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Chromium is an essential trace element and is associated with some biological pathways, especially with glucose tolerance. For these reasons, we decided to determine the concentration of chromium in two sets of Brazilian medicinal plants. The first group consisted of plants that are considered as antidiabetic, whereas the second included plants that do not have this therapeutic property. The concentration of chromium was determined by flameless atomic absorption. All the plants analyzed contain chromium in the normal range for this element, but the hypoglycemic plants contain more chromium than the others (1–4 μg/g compared to 0.5–1.5 μg/g).  相似文献   
益生菌生物药物是指通过口服表达药用多肽(蛋白)的重组益生菌活细胞达到治疗疾病的新型口服给药系统。为了构建一种能有效防治2型糖尿病的酵母生物药物,文章首先构建了酿酒酵母(S.cerevisiae)整合型表达载体pNK1-PGK,并且通过绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)证明其表达功能正常,利用该载体将10×GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1)基因转化到酿酒酵母INVSc1中,通过营养缺陷型和Western blotting成功筛选出表达10×GLP-1的长效促胰岛素降糖酵母(Long-acting GLP-1 hypoglycemic yeast, LHY)。该酵母生长迅速,外源基因10×GLP-1表达稳定,表达量达到1.56 mg/g细胞湿重。通过链脲佐菌素和高脂高糖饮食联合诱导的方法构建了2型糖尿病小鼠模型,用LHY对其进行口服灌胃治疗,证明LHY具有较好疗效,明显降低血糖水平。  相似文献   
Glycosides were screened for their lowering effect on the postprandial blood glucose rise in vivo. The effect of phlorizin and other phenolic glycosides on the postprandial blood glucose response to glucose ingestion was evaluated in Std ddY mice. When phlorizin was simultaneously added, the peak blood glucose level was significantly decreased by 51% (p < 0.01) compared to vehicles following glucose ingestion by mice, while the blood insulin responses were generally similar. Screening experiments were conducted with different classes of phenolic glycosides added to a glucose solution. Reductions of 40–52% (p < 0.05) were observed in vehicles containing arbutin, 4-hydroxyphenyl-α-d-glucopyranoside (hydroquinone-α-glucoside) or glycyrrhizin, and of only 15–31% (not significant) in vehicles containing neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, glycyrrhetinic acid monoglucuronide, or 3,4-dimethoxyphenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside. No lowering effect was observed in vehicles containing salicin. Since glycyrrhizin, arbutin, and hydroquinone-α-glucoside blunted to varying degrees the postprandial blood glucose rise following glucose ingestion, they may be useful adjuvants for the treatment of diabetic subjects.  相似文献   
龙血树(Dracaena Vandelli ex Linnaeus)是一种热带特有的珍稀药用植物。傣族贝叶经记载龙血树叶具有和血竭相似的医疗功效,且市场反馈显示对糖尿病有一定治疗效果,但其降血糖机制尚未揭示。将柬埔寨龙血树叶在L6大鼠成肌细胞降糖活性模型指导下,经热水浸提、醇沉制备粗多糖,再经Sevag法除蛋白、A-722MP阴离子交换树脂脱色后,上DEAE-52纤维素柱层析和Sephacryl S-100HR凝胶柱分离纯化,得到单一活性组分LZS,利用紫外、红外、核磁共振波谱以及HPAEC-PAD色谱法对LZS的结构进行鉴定。活性组分LZS为7种单糖和柠檬酸组成的一种多糖衍生物,单糖组成为:果糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖、阿拉伯糖、鼠李糖、甘露糖、木糖,摩尔比为54.3∶29.5∶6.9∶6.2∶2.1∶0.7∶0.4,主要由果糖和葡萄糖聚合而成,龙血树叶多糖结构新颖,具有明显的细胞活性。实验结果初步阐明了龙血树叶降糖活性的化学本质,为龙血树叶的利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
J.A.O. Ojewole   《Phytomedicine》2003,10(8):675-681
This study was undertaken to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of Sclerocarya birrea [(A. Rich.) Hochst.] subspecies caffra (Sond.) Kokwaro [family: Anacardiaceae] stem-bark aqueous extract in normal (normoglycemic) and in streptozotocin (STZ)-treated, diabetic Wistar rats. In one set of experiments, graded doses of S. birrea stem-bark aqueous extract (SB, 100-800 mg/kg p.o.) were separately administered to groups of fasted normal and fasted diabetic rats. In another set of experiments, a single dose of the plant aqueous extract (SB, 800 mg/kg p.o.) was used. The hypoglycemic effect of this single dose (SB, 800 mg/kg p.o.) of S. birrea stem-bark aqueous extract was compared with that of chlorpropamide (250 mg/kg p.o.) in both fasted normal and fasted diabetic rats. Following acute treatment, relatively moderate to high doses of S. birrea stem-bark extract (SB, 100-800 mg/kg p.o.) produced dose-dependent, significant reductions (P < 0.05-0.001) in the blood glucose concentrations of both fasted normal and fasted diabetic rats. Chlorpropamide (250 mg/kg p.o.) also produced significant reductions (P < 0.05-0.001) in the blood glucose concentrations of the fasted normal and fasted diabetic rats. Administrations of the single dose of S. birrea stem-bark aqueous extract (SB, 800 mg/kg p.o.) significantly reduced (P 0.01 < 0.001) the blood glucose levels of both fasted normal (normoglycemic) and fasted STZ-treated, diabetic rats. The results of this experimental animal study indicate that aqueous extract of Sclerocarya birrea possesses hypoglycemic activity, and thus lend credence to the suggested folkloric use of the plant in the management and/or control of adult-onset, type-2 diabetes mellitus in some African communities.  相似文献   
Background: A preponderance of evidence indicates that when treatment of hyperglycemia with insulin is provided for certain hospitalized populations, the attainment of appropriate glycemic targets improves nonglycemic outcomes such as mortality rates, morbidities (eg, wound infection, critical illness polyneuropathy, bacteremia, new renal insufficiency), duration of ventilator dependency, transfusion requirements, and length of hospital stay. Nevertheless, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of intensive insulin therapy and studies of outcomes before and after implementation of tight glycemic control have consistently recognized an increased incidence of hypoglycemia as a complication associated with the use of lower glycemic targets and higher doses of insulin.Objectives: This commentary compares the quality of the available evidence on the clinical impact of iatrogenic hypoglycemia. We present treatment strategies designed to prevent iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the hospital setting.Methods: The PubMed database and online citations of articles tracked subsequent to publication were searched for articles on the epidemiology, clinical impact, and mechanism of harm of hypoglycemia published since 1986. In addition, we searched the literature for RCTs conducted since 2001 concerning intensive insulin therapy in the hospital critical care setting, including meta-analyses; letters to the editor were excluded. The retrieved studies were scanned and chosen selectively for full-text review based on the study size and design, novelty of findings, and evidence related to the possible clinical impact of hypoglycemia. Reference lists from the retrieved studies were searched for additional studies. Reports were summarized for the purpose of comparing and contrasting the qualitative nature of information about iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the hospital.Results: Eight RCTs of intensive glycemic management, 16 observational studies of hospitalized patients with hypoglycemia (including studies of outcomes before and after implementation of tight glycemic control), and 4 case reports on patients with hypoglycemia were selected for discussion of the incidence of hypoglycemia, significance of hypoglycemia as a marker or cause of poor prognosis, and clinical harm of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia was identified in clinical trials as either a category of adverse events or a complication of intensified insulin treatment. For example, a recent meta-analysis found that the incidence of severe hypoglycemia was higher among critically ill patients treated with intensive insulin therapy than among control patients, with a pooled relative risk of 6.0 (95% CI, 4.5–8.0). In the largest multisite RCT on glycemic control among patients in intensive care units (ICUs) conducted to date, deaths were reported for 27.5% (829/3010 patients) in the intensive-treatment group and 24.9% (751/3012 patients) in the conventional-treatment group (odds ratio, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.02–1.28; P = 0.02). In another multisite ICU study, although the intensive and control groups had similar mortality rates, the mortality rate was higher among hypoglycemic participants than among nonhypoglycemic participants (32.2% vs 13.6%, respectively; P < 0.01). Pooled data from 2 singlesite studies in medical and surgical ICUs revealed an increased risk of hypoglycemia in the intensive-treatment group compared with the conventional-treatment group (11.3% [154/1360] and 1.8% [25/1388], respectively; P < 0.001), but the hospital mortality rate was similar for the 2 groups (50.6% [78/154] and 52.0% [13/25], respectively). Specific sequelae of hypoglycemia affecting individual patients were described in the RCTs as well as in the observational studies. New guidelines for glycemic control have recently been issued, but results of the studies using the new targets are not yet available. We propose treatment strategies designed to prevent iatrogenic hypoglycemia in the hospital setting.Conclusions: In response to the growing evidence on the risk of hypoglycemia during intensified glycemic management of hospitalized patients, professional organizations recently revised targets for glycemic control. It is appropriate for institutions to reevaluate hospital protocols for glycemic management with intravenous insulin and, on general wards, to implement standardized order sets for use of subcutaneous insulin to achieve beneficial targets using safe strategies.  相似文献   
蒲桃仁提取物降血糖作用的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邓家刚  李学坚  覃振林   《广西植物》2006,26(2):214-216
采用四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠模型及肾上腺素和葡萄糖引起的高血糖小鼠模型,观察蒲桃仁乙醇提取物对实验动物的降血糖效果。蒲桃仁乙醇提取物对四氧嘧啶所致糖尿病小鼠模型、肾上腺素和葡萄糖引起的高血糖模型小鼠有明显的降血糖作用,但对正常小鼠血糖无明显影响。  相似文献   
2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes, T2D)会引起糖脂代谢紊乱,严重危害人类健康,为了防治这一流行病,急需寻找安全和无副作用的抗糖尿病的方法,其中,基于微生物方法治疗T2D最常见的策略是补充益生菌,其可通过对不同组织和代谢通路的调节来实现抗糖尿病的功效。益生菌摄入可通过降低慢性低度炎症,减少氧化应激,调节肠道菌群,增加短链脂肪酸含量来达到调控血糖的目的;通过增加胆固醇与胆盐的共沉淀作用,胆固醇在胃肠道内转化为粪甾醇,降低肝脏中3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酸单酰辅酶A还原酶活性,降低胆固醇转运体的表达及对脂肪细胞的调节来达到降脂的目的。本综述系统总结了益生菌抗糖尿病现状和基于肠道微生态的抗糖尿病分子机制,以期为益生菌作为降糖降脂等保健产品的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
本文研究了沙棘籽渣水提物(Aqueous extract of seabuckthorn seed residues,ASSR)对正常及糖尿病小鼠血糖、血脂代谢的影响。首先采用ASSR灌胃昆明种小鼠的急性毒性试验评价了ASSR的安全性;继而以250mg/kg和500 mg/kg剂量的ASSR连续灌胃正常小鼠3周;以250、500和800 mg/kg剂量的ASSR连续灌胃Al-loxan诱导的糖尿病小鼠3周,监测血糖,测定体重、血清胰岛素、总胆固醇和甘油三酯水平。结果显示:ASSR的LD50大于9.8 g/kg体重;连续给药3周,ASSR对正常小鼠的血糖和血脂代谢没有明显影响,但能明显降低糖尿病小鼠的血清葡萄糖和甘油三酯水平。上述结果表明:ASSR的LD50大于5 g/kg体重,按WHO急性毒性分级标准属于实际无毒级,其在实验性1型糖尿病小鼠模型上具有降血糖和降甘油三酯活性。  相似文献   
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