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Abstract:  The exceptionally preserved hyolithids Gompholites striatulus , Maxilites robustus , Maxilites snajdri and Maxilites sp. are described with particular emphasis on helen and muscle scar morphology. These two aspects of hyolithid morphology have remained controversial. In life position, each helen curved ventrally. When the operculum closed the aperture of the conch, each helen was locked at the commissure slit with its dorsal edge tilted forward. Inside the conch, it was held in the dorsal apertural plane and clear of the inner surface of the operculum. Previously unidentified muscle scars are described from both the operculum and the conch. Dorsal scars on the conch aperture held muscles directed to the operculum. Comparative study of the muscle insertion pattern indicates that hyolithids did not have serially arranged muscles and that all hyolithids may have had a common skeleto-muscular system. The arrangement of the muscle scars with respect to the helens suggests that the latter were capable of relatively complex movements and could have been used to propel the organism over the substrate. The general morphology and orientation of the helens suggests that in addition they functioned to stabilize the organism on the sea-floor.  相似文献   
Most studies of Burgess Shale‐type preservation have focussed on soft‐bodied organisms, but ‘shelly’ fossils are also preserved as carbonaceous films. These films are usually interpreted as coherent organic layers – often external sheaths or periostracal layers – that were present in the original mineralized elements. The example of hyolithids shows that the organic films of skeletal parts do not represent original ‘layers’, but a composite resulting from the coalescence, into a single carbonaceous film, of all the preservable organic matter present in the skeletal element. The diagenetic processes that led to Burgess Shale‐type preservation, which involve the polymerization of organic matter and the loss of original internal structure and chemical integrity of the original tissues, are entirely compatible with – and could account for – the characteristics observed in the fossil films of hyolithid skeletal elements. These observations have general implications for the interpretation of other organisms preserved as carbonaceous films, such as the diverse and often problematic Cambrian sponges.  相似文献   
Abstract:  In hyolithids the skeleton consists of four elements: a conch, an operculum and a pair of long, logarithmically curved 'spines' called helens. These last elements are rarely preserved, and have therefore remained poorly known and enigmatic. We have studied three-dimensionally preserved helens of the species ' Hyolithes ' lanceolatus , from the Permian of New South Wales, Australia, and ' Hyolithes ' groenwalli , from the Cambrian of Bornholm, Denmark. Helens were massive calcareous elements. Their original microstructure, herein reported for the first time, consisted of concentric lamellae surrounding a narrow elongated core, which may have been rich in organic matter. This concentric pattern resulted from the successive accretion of shell material at the proximal, internal portion of helens. This growth model is in accordance with helen morphology and with the presence of a characteristic surface sculpture of overlapping lamellae.  相似文献   
贵州台江中寒武世的一些软舌螺化石   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
该文的软舌螺标本采自贵州省台江县八郎村中寒武世地层,计有Haplophrentis?reesei,H.?carinatus,Hyolithes?cf.idahoensis,H.?cf.cariniferus,H.?sp.,Cambrovitus balangensis gen.sp.nov.,Notabititidae gen.et sp.uncertain.。其层位位于梅树村动物群和澄江动物群之上。地层时代与北美布吉斯页岩的时代相当,两地的软舌螺可直接对比。更为可贵的是在方Haplophrentis?carinatus的腹内视标本中发现了直肠和伸缩肌软体印痕。  相似文献   
Hyolith assemblages of early to mid Ordovician age in Sweden include the hyolithids Hyolithus bisulcatus Holm, H. concinnus Holm and H. innotatus Holm, which are confirmed as representatives of Hyolithes Eichwald. Dorsolinevitus Syssoiev is known from D. dispar (Holm), D. textilis (Holm) and D. vomer (Holm), and Carinolithes Syssoiev is represented by C. hospes (Holm) and C. triumvir (Holm). Sulcavitus caelatus (Holm), the type species that forms the basis for a family and even an order according to some, is redescribed; the order is suppressed. Hyolithus cymbium Holm is transferred to Stelterella gen. nov., and Theca crispata (Boll) is now the type species of Crispatella gen. nov. The unusual orthothecid Quadrotheca quadrangularis (Holm) is redescribed; the concept of Trapezotheca aemula (Holm) is emended, and Semielliptotheca dens (Holm) is transferred to Trapezotheca . Semielliptotheca Syssoiev is poorly known from only one species, S. rosmara (Holm), and that genus is now considered to be unrecognizable. Hyolithus exaratus Hadding is identified as closely related to the gastropod Lytospira norvegica Koken, and specimens of Hyolithus sp. nos 11, 12 and 13 Holm and Hyolithus sp. indet. Wiman, remain to be located.  相似文献   
贵州凯里生物群中软舌螺的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述了采自贵州台江县革东镇八郎中寒武世凯里生物群中的软舌螺化石,计有1种,3相似种和1个未定种。即:Ambrolinevitus cf.ventricosus,Glossolites?sp..Haplophrentis?cf.carinatus,Linevitus opimus,Hyolithes?cf.cariniferus.凯里生物群中软舌螺特点是:1)壳体通常较大,呈宽锥形;2)背、腹壳区分明显,常具中槽或中脊;3)特别是以软舌螺目中的软舌螺科和线带螺科的软舌螺保存数量最多。完全与欧洲、北美相当层位中出现的软舌螺组合面貌相似;并与澄江动物群中的软舌螺在演化特征上是可衔接的。凯里生物群中的软舌螺除具有世界性属种外。还具地区特有的属种。这对研究软舌螺的地理分布、演化进程以及与凯里生物群组合关系有重要意义。  相似文献   
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