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Homing to a more or less permanent scar after each foragingexcursion is a common movement pattern among intertidal gastropodsand chitons; however, details of the timing and spacing of foragingactivity have been investigated only in a few species. The presentstudy analyzes the short-term behavior of the limpet Patellarustica along the Tyrrhenian coast, Italy, using a motographictechnique to assess the fine organization of its foraging duringfavorable periods of sea roughness. P. rustica becomes activeonce the upper midlittoral is well splashed. It alternates foragingexcursions and resting at home with a periodicity slightly longerthan 12 h, suggesting a tidal-diel pattern. However, periodogramanalysis of the sea level oscillations during the study periodsrevealed no such rhythmicity because tidal oscillations werehidden by irregular variations caused by waves. As a resultof this time partitioning, limpets move, on average, less than50% of their potential activity time. Time partitioning maybe highly adaptive in reducing potential risks. Nevertheless,in the absence of clear external driving cues, the significanceof a very regular and apparently tidal pattern, fairly synchronousamong the different specimens, remains to be explained. Theactivity of P. rustica during each excursion is organized intothree parts: the outgoing journey during which grazing activityprogressively increases, a central part characterized by intensegrazing, and the return characterized by fast displacement anda more or less consistent trail following. Limpets head forrandom directions to reach foraging grounds in successive excursions,showing only a slight avoidance of the direction taken duringthe previous outward journey. This pattern produces a spatialscattering of grazing activity, allowing efficient exploitationof grazing areas distributed radially around home during subsequentexcursions.  相似文献   
Grazing mollusks are used as a food resource worldwide, and limpets are harvested commercially for both local consumption and export in several countries. This study describes a field experiment to assess the effects of simulated human exploitation of limpets Patella vulgata on their population ecology in terms of protandry (age‐related sex change from male to female), growth, recruitment, migration, and density regulation. Limpet populations at two locations in southwest England were artificially exploited by systematic removal of the largest individuals for 18 months in plots assigned to three treatments at each site: no (control), low, and high exploitation. The shell size at sex change (L50: the size at which there is a 50:50 sex ratio) decreased in response to the exploitation treatments, as did the mean shell size of sexual stages. Size‐dependent sex change was indicated by L50 occurring at smaller sizes in treatments than controls, suggesting an earlier switch to females. Mean shell size of P. vulgata neuters changed little under different levels of exploitation, while males and females both decreased markedly in size with exploitation. No differences were detected in the relative abundances of sexual stages, indicating some compensation for the removal of the bigger individuals via recruitment and sex change as no migratory patterns were detected between treatments. At the end of the experiment, 0–15 mm recruits were more abundant at one of the locations but no differences were detected between treatments. We conclude that sex change in P. vulgata can be induced at smaller sizes by reductions in density of the largest individuals reducing interage class competition. Knowledge of sex‐change adaptation in exploited limpet populations should underpin strategies to counteract population decline and improve rocky shore conservation and resource management.  相似文献   
The Southern Ocean contains some of the most isolated islands on Earth, and fundamental questions remain regarding their colonization and the connectivity of their coastal biotas. Here, we conduct a genetic investigation into the Cellana strigilis (limpet) complex that was originally classified based on morphological characters into six subspecies, five of which are endemic to the New Zealand (NZ) subantarctic and Chatham islands (44–52°S). Previous genetic analyses of C. strigilis from six of the seven island groups revealed two lineages with little or no within‐lineage variation. We analysed C. strigilis samples from all seven island groups using two mitochondrial (COI and 16S), one nuclear (ATPase β) and 58 loci from four randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) and confirmed the existence of two distinct lineages. The pronounced genetic structuring within each lineage and the presence of private haplotypes in individual islands are the result of little genetic connectivity and therefore very high self‐recruitment. This study supports the significance of the subantarctic islands as refugia during the last glacial maximum and adds to the knowledge of contemporary population connectivity among coastal populations of remote islands in large oceans and the distance barrier to gene flow that exists in the sea (despite its continuous medium) for most taxa.  相似文献   
Eighteen microsatellite markers have been characterized from the Patella rustica genome. An average of 10 alleles per locus and an expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.054 to 0.937 were observed in a sample of 32 wild individuals from Viana do Castelo, Portugal. Distinct cross-priming amplification rates were recovered on four additional Patella species. Three monomorphic P. rustica loci were polymorphic in other Patella species. The microsatellites developed herein could be a useful intraspecific genetic tool to undertake fine population studies in the genus Patella.  相似文献   
Shanks  Alan L. 《Behavioral ecology》2002,13(4):467-471
Lottia gigantea, the owl limpet, is an algal gardener. Territorial individuals actively defend gardens, which consist of clearedareas in the intertidal zone upon which a thick algal filmdevelops and upon which the territory holder feeds. Smaller,nonterritory holders raid these gardens and graze the algalfilm. Territorial individuals must obtain an adequate ration without compromising the productivity of the garden. In contrast,a nonterritory holder grazing on another limpet's territorymust obtain an adequate ration before it contacts the territoryholder and is driven off. In the laboratory, replicate setsof 10 limpets were trained to behave territorially and nonterritorially.Training mimicked natural encounters between territorial andnonterritorial L. gigantea. Limpets given territorial trainingleft significantly (t = -4.92, df = 9, p =.00041) more algalcover behind when grazing (on average 71%) than did limpetstrained to be nonterritorial (on average 50%). Territorial limpets seldom grazed over the same area more than once (4% of the grazedarea). In contrast, nonterritorial limpets frequently foragedover an area more than once; of the area grazed, 20% had beenvisited more than once. Previous agonistic experience determinesboth territorial behavior and foraging strategies, two of thecritical behaviors necessary for successful gardening behavior.Nonterritorial limpets maximize consumption per unit area, whereas territorial limpets appear to forage prudently, leaving a significantly greater proportion of the plant biomass behind.  相似文献   
Consequences of ‘pushing contests’ between pairs of the intertidal pulmonate limpetSiphonaria sirius were analyzed, focusing on the relationship between dominance order and resting site fidelity. The pushing contests occurred near patches ofEnteromorpha sp., their favorite algal food resource. Three or four dominance ranks were determined from the consequences of the contests in different seasons. Individuals in lower dominance ranks tended to shift their resting sites significantly more than those in higher ranks. The dominance order of limpets is considered to play an important role in migration by its effect on resting site fidelity. Density dependent dispersal, from the lower to the upper part of limpets' habitats, was observed in late summer to winter when desiccation was not a problem and food resources became abundant in less populated areas. In late spring to summer, however, migration was directed downwards, from less to more populated areas, where desiccation pressure was relatively weaker. This migration is considered to have a survival advantage, and the behavior of the limpets may have masked density-dependent dispersal during the two seasons. Distribution of home site was also considered affected by aggressive social behavior during the two periods.  相似文献   
The keyhole limpet, Fissurella virescens Sowerby, and the pulmonate limpet, Siphonaria gigas Sowerby, are commonly found in intertidal rocky shores along the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. They occur from mid-low to high intertidal levels and their abundances are inversely correlated. Fissurella virescens is more abundant in the mid intertidal zone, whereas Siphonaria gigas is more abundant in the high zone. A factorial experiment was conducted to determine the effects of density on survival and weight loss of each species in order to distinguish between the effects of intra- vs. interspecific competition. The experiment was carried out in the habitat of highest density of each species. Intraspecific competition was found to be important in regulating the population density of Fissurella. Intraspecific competition did not regulate population density of Siphonaria but caused a decrease in body weight at high densities. Interspecific competition between both species was weak.  相似文献   
There is substantial evidence from terrestrial and freshwater systems of species responding to climate change through changes in their phenology. In the marine environment, however, there is less evidence. Using historic (1946–1949) and contemporary (2003–2007) data, collected from rocky shores of south‐west Britain, we investigated the affect of recent climate warming on the reproductive phenology of two con‐specific intertidal limpet grazers, with cool/boreal and warm/lusitanian centres of distribution. Reproductive development in the southern limpet, Patella depressa, has advanced, on average, 10.2 days per decade since the 1940s, with a longer reproductive season and more of the population reproductively active. The peak in the proportion of the population in advanced stages of gonad development was positively correlated with sea surface temperature (SST) in late spring/early summer, which has increased between the 1940s and 2000s. The advance in peak reproductive development of this species is double the average observed for terrestrial and freshwater systems and indicates, along with other studies, that marine species may be responding faster to climate warming. In contrast, the northern limpet, Patella vulgata, has experienced a delay in the timing of its reproductive development (on average 3.3 days per decade), as well as an increase in reproductive failure years and a reduction in the proportion of the population reaching advanced gonad stages. These results are the first to demonstrate a delay in the reproductive development of a cool‐temperate, winter spawner, towards cooler more favourable environmental conditions in response to climate warming. Such a delay in spawning will potentially lead to trophic miss‐matches, resulting in a rapid nonlinear decline of this species.  相似文献   
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