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Two invasive, container‐breeding mosquito species, Aedes aegypti (Stegomyia aegypti) and Aedes albopictus (Stegomyia albopicta) (Diptera: Culicidae), have different distribution patterns on Reunion Island. Aedes albopictus occurs in all areas and Ae. aegypti colonizes only some restricted areas already occupied by Ae. albopictus. This study investigates the abiotic and biotic ecological mechanisms that determine the distribution of Aedes species on Reunion Island. Life history traits (duration of immature stages, survivorship, fecundity, estimated finite rate of increase) in Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were compared at different temperatures. These fitness measures were characterized in both species in response to competitive interactions among larvae. Aedes aegypti was drastically affected by temperature, performing well only at around 25 °C, at which it achieved its highest survivorship and greatest estimated rate of increase. The narrow distribution of this species in the field on Reunion Island may thus relate to its poor ability to cope with unfavourable temperatures. Aedes aegypti was also more negatively affected by high population densities and to some extent by interactions with Ae. albopictus, particularly in the context of limited food supplies. Aedes albopictus exhibited better population performance across a range of environmental conditions. Its ecological plasticity and its superior competitive ability relative to its congener may further enhance its invasion success on Reunion Island.  相似文献   
Energy storage in arthropods has important implications for survival and reproduction. The lipid content of 276 species of adult arthropods with wet mass in the range 0.2–6.13 g is determined to assess how lipid mass scales with body mass. The relative contribution of lipids to total body mass is investigated with respect to phylogeny, ontogeny and sex. The lipid content of adult insects, arachnids, and arthropods in general shows an isometric scaling relationship with respect to body mass (M) (Marthropod lipid = ?1.09 ×Mdry1.01 and Marthropod lipid = ?1.00 ×Mlean0.98). However, lipid allocation varies between arthropod taxa, as well as with sex and developmental stage within arthropod taxa. Female insects and arachnids generally have higher lipid contents than males, and larval holometabolous insects and juvenile arachnids have higher lipid contents than adults.  相似文献   
Breeding records of 11 taxa of captive lemurs housed at the Duke University Primate Center (DUPC), North Carolina, were analyzed for differences in the timing of births, for the relationship between breeding season and photoperiod, and for differences in litter size. At DUPC there are significant differences in the timing of births among certain taxa, including differences among some subspecies of Lemur fulvus.However, changes in latitude result in changes in the timing of the breeding season. Lemurs moved to higher latitudes mate at lower light-dark ratios than on Madagascar. The data presented here are consistent with the following model: a photoperiodic cue initiating reproductive activity, presumably a light-dark threshold, precedes the actual mating season by approximately 2 months, with an intervening period of physiological and social preparation. On Madagascar, selection may have favored births that coincide with the end of dry seasons and the beginning of wet seasons, which results in lactation and weaning during times of resource abundance. Taxa from the north and east have the highest mean litter sizes; those from the west have the lowest.  相似文献   
Yeast DNA ligase is radioactively labelled in vitro by incubating a crude cell extract with [α-32P]ATP. The product of this reaction is the stable covalent ligase-AMP adduct, which can be characterized by its reactivity with either pyrophosphate or nicked DNA and visualized by gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA ligase was identified as an 89 kDa polypeptide by exploiting the fact that transformants with multiple copies of the plasmid-encoded DNA ligase (CDC9) gene overproduce the enzyme by two orders of magnitude. A similar strategy has been used to identify the Schizosaccharomyces pombe DNA ligase as an 87 kDa polypeptide. Both values agree well with the coding capacities of the respective cloned gene sequences. When the S. cerevisiae ligase is greatly overproduced with respect to wild-type levels, a second polypeptide of 78.5 kDa is also labelled and has the same properties as the 89 kDa adduct. We suggest that this polypeptide is generated by proteolysis.  相似文献   
Sex ratio theory has proved remarkably useful in testing theadaptive nature of animal behavior. A particularly productivearea in this respect is Hamilton's theory of local mate competition(LMC), which has been extended in numerous directions to includegreater biological realism, allowing more detailed tests inspecific organisms. We have presented one such extension, termedasymmetrical LMC, which occurs when egg laying by females ona patch is asynchronous, and emerging males do not disperse,resulting in the extent of LMC on a patch varying over time.Our aim here is to test whether the parasitoid wasp Nasoniavitripennis responds to variation in the degree of asymmetricalLMC. Specifically, we show that females adjust their offspringsex ratios in response to (1) variation in the amount of asynchronyin emergence between broods on a patch and (2) the number andproportion of previously parasitized hosts on the patch. Ourresults provide qualitative support for the predictions of theory,suggesting new levels of complexity in the sex ratio behaviorof this much-studied organism. However, our results do not alwaysprovide quantitative support for theory, suggesting furthercomplexities that must be clarified.  相似文献   
The functioning of the vertebrate eye depends on its absolute size, which is presumably adapted to specific needs. Eye size variation in lidless and spectacled colubrid snakes was investigated, including 839 specimens belonging to 49 genera, 66 species and subspecies. Variations of adult eye diameters (EDs) in both absolute and relative terms between species were correlated with parameters reflecting behavioral ecology. In absolute terms, eye of arboreal species was larger than in terrestrial and semiaquatic species. For diurnal species, EDs of terrestrial species do not differ from semiaquatic species; for nocturnal species the ED of terrestrial species is larger than fossorial species but not different from semiaquatic species. In relative terms, ED did not differ significantly by habitat for diurnal species. Although the ED of terrestrial species is larger than fossorial species there were no differences for nocturnal species between semiaquatic and fossorial snakes. In contrast to other vertebrates studied to date, colubrid EDs in absolute and relative terms are larger in diurnal than in nocturnal species. These observations suggest that among colubrid snakes, eye size variation reflects adaptation to specific habitats, foraging strategies and daily activities, independently of phylogeny. J. Morphol. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) catalyses uphill transport of bile acids using the electrochemical gradient of Na+ as the driving force. The crystal structures of two bacterial homologues ASBTNM and ASBTYf have previously been determined, with the former showing an inward-facing conformation, and the latter adopting an outward-facing conformation accomplished by the substitution of the critical Na+-binding residue glutamate-254 with an alanine residue. While the two crystal structures suggested an elevator-like movement to afford alternating access to the substrate binding site, the mechanistic role of Na+ and substrate in the conformational isomerization remains unclear. In this study, we utilized site-directed alkylation monitored by in-gel fluorescence (SDAF) to probe the solvent accessibility of the residues lining the substrate permeation pathway of ASBTNM under different Na+ and substrate conditions, and interpreted the conformational states inferred from the crystal structures. Unexpectedly, the crosslinking experiments demonstrated that ASBTNM is a monomer protein, unlike the other elevator-type transporters, usually forming a homodimer or a homotrimer. The conformational dynamics observed by the biochemical experiments were further validated using DEER measuring the distance between the spin-labelled pairs. Our results revealed that Na+ ions shift the conformational equilibrium of ASBTNM toward the inward-facing state thereby facilitating cytoplasmic uptake of substrate. The current findings provide a novel perspective on the conformational equilibrium of secondary active transporters.  相似文献   
1. There is ongoing controversy about whether biased sex ratios in diploid insect populations are real or an artefact caused by different behaviours and/or different catchability of the sexes. This was tested by monitoring two field and three semi-natural populations of the damselfly Lestes sponsa. 2. Capture–mark–recapture data showed that population size estimates were about twice as large for males as for females at both field sites. Independent estimates of the sex ratios based on total numbers of males and females captured supported the male bias. 3. Males had higher recapture probabilities than females due to longer times between successive visits in females. Because the same pattern was found in the semi-natural populations, the longer intervals in females are no artefact due to their lower detectability. 4. Theoretical models show that the strong temporary emigration of females tends, if anything, to overestimate female population sizes and that the heterogeneity of recapture probabilities observed in males tends to underestimate male population sizes. Hence, behavioural differences between the sexes do not cause an artificially male-biased sex ratio. 5. Spatial data show that operational sex ratios are male biased at the pond but become female biased in the plots further away from the shoreline; however because of the decrease in densities away from the shoreline, this does not result in a global even sex ratio. 6. Spatial data, temporary emigration patterns, and independent estimates suggest strongly that the male-biased sex ratios in mature damselfly populations are real.  相似文献   
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