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用琼脂糖平板等电聚焦电泳法,由胸腺素组分五中分离出三种在聚焦电泳谱上是单一谱线的多肽成份——CP1、CP2和CP3,等电点分别为4.3、4.9和5.6。测定了这些多肽对脐带血中淋巴细胞形成羊红细胞玫瑰花的影响。与对照相比,CP1(2微克/0.6毫升),和CP3(0.2-2微克/毫升)分别在统计学上呈显著和非常显著差异。在相同测定条件下,这三种多肽成份的活性均高于化学合成的胸腺多肽——胸腺素α_1。  相似文献   
用快速微量等电聚焦技术对190名北京地区汉族健康人血清Gc蛋白亚型、Pi蛋白亚型进行分型鉴定和基因频率调查.上样量为1.5μl,电泳和染色各0.5h.Gc1F=0.4891,Gc1S=0.2432,Gc2=0.2678.观察值与期望值吻合良好.(∑X2=1.404,0.7<P<0.8).PiM1=0.7542,PiM2=0.1808,PiM3=0.0650,观察值与期望值吻合也良好,(∑X2=1.1233,0.7<P<0.8).  相似文献   
Sets of isomeric anti-lactose antibodies with specificity for the lactose units of a cell wall polysaccharide fromStreptococcus faecalis strain N were induced in rabbits immunized with a vaccine of nonviable cells of the organism. Such sets of anti-lactose antibodies were isolated from the serum of immunized animals by affinity chromatography on lactosyl-Sepharose. Gel electrofocusing experiments showed that the preparations consisted of multiprotein components. One preparation of antibodies of 13 isomers was separated into homogeneous components by liquid isoelectrofocusing. The individual isomeric antibodies exhibit specificity for the lactose units of the antigenic polysaccharide, possess isoelectric points in the range of 5.9–8.0, and belong to the IgG class of immunoglobulins, and each member yields one light chain and one heavy chain on dissociation in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and mercaptoethanol. These results have been interpreted as evidence for the assembly of the chains of isomeric antibodies by a single-chain pairing mechanism.  相似文献   
The occurrence of GS isoenzymes has been investigated in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings. A transient increase of glutamine synthetase (GS, EC activity was observed in the cotyledon whorl of plants treated with the herbicide phosphinotricin (PPT). The increase in GS activity was accompanied by a parallel accumulation of GS1 protein, which remained at high levels throughout the PPT treatment. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE western analysis showed that pine extracts contained two GS1 polypeptides which differ in their corresponding isoelectric points. Analysis of crude extracts by ion-exchange chromatography led to the separation of two GS isoforms. The first peak (GS1-a) eluted from the columns at a low ionic strength (0.15-0.18 M KCl), whereas the second one (GS1-b) was detected at 0.5 M KCl. A detailed molecular study of both GS holoenzymes confirmed that their subunits were similar in size (about 41 kDa) but different in charge. All these data clearly demonstrate the presence of two GS1 forms in Scots pine cotyledons. Moreover, a comparison of isolated GS isoproteins with the recombinantly expressed Scots pine cytosolic subunit suggests that GS1-a corresponds to the previously characterized cDNA (pGSP114) whereas GS1-b is a minor GS isoenzyme with increased relative abundance in phosphinotricin treated plants.  相似文献   
The procedure described allowed a convenient analysis of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase. The different phosphodiesterase forms present in a crude cytosolic preparation from rat heart were separated by isoelectric focusing on a polyacrylamide gel plate. Phosphodiesterase activity bands were rendered evident by a specific staining method. They were then characterized by means of their substrate specificity and their sensitivity to selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The correspondence between the stain bands and the previously described activity peaks, obtained by a preparative technique and detected by radioisotopic enzyme assay, was also investigated.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) is a powerful tool to uncover proteome modifications potentially related to different physiological or pathological conditions. Basically, this technique is based on the separation of proteins according to their isoelectric point in a first step, and secondly according to their molecular weights by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). In this report an optimized sample preparation protocol for little amount of human post-mortem and mouse brain tissue is described. This method enables to perform both two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and mini 2DE immunoblotting. The combination of these approaches allows one to not only find new proteins and/or protein modifications in their expression thanks to its compatibility with mass spectrometry detection, but also a new insight into markers validation. Thus, mini-2DE coupled to western blotting permits to identify and validate post-translational modifications, proteins catabolism and provides a qualitative comparison among different conditions and/or treatments. Herein, we provide a method to study components of protein aggregates found in AD and Lewy body dementia such as the amyloid-beta peptide and the alpha-synuclein. Our method can thus be adapted for the analysis of the proteome and insoluble proteins extract from human brain tissue and mice models too. In parallel, it may provide useful information for the study of molecular and cellular pathways involved in neurodegenerative diseases as well as potential novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   
Variations in DNA ploidy have been observed in Lumbriculus, a freshwater annelid, as well as in other clitellates. Interpretation and application of experimental results using these animals may be impacted as ploidy levels affect the protein expression, reproductive behavior, and response to stressors. Ploidy is typically determined by chromosome spreads, a time‐consuming and inefficient method. We adapted flow cytometry protocols used on vertebrates and plants to determine the ploidy levels in different populations of Lumbriculus, including a laboratory strain (Environmental Protection Agency), a commercial strain (Aquatic Foods), and worms collected from natural habitats. To isolate nuclei, worms were homogenized, filtered to remove cell debris, and centrifuged through Optiprep? density gradients. Nuclei were recovered, treated with RNAse, and stained with propidium iodide. Flow cytometry of the labeled nuclei showed that Lumbriculus from natural habitats in Minnesota and Iowa were diploid, with an estimated genome size of 2.7 pg. Populations from natural habitats in California and Oregon were highly polyploid, as were the laboratory and commercial strains. Chromosome spreads verified the high ploidy levels indicated by flow cytometry results, but also suggested that flow cytometry may be underestimating the DNA content levels. Staining of nuclei with diamidino‐2‐phenylindole indicated that this may be due to high levels of heterochromatin in nuclei from polyploid forms of Lumbriculus. To further compare the populations, proteins in worm homogenates were subjected to isoelectrofocusing gel electrophoresis. Distinct protein profiles were seen; one was shared in common by the diploid worms, the other was characteristic of polyploid populations. Diploid worms could also be distinguished from polyploid worms based on differences in hemoglobin linker proteins. The results further support taxonomic classification of the diploid and polyploid forms of Lumbriculus as distinct species.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial calcium uniporter behaves as a cooperative mechanism, where the velocity is dependent on [Ca2+]ex. Transport kinetics follows a sigmoidal behavior with a Hill coefficient near 2.0, indicating the binding of at least two calcium molecules. Calcium transport in mitochondria is dependent on a negative inner membrane potential and is inhibited by policationic ruthenium compounds. In this study, calcium uptake activity was reconstituted into cytochrome oxidase vesicles by incorporating solubilized mitochondrial proteins. Calcium accumulation plotted against increasing Ca2+ concentrations followed a sigmoidal behavior with a Hill coefficient of 1.53. The uptake was sensitive to ruthenium policationic inhibitors, e.g. ruthenium red and Ru360. After mitochondrial proteins were separated by preparative isoelectrofocusing and incorporated into cytochrome oxidase vesicles, two peaks of calcium uptake activity were recovered. One of the activities was inhibited by Ru360, while the second activity was insensitive to Ru360 and was associated with proteins focused at very acidic isoelectric points. By using a thiol-group crosslinker and radiolabeled Ru360, we proposed a scheme of partial dissociation of the uniporter inhibitor-binding subunit under acidic conditions.  相似文献   
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a high quality forage and turf grass mainly due to its excellent nutritive values and rapid establishment rate. However, this species has limited ability to perform in harsh winter climates. Though winter hardiness is a complex trait, it is commonly agreed that frost tolerance (FT) is its main component. Species growing in temperate regions can acquire FT through exposure to low, non-lethal temperatures, a phenomenon known as cold acclimation (CA). The research on molecular basis of FT has been performed on the model plants, but they are not well adapted to extreme winter climates. Thus, the mechanisms of cell response to low temperature in winter crops and agronomically important perennial grasses have yet to be revealed. Here, two L. perenne plants with contrasting levels of FT, high frost tolerant (HFT) and low frost tolerant (LFT) plants, were selected for comparative proteomic research. The work focused on analyses of leaf protein accumulation before and after 2, 8, 26 h, and 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days of CA, using a high-throughput two-dimensional electrophoresis, and on the identification of proteins which were accumulated differentially between the selected plants by the application of mass spectrometry (MS). Analyses of 580 protein profiles revealed a total of 42 (7.2%) spots that showed at a minimum of 1.5-fold differences in protein abundance, at a minimum of at one time point of CA between HFT and LFT genotypes. It was shown that significant differences in profiles of protein accumulation between the analyzed plants appeared most often on the 5th (18 proteins) and the 7th (19 proteins) day of CA. The proteins derived from 35 (83.3%) spots were successfully identified by the use of MS and chloroplast proteins were shown to be the major group selected as differentially accumulated during CA. The functions of the identified proteins and their probable influence on the level of FT in L. perenne are discussed.  相似文献   
The 20,000-Da light chains of gizzard smooth muscle myosin have been purified to homogeneity. Actomyosin, prepared by MgATP extraction of myofibrils, was denatured in 8 M urea, 1 M guanidine HCl, and 0.05% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Myosin heavy chains were precipitated with ethanol and the light chain enriched fraction was dialyzed and subjected to chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel. Fractions containing the 20,000-Da light chains were further purified by hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose. The 20,000-Da light chains eluted at low ionic strength from the phenyl-Sepharose column were judged to be greater than 95% pure by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and contained only 0.04 mol of phosphate/mol of light chain. The yield of light chains was calculated to be 219 +/- 17 mg/kg of starting gizzard smooth muscle. This method may be useful for preparation of homogeneous 20,000-Da smooth muscle myosin light chains in the quantities necessary for study of contractile systems.  相似文献   
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