane binding was monitored using fluorescence-based assays with a tryptophan-substituted peptide (Aβ40 [Y10W]). We extend previous observations that Aβ40 interacts preferentially with negatively charged membranes, and show that binding of nonfibrillar, low molecular mass oligomers of Aβ40 to anionic, but not neutral, membranes involves insertion of the peptide into the bilayer, as well as sequential conformational changes corresponding to the degree of oligomerization induced. Significantly, while anionic membranes in the gel, liquid crystalline, and liquid ordered phases induce these conformational changes equally, membrane permeabilization is reduced dramatically as the fluidity of the membrane is decreased. These findings demonstrate that binding alone is not sufficient for membrane permeabilization, and that the latter is also highly dependent on the fluidity and phase of the membrane. We conclude that binding and pore formation are two distinct steps. The differences in Aβ behavior induced by membrane composition may have significant implications on the development and progression of AD as neuronal membrane composition is altered with age.  相似文献   
Lipid rafts are cholesterol (Chol)-rich microdomains floating in a sea of lipid bilayers. Chol is thought to interact preferentially with sphingolipids such as sphingomyelin (SM) rather than with glycerophospholipids, and this putative SM–Chol interaction is generally recognized as a requirement for raft formation. However, the presence of the specific interaction is still controversial, primarily because of the lack of useful molecular probes for scrutinizing this interaction. Recently, we reported that the dynamic properties of 6-F-Chol in DMPC bilayers are similar to those of unmodified Chol. Hence, in the present study, we first compared the roles of 6-F-Chol and Chol in SM bilayers through detergent insolubility, fluorescence polarization, and 2H NMR experiments. The results demonstrated that 6-F-Chol and Chol behave similarly in SM bilayers, whereas, in SM–DOPC membranes, 6-F-Chol is less effective in domain formation. Then, we analyzed the molecular orientation of 6-F-Chol in SM bilayers using solid-state NMR, and found that the dynamics and orientation of 6-F-Chol in SM bilayers are almost identical to those in DMPC bilayers. This supports the notion of the lack of a putative specific interaction between SM and Chol. Thus, this study demonstrates the utility of 6-F-Chol as a molecular probe for understanding molecular recognition in lipid rafts.  相似文献   
Chao-Wen Wang 《Autophagy》2014,10(11):2075-2076
Delivery of cellular contents to yeast vacuoles/mammalian lysosomes via autophagy ensures long-term cell survival and extends life span. When cultured yeast cells are grown for a prolonged period of time to enter stationary phase, a nondividing state mimicking quiescence, vacuolar membrane proteins partition into either one of the vacuolar microdomains, liquid-ordered (Lo) or liquid-disordered (Ld). We show that during the transition to stationary phase, lipid droplets (LDs), organelles originated from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), undergo lateral movement to reach the vacuolar surface and are confined within the specific Lo microdomain underlying the network of vacuolar quasi-symmetrical micodomains. Stationary phase lipophagy uses the autophagy machineries to modify the sterol-enriched Lo microdomain to engulf LDs and subsequently deposits the LD-containing vesicles inside the vacuole lumen, which is a pathway morphologically resembling microautophagy. Moreover, stationary phase lipophagy supplies quiescent yeast cells with sterols to sustain phase partitioning of lipids for vacuolar microdomain maintenance. A feed forward loop model was proposed to depict that the sterols boosted by LDs via stationary phase lipophagy promote the Lo microdomain maintenance that in turn stimulates lipophagy.  相似文献   
Membranes made of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, one of the simplest paradigms for the study of liquid ordered-disordered phase separation, were investigated using a pulse-EPR spin-labeling method in which bimolecular collision of molecular oxygen with the nitroxide spin label is measured. This method allowed discrimination of liquid-ordered, liquid-disordered, and solid-ordered domains because the collision rates (OTP) differ in these domains. Furthermore, the oxygen transport parameter (OTP) profile across the bilayer provides unique information about the three-dimensional dynamic organization of the membrane domains. First, the OTP in the bilayer center in the liquid-ordered domain was comparable to that in the liquid-disordered domain without cholesterol, but the OTP near the membrane surface (up to carbon 9) was substantially smaller in the ordered domain, i.e., the cholesterol-based liquid-ordered domain is ordered only near the membrane surface, still retaining high levels of disorder in the bilayer center. This property may facilitate lateral mobility in ordered domains. Second, in the liquid-disordered domain, the domains with ~5 mol % cholesterol exhibited higher OTP than those without cholesterol, everywhere across the membrane. Third, the transmembrane OTP profile in the liquid-ordered domain that contained 50 mol % cholesterol dramatically differed from that which contained 27 mol % cholesterol.  相似文献   
Lipid rafts and membrane traffic   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hanzal-Bayer MF  Hancock JF 《FEBS letters》2007,581(11):2098-2104
Membrane rafts are regions of increased lipid acyl chain order that differ in their lipid and protein composition from the surrounding membrane. By providing an additional level of compartmentalization they have been proposed to serve many functions in cellular signal transduction and trafficking. We will review their potential involvement in different forms of membrane traffic, explicitly excluding signalling, and discuss select aspects of the raft hypothesis in its current form.  相似文献   
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