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1. The ability to achieve optimal camouflage varies between microhabitats in heterogeneous environments, potentially restricting individuals to a single habitat or imposing a compromise on crypsis to match several habitats. However, animals may exhibit morphological and behavioural attributes that enhance crypsis in different habitats. 2. We used an undescribed fish species, Galaxias‘nebula’, to investigate two objectives. First, we examined two potential methods of enhancing crypsis: change in colour pattern and selection of a suitable background. Second, we characterised the colour pattern of this unstudied fish and assessed its capacity for crypsis. 3. No background selection was apparent but the area of dark pigment expressed varied between backgrounds, which may negate the requirement to be choosy about habitats. The capacity to change colour and selection of a background that maximises crypsis are most likely separate, non‐mutually exclusive strategies. 4. Galaxias‘nebula’ exhibits polymorphic, non‐interchangeable colour patterns that have elements of both background pattern matching and disruptive colouration. This, coupled with habitat characteristics, suggests a combination of generalist and specialist strategies of habitat use. The fish’s camouflage strategy and air‐breathing ability may be key to survival under increasing pressure from habitat degradation and invasive predators.  相似文献   
Aggression between species is a seldom-considered but potentially widespread mechanism of character displacement in secondary sexual characters. Based on previous research showing that similarity in wing coloration directly influences interspecific territorial aggression in Hetaerina damselflies, we predicted that wing coloration would show a pattern of character displacement (divergence in sympatry). A geographical survey of four Hetaerina damselfly species in Mexico and Texas showed evidence for character displacement in both species pairs that regularly occurs sympatrically. Hetaerina titia, a species that typically has large black wing spots and small red wing spots, shifted to having even larger black spots and smaller red wing spots at sites where a congener with large red wing spots is numerically dominant (Hetaerina americana or Hetaerina occisa). Hetaerina americana showed the reverse pattern, shifting towards larger red wing spots where H. titia is numerically dominant. This pattern is consistent with the process of agonistic character displacement, but the ontogenetic basis of the shift remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Adults of rolled-leaf hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera) spend their lives in the scrolls formed by immature leaves of Heliconia (Heli-coniaceae, Monocotyledonae) in Tropical America. As many as eight hispine species can intermingle in the host scrolls at a single site. Scrolls of single host species are invariably occupied by adults of more than one hispine species, and as many as five species can simultaneously occupy one scroll.
2. I made virgin scrolls, which had never contained any insects, by growing leaves under the cover of plastic bags.
3. Thirty-seven combinations of single hispine and Heliconia species were experimentally created in the virgin scrolls, at two sites and in two seasons, in Costa Rica. Combinations included all abundant host species at the sites.
4. All beetles left all leaves of the twenty-eight unnatural beetle—host combinations, within 24 h. On the other hand, none of the nine natural combinations was completely abandoned within the experimental period.
5. Thus, host specificity is not broader in the absence of similar hispine species that might be competitors, and interspecies competition does not affect this obvious aspect of resource utilization for these phytophagous insects.  相似文献   
Between species and across season variation in growth was examined by tagging and recapturing individual brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta across seasons in a small stream (West Brook, Massachusetts, U.S.A.). Detailed information on body size and growth are presented to (1) test whether the two species differed in growth within seasons and (2) characterize the seasonal growth patterns for two age classes of each species. Growth differed between species in nearly half of the season- and age-specific comparisons. When growth differed, non-native brown trout grew faster than native brook trout in all but one comparison. Moreover, species differences were most pronounced when overall growth was high during the spring and early summer. These growth differences resulted in size asymmetries that were sustained over the duration of the study. A literature survey also indicated that non-native salmonids typically grow faster than native salmonids when the two occur in sympatry. Taken together, these results suggest that differences in growth are not uncommon for coexisting native and non-native salmonids.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Interactions among predators may influence the total efficiency of a predator complex. The effect of intra- and interspecific interactions of the generalist predators Orthotylus marginalis (Heteroptera: Miridae) and Anthocoris nemorum (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Outcomes of the interactions were determined by comparing predation rates on eggs and larvae of the blue willow beetle Phratora vulgatissima of single individuals with those of two individuals of the same or different species.
2. A non-additive, antagonistic effect on predation rates due to intraspecific interactions was found between individuals of A. nemorum . No such effect was found in O. marginalis . These results are as expected as a consequence of differences in behaviour of the two predator species: A. nemorum is a much more active and mobile predator than O. marginalis .
3. Contrary to expectation, interspecific interactions between A. nemorum and O. marginalis did not affect the total predation rate.
4. An observation from the field corroborated the results obtained in the laboratory study; there was no negative relationship between the densities of the two predator species, indicating that the two species do not interact negatively in the field at their natural densities.
5. It is concluded that the additive effect of multiple predator species is of potential value in biological control.  相似文献   
P. Schröder 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(2):163-171
In laboratory experiments, blackfly larvae collected from a lake outlet, a woodland and a meadow stream were tested for size selection of latex beads of < Ito > 100 μm diameters. 3 suspensions of varying proportions for each size category were supplied to these blackfly larvae in common experiments. Comparisons between the size frequency distributions of particles supplied and the particle compositions in the larval guts showed intra- and interspecific differences and were quantified by calculating Jacobs' electivity index. In all species selection of larger particles increased with the larger larval instars. Although there was a positive selectivity of small particles in some cases, the ingested proportion of large particles increases volumes and biomasses of gut content and may be more important for larval growth than small particles.  相似文献   
The cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (L.), was deterred from laying eggs on cauliflower plants that had been sprayed with a suspension of the frass of caterpillars of the garden pebble moth, Evergestis forficalis (L.). Polar extracts of the frass deterred oviposition irrespective of the cruciferous plant species on which the caterpillars had been feeding. Non-polar extracts of the frass had no effect. Spraying plants with macerates from Brassica leaves stimulated fly oviposition whereas spraying plants with macerates from garlic mustard leaves deterred fly oviposition. Macerates from the leaves of all other plants tested had no effect. In field experiments the deterrent effect persisted 2–3 days after leaves were sprayed with frass extracts. Plants infested with feeding caterpillars and contaminated with only a few discrete frass pellets were as deterrent to the fly as those sprayed with frass suspensions.
Résumé D. radicum a évité de pondre sur des pieds de chou-fleur, qui avaient été pulvérisés avec une suspension d'excréments d'E. forficalis. Les extraits polaires de ces excréments empêchent la ponte quelle que soit l'espère de crucifère sur laquelle les chenilles se sont alimentées. Les extraits non polares sont sans effet. Dans la nature, l'action dissuadante persiste 2 à 3 jours après la pulvérisation des feuilles avec les extraits d'excréments. La pulvérisation tous les deux jours a maintenu l'action dissuadante. Des plantes contaminées par des chenilles en train de s'alimenter et souillées par quelques crottes sont aussi dissuadantes pour la mouche que celles pulvérisées avec une suspension d'excréments.
Summary A marginal fitness theorem is derived for the allocation of a limited resource among alternative activities that have effects on the fitness of an individual. The marginal advantage theorem states that at the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), the marginal gains from increasing each of the allocations (expressed as partial derivatives of the fitness advantage of a rare mutant) are equal. The theorem is true for all proportional allocations (a + b + c + ...=j), regardless of the number of allocations, the nature of the response curves describing the direct effects of the allocations [f(a), etc.], or the way the effects of different allocations combine into fitness. The theorem is extended to size-number compromises and packaging strategies. The marginal advantage theorem is used to derive general theorems about the marginal effects of allocations [f (a), etc.] at the ESS and matching rules concerned with the total fitness to cost ratios of allocations at the ESS. The marginal advantage theorem is applicable to diverse allocation strategies, and provides a method for obtaining ESS allocations for any number of allocations and their components.  相似文献   
Willamette mites and Pacific mites are often negatively associated on grape vines. In particular, vineyards with early season infestations of the less damaging Willamette mite rarely develop high populations of the economically important Pacific mite. We report that Willamette mites had a negative effect on Pacific mite populations in both the greenhouse and field. In some experiments, the negative effect was more pronounced when vines had been damaged by previous feeding of Willamette mites and in other experiments concurrent feeding by both mite species was necessary to demonstrate a negative effect. Therefore, we cannot conclude if the mechanism of the response involves induced resistance against Pacific mites, more conventional interspecific competition, or both. Since predators were uncommon in our experiments, predator build up on Willamette mites did not cause the low Pacific mite population that we observed, although this mechanism may be important in many vineyards. Further, larger scale experiments are necesary to determine if growers can introduce Willamette mites to help control Pacific mites.
Résumé E. willametti et T. pacificus sont souvent antagonistes dans les vignobles. En particulier, dans les vignobles contaminés tôt dans la saison par E. willametti,-dont les dégâts sont moins conséquents-, on observe rarement des populations élevées de T. pacificus, dont les dégâts sont économiquement importants. Nous avons constaté que E. Willametti a réduit les populations de T. pacificus, tant en serres qu'à l'extérieur. Dans quelques cas, l'effet antagoniste était plus marqué quand les vignes avaient été préalablement endommagées par l'alimentation de E. willametti. Dans d'autres expériences, la compétition alimentaire entre les deux espèces d'acariens était nécessaire pour produire un effet antagoniste. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas en conclure que la réponse implique une résistance induite contre T. pacificus, ou une compétition interspécifique plus classique, ou les deux à la fois. Puisque les prédateurs étaient rares dans nos expériences, une explosion des prédateurs sur E. willametti n'a pu provoquer le faible niveau de population observé avec T. pacificus, bien qu'un tel méchanisme puisse être important dans certains vignobles. Quoi qu'il en soit, des expériences à plus grande échelle sont nécessaires pour déterminer si les vignerons peuvent introduire Eotetranychus willametti afin de limiter les populations de Tetranychus pacificus.
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