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广东特有国家保护植物丹霞梧桐资源调查与保护研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对文献、网络资源数据库(植物志、标本平台、图像库等)和专著分析考证,结合全部产地的野外实地考察,对国家II级重点保护野生植物丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis)的分类学地位与形态特征、产地与生境、标本记录、研究进展及致危因素等进行综述,以期为该物种的保护提供科学依据。自1986年在广东仁化丹霞山采到模式标本和1987年命名丹霞梧桐以来,至今已过去30多年,其记录范围从最初的仁化县丹霞山,2014年扩展到南雄市全安镇和古市镇,再到2019年新记录的英德市英城镇和横石塘镇,生境也从丹霞地貌特有扩展至与石灰岩地貌共有。丹霞梧桐种群的保护需综合就地保护、迁地保护,以及加强科学研究等措施。  相似文献   
To investigate how progressive urbanization influences the distribution of ant species in cities, I compared the ant species richness in urban parks of different areas and ages of Tokyo, the most intensively developed urban region in Japan, and its developing neighbor, Chiba City. A total of 43 ant species were found from 98 parks. Multiple regression analysis revealed that park area and age had a positive effect on the number of ant species in the parks and that the parks in Tokyo contained fewer species than did comparable parks in Chiba. Thus, the progression of urbanization reduces ant species richness in urban parks, most likely because it isolates the parks from the surrounding area. Next, in order to examine the relationships between the types of landform modification and the ant distribution in urban areas, I compared the ant species richness in urban parks of Chiba City among different landform types (upland + terraces, lowlands, cut and fill, banking, and reclamation). This study showed that the parks in the reclaimed lands and lowlands contained fewer ant species than did parks in other areas. The reason for this decline of ant fauna is discussed.  相似文献   
This study focuses on plant species richness, taxonomic diversity, and endemism of the Sinai peninsula as a whole and Saint Catherine area in particular. Beta diversity was also measured using T to represent the biotic change between different landforms in the St. Catherine area. The peninsula supports about 1285 species including the infraspecific taxa of which about 800 species (also including the infraspecific taxa) are recorded in the southern Sinai south of El-Tih Desert. The present study reveals that southern Sinai is more diverse as compared with the Sinai peninsula as a whole. Southern Sinai also supports more than the expected numbers of rare and very rare species (about 62%) and about 4.3% endemic species. Beta diversity between different landforms in the St. Catherine area reflect a large biotic change between slopes and terraces on the one hand and between terraces and ridges on the other. Finally, the study recommends appropriate management of the peninsula and more research for the management requirements of the numerous endemic and rare species in the Sinai peninsula.  相似文献   
该研究在野外调查、搜集文献和整理植物数据库的基础上,对广东南雄丹霞梧桐自然保护区蕨类植物区系组成和分布区类型进行统计分析,并比较与周边相邻3个研究区蕨类植物区系的相似性,为研究区植物资源的合理开发利用提供依据。结果表明:(1)广东南雄丹霞梧桐自然保护区共统计到蕨类植物28科51属84种,科属结构单一,分化水平不高,以寡种科属居多,但区系起源古老,进化关系连贯。(2)该区蕨类区系地理联系广泛,在科、属水平上与热带亲缘程度较高,以泛热带分布、亚热带分布为主,在种水平上以热带亚洲分布和东亚分布为主,区系地理成分呈热带向温带过渡渗透性质。(3)在与邻近区亲缘关系上,与观音岽联系最为紧密,其次是冠豸山,与丹霞山的关系较疏远。该研究区与观音岽的属、种相似性系数均在0.83以上,区系同质性明显,与两者现代自然条件相似的事实相吻合。该研究结果为探讨丹霞地貌地带蕨类植物的起源和发育提供了重要依据。  相似文献   
洪欣  单皖粤  张丹丹  晁天彩  温放  周守标 《广西植物》2020,40(10):1457-1465
苦苣苔科原大花旋蒴苣苔(former Boea clarkeana Hemsl.)为我国特有的复苏植物,在最近的修订中被并入套唇苣苔属(Damrongia Kerr),更名为大花套唇苣苔[D. clarkeana(Hemsl.)C. Puglisi]。为了探究该植物对喀斯特特殊生境的适应机制,该文以大花套唇苣苔成熟种子为材料,通过观察钙盐和模拟干旱互作试验,研究了干旱和盐胁迫共同作用对其种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:钙盐及模拟干旱互作时,低浓度钙盐可减轻干旱对种子萌发和幼苗生长的抑制作用,且低程度的干旱与低浓度的钙盐相互作用时反而会促进种子萌发和幼苗生长; 低钙盐低干旱复合条件对大花套唇苣苔生长的促进作用体现了该物种对喀斯特地区保水性差的石灰岩土壤基质的专适性,避免了和其他植物直接生态位的竞争。  相似文献   
The transfer of materials from the natural environment to the urban and industrially built environment produces two broad impacts on the landscape: a removal of materials from the earth's surface (a change in geomorphology) and the accumulation of a stock of concrete and other materials elsewhere in cities and industrial zones (a change in urban morphology). Thus, industrial activity transforms natural landscapes and, in doing so, has to be considered to be a geological and geomorphological agent. On the global scale, the deliberate shift of around 57,000 Mt (megatons)/yr of materials through mineral extraction processes exceeds the annual transport of sediment to the oceans by rivers (some 22,000 Mt/yr) by almost a factor of three. On the island of Britain, the total deliberate shift of earth-surface materials is between 688 and 972 Mt/yr, depending on whether or not the replacement of overburden in opencast coal mining is taken into account. The export of sediment to the oceans by rivers is only 10 Mt/yr whereas the export of materials in solution is about 40 Mt/yr, making the deliberate materials shift nearly 14 times larger than the shift caused by natural processes. Processes examined by industrial ecology, such as direct excavation, urban development, and waste dumping are those most driving changes in the shape of the British landscape today. These transformations pose added costs. Industrial ecology will produce an understanding of the hidden costs associated with these transformations. Such an understanding will help in planning and encouraging the reuse of materials everywhere and in identifying the key areas for intervention to reduce off-site geomorphological impacts and costs.  相似文献   
为完善丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis)的形态描述,对丹霞和喀斯特地貌4个分布点的植株宏观形态特征进行了比较研究。结果表明,丹霞梧桐的叶柄、叶片、花序、雄蕊、蓇葖果、花萼等特征与其原始文献的描述明显不同,且原始描述缺少败育雄蕊、败育子房、及花萼、果皮、种皮在发育过程中的颜色变化等特征。因此,对丹霞梧桐形态描述进行了修订或补充,并提供图片资料。  相似文献   
Ecological and Landscape Rehabilitation of a Quarry Site in Hong Kong   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Quarrying for granite in Hong Kong, mainly for construction aggregates, has left huge and unsightly scars on the landscape. Recent government policy demands rehabilitation of the disturbed lands and restoration of the landscape adopting the ecological approach. At an active quarry, a method was tested for controlled restoration: blasting of the vertical rocky production faces to pile up the debris and to form artificial slopes that mimic those of the environs in a landform replication approach. On the scree blast piles, a soil cap of fine‐earth materials with organic amendments was installed to grow mainly tropical leguminous trees. The restoration trial largely failed, with extensive death or poor performance of most plants. The inability of the soil and the site to support vegetation was investigated. The main physical problems are shallow solum, large cavities in the bouldery substrate, high stone content, excessively coarse texture, compaction, and limited available‐moisture storage. The main chemical problems are the lack of nitrogen and phosphorus related to the meager organic‐matter content, low cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Suggestions are made to ameliorate habitat conditions for plant growth in a comprehensive ecosystem‐reconstitution package that encompasses the landform, hydrology, microclimate, soil, and plant assemblage. Recommendations are given on the application of organic amendments to establish and maintain soil structure, restore decomposition regime, and raise nutrient and moisture storage capacities for a modified approach that could overcome the site difficulties.  相似文献   
王子琪  黄石连  洪欣  温放 《广西植物》2021,41(5):671-683
苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)是一个近年来备受关注的类群,其纷繁复杂的物种多样性和属下种间的特有分布引起了分类学家和植物学研究者的极大兴趣。该属除了极少数的物种如牛耳朵[(Primulina eburnea(Hance)Y. Z. Wang)]以外,绝大部分的物种为狭域分布或地方特有种,其分布范围很窄。为了揭示牛耳朵的传粉生物学和繁育系统对其生殖过程和拓殖能力的影响机制,作者系统地研究了牛耳朵的开花物候、花粉与柱头活性、访花昆虫的种类和访花行为、花粉胚珠比、OCI指数和套袋实验结实率,探究其传粉等生殖过程对牛耳朵的广布是否有正面影响。结果表明:牛耳朵的自然花期是3—5月,全花期约45 d,其中盛花期约20 d,单花期6~8 d; 开花后1~2 d花粉活力最强,开花前柱头没有可授性; 花粉胚珠比为537; 杂交指数为5; 去雌套袋、去雄套袋均无法结实,说明本种不存在无融合生殖; 与自然授粉相比,自花授粉结实率略低,异花授粉结实率略高,说明自交亲和; 牛耳朵的主要传粉者是花条蜂(Anthophora florea)和熊蜂(Bombus sp.)。花蜜产量较高、花粉量较大、花粉活力较强等特点,有利于牛耳朵完成传粉和结实的整个繁殖过程。因此,这一结果显然有利于牛耳朵的拓殖进而广布在我国华南至西南地区的喀斯特地区。  相似文献   
湖南丹霞地貌区的苔藓植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丹霞地貌是一种特殊的红层地貌,拥有独特的植被和植物区系组成。苔藓植物在丹霞地貌植被演替中具有重要的生态意义,但其基本的种类组成和分布却不清楚。通过野外考察和标本鉴定,共发现湖南丹霞地貌区苔藓植物53科96属174种(包括变种和亚种),其中苔类植物21科24属36种,藓类植物32科72属138种,其中台湾曲柄藓(Campylopus taiwanensis)、芒尖毛口藓(Trichostomum zanderi)、小火藓(Schlotheimia pungens)、中华细枝藓(Lindergiasinensis)、疏叶叶苔(Jungermannia laxifolia)和刺叶拟蒴囊苔(Saccogynidium irregularispinosum)等6种为中国特有种;铜绿净口藓(Gymnostomum aeruginosum)、稀枝钱苔(Riccia huebeneriana)、羽枝片叶苔(Riccardia multifida)等30个种为湖南新记录种。在174种中,稀有种为87种,如梨蒴珠藓(Bartramia pomiformis)、小火藓、毛枝藓(Pilotrichopsisdentata)等,这些种大多生态幅狭窄,对生境要求较苛刻,常见种(22种)和非常常见种(30种)共52种,多为生境广泛种或世界广布种,如地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)等。文中还提供了详细的湖南丹霞地貌苔藓名录及其凭证标本信息,并建议优先保护崀山无底洞和万佛山三十六湾两个苔藓丰富的小区。  相似文献   
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