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Background aimsMesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been extensively studied as a cellular therapeutic for various pathologic conditions. However, there remains a paucity of data regarding regional and systemic safety of MSC transplantations, particularly with multiple deliveries of allogeneic cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and systemic immunomodulatory effects of repeated local delivery of allogeneic MSCs into the region of the lacrimal gland, the gland of the third eyelid and the knee joint in dogs.MethodsAllogeneic adipose tissue-derived canine MSCs were delivered to the regions of the lacrimal gland and the third eyelid gland as well as in the knee joints of six healthy laboratory beagles as follows: six times with 1-week intervals for delivery to the lacrimal gland and the third eyelid gland regions and three to four times with 1- to 2-week intervals for intra-articular transplantations. Dogs were sequentially evaluated by clinical examination. At the conclusion of the study, dogs were humanely euthanized, and a complete gross and histopathologic examination of all organ systems was performed. Mixed leukocyte reactions were also performed before the first transplantation and after the final transplantation.ResultsClinical and pathologic examinations found no severe consequences after repeated MSC transplantations. Results of mixed leukocyte reactions demonstrated suppression of T-cell proliferation after MSC transplantations.ConclusionsThis is the first study to demonstrate regional and systemic safety and systemic immunomodulatory effects of repeated local delivery of allogeneic MSCs in vivo.  相似文献   
In the European coastal dunes, marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is planted in order to control sand erosion. In the years 1986 to 1991, workers on the Wadden islands in the Netherlands planting marram grass showed lesions of skin and mucous membranes, suggesting a toxic reaction. Fusarium culmorum dominated the mycoflora of those marram grass culms that were used for planting. This plant material had been cut and stored for more than one week in the open. The Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) was detected in the suspect marram grass culms. Isolated F. culmorum strains were able to produce DON in vitro in liquid culture as well as in experimentally inoculated wheat heads. Pathogenicity tests, toxin test as well as RAPD analysis showed that the F. culmorum strains were not specialized for marram grass but may form part of the West-European F. culmorum population infecting cereals and grasses. Storage on old sand-dunes with plant debris may have led to the high occurrence of F. culmorum and contamination with DON. Marram grass culms should be obtained from young plantings on dunes on the seaward slopes and cut culms should not be stored.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Introduced disease is a major mortality factor in some populations of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Epizootics of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) and contagious ecthyma occurred in bighorn sheep in the Silver Bell Mountains of south-central Arizona, USA, from 1 December 2003 to 31 March 2004. Our objectives were to 1) investigate the influence of the epizootic on abundance and demographics and 2) examine how IKC affected the mortality, behavior, and movements of clinically affected animals. Morbidity was 39%, and all sex and age classes were affected. The population declined 23%, with most mortality in the adult female (1 M, 11 F) segment of the population. Of the diseased animals that were marked (n = 27), 44% recovered and 44% died. Predation (50%) and starvation (33%) were the primary causes of mortality of diseased bighorn sheep. Bighorn sheep that were infected spent less time feeding and moved less than noninfected animals during the epizootic. Managers might be able to minimize losses of infected animals through predator control. To minimize losses to starvation, managers should refrain from any activity that disturbs infected animals (including treatment) because disturbances increase energy expenditures and expose infected animals to injury.  相似文献   
Impression cytology is a simple and painless procedure that allows the collection of the superficial layers of the conjunctival epithelium. Each sample is assigned a grade of epithelial metaplasia, and goblet cell density is calculated in each one. We have studied the superior and temporal bulbar conjuctiva of dry eyes and have compared it with that of normal controls. In normal and dry eyes we find a statistically significant difference both in goblet cell density and grade of metaplasia, between superior and temporal bulbar conjunctiva. the differences in grade of metaplasia and goblet cell density between normal and dry eyes are significant in the superior conjunctiva, but in the temporal conjunctiva we only find significant differences in grade of metaplasia.  相似文献   
Human Meibomian gland secretions (MGS) are a complex mixture of diverse lipids that are produced by Meibomian glands that are located in the upper and the lower eyelids. During blinking, MGS are excreted onto the ocular surface, spread and mix with aqueous tears that are produced by lachrymal glands, and form an outermost part of an ocular structure called “the tear film” (TF). The main physiological role of TF is to protect delicate ocular structures (such as cornea and conjunctiva) from desiccating. Lipids that are produced by Meibomian glands are believed to “seal” the aqueous portion of TF by creating a hydrophobic barrier and, thus, retard evaporation of water from the ocular surface, which enhances the protective properties of TF. As lipids of MGS are interacting with underlying aqueous sublayer of TF, the chemical composition of MGS is critical for maintaining the overall stability of TF. There is a consensus that a small, but important part of Meibomian lipids, namely polar, or amphiphilic lipids, is of especial importance as it forms an intermediate layer between the aqueous layer of TF and its upper (and much thicker) lipid layer formed mostly of very nonpolar lipids, such as wax esters and cholesteryl esters. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current knowledge on the lipidomics of human MGS, including the discussions of the most effective modern analytical techniques, chemical composition of MGS, biophysical properties of Meibomian lipid films, and their relevance for the physiology of TF. Previously published results obtained in numerous laboratories, as well as novel data generated in the author’s laboratory, are discussed. It is concluded that despite a substantial progress in the area of Meibomian glands lipidomics, there are large areas of uncertainty that need to be addressed in future experiments.  相似文献   
目的 鉴定一起大连市流行性角结膜炎疫情的病原体及型别.方法 采用荧光PCR方法针对30份眼拭标本进行检测,确定病原,并针对特定片段扩增产物测序进行分子定型.结果 21份标本荧光PCR检测结果为腺病毒阳性,核苷酸序列与人腺病毒15、29、56及其重组型高度同源,多重序列比对后构建的系统进化树上与人腺病毒56及其重组型位于同一分支.结论 本次疫情的致病病原为D亚属人腺病毒,疑为人腺病毒56型或其重组型.后续需要开展对五邻体(Penton)及纤突(Fi-ber)基因的全核苷酸序列测定及生物信息学分析最终确定型别.  相似文献   
Abstract Protection conferred by a cell-free preparation from a haemolytic Moraxella bovis isolate, UQV 148NF, was compared to an equivalent fraction from a non-haemolytic M. bovis isolate, Gordon 26L3, and to a recombinant DNA-derived pili vaccine. Three groups of ten calves were vaccinated twice with one of the three preparations and, together with ten non-vaccinated calves, challenged with virulent M. bovis isolate Dal 2d. Compared to the control group, significant protection was observed in the group receiving the pili vaccine and the group receiving the preparation from haemolytic isolate, UQV 148NF.  相似文献   
目的 探讨大连市腺病毒感染流行性角结膜炎的病原分布。方法 选取大连市区三家医院眼科结膜炎患者眼结膜囊分泌物为样本,眼拭标本采用real-time PCR方法对腺病毒进行核酸检测。结果 243份标本中,121份为腺病毒阳性,其中27份3型阳性,61份8型阳性,24份19/37型阳性,1份3型和8型同时阳性,8份未分型。结论 人腺病毒8型是大连市急性病毒性结膜炎的主要病原,3型、19/37型次之。  相似文献   

We determined the concentrations of goblet and immune cells in conjunctival imprints and tissues of canines with keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) before and after cyclosporine A (CsA) treatment. Twelve dogs with bilateral KCS were assigned to three groups: untreated, treatment group 1, and treatment group 2. The treatment groups were treated topically with 2% ophthalmic CsA solution for 45 days; CsA treatment group 2 was followed for an additional 30 days after discontinuation of the drug. Schirmer tear test (STT) scores were recorded prior to CsA treatment and on alternate days throughout the experiment. CsA treatment improved the STT scores, restored conjunctival histology, increased goblet and epithelial cell numbers, and decreased numbers of inflammatory cells. Although the STT scores regressed slightly at day 30 after discontinuing the treatment, the scores were higher than the baseline values. Topical CsA treatment resolved clinical signs of KCS, improved STT scores and restored normal conjunctival histology.  相似文献   
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