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Summary Pre-implantation-stage embryos from rats, mice, and guinea-pigs were transferred to a non-uterine site — the anterior chamber of the eye — of female recipients. All 9 combinations of transfers were performed: 3 allogeneic (intraspecies) transfers as controls, and 6 xenogeneic (interspecies) transfers. Implantation, as judged by extravasation from blood vessels of the iris or ciliary body occurred with success rates of 90.4% per transfer in the control rat group, 76.9% in the control mouse group, and 81.8% in the control guinea-pig group. Significantly reduced implantation rates occurred in the rat to guinea-pig (0%), mouse to rat (46.9%), mouse to guinea-pig (6.7%), and guinea-pig to rat (0%) groups compared to controls. Reductions, although not significant, also occurred in the other 2 groups: rat to mouse (77.8%), and guinea-pig to mouse (44.4%). These results together with some ultrastructural and lightmicroscopical observations suggest a degree of species specificity involved in the vascular response to the implanting embryo. We propose that the peri-implantation embryo produces a signal(s) which is to some extent species specific and which in the normal allogeneic situation is responsible for the early vascular effects seen at implantation in most eutherian mammals.  相似文献   
Expression of the c-fos proto-oncogene by ovine conceptuses was analyzed by Northern and slot blots and indirect immunohistofluorescence in relation to the expression of the embryonic interferon-alpha (oTP) during implantation. c-fos was expressed initially in the trophoblast, and then in the allantois, when this tissue began to develop (day 17). In the embryonic tissues, the c-fos proto-oncogene was weakly expressed up to day 22 and increased thereafter. In the trophoblast, the expression of c-fos proto-oncogene was transient, occurring when the oTP gene was transcribed at a maximal level at the beginning of implantation (days 14-15), and decreased thereafter, following the pattern of oTP gene expression. This decline is due essentially to the arrest of c-fos and oTP gene expression by the trophoblastic cells which established cellular contacts with the uterine epithelium during the implantation process.  相似文献   
豚鼠耳蜗电图慢成分的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用0.8-150Hz的带通滤波,从豚鼠圆窗记录出一负一正相慢电位.实验结果表明.其对0.5kHz短音的反应阈为729dB nHL.较耳蜗电图快成分低38.27dB nHL.通过离断听觉传导径路不同水平对该电位的观察,表明它是毛细胞及听神经电反应的慢成分.而且可能受听觉传出神经的调控.  相似文献   
Summary 1. Two LHRH neuronal cell lines were developed by targeted tumorigenesis of LHRH neuronsin vivo. These cell lines (GN and GT-1 cells) represent a homogeneous population of neurons. GT-1 cells have been further subcloned to produce the GT1-1, GT1-3, and GT1-7 cell lines. While considerable information is accumulating about GT-1 cells, very little is currently known about the characteristics and responses of GN cells.2. By both morphological and biochemical criteria, GT-1 cells are clearly neurons. All GT-1 cells immunostain for LHRH and the levels of prohormone, peptide intermediates, and LHRH in the cells and medium are relatively high.3. GT-1 cells biosynthesize, process, and secrete LHRH. Processing of pro-LHRH appears to be very similar to that reported for LHRH neuronsin vivo. At least four enzymes may be involved in processing the prohormone to LHRH.4. LHRH neurons are unique among the neurons of the central nervous system because they arise from the olfactory placode and grow back into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region of the brain. Once these neurons reach this location, they send their axons to the median eminence. With respect to the immortalized neurons, GN cells were arrested during their transit to the brain. In contrast, GT-1 cells were able to migrate to the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region but were unable correctly to target their axons to the median eminence. These problems in migration and targeting appear to be due to expression of the simian virus T-antigen.5. While GT-1 cells are a homogeneous population of neurons, they are amenable to coculture with other types of cells. Coculture experiments currently under way should help not only to reveal some of the molecular and cellular cues that are important for neuronal migration and axonal targeting, but they should also highlight the nature of the cellular interactions which normally occurin situ.6. GT-1 cells spontaneously secrete LHRH in a pusatile manner. The interpulse interval for LHRH from these cells is almost identical to that reported for release of LH and LHRHin vivo. GT-1 cells are interconnected by both gap junctions and synapses. The coordination and synchronization of secretion from these cells could occur through these interconnections, by feedback from LHRH itself, and/or by several different compounds that are secreted by these cells. One such compound is nitric oxide.7. GT-1 cells have Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Cl channels. Polymerase chain reaction experiments coupled with Southern blotting and electrophysiological recordings reveal that GT-1 cells contain at least five types of Ca2+ channels. R-type Ca2+ channels appear to be the most common type of channel and this channel is activated by phorbol esters in the GT-1 cells.8. LHRH is secreted from GT-1 cells in response to norepinephrine, dopamine, histamine, GABA (GABA-A agonists), glutamate, nitric oxide, neuropeptide Y, endothelin, prostaglandin E2, and activin A. Phorbol esters are very potent stimulators of LHRH secretion. Inhibition of LHRH release occurs in response to LHRH, GABA (GABA-B agonists), prolactin, and glucocorticoids.9. Compared to secretion studies, far fewer agents have been tested for their effects on gene expression. All of the agents which have been tested so far have been found either to repress LHRH gene expression or to have no effect. The agents which have been reported to repress LHRH steady-state mRNA levels include LHRH, prolactin, glucocorticoids, nitric oxide, and phorbol esters. While forskolin stimulates LHRH secretion, it does not appear to have any effect on LHRH mRNA levels.  相似文献   
The reproductive tracts of 89 female subantarctic fur seals, taken at Gough Island between November 1977 and October 1978, were examined. Females started ovulating at age 4 yr and all 6-yr-old females were sexually mature. They are mono-ovulatory, alternating between ovaries, and only single embryos were found. Females older than 13 yr ( n = 11) showed poor follicular development and some failed to ovulate. The gestation period (first recorded ovulation to first recorded birth) was 360 d, while delayed implantation (first recorded ovulation to first recorded implantation) lasted for 139 days. Follicle numbers in the functional ovary declined sharply after ovulation while the corpus luteum increased in size until at least 1 mo prior to parturition. The number of follicles in the contralateral ovary increased after midwinter (June/July), and the mean size of the largest follicles peaked prior to ovulation in December. The mean size of the largest follicles increased in both ovaries near implantation time, after reaching a low subsequent to, ovulation. The regressing corpus albicans, conspicuous for approximately 3 mo after parturition, could not be detected macroscopically within one year postpartum. Subantarctic fur seals at Gough Island have a distinct postreproductive class of older females. The pregnancy rate for all females ≥4 yr of age was 79%, and it was 84.5% for the sexually mature group of ≥6 yr of age, while the mean age at puberty was 4.80 yr.  相似文献   
Determination of window size for analyzing DNA sequences   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary DNA sequences are generally not random sequences. To show such nonrandomness visually, DNA sequence data are often plotted as moving averages for a certain length of window slid along a sequence. Here a simple algorithm is presented for determining the window size and for finding a nonrandom region of sequence.  相似文献   
Summary Interactions between bovine trophoblastic cell vesicles and bovine endometrial epithelial cells were investigated by light and electron microscopy and lectin histochemistry in a cell culture model of early blastocyst attachment. Primary lines of bovine endometrial epithelial cells were polarized by subculturing on substrata and maintaining cultures at the air-medium interface. Trophoblastic cell vesicles were obtained from elongated Day 14 blastocysts. In co-cultures, trophoblastic cell vesicles adhered to endometrial epithelial cells through microvillus interdigitation and formation of primitive membrane junctional complexes. After 3 d in co-culture, a multilayered cellular plaque formed at the trophoblastic cell-endometrial epithelial cell interface. The type of cells contributing to this local proliferative response could not be identified specifically as trophoblastic or endometrial cells, and areas of membrane fusion between cells were noted. Ultrastructural features of vesicle adhesion in cultures were similar to features of conceptus attachment in vivo. Lectins bound to apical membranes of trophoblastic cells and endometrial epithelial cells in all locations except contact sites between vesicles and endometrial cells. These findings suggest that local cellular proliferation and membrane fusion between trophoblastic and endometrial epithelial cells may be early events in conceptus implantation in the cow and these events can be reproduced in culture. This work was supported by a grant from U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Health and Disease Program, Washington, DC.  相似文献   
王晓  张克斌  杨晓晖  顾岚 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5121-5127
鉴于目前国内对于半干旱区及小尺度上湿地-干草原交错带边界界定的研究较少,利用交错带对其周围环境变化具有提前指示作用的原理,以宁夏盐池四儿滩湿地为例,首先探讨游动分割窗技术在半干旱区湿地-干草原交错带边界判定中的可行性,其次再对2006年—2010年湿地-干草原交错带的宽度和边界进行判定,通过交错带的宽度和边界变化并结合交错带内植被的变化情况,综合对整个湿地生态系统的健康状况和湿地退化进行研究。结果表明:研究的尺度大小以及交错带过渡性是否明显将决定适宜窗口宽度的大小,这点在选择最小适宜窗口宽度时体现更为显著;降雨量是决定该区交错带的位置与宽度的最主要因素,但降雨量并不是决定该区交错带内植被变化状况的最主要因素,交错带距湿地核心区的距离是影响交错带内物种丰富度指数变化的最主要因素;由于保护区的成立,四儿滩湿地在2006年—2007年间,交错带宽度变大,湿地状况转好,2008年—2010年,由于铁路建设,湿地遭到破坏,交错带萎缩,湿地出现退化现象。湿地-干草原交错带作为一个敏感地带,它的变化情况可以对整个湿地生态系统的变化情况作出一定的提前预示;在半干旱区湿地的健康评价和退化研究中,通过交错带的变化来反映整个湿地生态系统的健康情况是一种可行的思路和方法。  相似文献   
王刚  胡蓉  舒平  杨璐舟  刘尧  黄丽 《生物磁学》2013,(36):7112-7115
目的:探讨超声乳化白内障吸除、人工晶状体植入联合小梁切除术治疗白内障合并青光眼的临床疗效及安全性。方法:将100例白内障合并青光眼患者按照抽签法随机地均分为对照组与观察组,对照组给予单纯超声乳化人工晶状体植入术,观察组在此基础上给予联合小梁切除术进行治疗。比较两组治疗前后相关指标以及术后并发症发生率等。结果:(1)对照组治疗前后IOP、ACD及AL均无统计学差异,观察组治疗前后IOP与CAD差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01),但该组治疗前后AL无统计学差异;(2)两组术前与术后1周、1个月及3个月平均视野缺损值、平均模式标准差相比,差异均具有统计学意义,且观察组术后与对照组术后相比,差异均具有统计学意义;(3)对照组并发症发生率为20.00%,明显大于观察组(10.00%)。结论:超声乳化白内障吸除、人工晶状体植入联合小梁切除术治疗白内障合并青光眼,疗效显著,不良反应发生率低,值得加以推广并应用。  相似文献   
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