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The activity of ammoniagenesis from guanine nucleotides was found to increase significantly in rat brain after infusion of kainic acid into the striatum. Among the enzymes involved in degrading guanine nucleotides, nucleoside diphosphatase was markedly increased in the lesioned striatum. The enzyme activity began to increase 2 days after the infusion, and reached the maximum on the 13th day, the level being 4 times as high as that of the intact contralateral region. The increased activity was due to Type L enzyme, judging from its substrate specificity. Puromycin and cycloheximide inhibited this increase, indicating that the increased activity resulted from an increase in the net synthesis of the enzyme. These findings suggest that Type L NDPase might play some important roles in gliosis after neuronal lesion.  相似文献   
The occurrence of three glutamate agonists — glutamic acid, D-homocysteic acid and kainic acid — in a spontaneous mutant of Palmaria palmata is reported. Glutamic acid and D-homocysteic acid, but not kainic acid, were found in the wild-type plant. The closely related glutamate agonist, domoic acid, was found in the red alga Chondria baileyana and in the diatom Nitzschia pungens forma multiseries. In the diatom, domoic acid can build up to high levels in excess of 3% (dry wt.), making N. pungens a potential commercial source of this neuroactive amino acid. Information is also presented on the distribution, chemistry and biological activity of neuroactive amino acids from algae, and a possible biogenic relationship among kainoid metabolites is discussed. author for correspondence  相似文献   
In our previous experiments, evidence of free radical formation has been demonstrated in gerbil brain after kainic acid (KA) administration. In the present study, the mechanisms involved in KA-induced free radical formation and subsequent cell degeneration were investigated using high density cortical neuron cultures. A free radical trapping agent,a-phenyl-N-tert-butyl-nitrone (PBN), as well as the combined action of superoxide dismutase and catalase attenuated KA neurotoxic effect. Calpain-induced xanthine oxidase (XO) activation may play an important role in KA excitotoxicity since calpain inhibitor I as well as allopurinol, a selective XO inhibitor, significantly protected the cortical neurons from KA-induced cell death. However, XO activation may not be the only source producing free radicals, other free radical generating systems such as nitric oxide synphase may also play a role in KA insult.  相似文献   
大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区在睡眠-觉醒调节中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验在31只清醒自由行动的雄性SD大鼠进行。结果如下:(1)双侧中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)微量注射3.3nmol溴隐亭后第2—3h觉醒时间显著增加(P<0.01);6.6nmol溴隐亭有类似效果;0.66和1.33nmol溴隐亭无明显作用。(2)同样方法VTA微量注射2nmol和4nmolSCH23390后第2—3h觉醒时间明显减少(分别为P<0.01和P<0.05),但注射3.4nmol舒必利则无效。(3)红藻氨酸(0.3μg)双侧VTA注后一周,大鼠白天觉醒减少,夜间无明显变化。以上结果表明溴隐亭微量注射到VTA可能通过D1受体使多巴胺神经元活动增加而产生致觉醒作用;另外VTA中DA神经元对于维持日间的觉醒可能有紧张性作用。  相似文献   
高溪 Hong  J-S 《生理学报》1995,47(6):589-596
本实验给大鼠皮下注射红藻氨酸(KA,10mg/kg)诱发癫痫活动,72d后进行深部前梨状皮层(deep prepyriform cortex,DPC)电点燃刺激(kindling),该组动物点燃形成加速,或再给予同样剂量KA,其再次诱发的癫痫活动明显加重。c-Fos免疫反应活性(c-Fos-ir)作为神经元兴奋的标志,标绘再次诱发癫痫活动时大鼠脑内细胞信息传递通路,并与对照组,即72d前给予生理盐  相似文献   
基底外侧杏仁核对睡眠-觉醒的调节作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Zhu GQ  Zhong MK  Zhang JX  Zhao LZ  Ke DP  Wang M  Shi L 《生理学报》1998,50(6):688-692
采用多道睡眠描记方法,观察了基底外侧杏仁核在睡眠-觉醒调节中的作用。结果发现,电损毁双侧BLN引起慢波睡眠和快波睡眠增加,觉醒减少;在双侧BLN内注射选择性损毁神经元胸体剂量的红藻氨酸引起双相效应,注射KA后第1天出现失眠,自第3天开始,SWS增多,W减少,但PS无显著变化。  相似文献   
In a previous paper (Hiraba and Sato ) we reported that an accurate mastication might be executed by the cortical processing in bilateral masticatory area (MA)and motor cortices. The aim of this study was to determine if cats with lesion of either unilateral or bilateral MA showed changes in mastication. After exploring mechanoreceptive fields and motor effects of mastication-related neurons (MRNs) in MA using the single unit recording and intracortical microstimulation methods, we made various lesions in MAs with injections of kainic acid (0.1%, 2.0?µl). Since the MA was divided into facial (F) and intraoral (I) projection areas as reported in the previous paper, cats with the unilateral lesion in F or I, and with the bilateral lesion in F & F, I & I or F & I (F on one side and I on other side) were prepared. Cats with unilateral lesion in F or I and with bilateral lesion in F & I showed no changes in mastication except for prolongation of the food intake and masticatory periods. Cats with bilateral lesion into F & F, or I & I showed wider jaw-opening during mastication. Particularly, the latter group showed enormous jaw-opening, delay in the start of mastication and difficulty in manipulating food on the tongue. In all cats with lesions of each type, masticatory and swallowing rhythms remained normal. These findings suggest that accurate mastication is executed by the close integration between F & F and I & I of the bilateral MA.  相似文献   
NO介质在大鼠红藻氨酸诱导癫痫发作中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:进一步探讨脑内一氧化氮(NO)介质(NO或NO衍生物)在复杂部分性及全身强直阵挛性癫痫发作中的作用。方法:采用红藻氨酸(KA)诱导大鼠癫痫发作,以NO合酶抑制剂L-硝基精氨酸(L-NNA)或NO前体L-精氨酸(L-Arg)予以预处理,观察其癫痫发作行为及海马结构内NO含量(NO2^-/NO3^-)的变化。结果:给予大鼠惊厥剂量KA(10mg/kg),15min时出现湿狗样抖动(WDS),1~3h出现全身痉挛;经L-NNA(50mg/kg)或L-Arg(40mg/kg)预处理的大鼠,注射相同剂量的KA后,其癫痫行为发生明显变化,L-NNA预处理的大鼠癫痫发作行为明显加重,表现为全身痉挛的潜伏期缩短、时间延长、死亡率提高;L-Arg预处理的大鼠癫痫发作行为减弱,WDS和全身痉挛的潜伏期均延长,发作程度减轻、时间缩短,观察时间内无一例死亡。KA给药后30min海马结构内的NO2^-/NO3^-含量迅速增多,7d时仍持续增高;与NS预处理组相比,经L-Arg预处理的动物,KA给药后3h及3d,其NO2^-/NO3^-浓度升高明显。结论:兴奋诱导性癫痫发作过程中内源性NO介质的变化可能具有重要的抗发作作用。  相似文献   
Chemokines and their receptors have been strongly implicated in the inflammatory process. However, their roles in excitotoxic brain injury are largely unknown. In this study we used C-C chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) knockout (KO) mice to investigate the role of CCR5 in neurodegeneration induced by intranasal administration of the excitotoxin kainic acid (KA). Although KA treatment resulted in an increased CCR5 mRNA level in the hippocampi of wild-type mice, a CCR5 deficiency in KO mice did not affect either the clinical and pathological changes in vivo or the neuronal susceptibilities to KA insult in vitro. KA treatment stimulated mRNA expression of the monocyte chemoattractant protein-2 (MCP-2) in both the wild-type and KO mice. KA treatment did not affect mRNA levels for the macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) or the regulated upon activation normal T cells expressed and secreted protein (RANTES) in either wild-type or CCR5 KO mice. CCR2 mRNA expression was undetectable in the hippocampi of wild-type mice regardless of KA treatment. In contrast, CCR5 KO mice showed CCR2 mRNA expression that was remarkably increased after KA treatment. KA treatment did not affect CCR3 mRNA expression in the wild-type mice, whereas KO mice showed both a higher basal level of CCR3 mRNA expression as well as a strong upregulation following KA treatment. These results indicate that CCR5 is not a necessary inflammatory mediator in KA induced neurodegeneration. The roles of CCR5 in excitotoxic injury in CCR5 deficient mice are compensated by increased CCR2 and CCR3 expression, which share the common MCP-2 ligand with CCR5.  相似文献   
1. The existence of functional interrelationships between dorsal and ventral regions of the rat striatum was investigated. Kainic acid (KA) was employed to induce neuronal lesions in the more dorsal striatum, the caudate-putamen (CP). Only one CP (one side) received KA. KA-induced neurotoxicity at the site of injection (CP) was evidenced by reductions in choline-acetyltransferase activity and in GABA levels, and by increases in the ratios metabolite/monoamine for dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT).2. In addition to the well-known local effects, direct stereotaxic injection of KA into the CP produced distant effects in the ipsilateral olfactory tubercle (OT). A dose-dependent increase in the levels of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and decreases in DA and 5-HT concentrations were observed in the OT ipsilateral to the CP injected with KA. With 1, 2, 3, and 4 g of KA, the ratio DOPAC+HVA/DA in the OT was 30, 79, 140, and 173% higher, respectively, than control levels. With 2, 3, and 4 g of KA, the levels of 5-HIAA were approximately 30, 60, and 120% higher than control values, and the changes in 5-HIAA were associated with significant reductions in 5-HT concentrations.3. Our results suggest that the dorsal part of the striatum exerts important regulatory functions over the most ventral striatal region, the OT. Destruction of CP interneurons by KA leads to disinhibition of DA and 5-HT activities to the OT. The functional interactions between dorsal and ventral striatal regions may play a role in the integration of fundamental life-preserving, motivational, and goal-directed olfactory motor behaviors of rodents.  相似文献   
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