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Five-day-old etiolated barley shoots respond to brief illumination with red light by increasing their level of PAL ca 50% within 5 hr. When assayed s  相似文献   
A method for the isolation and concentration of the monoglutamate forms of folate cofactors from tissues and for their subsequent separation and quantitation using HPLC coupled with uv detection at 284 nm is described. A chromatographic procedure utilizing Dowex 50 has been developed for the separation of the folate monoglutamates from a large portion of the nonfolate-related material following digestion of the polyglutamated froms with a highly purified preparation of rat liver conjugase. This chromatographic procedure combined with concentration of the Dowex eluate by lyophilization eliminates uv-absorbing material, which interferes with the detection and quantitation of the folate cofactors and makes possible uv measurement of the individual folates. Reverse-phase paired-ion chromatography on μBondapak C18 coupled with uv detection allows direct quantitation of the folates in the nanogram range.  相似文献   
The antimicrobial efficacy of zinc (Zn) salts (sulfate and acetate) against Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) present in the oral cavity was tested in this study. The substantivity of Zn salts was assessed by determining the concentration of Zn in whole, unstimulated saliva and by measuring the magnitude of suppression of salivary S. mutans, 2h after rinsing. The concentration of Zn was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with electrothermal atomization (ET AAS) in saliva sampled before (basal) and 24h after mouth rinsing with different concentrations of Zn (0.1%, 0.5% and 1%) administrated as sulfate and acetate. The estimation of Zn levels in samples collected 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after rinsing was carried out by AAS with flame atomization (FAAS). Immediately after rinsing, the concentration of Zn in saliva sharply increased with respect to the baseline values (0.055+/-0.017 mg/L), followed by a sustained decrease, probably due to clearance of salivary flow or swallowing during sampling. A significant reduction (>87%) in the total mean S. mutans counts was found 2h after rinsing either with sulfate or acetate solutions, as evidence of the high substantivity and effectiveness of the Zn salts tested. A statistically significant inverse relationship (p<0.001 and the Pearson correlation coefficients between -34% and -50%) was found between Zn levels and the respective pH values measured in the samples collected 60 and 120 min after rinsing, sustaining the theory of bacterial glycolysis inhibition.  相似文献   
Abstract. Comparisons were made between the changes in mRNA levels induced by low night temperatures in the cold–sensitive tomato and two altitudinal ecotypes of the wild species L. hirsutum. Changes in mRNA levels were detected by resolving in vitro translation products of poly(A)+ RNA by 2-D PAGE. The treatment was applied by first growing plants in a thermoperiod of 25/18°C and then switching to 25/6°C. All tomatoes displayed a diurnal cycling in which a set of mRNAs accumulated at the end of the 18°C nights, whereas another accumulated at the end of the 25°C days. The accumulation of night specific mRNAs was inhibited by 6°C nights in the cold sensitive tomatoes while that of the tolerant one was only marginally affected. All tomatoes showed a similar reduction in the apparent turnover rate of the day specific mRNAs during the 6°C nights. Finally, low night temperatures induced the accumulation of six to eight mRNAs in all genotypes. This number increased by 15 in L. esculentum after the seventh night and are likely involved in stress response rather than acclimation/tolerance. The tomato is proposed as a genetic model to discriminate genes involved in acclimation/tolerance from those involved in stress response.  相似文献   
Summary Two lines of mice were selected for high post-weaning weight gain (3 to 6 weeks) adjusted for 3 week weight. One line (F) was grown on freely available food and the other (S) on a feeding scale set at the same level for all mice. Food intake of the S line averaged 80% of the F line. The realised heritabilities after 6 generations of selection were 0.38±0.06 and 0.33±0.07 for the F and S lines, respectively. In generation 7, mice from the F and S lines and from an unselected control line (C) were compared on both free and set levels of feeding from 3 weeks to 9 weeks of age. Measurements taken were growth rate, appetite, food conversion efficiency (weight gain/food intake) and body composition (fat, protein, ash, water). The F and S lines grew more rapidly and efficiently than the C line on both levels of feeding, each line performing best on the level of feeding on which it was selected. The average genetic correlation between growth rates of the same line on the two feeding levels was 0.54±0.10. The F line grew 19% faster and was 9% more efficient than the S line on free feeding but the S line grew 15% faster and was 15% more efficient than the F line on set feeding. Relative to the C line, food intake per day on free feeding was 4% higher in the F line and 6% lower in the S line. There was no difference between the lines in food intake/g body weight. The rate of deposition of all body components increased in both selection lines. In the F, S and C lines respectively, efficiencies of gains in body components (102x gain/food) were 1.79, 1.31 and 1.06 for fat, 1.53, 1.63 and 1.22 for protein and 5.88, 6.45 and 4.98 for protein + water. Apparently energy lost as heat was reduced in both the F and S lines. The partitioning of energy retained was altered in favour of more fat in the F line and more protein in the S line.  相似文献   
Summary The putrescine uptake/efflux regulation and their regulatory role on intracellular polyamine pools have been studied in the parasitic protozoa Leishmania infantum. Putrescine uptake was age-dependent with maximal values in logarithmic phase promastigotes and minimal in stationary phase. Moreover, putrescine uptake was activated in response to depletion of intracellular polyamines by alpha-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) — a well known irreversible enzyme-activated inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase. Kinetic studies of putrescine uptake induction showed a notable rise in Vmax without Km changes, suggesting a de novo synthesis of putrescine carriers. Putrescine uptake was able to replenish polyamine content and also to recover the proliferative rate in cells treated during 24 hours with DFMO.  相似文献   
Summary Studies on levels of lead and cadmium of Indian flue-cured tobacco indicated that the leaf contained very low amounts of these heavy metals as compared to tobacco from other countries. Indian tobacco can therefore be adjudged as ‘safe and clean’ and least hazardous to the smoker. Of the two heavy metals, lead content of soils is higher than cadmium. But in the leaf, cadmium content is more than lead indicating that soil cadmium may be more available to tobacco and hence more readily absorbed by the plant than lead.  相似文献   
Ecdysteroid levels were determined during the period of the adult reproductive cycle in the ovovivparous fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata. Low levels were found in males during the 10 days following eclosion while the entire adult female showed a significant peak of ecdysteroid activity at 190 h post eclosion (i.e. during embryogenesis). When the female reproductive tract was analyzed it was observed that the ovaries became vitellogenic a short time after a protein meal was offered at 96 h post eclosion: at 140 h, ecdysteroid activity was recorded in the developing oöcytes. The major peak of ecdysteroids during the reproductive cycle was found in developing embryos at 190 h. The significance of these releases of ecdysteroids is discussed in relation to major embryonic developmental events.  相似文献   
Nymphs of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum were fed on rabbits and maintained in the laboratory to allow moulting and further development. At specified time intervals from 0 to 500 days after engorgement, samples of ticks were ground individually in distilled water within the wells of an agglutination plate. A 0.1 ml aliquot was removed from each and levels of haemin and protein assessed from optical density values at specific wavelengths in a spectrophotometer.

Both protein and haemin levels showed an initial rapid decrease after engorgement; values did not fall to zero in either case but showed marked fluctuation throughout the study period. These fluctuations combined with the high standard errors of the results, made assessments of the physiological age of individual ticks impossible.

Such fluctuating values, however, suggested the possibility that haem biosynthesis might be taking place, and this was tested by injecting the radioactively-labelled haem precursor [4-14C]δ-amino laevulinic acid into engorged nymphs, immediately following their detachment. Both tick species revealed an incorporation of this compound into their haematin content, although neither incorporated the non-haem precursor [1-14C]2-amino isobutyric acid. These results indicate an ability of ticks to synthesize haem in vivo, although the underlying reasons for such a mechanism remain unknown.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of microfilarial production and eosinophilic levels in slow lorises infected with Breinlia sergenti, Petter (Filarioidea: Dipetalonematidae). International Journal for Parsitology 4: 383388. Observations have been made on microfilarial and eosinophilic levels in slow lorises infected with Breinlia sergenti. Animals given a single inoculation of 100-150 infective larvae exhibited three different patterns of microfilaraemia while superinfected animals showed enhanced microfilarial levels. It appeared that the number of inoculations as well as the interval between inocula are important factors in enhancing microfilarial levels. Two different types of incubation periods were seen, one at 100-120 days and the other at 200 days. The eosinophilic levels were investigated in some of the animals and an attempt was made to correlate these levels with the microfilaraemia. Cortisone injection appeared to promote a vigorous eosinophilia in some of the infected animals tested.  相似文献   
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