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Insertions and deletions of lengths not divisible by 3 in protein-coding sequences cause frameshifts that usually induce premature stop codons and may carry a high fitness cost. However, this cost can be partially offset by a second compensatory indel restoring the reading frame. The role of such pairs of compensatory frameshifting mutations (pCFMs) in evolution has not been studied systematically. Here, we use whole-genome alignments of protein-coding genes of 100 vertebrate species, and of 122 insect species, studying the prevalence of pCFMs in their divergence. We detect a total of 624 candidate pCFM genes; six of them pass stringent quality filtering, including three human genes: RAB36, ARHGAP6, and NCR3LG1. In some instances, amino acid substitutions closely predating or following pCFMs restored the biochemical similarity of the frameshifted segment to the ancestral amino acid sequence, possibly reducing or negating the fitness cost of the pCFM. Typically, however, the biochemical similarity of the frameshifted sequence to the ancestral one was not higher than the similarity of a random sequence of a protein-coding gene to its frameshifted version, indicating that pCFMs can uncover radically novel regions of protein space. In total, pCFMs represent an appreciable and previously overlooked source of novel variation in amino acid sequences.  相似文献   
Evidence that the root of the tree of life is not within the Archaea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Archaea occupy uncommon and extreme habitats around the world. They manufacture unusual compounds, utilize novel metabolic pathways, and contain many unique genes. Many suspect, due to their novel properties, that the root of the tree of life may be within the Archaea, although there is little direct evidence for this root. Here, using gene insertions and deletions found within protein synthesis factors present in all prokaryotes and eukaryotes, we present statistically significant evidence that the root of life is outside the Archaea.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations have been involved in disease, aging and cancer and furthermore exploited for evolutionary and forensic investigation. When investigating mtDNA mutations the peculiar aspects of mitochondrial genetics, such as heteroplasmy and threshold effect, require suitable approaches which must be sensitive enough to detect low-level heteroplasmy and, precise enough to quantify the exact mutational load. In order to establish the optimal approach for the evaluation of heteroplasmy, six methods were experimentally compared for their capacity to reveal and quantify mtDNA variants. Drawbacks and advantages of cloning, Fluorescent PCR (F-PCR), denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (dHPLC), quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRTPCR), High Resolution Melting (HRM) and 454 pyrosequencing were determined. In particular, detection and quantification of a mutation in a difficult sequence context were investigated, through analysis of an insertion in a homopolymeric stretch (m.3571insC).  相似文献   
Due to differences in transmission between X-chromosomal and autosomal DNA, the comparison of data derived from both markers allows deeper insight into the forces that shape the patterns of genetic diversity in populations. In this study, we applied this comparative approach to a sample of Portuguese Roma (Gypsies) by analyzing 43 X-chromosomal markers and 53 autosomal markers. Portuguese individuals of non-Gypsy ancestry were also studied. Compared with the host population, reduced levels of diversity on the X chromosome and autosomes were detected in Gypsies; this result was in line with known patterns of genetic diversity typical of Roma groups. As a consequence of the complex demographic past of the Roma, during which admixture and genetic drift played major roles, the amount of linkage disequilibrium (LD) on the X chromosome in Gypsies was considerably higher than that observed in non-Gypsies. When the pattern of differentiation on the X chromosome was compared with that of autosomes, there was evidence for asymmetries in female and male effective population sizes during the admixture between Roma and non-Roma. This result supplements previous data provided by mtDNA and the Y chromosome, underlining the importance of using combined information from the X chromosome and autosomes to dissect patterns of genetic diversity. Following the out-of-India dispersion, the Roma acquired a complex genetic pattern that was influenced by drift and introgression with surrounding populations, with important contributions from both males and females. We provide evidence that a sex-biased admixture with Europeans is probably associated with the founding of the Portuguese Gypsies.  相似文献   
Maps that relate all possible genotypes or phenotypes to fitness--fitness landscapes--are central to the evolution of life, but remain poorly known. An insertion or a deletion (indel) of one or several amino acids constitutes a substantial leap of a protein within the space of amino acid sequences, and it is unlikely that after such a leap the new sequence corresponds precisely to a fitness peak. Thus, one can expect an indel in the protein-coding sequence that gets fixed in a population to be followed by some number of adaptive amino acid substitutions, which move the new sequence towards a nearby fitness peak. Here, we study substitutions that occur after a frame-preserving indel in evolving proteins of Drosophila. An insertion triggers 1.03 ± 0.75 amino acid substitutions within the protein region centred at the site of insertion, and a deletion triggers 4.77 ± 1.03 substitutions within such a region. The difference between these values is probably owing to a higher fraction of effectively neutral insertions. Almost all of the triggered amino acid substitutions can be attributed to positive selection, and most of them occur relatively soon after the triggering indel and take place upstream of its site. A high fraction of substitutions that follow an indel occur at previously conserved sites, suggesting that an indel substantially changes selection that shapes the protein region around it. Thus, an indel is often followed by an adaptive walk of length that is in agreement with the theory of molecular adaptation.  相似文献   
Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the world's most important crops. Rice researchers make extensive use of insertional mutants for the study of gene function. Approximately half a million flanking sequence tags from rice insertional mutant libraries are publicly available. However, the relationship between genotype and phenotype is very weak. Transgenic plant assays have been used frequently for complementation, overexpression or antisense analysis, but sequence changes caused by callus growth, Agrobacterium incubation medium, virulence genes, transformation and selection conditions are unknown. We used high‐throughput sequencing of DNA from rice lines derived from Tainung 67 to analyze non‐transformed and transgenic rice plants for mutations caused by these parameters. For comparison, we also analyzed sequence changes for two additional rice varieties and four T‐DNA tagged transformants from the Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant resource. We identified single‐nucleotide polymorphisms, small indels, large deletions, chromosome doubling and chromosome translocations in these lines. Using standard rice regeneration/transformation procedures, the mutation rates of regenerants and transformants were relatively low, with no significant differences among eight tested treatments in the Tainung 67 background and in the cultivars Taikeng 9 and IR64. Thus, we could not conclusively detect sequence changes resulting from Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation in addition to those caused by tissue culture‐induced somaclonal variation. However, the mutation frequencies within the two publically available tagged mutant populations, including TRIM transformants or Tos17 lines, were about 10‐fold higher than the frequency of standard transformants, probably because mass production of embryogenic calli and longer callus growth periods were required to generate these large libraries.  相似文献   
Evidence excluding the root of the tree of life from the actinobacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Actinobacteria are found in aquatic and terrestrial habitats throughout the world and are among the most morphologically varied prokaryotes. They manufacture unusual compounds, utilize novel metabolic pathways, and contain unique genes. This diversity may suggest that the root of the tree of life could be within the Actinobacteria, although there is little or no convincing evidence for such a root. Here, using gene insertions and deletions found in the DNA gyrase, GyrA, and in the paralogous DNA topoisomerase, ParC, we present evidence that the root of life is outside the Actinobacteria.  相似文献   
A rooted tree of life provides a framework to answer central questions about the evolution of life. Here we review progress on rooting the tree of life and introduce a new root of life obtained through the analysis of indels, insertions and deletions, found within paralogous gene sets. Through the analysis of indels in eight paralogous gene sets, the root is localized to the branch between the clade consisting of the Actinobacteria and the double-membrane (Gram-negative) prokaryotes and one consisting of the archaebacteria and the firmicutes. This root provides a new perspective on the habitats of early life, including the evolution of methanogenesis, membranes and hyperthermophily, and the speciation of major prokaryotic taxa. Our analyses exclude methanogenesis as a primitive metabolism, in contrast to previous findings. They parsimoniously imply that the ether archaebacterial lipids are not primitive and that the cenancestral prokaryotic population consisted of organisms enclosed by a single, ester-linked lipid membrane, covered by a peptidoglycan layer. These results explain the similarities previously noted by others between the lipid synthesis pathways in eubacteria and archaebacteria. The new root also implies that the last common ancestor was not hyperthermophilic, although moderate thermophily cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
We previously concluded that, judging from NMR chemical shifts, the effects of insertions into ubiquitin on its conformation appear to depend primarily on the site of insertion rather than the sequence of the insertion. To obtain a more complete and atomic-resolution understanding of how these insertions modulate the conformation of ubiquitin, we have solved the crystal structures of four insertional mutants of ubiquitin. Insertions between residues 9 and 10 of ubiquitin are minimally perturbing to the remainder of the protein, while larger alterations occur when the insertion is between residues 35 and 36. Further, the alterations in response to insertions are very similar for each mutant at a given site. Two insertions, one at each site, were designed from structurally homologous proteins. Interestingly, the secondary structure within these five to seven amino acid residue insertions is conserved in the new protein. Overall, the crystal structures support the previous conclusion that the conformational effects of these insertions are determined largely by the site of insertion and only secondarily by the sequence of the insert.  相似文献   
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