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The development of the fin and limb buds involves a balance of centrifugal (active) and centripetal (passive) mechanical forces, the first of which acts to move the walls of these structures away from each other and the second of which holds them together. When the volume of the mesodermal core increases, the generated force meets with the resistance of the basal membrane, and as a result, the limb bud has a tendency to acquire a cylindrical shape. Collagen fibers, individual mesenchymal cells, and their groups hold together the dorsal and the ventral wall of the limb bud, prevent the movement of these walls away from each other, and in this way direct bud growth along the proximodistal and the anteroposterior axes. The balance of the forces which stretch the ectodermal layer and those which constrain it has also been observed in the development of other body parts.  相似文献   
Morphological studies were carried out with peach flower buds collected monthly in 1989 and 1990, from two months before leaf fall (7 March) until two to three weeks before bloom (7/8 August). Chilled (2–4°C for 30 days) and unchilled buds were exposed to 20 to 25°C, 100% RH and continuous light. Gibberellin A3 (3 ng or 30 ng) was applied to some of the non-chilled cuttings at three days intervals. Then, 12, 19, and 26 days after they were planted, the buds were sampled and processed for histological studies. Cultured flower buds (chilled or unchilled) had accelerated anther and gynoecium morphogenesis after 12 days under controlled conditions, compared to buds processed immediately after collection from the field. Chilling treatment augmented the bud culture effect, while Gibberellin A3 applications to the excised buds retarded bud morphogenesis to a stage comparable to that of buds collected directly from the field. This, suggests that the comparatively high levels of Gibberellin A1/3 we previously found in mid winter [15, 18] could be at least one of the factors that controls floral bud dormancy by retarding anther and gynoecium development.  相似文献   
Large numbers of European ash have died in Poland in all age classes during the last ten years. The characteristic symptom occurring on shoots of planted and self‐sown seedlings was bark necroses starting from the shoot apex, necrotic buds, or leaf and twig scars. The results showed that in the bud tissue of cold acclimated European ash extracellular and intracellular ice formation occurred at approximately ?9 and ?32°C, respectively. In deacclimated plants in spring water supercooling is limited by the heterogenous ice nucleation temperature and consequently the cold tolerance is ?9 to ?4°C for bud tissues and ?13 to ?9°C for shoots. Isolations of fungi were performed from dead buds and from necroses occurring on the main stem. Alternaria alternata, Fusarium lateritium and Phomopsis scobina were among the fungi occurring in both these organs at frequencies of more than 7%. Cylindrocarpon heteronemum, Diplodia mutila and Tubercularia vulgaris from necroses were only isolated in frequencies; 3.3, 1.2 and 5.4%, respectively. It seems likely that freezing injury is the inciting factor, which combined with fungal colonization manifests itself as fatal damage to European ash buds and shoots.  相似文献   
Groups of young, adult males and females performed the handgrip and standing long jump tests. Their total forearm and leg volumes were calculated from a series of circumference and length measurements, and the lean volumes (bone + muscle) calculated by taking the skinfold thickness into consideration. In the handgrip, the mean female performance was 298 N compared with 496 N for the males. In the standing long jump, mean performance expressed as distance x body mass was 87.3 kg.m for females compared with 137.7 kg.m for males. These superior performances of males could simply reflect their greater muscle mass, as the mean lean volumes of female and male limbs respectively were 0.54 l and 0.89 l for forearms, and 11.82 l and 14.82 l for the two legs. However, when the performances of males and females were grouped by lean limb volume, it was found that while in both tests there were linear relationships, males and females did not share a common line. In both tests the male relationship was at a higher level than the female; therefore, for a given lean volume, the male performance was significantly superior to that of the female. The gender difference found in this study has not been seen in other studies in which the performance of skeletal muscle has been related to the cross-sectional area of the active muscles and the possible reasons for the differences are considered.  相似文献   
Fully adult partial skeletons attributed to Australopithecus afarensis (AL 288-1, “Lucy”) and to Homo habilis (OH 62, “Lucy's child”), respectively, both include remains from upper and lower limbs. Relationships between various limb bone dimensions of these skeletons are compared to those of modern African apes and humans. Surprisingly, it emerges that OH 62 displays closer similarities to African apes than does AL 288-1. Yet A. afarensis, whose skeleton is dated more than 1 million years earlier, is commonly supposed to be the ancestor of Homo habilis. If OH 62, classified as Homo habilis by its discoverers, does indeed represent a stage intermediate between A. afarensis and later Homo, a revised interpretation of the course of human evolution would be necessary.  相似文献   
Micropropagation of the actinorhizal plant Comptonia peregrina of the Myricaceae was achieved successfully by the induction of root buds in excised root culture with cytokinin (1.0 M benzyladenine). Excised root segments with initiated root buds were subcultured in Woody Plant Medium (WPM) lacking growth regulators, developing extensive callus which subsequently gave rise to multiple adventitious buds. Shoot elongation was facilitated by transfer of calluses to more aerated conditions. Root initiation was induced on shoots by brief treatment with auxin (<1 M indolebutyric acid) and transfer to WPM for plantlet development. Controlled light and aeration in liquid medium were critical conditions for successful micropropagation.  相似文献   
Summary The relationship between the size and shape of regenerative outgrowth and the quantity of innervation was studied in adult Xenopus laevis. The forelimbs, of which the nerve supply was artificially altered, were amputated midway through the stylopodium and were kept for 1 year. The regenerative outgrowths that formed in normal limbs with an intact nerve supply were mainly spike-shaped and occasionally rod-shaped. However, when the nerve supply to the distal part of the forelimb was augmented by surgically diverting ipsilateral sciatic nerve bundles, the quantity of innervation was increased to about two and a half times that of the normal limb. These hyperinnervated outgrowths were somewhat larger than those of the normally innervated outgrowths and the majority of them were oar-shaped, a type hardly ever encountered in normal regeneration. In contrast, when partial denervation was performed concomitantly with limb amputation, by ablation of the N. radialis at the shoulder joint, the quantity of innervation decreased to about one half that of the normal limb. The outgrowths obtained were spike-shaped in all cases, with their size being about half that of the normally innervated outgrowths. Furthermore, when both the N. radialis and N. ulnaris were ablated in the same way, the amputated limbs were mostly non-regenerative, but some of them regenerated small conical outgrowths. Based on these results, a discussion is presented concerning the relationship between a regenerative outgrowth and the innervation of the forelimb in Xenopus.  相似文献   
The number of plants in the gazetted rare species Stylidium coroniforme was increased through micropropagation. A method was first developed using the common species S. brunonianum. It was found that for both species, rapid propagation could be obtained by excising shoots from sterile seedlings and inducing shoot proliferation on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 1 M BAP. Rooting was achieved using 1 M IBA and over 100 plants of each species were successfully established in soil. Leaf pieces could also be used to initiate cultures. In media with 20–25 M BAP and 1–5 M IBA, leaf pieces of S. brunonianum, S. piliferum, S. caricifolium and S. crassifolium produced adventitious buds, thus providing another method of micropropagation.  相似文献   
Summary The present studies examined some of the properties of Cl channels in renal outer medullary membrane vesicles incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. The predominant channel was anion selective having aP Cl/P K ratio of 10 and a unit conductance of 93 pS in symmetric 320mm KCl. In asymmetric KCl solutions, theI-V relations conformed to the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. Channel activity was voltage-dependent with a gating charge of unity. This voltage dependence of channel activity may account, at least in part, for the striking voltage dependence of the basolateral membrane Cl conductance of isolated medullary thick ascending limb segments. The Cl channels incorporated into the planar bilayers were asymmetrical: thetrans surface was sensitive to changes in ionized Ca2+ concentrations and insensitive to reducing KCl concentrations to 10mm, while thecis side was insensitive to changes in ionized Ca2+ concentrations, but was inactivated by reducing KCl concentrations to 50mm.  相似文献   
The variation of body shape among prosimians is reviewed. Special emphasis is placed on the selective advantages, that is the mechanical reasons, to which variants of the locomotor apparatus can be traced back. There are differences found in the cheiridia, but at present they cannot be explained in terms of mechanics; there is nearly no knowledge about the mechanical meaning of their diversity. Myological characteristics of taxa can be explained mechanically, but this has not yet been done. Well known are variations of body proportions. These discriminate higher taxa, and are largely coincident with the often-used locomotor categories. In spite of this, there are only few sound arguments about the real biomechanic value of characteristic proportions for a given locomotor mode. What is known on this field, is reviewed. Progress can be made only, if the mechanical conditions, set by postural behavior and locomotion, are understood completely. The subtle distinctions between lower taxonomic units can normally be identified only on the basis of detailed and quantified analyses of movements on one hand, and of biometrics on the other. In the few cases in which such studies have been made, the differences of morphology fit to the mechanical requirements of locomotion which also differ only in quantitative details.  相似文献   
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