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The present investigation determined that native angiotensins II and III (ANG II and III) were equipotent as pressor agents when ICV infused in alert rats, whereas native angiotensin IV (ANG IV) was less potent. An analogue of each of these angiotensins was prepared with a hydroxyethylamine (HEA) amide bond replacement at the N-terminus, yielding additional resistance to degradation. These three angiotensin analogues, HEA-ANG II, HEA-ANG III, and HEA-ANG IV, were equivalent with respect to maximum elevation in pressor responses when ICV infused; and each evidenced significantly extended durations of effect compared with their respective native angiotensin. Comparing analogues, HEA-ANG II had a significantly longer effect compared with HEA-ANG III, and HEA-ANG IV, whereas the latter were equivalent. Pretreatment with the AT1 receptor subtype antagonist, Losartan (DuP753), blocked subsequent pressor responses to each of these analogues, suggesting that these responses were mediated by the AT1 receptor subtype. Pretreatment with the specific AT4 receptor subtype antagonist, Divalinal (HED 1291), failed to influence pressor responses induced by the subsequent infusion of these analogues. These results suggest an important role for Ang III, and perhaps ANG IV, in brain angiotensin pressor responses mediated by the AT1 receptor subtype.  相似文献   
Preliminary data indicate the potential utility of an implantable subcutaneous device that facilitates chronic intravenous infusion of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) for ovulation induction. GnRH distribution curves were congruent in control monkeys and those with implanted devices. Tissue tolerance was good in this brief trial. These findings suggest that use of this or a similar implantable device be considered for chronic GnRH administration in human pulse therapy.  相似文献   
Summary The connectivities of the tritocerebrum of locust (Locusta migratoria L., Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.)) were studied histologically and by means of cobalt chloride infusion. Its neuropil consists partly of fibers which traverse the tritocerebrum and areas consisting of neuropilar agglomerizations (glomeruli). The following direct connections between the tritocerebrum and other regions were observed: connections to 1) dorsal and lateral brain regions (mushroom body, optic lobe), 2) the ventral nerve cord, 3) the stomatogastric nervous system (here the protocerebrum and the subesophageal ganglion are also involved in these connections), 4) the retro-cerebral glands (corpora cardiaca, corpora allata), and 5) muscles of the foregut. Acknowledgements. This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to N.K. The authors wish to thank Dr. H.-W. Honegger (Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz) and Dr. N.J. Strausfeld (E.M.B.L., Heidelberg) for helpful comments and for assisting with the English text  相似文献   
在生长均匀的茶园喷施氰戊菊酯(fenvalerate),采摘施药后2 h和1 h、2 h、3 h、5 h、7 h、9 h、14 h、21天的茶树鲜叶加工成绿茶,用气相色谱法测定成茶、茶汤和茶渣中反式氰戊菊酯和顺式氰戊菊酯的含量,研究了氰戊菊酯在成茶、茶汤中的残留动态。结果表明:反式氰戊菊酯和顺式氰戊菊酯在成茶中的残留水平随施药间隔天数的增加呈下降趋势,20 mL/667 m2施药剂量下,分别由施药当天2 h的9.40 mg/kg和17.51 mg/kg减小到第21天的1.07 mg/kg和1.53 mg/kg,消解幅度为88.62%和91.26%,40 mL/667 m2施药剂量下,分别由施药当天2 h的20.37 mg/kg和38.67 mg/kg减小到第21天的1.94 mg/kg和3.06 mg/kg,消解幅度为90.49%和92.09%。茶汤中氰戊菊酯含量(y)与成茶中氰戊菊酯含量(x)呈二项式函数关系,反式氰戊菊酯的函数关系为y=-0.0007x2 0.0242x,顺式氰戊菊酯的函数关系为y=-0.0002x2 0.0114x。按我国标准饮茶摄入的氰戊菊酯占每日允许摄入量的0.049%,足以达到保护人体健康水平的要求。而按欧盟的标准,饮茶摄入的氰戊菊酯占每日允许摄入量的0.0019%,即在10-5水平上,这样的风险水平已接近对非阈效应化学物质的风险控制水平(10-6)。  相似文献   
目的:探讨右关托咪定(dexmedetomidine,DEX)对行全凭静脉麻醉患者靶控输注(target controlled infusion,TCI)丙泊酚用量及拔管期间血流动力学的影响。方法:选择拟于全麻下行经鼻蝶窦垂体瘤切除术的患者30例(ASA I~II级),随机分为两组,每组15例。试验组(D组)给予DEX负荷剂量0.5μg·kg-1,注药时间15rain,继以0.3μg·kg-1·h-1持续输注至修补硬膜时;对照纽(N组)在相同时间给予等容量生理盐水。两组麻醉诱导方法相同,术中以脑电双频指数(bispectral index,BIS)为麻醉深度监测指标,根据BIS值调节丙泊酚血浆靶浓度维持麻醉。记录拔管期间收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)和心率(HR),并计算心肌氧耗指数(RPP);记录丙泊酚平均用量、用药前后BIS值、呼吸恢复时间、睁眼时间、拔管时间及术中不良反应。结果:①D组给予负荷剂量后,BIS值由(95±3)降至(77±11),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。②与N组相比,D组丙泊酚用量减少28%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。⑧拔管期间SBP、DBP和HR与入室时比较,D组无明显变化,N组HR显著升高(P〈0.05);D组拔管期间SBP、DBP、HR和RPP明显低于N组(P〈0.05);④两组患者呼吸恢复时间、睁眼时间及拔管时间差异均无统计学意义;⑤两组不良反应(心动过缓、高血压、低血压)的发生率无显著性差异。结论:术中持续静脉输注DEX可减少TCI丙泊酚用量,能使BIS值进一步降低,产生良好镇静效应;同时可有效减轻拔管期间循环变化,降低RPP,减少心肌耗氧量,提高拔管质量。  相似文献   

Total aluminum, arsenic, calcium, cadmium, iron, lead, potassium, magnesium, nickel and zinc were determined in black tea by electro thermal atomic absorption spectrometry after ultrasonic assisted pseudo-digestion with mixture of acid and oxidant. All the metals were also determined in the tea infusions in order to know the percentage of each element leached into the liquor. A conventional acid digestion on electric hot plate was used to obtain total metals under study for comparative purpose. Analytical results for Al, As, Ca, Cd, Fe, K, Mg, Ni, Pb and Zn obtained by ultrasound assisted pseudodigestion, and conventional wet digestion methods showed a good agreement, thus indicating the possibility of using ultrasonic assisted digestion sample preparation instead of intensive treatments inherent with the acid digestion methods on electric hot plate. The validity and accuracy of both procedures were checked by using certified sample of NIES No. 7 (Tea Leaves). Non significant differences were observed for P>0.05 when comparing the values obtained by both methods (paired t-test).

Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied in order to determine the different amount of metals as main sources of variability in the data sets and to establish the relation between samples (branded and nonbranded tea samples) and micronutrient, trace and toxic metals (variables). Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to explore the different branded and nonbranded tea samples grouping according to the essential and toxic metals as additional information to the out put obtained by PCA.  相似文献   
目的:比较不同胰岛素给药方式治疗糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)的临床疗效。方法:82例DKA患者随机分为胰岛素泵持续皮下输液胰岛素(CSⅡ)组和微量泵持续静脉泵入胰岛素(CXqI)组各41例,分别给予胰岛素泵持续皮下输注胰岛素和小剂量胰岛素持续微量泵静脉泵入不同胰岛素给药方式,观察两组治疗后血糖变化、血糖达标时间、尿酮体变化、pH值变化、胰岛素平均日用量、平均低血糖次数及平均住院时间。结果:两组治疗后空腹血糖、餐后血糖显著下降及血糖达标时间显著缩短差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);CSII组尿酮体转阴时间(22.3±7.4)h短于CVII组(32.1±12.1)h(P〈0.01);CSII组PH值恢复时间(9.4±2.5)h短于CVII组(15.7±3.5)h(P〈0.01);CSII组平均胰岛素日用量为(47±5)U比CVII组(58+7)U少(P〈0.01);CSII组人均低血糖次数为(0.6±O.5)次/人。少于CVII组(1.5±0.8)次/人(P〈O.01);CSII组住院时间(9.8±1.2)天明显比CVII组(12.5±2.0)天短(P〈0.01)。结论:CSII相较于CVII能更快更有效的纠正代谢紊乱,减少胰岛素日用量,缩短住院时间,从而提高临床疗效。具有较高的安全性及患者依从性。  相似文献   
The theoretical drug infusion rates requisite to obtain a constant pharmacologic effect are determined taking into account chronopharmacologic phenomena. The introduction of chronopharmacology into pharmacokinetic theory leads to a clocktime-dependent infusion rate. The infusion modulation depends both on type of chronophenomenon, chronopharmacokinetics or chronestesy, and plasma clearance rate of the drug. In the presence of chronestesy of a biosystem the pharmacologic effect can be maintained constant only when plasma drug clearance is fast enough to allow an adequate modulation of the plasma drug concentration. Although the established equations proceed from theoretical concept they could be useful for programming drug delivery systems.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was to investigate whether an alkaline ecto-phosphatase activity is present in the surface of Trypanosoma rangeli. Intact short epimastigote forms were assayed for ecto-phosphatase activity to study kinetics and modulators using β-glycerophosphate (β-GP) and p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) as substrates. Its role in parasite development and differentiation was also studied. Competition assays using different proportions of β-GP and pNPP evidenced the existence of independent and non-interacting alkaline and acid phosphatases. Hydrolysis of β-GP increased progressively with pH, whereas the opposite was evident using pNPP. The alkaline enzyme was inhibited by levamisole in a non-competitive fashion. The Ca2+ present in the reaction medium was enough for full activity. Pretreatment with PI-PLC decreased the alkaline but not the acid phosphatase evidence that the former is catalyzed by a GPI-anchored enzyme, with potential intracellular signaling ability. β-GP supported the growth and differentiation of T. rangeli to the same extent as high orthophosphate (Pi). Levamisole at the IC50 spared significantly parasite growth when β-GP was the sole source of Pi and stopped it in the absence of β-GP, indicating that the alkaline enzyme can utilize phosphate monoesters present in serum. These results demonstrate the existence of an alkaline ecto-phosphatase in T. rangeli with selective requirements and sensitivity to inhibitors that participates in key metabolic processes in the parasite life cycle.  相似文献   
目的:研究靶控输注依托咪脂在老年患者颌面外科手术中的应用效果。方法:选择60例美国麻醉医师协会(ASA)分级I~II级行颌面外科手术的患者,并将其随机分为靶控输注丙泊酚组(P组,n=30)和靶控输注依托咪酯组(E组,n=30),记录麻醉诱导前、气管插管前、气管插管后5 min、手术开始时、停药时的有创收缩压、有创舒张压、心率,并记录手术时间、拔管时间、麻醉维持时依托咪酯和丙泊酚的靶控输注浓度。结果:P组气管插管前、气管插管后5 min、手术开始时、停药时血压均低于麻醉诱导前,且低于E组各对应时间点,差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05),P组气管插管前心率显著低于麻醉诱导前和E组(P0.05);E组气管插管前、气管插管后5 min和手术开始时血压均低于麻醉诱导前(P0.05),但各时间点心率无显著变化(P0.05)。P组靶控浓度为(1.95±0.54)μg/m L~(4.48±0.61)μg/mL,E组靶控浓度为(0.20±0.05)μg/mL~(0.51±0.05)μg/mL。两组药物拔管时间、术后恶心呕吐和躁动发生率差异无统计学意义(P0.05),但P组低血压发生率显著高于E组(P0.05)。结论:在颌面外科手术中,靶控输注依托咪脂,能有效减少麻醉诱导和维持中低血压发生,维持血流动力学稳定,对于老年患者而言,是一种比丙泊酚更为安全可靠的静脉麻醉药。  相似文献   
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