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1. Metabolism is the fundamental process that powers life. Understanding what drives metabolism is therefore critical to our understanding of the ecology and behaviour of organisms in nature. 2. Metabolic rate generally scales with body size according to a power law. However, considerable unexplained variation in metabolic rate remains after accounting for body mass with scaling functions. 3. We measured resting metabolic rates (oxygen consumption) of 227 field‐caught wolf spiders. Then, we tested for effects of body mass, species, and body condition on metabolic rate. 4. Metabolic rate scales with body mass to the 0.85 power in these wolf spiders, and there are metabolic rate differences between species. After accounting for these factors, residual variation in metabolic rate is related to spider body condition (abdomen:cephalothorax ratio). Spiders with better body condition consume more oxygen. 5. These results indicate that recent foraging history is an important determinant of metabolic rate, suggesting that although body mass and taxonomic identity are important, other factors can provide helpful insights into metabolic rate variation in ecological communities.  相似文献   
In this work we describe a non‐invasive and precise technique to record the heartbeats of a spider. A linear output Hall effect transducer in conjunction with a small magnet was used to monitor the micromovements on the dorsal surface of the abdomen of the tarantula Aphonopelma hentzi (Girard) (Theraphosidae). The exoskeleton in this region is in direct contact with suspensory ligaments connected to the heart, and the dorsal cuticle of the opisthosoma moves with each heartbeat. The technique allowed the discrimination of the different stages of the spider's cardiac cycle. The method can be also adapted for a smaller spider or other arthropods. We believe that the method proposed in this paper allows investigators to gain insights into a spider's natural heart rate by gathering unbiased data with a non‐invasive and very precise technique. We have found the resting heart rate of A. hentzi to be 5.6 ± 1.47 beats/min, which is lower than previously reported values.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Sexuals of a leaf-cutting ant, Atta bisphaerica Forel, left their nest for nuptial flights in October to December.
2. When leaving a nest, 53 of the 479 winged sexuals (or alates) observed (11.1%) carried up to three inquiline spiders of Attacobius luederwaldti .
3. Spiders exclusively selected winged sexuals, not workers, and preferred females, indicating their expectation of the stronger flight ability of females. Neither these sexuals nor workers that appeared out of the nest on flight days attempted to remove or attack spiders on the body of alates.
4. New qucens landing from their nuptial flight did not carry spiders, indicating that the spiders had left the ants in the sky to be dispersed by wind.
5. No spiders were found in more than 100 incipient nests, which were estimated to be 2–3 months old. This suggests that the spiders jumped off the alate during mid-flight and dispersed on the wind to inhabit larger nests.  相似文献   
The two subspecies of the black spider monkey, Ateles paniscus paniscus and A. p. chamek, can be distinguished by their chromosome number, 2n = 32 in the former and 2n = 34 in the latter. This difference most probably is the result of a tandem fusion between chromosomes 4 and 13 of the original Ateles karyotype (2n = 34) to form a unique metacentric chromosome in A. p. paniscus. Further differences between the subspecies concern the presence of additional interstial or terminal C-bands in chromosomes 3, 5, and 12 of A. p. paniscus. A third difference is that chromosome 12 is metacentric in A. p. paniscus but is submetacentric in A. p. chamek. A. p. chamek shows dimorphisms caused by pericentric inversions in pairs 1, 5, 6, and 7 as well as in the Y chromosome. Since the dimorphisms in pairs 5 and 7 are only found in homozygous condition, they may indicate the existence of geographic variation within this subspecies. Differences in external characteristics possibly reflect these chromosomal difference. The necessity to lend A. p. paniscus full specific status should be considered, since karyologically this is the most distinct one of all forms of Ateles. In captive breeding A. p. paniscus should evidently be treated as a separate population, as hybridization with A. p. chamek may result in offspring with reduced fertility. The intra-subspecific karyological variation in A. p. chamek and its possible consequences for taxonomy and captive breeding require further investigation.  相似文献   
Willamette mites and Pacific mites are often negatively associated on grape vines. In particular, vineyards with early season infestations of the less damaging Willamette mite rarely develop high populations of the economically important Pacific mite. We report that Willamette mites had a negative effect on Pacific mite populations in both the greenhouse and field. In some experiments, the negative effect was more pronounced when vines had been damaged by previous feeding of Willamette mites and in other experiments concurrent feeding by both mite species was necessary to demonstrate a negative effect. Therefore, we cannot conclude if the mechanism of the response involves induced resistance against Pacific mites, more conventional interspecific competition, or both. Since predators were uncommon in our experiments, predator build up on Willamette mites did not cause the low Pacific mite population that we observed, although this mechanism may be important in many vineyards. Further, larger scale experiments are necesary to determine if growers can introduce Willamette mites to help control Pacific mites.
Résumé E. willametti et T. pacificus sont souvent antagonistes dans les vignobles. En particulier, dans les vignobles contaminés tôt dans la saison par E. willametti,-dont les dégâts sont moins conséquents-, on observe rarement des populations élevées de T. pacificus, dont les dégâts sont économiquement importants. Nous avons constaté que E. Willametti a réduit les populations de T. pacificus, tant en serres qu'à l'extérieur. Dans quelques cas, l'effet antagoniste était plus marqué quand les vignes avaient été préalablement endommagées par l'alimentation de E. willametti. Dans d'autres expériences, la compétition alimentaire entre les deux espèces d'acariens était nécessaire pour produire un effet antagoniste. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas en conclure que la réponse implique une résistance induite contre T. pacificus, ou une compétition interspécifique plus classique, ou les deux à la fois. Puisque les prédateurs étaient rares dans nos expériences, une explosion des prédateurs sur E. willametti n'a pu provoquer le faible niveau de population observé avec T. pacificus, bien qu'un tel méchanisme puisse être important dans certains vignobles. Quoi qu'il en soit, des expériences à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour déterminer si les vignerons peuvent introduire Eotetranychus willametti afin de limiter les populations de Tetranychus pacificus.
Aerial dispersal of the phytoseiid Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) was evaluated as a component in managing pesticide-resistant populations established in California almond orchards. Peak dispersal occurred in late July and early August during 1982 and 1983. Most predators (and spider mites) left the orchards on the prevailing winds from the northwest. Within the orchard, the prevailing winds had less influence, and dispersal was usually random. Both spider mites and predators dispersed randomly with regard to height from the almond trees, but data obtained during one 24-h interval suggest they do not disperse randomly throughout the day. Most aerial movements occurred between 16–22 h when relative humidity and wind speeds increased and temperatures decreased. Spider mites and predators were trapped on panels located 200 m from the orchard. A survey of carbaryl resistance levels in M. occidentalis collected from almond orchards surrounding the release sites indicates that carbaryl-resistant M. occidentalis dispersed at least 800 m between 1981–83. However, growers wishing to use the resistant strains should release them in their orchards as natural dispersal appears to be too slow. Migration of native M. occidentalis into the release sites appeared to be sufficiently rare that dilution of carbaryl-resistant populations was minimal during a 2–4 year period.
Résumé La dispersion aérienne du phytoseïdae, M. occidentalis (Nesbitt), a été estimée comme élément de la lutte contre les populations résistantes aux insecticides établies dans les vergers de Californie. La dispersion maximale s'est produite fin juillet et début a oût en 1982 et 1983. La plupart des prédateurs (et des acariens) quittent les vergers avec les vents dominants du nordouest. Dans le verger, les vents dominants sont moins importants et la dispersion est généralement au hasard. Tant les acariens que les prédateurs se dispersaient au hasard par rapport à la taille des amandiers, mais les relevés sur 24 heures laissent supposer qu'il n'y a pas une distribution aléatoire pendant la journée. La plupart des mouvements aériens se produisirent entre 16 et 22 heures quand HR et vitesse du vent augmentaient et température diminuait. Les acariens et prédateurs ont été piégés sur des panneaux à 200 m du verger.
We measured the reflectance properties of unpigmented silks spun by a systematic array of primitive (Deinopoidea) and derived (Araneoidea) aerial, web-spinning spiders, as well as silks spun by Araneomorphae and Mygalomorphae spiders that do not spin aerial webs. Our data show that all of the primitive aerial web spinners produce catching silks with a spectral peak in the ultraviolet (UV), and cladistic analysis suggests that high UV reflection is the primitive character state for silk spectral properties. In contrast, all of the derived aerial web spinners produce silks that are spectrally flat or characterized by reduced reflectance in the UV. Correlated with the evolution of these catching silks is a 37-fold increase in species number and apparent habitat expansion. This suggests that the unique silk proteins spun by the araneoids have been important to their ecological and evolutionary diversity.  相似文献   
寄生蜂种群繁殖分布时间特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用10种寄生蜂的23张生殖力表资料,分析比较了这些种群繁殖分布的特征.结果表明,寄生蜂种群繁殖具有相似的分布特征,种群繁殖集中分布在生殖头d天内,在生殖头d/2天内繁殖分布更为集中.在生殖头d天内种群繁殖对种群增长的贡献几乎均达到100%,其中大部分贡献是在生殖头d/2天内实现的.这种繁殖分布特征对于寄生蜂种群内禀增长率的测定和掌握种群数量动态的时间特性十分重要.本文结合Iwao零频率法和Gerrard阈限密度法,提出一种改进的种群密度估计方法──“综合阈限密度估计法”,并由此探讨了苹果树上山楂叶螨成螨的密度估计及其抽样技术.采用零样频率来估计成螨的平均密度,并得到用概率保证的理论抽样数模型.比较结果表明,零频率法所需的理论抽样数少于直接计数法.综合阈限密度估计法的拟合效果更为显著.  相似文献   
本文结合Iwao零频率法和Gerrard阈限密度法,提出一种改进的种群密度估计方法──“综合阈限密度估计法”,并由此探讨了苹果树上山楂叶螨成螨的密度估计及其抽样技术.采用零样频率来估计成螨的平均密度,并得到用概率保证的理论抽样数模型.比较结果表明,零频率法所需的理论抽样数少于直接计数法.综合阈限密度估计法的拟合效果更为显著.  相似文献   
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