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In Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), surface-exposed Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) is a key determinant of immunogenicity, yet its intrinsic heterogeneity confounds typical structure–function analysis. Recently, LAM gained a strong foothold as a validated marker for active tuberculosis (TB) infection and has shown great potential in new diagnostic efforts. However, no efforts have yet been made to model or evaluate the impact of mixed polyclonal Mtb infections (infection with multiple strains) on TB diagnostic procedures other than antibiotic susceptibility testing. Here, we selected three TB clinical isolates (HN878, EAI, and IO) and purified LAM from these strains to present an integrated analytical approach of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, as well as enzymatic digestion and site-specific mass spectrometry (MS) to probe LAM structure and behavior at multiple levels. Overall, we found that the glycan was similar in all LAM preparations, albeit with subtle variations. Succinates, lactates, hydroxybutyrate, acetate, and the hallmark of Mtb LAM-methylthioxylose (MTX), adorned the nonreducing terminal arabinan of these LAM species. Newly identified acetoxy/hydroxybutyrate was present only in LAM from EAI and IO Mtb strains. Notably, detailed LC/MS-MS unambiguously showed that all acyl modifications and the lactyl ether in LAM are at the 3-OH position of the 2-linked arabinofuranose adjacent to the terminal β-arabinofuranose. Finally, after sequential enzymatic deglycosylation of LAM, the residual glycan that has ∼50% of α−arabinofuranose -(1→5) linked did not bind to monoclonal antibody CS35. These data clearly indicate the importance of the arabinan termini arrangements for the antigenicity of LAM.  相似文献   
The waxy cell wall is crucial to the survival of mycobacteria within the infected host. The cell wall is a complex structure rich in unusual molecules that includes two related lipoglycans, the phosphatidylinositol mannosides (PIMs) and lipoarabinomannans (LAMs). Many proteins implicated in the PIM/LAM biosynthetic pathway, while attractive therapeutic targets, are poorly defined. The 2.4A resolution crystal structure of an essential lipoprotein, LpqW, implicated in LAM biosynthesis is reported here. LpqW adopts a scaffold reminiscent of the distantly related, promiscuous substrate-binding proteins of the ATP-binding cassette import system. Nevertheless, the unique closed conformation of LpqW suggests that mycobacteria and other closely related pathogens have hijacked this scaffold for use in key processes of cell wall biosynthesis. In silico docking provided a plausible model in which the candidate PIM ligand binds within a marked electronegative region located on the surface of LpqW. We suggest that LpqW represents an archetypal lipoprotein that channels intermediates from a pathway for mature PIM production into a pathway for LAM biosynthesis, thus controlling the relative abundance of these two important components of the cell wall.  相似文献   
目的:提取纯化结核分枝杆菌(MTB)脂阿拉伯甘露聚糖(LAM)。方法:MTB菌体彻底破碎后,去脂,去蛋白,上清液经苯酚萃取,酒精沉淀,得到LAM;以提取的LAM作为包被抗原检测血清中的LAM抗体。结果和结论:提取到LAM抗原,免疫印迹表明,LAM迁移范围相对分子质量为25×103~40×103,主要集中在35×103处。在64例肺结核患者中,有43例LAM-ELISA检测阳性(敏感性为67.19%);在67例健康志愿者中,有64例LAM-ELISA检测阴性(特异性为95.52%)。  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) remains the second most common cause of death due to a single infectious agent. The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of the disease in humans, is a source of unique glycoconjugates and the most distinctive feature of the biology of this organism. It is the basis of much of Mtb pathogenesis and one of the major causes of its intrinsic resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. At the same time, the unique structures of Mtb cell envelope glycoconjugates, their antigenicity and essentiality for mycobacterial growth provide opportunities for drug, vaccine, diagnostic and biomarker development, as clearly illustrated by recent advances in all of these translational aspects. This review focuses on our current understanding of the structure and biogenesis of Mtb glycoconjugates with particular emphasis on one of the most intriguing and least understood aspect of the physiology of mycobacteria: the translocation of these complex macromolecules across the different layers of the cell envelope. It further reviews the rather impressive progress made in the last 10 years in the discovery and development of novel inhibitors targeting their biogenesis.  相似文献   
Detecting the mycobacterial glycolipid lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in urine by anti-LAM antibodies fills a gap in the diagnostic armamentarium of much needed simple rapid tests for tuberculosis, but lacks high sensitivity in all patient groups. A better understanding of LAM structure from clinically relevant strains may allow improvements in diagnostic performance. De et al. have recently determined the structures of LAM from three epidemiologically important lineages of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and probed their interaction with an anti-LAM monoclonal antibody. Their results not only identify a series of tailoring modifications that impact antibody binding but also provide a roadmap for improving U-LAM-based diagnostics.  相似文献   
Modern chemotherapy has significantly improved patient outcomes against drug-sensitive tuberculosis. However, the rapid emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis, together with the bacterium’s ability to persist and remain latent present a major public health challenge. To overcome this problem, research into novel anti-tuberculosis targets and drug candidates is thus of paramount importance. This review article provides an overview of tuberculosis highlighting the recent advances and tools that are employed in the field of anti-tuberculosis drug discovery. The predominant focus is on anti-tuberculosis agents that are currently in the pipeline, i.e. clinical trials.  相似文献   
Structural analysis has been successfully implemented recently to obtain valuable information on the mycobacterial cell wall components, many of which have formed the basis for biosynthesis and functional studies towards developing better drugs and possible vaccines. The highly complex and well organized structure unique to mycobacteria, represents the best target for novel antimycobacterial agents. Until recently, our knowledge of the enzymes responsible for the biogenesis of the cell wall components was almost negligible. The pathways are now being elucidated in several laboratories. Highlights of this review include significant advances in the structure and biochemistry of the major cell wall components and potenital targets for generation of new drugs.  相似文献   
Macrophages are a major source of lipid mediators in the human lung. Expression and contribution of cytosolic (cPLA2) and secreted phospholipases A2 (sPLA2) to the generation of lipid mediators in human macrophages are unclear. We investigated the expression and role of different PLA2s in the production of lipid mediators in primary human lung macrophages. Macrophages express the alpha, but not the zeta isoform of group IV and group VIA cPLA2 (iPLA2). Two structurally-divergent inhibitors of group IV cPLA2 completely block arachidonic acid release by macrophages in response to non-physiological (Ca2+ ionophores and phorbol esters) and physiological agonists (lipopolysaccharide and Mycobacterium protein derivative). These inhibitors also reduce by 70% the synthesis of platelet-activating factor by activated macrophages. Among the full set of human sPLA2s, macrophages express group IIA, IID, IIE, IIF, V, X and XIIA, but not group IB and III enzymes. Me-Indoxam, a potent and cell impermeable inhibitor of several sPLA2s, has no effect on arachidonate release or platelet-activating factor production. Agonist-induced exocytosis is not influenced by cPLA2 inhibitors at concentrations that block arachidonic acid release. Our results indicate that human macrophages express cPLA2-alpha, iPLA2 and several sPLA2s. Cytosolic PLA2-alpha is the major enzyme responsible for lipid mediator production in human macrophages.  相似文献   
Mycobacteria are major human pathogens responsible for such serious and widespread diseases as tuberculosis and leprosy. Among the evolutionary adaptations essential for pathogenicity in mycobacteria is a complex carbohydrate-rich cell-wall structure that contains as a major immunomodulatory molecule the polysaccharide lipoarabinomannan (LAM). We report here crystal structures of three fragments from the non-reducing termini of LAM in complex with a murine antibody Fab fragment (CS-35Fab). These structures reveal for the first time the three-dimensional structures of key components of LAM and the molecular basis of LAM recognition at between 1.8- and 2.0-Å resolution. The antigen-binding site of CS-35Fab forms three binding pockets that show a high degree of complementarity to the reducing end, the branch point and one of the non-reducing ends of the Y-shaped hexasaccharide moiety found at most of the non-reducing termini of LAM. Structures of CS-35Fab bound to two additional tetrasaccharides confirm the general mode of binding seen in the hexasaccharide and indicate how different parts of LAM are recognized. Altogether, these structures provide a rational basis for understanding the overall architecture of LAM and identify the key elements of an epitope that may be exploited for the development of novel and more effective anti-mycobacterial vaccines. Moreover, this study represents the first high-resolution X-ray crystallographic investigation of oligofuranoside-protein recognition.  相似文献   
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